
Defines functions lsmr

#' @importFrom methods is

# Manually translated from a publicly available Matlab code:
# https://au.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27183-lsmr--an-iterative-algorithm-for-least-squares-problems
lsmr = function(A,
                lambda = 0,
                atol = 1e-6,
                btol = 1e-6,
                conlim = 1e+8,
                itnlim = NULL,
                localSize = 0,
                show = FALSE)
# LSMR   Iterative solver for least-squares problems.
#   X = LSMR(A,B) solves the system of linear equations A*X=B. If the system
#   is inconsistent, it solves the least-squares problem min ||b - Ax||_2.
#   A is a rectangular matrix of dimension m-by-n, where all cases are
#   allowed: m=n, m>n, or m<n. B is a vector of length m.
#   The matrix A may be dense or sparse (usually sparse).

#   X = LSMR(AFUN,B) takes a function handle AFUN instead of the matrix A.
#   AFUN(X,1) takes a vector X and returns A*X. AFUN(X,2) returns A'*X.
#   AFUN can be used in all the following syntaxes.

#   X = LSMR(A,B,LAMBDA) solves the regularized least-squares problem
#      min ||(B) - (   A    )X||
#          ||(0)   (LAMBDA*I) ||_2
#   where LAMBDA is a scalar.  If LAMBDA is [] or 0, the system is solved
#   without regularization.

#   X = LSMR(A,B,LAMBDA,ATOL,BTOL) continues iterations until a certain
#   backward error estimate is smaller than some quantity depending on
#   ATOL and BTOL.  Let RES = B - A*X be the residual vector for the
#   current approximate solution X.  If A*X = B seems to be consistent,
#   LSMR terminates when NORM(RES) <= ATOL*NORM(A)*NORM(X) + BTOL*NORM(B).
#   Otherwise, LSMR terminates when NORM(A'*RES) <= ATOL*NORM(A)*NORM(RES).
#   If both tolerances are 1.0e-6 (say), the final NORM(RES) should be
#   accurate to about 6 digits. (The final X will usually have fewer
#   correct digits, depending on cond(A) and the size of LAMBDA.)
#   If ATOL or BTOL is [], a default value of 1.0e-6 will be used.
#   Ideally, they should be estimates of the relative error in the
#   entries of A and B respectively.  For example, if the entries of A
#   have 7 correct digits, set ATOL = 1e-7. This prevents the algorithm
#   from doing unnecessary work beyond the uncertainty of the input data.

#   X = LSMR(A,B,LAMBDA,ATOL,BTOL,CONLIM) terminates if an estimate
#   of cond(A) exceeds CONLIM. For compatible systems Ax = b,
#   conlim could be as large as 1.0e+12 (say).  For least-squares problems,
#   conlim should be less than 1.0e+8. If CONLIM is [], the default value
#   is CONLIM = 1e+8. Maximum precision can be obtained by setting
#   ATOL = BTOL = CONLIM = 0, but the number of iterations may then be
#   excessive.

#   X = LSMR(A,B,LAMBDA,ATOL,BTOL,CONLIM,ITNLIM) terminates if the
#   number of iterations reaches ITNLIM.  The default is ITNLIM = min(m,n).
#   For ill-conditioned systems, a larger value of ITNLIM may be needed.

#   with reorthogonalization on the last LOCALSIZE v_k's (v-vectors
#   generated by the Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization). LOCALSIZE = 0 or []
#   runs LSMR without reorthogonalization. LOCALSIZE = Inf specifies
#   full reorthogonalization of the v_k's.  Reorthogonalizing only u_k or
#   both u_k and v_k are not an option here, because reorthogonalizing all
#   v_k's makes the u_k's close to orthogonal. Details are given in the
#   submitted SIAM paper.

#   iteration log if SHOW=TRUE. The default value is SHOW=FALSE.

#   [X,ISTOP] = LSMR(A,B,...) gives the reason for termination.
#      ISTOP  = 0 means X=0 is a solution.
#             = 1 means X is an approximate solution to A*X = B,
#                 according to ATOL and BTOL.
#             = 2 means X approximately solves the least-squares problem
#                 according to ATOL.
#             = 3 means COND(A) seems to be greater than CONLIM.
#             = 4 is the same as 1 with ATOL = BTOL = EPS.
#             = 5 is the same as 2 with ATOL = EPS.
#             = 6 is the same as 3 with CONLIM = 1/EPS.
#             = 7 means ITN reached ITNLIM before the other stopping
#                 conditions were satisfied.

#   [X,ISTOP,ITN] = LSMR(A,B,...) gives ITN = the number of LSMR iterations.

#   [X,ISTOP,ITN,NORMR] = LSMR(A,B,...) gives an estimate of the residual
#   norm: NORMR = norm(B-A*X).

#   [X,ISTOP,ITN,NORMR,NORMAR] = LSMR(A,B,...) gives an estimate of the
#   residual for the normal equation: NORMAR = NORM(A'*(B-A*X)).

#   [X,ISTOP,ITN,NORMR,NORMAR,NORMA] = LSMR(A,B,...) gives an estimate of
#   the Frobenius norm of A.

#   [X,ISTOP,ITN,NORMR,NORMAR,NORMA,CONDA] = LSMR(A,B,...) gives an estimate
#   of the condition number of A.

#   estimate of NORM(X).

#   LSMR uses an iterative method requiring matrix-vector products A*v
#   and A'*u.  For further information, see
#      D. C.-L. Fong and M. A. Saunders,
#      LSMR: An iterative algorithm for sparse least-squares problems,
#      SIAM J. Sci. Comput., submitted 1 June 2010.
#      See http://www.stanford.edu/~clfong/lsmr.html.

# 08 Dec 2009: First release version of LSMR.
# 09 Apr 2010: Updated documentation and default parameters.
# 14 Apr 2010: Updated documentation.
# 03 Jun 2010: LSMR with local and/or full reorthogonalization of v_k.
# 10 Mar 2011: Bug fix in reorthgonalization. (suggested by David Gleich)

# David Chin-lung Fong            clfong@stanford.edu
# Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering
# Stanford University

# Michael Saunders                saunders@stanford.edu
# Systems Optimization Laboratory
# Dept of MS&E, Stanford University.

  # Nested functions.

  localVEnqueue = function(v)

    # Store v into the circular buffer localV.

    if(localPointer < localSize) {
      localPointer = localPointer + 1
    } else {
      localPointer = 1
      localVQueueFull = TRUE
    localV[,localPointer] = v

  } # nested function localVEnqueue


  localVOrtho = function(v)
    # Perform local reorthogonalization of V.

    vOutput = v
    if(localVQueueFull) {
      localOrthoLimit = localSize
    } else {
      localOrthoLimit = localPointer
    for(localOrthoCount in 1:localOrthoLimit) {
      vtemp   = localV[, localOrthoCount]
      vOutput = vOutput - (t(vOutput) %*% vtemp) * vtemp

  } # nested function localVOrtho

  # Initialize.

  if(!is.null(dim(A))) {
    explicitA = TRUE
  } else {
    if(is(A, 'function')) {
      explicitA = FALSE
    } else {
      stop('A must be numeber or a function')

  msg = c('The exact solution is  x = 0                              ',
          'Ax - b is small enough, given atol, btol                  ',
          'The least-squares solution is good enough, given atol     ',
          'The estimate of cond(Abar) has exceeded conlim            ',
          'Ax - b is small enough for this machine                   ',
          'The least-squares solution is good enough for this machine',
          'Cond(Abar) seems to be too large for this machine         ',
          'The iteration limit has been reached                      ')

  hdg1 = "   itn      x(1)       norm r    norm A'r"
  hdg2 = ' compatible   LS      norm A   cond A'
  pfreq  = 20   # print frequency (for repeating the heading)
  pcount = 0    # print counter

  # Determine dimensions m and n, and
  # form the first vectors u and v.
  # These satisfy  beta*u = b,  alpha*v = A'u.

  u = b
  beta = sqrt(sum(u^2))
  if(beta > 0) {
    u = u/beta

  if(explicitA) {
    v = t(A) %*% u
    m = dim(A)[1]
    n = dim(A)[2]
  } else {
    v = A(u,2)
    m = length(b)
    n = length(v)

  minDim = min(m,n)
  if(is.null(itnlim)) itnlim = minDim

  if(show) {
    cat('\n\nLSMR            Least-squares solution of  Ax = b')
    cat('\nVersion 1.11                          09 Jun 2010')
    cat(sprintf('\nThe matrix A has %8g rows  and %8g cols', m,n))
    cat(sprintf('\nlambda = %16.10e', lambda ))
    cat(sprintf('\natol   = %8.2e               conlim = %8.2e', atol,conlim))
    cat(sprintf('\nbtol   = %8.2e               itnlim = %8g'  , btol,itnlim))

  alpha = sqrt(sum(v^2))
  if(alpha > 0) {
    v = (1/alpha)*v

  # Initialization for local reorthogonalization.

  localOrtho = FALSE
  if(localSize > 0) {
    localPointer    = 0
    localOrtho      = TRUE
    localVQueueFull = FALSE
    # Preallocate storage for the relevant number of latest v_k's.
    localV = matrix(0, n, min(localSize, minDim))

  # Initialize variables for 1st iteration.

  itn      = 0
  zetabar  = alpha*beta
  alphabar = alpha
  rho      = 1
  rhobar   = 1
  cbar     = 1
  sbar     = 0

  h    = v
  hbar = matrix(0,n,1)
  x    = matrix(0,n,1)

  # Initialize variables for estimation of ||r||.

  betadd      = beta
  betad       = 0
  rhodold     = 1
  tautildeold = 0
  thetatilde  = 0
  zeta        = 0
  d           = 0

  # Initialize variables for estimation of ||A|| and cond(A).

  normA2  = alpha^2
  maxrbar = 0
  minrbar = 1e+100

  # Items for use in stopping rules.
  normb  = beta
  istop  = 0
  ctol   = 0
  if(conlim > 0) ctol = 1/conlim
  normr  = beta

  # Exit if b=0 or A'b = 0.

  normAr = alpha * beta
  if(normAr == 0) {

  # Heading for iteration log.

  if(show) {
    test1 = 1
    test2 = alpha/beta
    cat(sprintf('\n\n%s%s'      , hdg1 , hdg2   ))
    cat(sprintf('\n%6g %12.5e'  , itn  , x(1)   ))
    cat(sprintf(' %10.3e %10.3e', normr, normAr ))
    cat(sprintf('  %8.1e %8.1e' , test1, test2  ))

  #     Main iteration loop.
  while(itn < itnlim) {
    itn = itn + 1

    # Perform the next step of the bidiagonalization to obtain the
    # next beta, u, alpha, v.  These satisfy the relations
    #      beta*u  =  A*v  - alpha*u,
    #      alpha*v  =  A'*u - beta*v.

    if(explicitA) {
      u = A %*% v    - alpha*u
    } else {
      u = A(v,1) - alpha*u

    beta = sqrt(sum(u^2))

    if(beta > 0) {
      u = (1/beta)*u
      if(localOrtho) {
        localVEnqueue(v)    # Store old v for local reorthogonalization of new v.
      if(explicitA) {
        v = t(A) %*% u   - beta*v
      } else {
        v = A(u,2) - beta*v

      if(localOrtho) {
        v = localVOrtho(v)  # Local-reorthogonalization of new v.
      alpha  = sqrt(sum(v^2))
      if(alpha > 0) {
        v = (1/alpha)*v

    # At this point, beta = beta_{k+1}, alpha = alpha_{k+1}.

    # Construct rotation Qhat_{k,2k+1}.

    alphahat = sqrt(sum(c(alphabar, lambda)^2))
    chat     = alphabar/alphahat
    shat     = lambda/alphahat

    # Use a plane rotation (Q_i) to turn B_i to R_i.

    rhoold   = rho
    rho      = sqrt(sum(c(alphahat, beta)^2))
    c        = alphahat/rho
    s        = beta/rho
    thetanew = s*alpha
    alphabar = c*alpha

    # Use a plane rotation (Qbar_i) to turn R_i^T to R_i^bar.

    rhobarold = rhobar
    zetaold   = zeta
    thetabar  = sbar*rho
    rhotemp   = cbar*rho
    rhobar    = sqrt(sum(c(cbar*rho, thetanew)^2))
    cbar      = cbar*rho/rhobar
    sbar      = thetanew/rhobar
    zeta      =   cbar*zetabar
    zetabar   = - sbar*zetabar

    # Update h, h_hat, x.

    hbar      = h - (thetabar*rho/(rhoold*rhobarold))*hbar
    x         = x + (zeta/(rho*rhobar))*hbar
    h         = v - (thetanew/rho)*h

    # Estimate of ||r||.

    # Apply rotation Qhat_{k,2k+1}.
    betaacute =   chat* betadd
    betacheck = - shat* betadd

    # Apply rotation Q_{k,k+1}.
    betahat   =   c*betaacute
    betadd    = - s*betaacute

    # Apply rotation Qtilde_{k-1}.
    # betad = betad_{k-1} here.

    thetatildeold = thetatilde
    rhotildeold   = sqrt(sum(c(rhodold, thetabar)^2))
    ctildeold     = rhodold/rhotildeold
    stildeold     = thetabar/rhotildeold
    thetatilde    = stildeold* rhobar
    rhodold       =   ctildeold* rhobar
    betad         = - stildeold*betad + ctildeold*betahat

    # betad   = betad_k here.
    # rhodold = rhod_k  here.

    tautildeold   = (zetaold - thetatildeold*tautildeold)/rhotildeold
    taud          = (zeta - thetatilde*tautildeold)/rhodold
    d             = d + betacheck^2
    normr         = sqrt(d + (betad - taud)^2 + betadd^2)

    # Estimate ||A||.
    normA2        = normA2 + beta^2
    normA         = sqrt(normA2)
    normA2        = normA2 + alpha^2

    # Estimate cond(A).
    maxrbar       = max(maxrbar,rhobarold)
    if(itn>1) {
      minrbar     = min(minrbar,rhobarold)
    condA         = max(maxrbar,rhotemp)/min(minrbar,rhotemp)

    # Test for convergence.

    # Compute norms for convergence testing.
    normAr  = abs(zetabar)
    normx   = sqrt(sum(x^2))

    # Now use these norms to estimate certain other quantities,
    # some of which will be small near a solution.

    test1   = normr /normb
    test2   = normAr/(normA*normr)
    test3   =      1/condA
    t1      =  test1/(1 + normA*normx/normb)
    rtol    = btol + atol*normA*normx/normb

    # The following tests guard against extremely small values of
    # atol, btol or ctol.  (The user may have set any or all of
    # the parameters atol, btol, conlim  to 0.)
    # The effect is equivalent to the normAl tests using
    # atol = eps,  btol = eps,  conlim = 1/eps.

    if(itn >= itnlim) istop = 7
    if(1 + test3  <= 1) istop = 6
    if(1 + test2  <= 1) istop = 5
    if(1 + t1     <= 1) istop = 4

    # Allow for tolerances set by the user.

    if(test3 <= ctol) istop = 3
    if(test2 <= atol) istop = 2
    if(test1 <= rtol) istop = 1

    # See if it is time to print something.

    if(show) {
      prnt = 0
      if(n     <= 40) prnt = 1
      if(itn   <= 10) prnt = 1
      if(itn   >= itnlim-10) prnt = 1
      if(itn %% 10 == 0) prnt = 1
      if(test3 <= 1.1*ctol) prnt = 1
      if(test2 <= 1.1*atol) prnt = 1
      if(test1 <= 1.1*rtol) prnt = 1
      if(istop !=  0) prnt = 1

      if(prnt) {
      	if(pcount >= pfreq) {
      	  pcount = 0
          cat(sprintf('\n\n%s%s'    , hdg1 , hdg2  ))
	      pcount = pcount + 1
        cat(sprintf('\n%6g %12.5e'  , itn  , x(1)  ))
        cat(sprintf(' %10.3e %10.3e', normr, normAr))
        cat(sprintf('  %8.1e %8.1e' , test1, test2 ))
        cat(sprintf(' %8.1e %8.1e'  , normA, condA ))

    if(istop > 0) {
  } # iteration loop

  # Print the stopping condition.

  if(show) {
    cat(sprintf('\n\nLSMR finished'))
    cat(sprintf('\n%s', msg[istop+1]))
    cat(sprintf('\nistop =%8g    normr =%8.1e'     , istop, normr ))
    cat(sprintf('    normA =%8.1e    normAr =%8.1e', normA, normAr))
    cat(sprintf('\nitn   =%8g    condA =%8.1e'     , itn  , condA ))
    cat(sprintf('    normx =%8.1e\n', normx))

  return(list(x = x,
              istop = istop,
              itn = itn,
              normr = normr,
              normAr = normAr,
              normA = normA,
              condA = condA,
              normx = normx))

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