#' Add model definitions to a data stack
#' @description
#' `add_candidates()` collates the assessment set predictions
#' and additional attributes from the supplied model definition
#' (i.e. set of "candidates") to a data stack.
#' Behind the scenes, data stack objects are just [tibble::tbl_df]s,
#' where the first column gives the true response values,
#' and the remaining columns give the assessment set predictions
#' for each candidate. In the regression setting, there's only
#' one column per ensemble member. In classification settings,
#' there are as many columns per candidate ensemble member
#' as there are levels of the outcome variable.
#' To initialize a data stack, use the `stacks()` function.
#' Model definitions are appended to a data stack iteratively
#' using several calls to `add_candidates()`. Data stacks are
#' evaluated using the [blend_predictions()] function.
#' @param data_stack A `data_stack` object.
#' @param candidates A (set of) model definition(s) defining candidate model
#' stack members. Should inherit from `tune_results` or `workflow_set`.
#' - `tune_results`: An object outputted from [tune::tune_grid()],
#' [tune::tune_bayes()], or [tune::fit_resamples()].
#' - `workflow_set`: An object outputted from `workflowsets::workflow_map()`.
#' This approach allows for supplying multiple sets of candidate members
#' with only one call to `add_candidates`. See the "Stacking With Workflow Sets"
#' article on the [package website]( for example code!
#' Regardless, these results must have been fitted with the `control` settings
#' `save_pred = TRUE, save_workflow = TRUE`—see the [control_stack_grid()],
#' [control_stack_bayes()], and [control_stack_resamples()]
#' documentation for helper functions.
#' @param name The label for the model definition---defaults to the name
#' of the `candidates` object. Ignored if `candidates` inherits from
#' `workflow_set`.
#' @inheritParams stacks
#' @return A `data_stack` object--see [stacks()] for more details!
#' @template note_example_data
#' @examplesIf (stacks:::should_run_examples(suggests = "kernlab"))
#' # see the "Example Data" section above for
#' # clarification on the objects used in these examples!
#' # put together a data stack using
#' # tuning results for regression models
#' reg_st <-
#' stacks() %>%
#' add_candidates(reg_res_lr) %>%
#' add_candidates(reg_res_svm) %>%
#' add_candidates(reg_res_sp)
#' reg_st
#' # do the same with multinomial classification models
#' class_st <-
#' stacks() %>%
#' add_candidates(class_res_nn) %>%
#' add_candidates(class_res_rf)
#' class_st
#' # ...or binomial classification models
#' log_st <-
#' stacks() %>%
#' add_candidates(log_res_nn) %>%
#' add_candidates(log_res_rf)
#' log_st
#' # use custom names for each model:
#' log_st2 <-
#' stacks() %>%
#' add_candidates(log_res_nn, name = "neural_network") %>%
#' add_candidates(log_res_rf, name = "random_forest")
#' log_st2
#' # these objects would likely then be
#' # passed to blend_predictions():
#' log_st2 %>% blend_predictions()
#' @family core verbs
#' @export
add_candidates <- function(data_stack, candidates,
name = deparse(substitute(candidates)), ...) {
UseMethod("add_candidates", object = candidates)
# check that resamples have been fitted to the workflow_set and
# then send each to add_candidates.tune_results
#' @export
add_candidates.workflow_set <- function(data_stack, candidates,
name = deparse(substitute(candidates)),
...) {
fitted <- purrr::map_lgl(candidates$result, inherits, "tune_results")
if (!all(fitted)) {
if (any(fitted)) {
not_fitted <- candidates$wflow_id[!fitted]
"!" = "Some elements of the supplied workflow set failed to evaluate
with resamples.",
"i" = "{cli::qty(sum(fitted))}The workflow{?s/} with ID
{.var {not_fitted}} will be excluded from the data stack."
class = "wf_set_partial_fit"
candidates <- candidates[fitted, ]
} else {
"The supplied workflow set must be fitted to resamples with
{.help [`workflow_map()`](workflowsets::workflow_map)} before being added to a data stack.",
call = caller_env(0),
class = "wf_set_unfitted"
append(list(data_stack), candidates$result),
#' @export
add_candidates.tune_results <- function(data_stack, candidates,
name = deparse(substitute(candidates)),
...) {
check_candidates(candidates, name)
col_name <- check_name(name)
stack <-
data_stack %>%
.set_rs_hash(candidates, name) %>%
.set_splits(candidates) %>%
.set_outcome(candidates) %>%
.set_mode_(candidates, name) %>%
.set_training_data(candidates, name) %>%
.set_model_defs_candidates(candidates, name) %>%
.set_data_candidates(candidates, name, col_name)
if (data_stack_constr(stack)) {stack}
#' @export
add_candidates.default <- function(data_stack, candidates, name, ...) {
"The second argument to {.help [`add_candidates()`](stacks::add_candidates)} should inherit from one of
{.help [`tune_results`](tune::tune_grid)} or
{.help [`workflow_set`](workflowsets::workflow_set)}, but its class
is {.var {class(candidates)}}.",
call = caller_env(0)
.set_outcome <- function(stack, candidates) {
if (!.get_outcome(stack) %in% c("init_", tune::.get_tune_outcome_names(candidates))) {
"The model definition you've tried to add to the stack has
outcome variable {.var {tune::.get_tune_outcome_names(candidates)}},
while the stack's outcome variable is {.var {.get_outcome(stack)}}.",
call = caller_env(1)
attr(stack, "outcome") <- tune::.get_tune_outcome_names(candidates)
# checks that the hash for the resampling object
# is appropriate and then sets it
.set_rs_hash <- function(stack, candidates, name) {
new_hash <- tune::.get_fingerprint(candidates)
hash_matches <- .get_rs_hash(stack) %in% c("init_", new_hash)
if (!hash_matches) {
"It seems like the new candidate member '{name}' doesn't make use
of the same resampling object as the existing candidates.",
call = caller_env()
attr(stack, "rs_hash") <- new_hash
# set the resamples used in the data stack --
# don't need to check the resample as it would be
# redundant with checking it's hash
.set_splits <- function(stack, candidates) {
splits_cols <- c("splits", colnames(candidates)[grep("id", names(candidates))])
attr(stack, "splits") <- candidates %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(splits_cols))
attr(attr(stack, "splits"), "rset_info") <- attr(candidates, "rset_info")
# note whether classification or regression
.set_mode_ <- function(stack, candidates, name) {
wf_spec <-
attr(candidates, "workflow") %>%
new_mode <- wf_spec$mode
old_mode <- attr(stack, "mode")
if (isFALSE(new_mode %in% c("regression", "classification"))) {
"The {.pkg stacks} package does not support stacking models with mode
{.val {new_mode}}.",
call = NULL
attr(stack, "mode") <- new_mode
# check to make sure that the supplied model def name
# doesn't have the same name or hash as an existing model def
# and then appends the model definition, hash, and metrics
.set_model_defs_candidates <- function(stack, candidates, name) {
if (name %in% .get_model_def_names(stack)) {
"The new model definition has the
same name '{name}' as an existing model definition.",
call = caller_env(1)
if (attr(stack, "mode") == "classification") {
# check to make sure that the candidates include a prob_metric so that
# collect_predictions won't supply only hard class predictions
metric_types <- candidates %>%
attributes() %>%
purrr::pluck("metrics") %>%
attributes() %>%
purrr::pluck("metrics") %>%
purrr::map_chr(class_1) %>%
if (!"prob_metric" %in% metric_types) {
"The supplied candidates were tuned/fitted using only metrics that
rely on hard class predictions. Please tune/fit with at least one
class probability-based metric, such as {.help [`roc_auc`](yardstick::roc_auc)}.",
call = caller_env(1)
model_defs <- attr(stack, "model_defs")
model_metrics <- attr(stack, "model_metrics")
model_defs[[name]] <- attr(candidates, "workflow")
model_metrics[[name]] <- tune::collect_metrics(candidates)
attr(stack, "model_defs") <- model_defs
attr(stack, "model_metrics") <- model_metrics
class_1 <- function(.x) {
# checks that the training data in a newly added candidate
# is the same is that from existing candidates, and sets the
# training data if the new candidate is the first in the stack
.set_training_data <- function(stack, candidates, name) {
training_data <- attr(stack, "train")
new_data <- tibble::as_tibble(candidates[["splits"]][[1]][["data"]])
if ((!identical(training_data, tibble::tibble())) &&
(!identical(training_data, new_data))) {
"The newly added candidate member, `{name}`,
uses different training data than the existing candidates.",
call = caller_env(1)
attr(stack, "train") <- new_data
# appends assessment set predictions to a data stack
.set_data_candidates <- function(stack, candidates, name, col_name) {
candidate_cols <-
collate_predictions(candidates) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
.config = if (".config" %in% names(.)) .config else NA_character_
) %>%
) %>%
.config = process_.config(.config, df = ., name = col_name)
) %>%
id_cols = c(".row", !!tune::.get_tune_outcome_names(candidates)),
names_from = ".config",
values_from = dplyr::contains(".pred")
) %>%
if (attr(stack, "mode") == "classification") {
candidate_cols <- remove_class_preds(candidate_cols)
if (nrow(stack) == 0) {
stack <-
candidate_cols %>% rm_duplicate_cols()
} else {
stack <-
dplyr::select(candidate_cols, -!!.get_outcome(stack))
) %>%
stack <- log_resample_cols(stack, candidate_cols, name)
# logs which columns in the data stack came from which candidates
log_resample_cols <- function(stack, candidate_cols, name) {
new_cols <-
colnames(candidate_cols)[colnames(candidate_cols) %in% colnames(stack)]
cols_map <- attr(stack, "cols_map")
cols_map[[name]] <- new_cols[new_cols != attributes(stack)$outcome]
attr(stack, "cols_map") <- cols_map
# warns if candidate columns are perfectly collinear with existing columns
rm_duplicate_cols <- function(df) {
exclude <- character(0)
exclude <- c(exclude, names(df[duplicated(purrr::map(df, c))]))
if (length(exclude) > 0) {
"Predictions from {length(exclude)} candidate{?s} were identical to
those from existing candidates and were removed from the data stack."
df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-any_of(exclude))
# update the data in the stack while preserving attributes and class
update_stack_data <- function(stack, new_data) {
attr(new_data, "rs_hash") <- attr(stack, "rs_hash")
attr(new_data, "outcome") <- attr(stack, "outcome")
attr(new_data, "mode") <- attr(stack, "mode")
attr(new_data, "model_defs") <- attr(stack, "model_defs")
attr(new_data, "cols_map") <- attr(stack, "cols_map")
attr(new_data, "model_metrics") <- attr(stack, "model_metrics")
attr(new_data, "train") <- attr(stack, "train")
attr(new_data, "splits") <- attr(stack, "splits")
class = c("data_stack", class(new_data))
check_add_data_stack <- function(data_stack) {
if (rlang::inherits_any(
c("tune_results", "tune_bayes", "resample_results")
)) {
"It looks like the first argument inherits from {.var {class(data_stack)}}
rather than {.var data_stack}.
Did you accidentally supply the candidate members as the first argument?
If so, please supply the output of {.help [`stacks()`](stacks::stacks)} or another
{.help [`add_candidates()`](stacks::add_candidates)} call as
the argument to {.arg data_stack}.",
call = caller_env()
} else {
check_inherits(data_stack, "data_stack", call = caller_env())
check_candidates <- function(candidates, name) {
if (nrow(tune::collect_notes(candidates)) != 0) {
"The inputted {.arg candidates} argument {.var {name}} generated notes during
tuning/resampling. Model stacking may fail due to these
issues; see {.help [`collect_notes()`](tune::collect_notes)} if so."
if ((!".predictions" %in% colnames(candidates)) |
is.null(attributes(candidates)$workflow)) {
"The inputted {.arg candidates} argument was not generated with the
appropriate control settings. Please see {.help [`control_stack()`](stacks::control_stack)}.",
call = caller_env()
check_name <- function(name) {
if (rlang::inherits_any(
c("tune_results", "tune_bayes", "resample_results")
)) {
"The inputted {.arg name} argument looks like a tuning/fitting results object
that might be supplied as a {.arg candidates} argument. Did you try to add
more than one set of candidates in one {.help [`add_candidates()`](stacks::add_candidates)} call?",
call = caller_env()
} else {
check_inherits(name, "character", call = caller_env())
if (make.names(name) != name) {
"The inputted {.arg name} argument cannot prefix a valid column name. The
data stack will use '{make.names(name)}' rather than '{name}' in
constructing candidate names."
# takes in the name a .config column and outputs the
# processed version for use as a unique id
process_.config <- function(.config, df, name) {
.config_ <- if (".config" %in% colnames(df)) {.config} else {NA_character_}
.config_ <-
pattern = c("Model|Recipe"),
replacement = "",
x = .config_,
.config_ <-
pattern = c("Preprocessor"),
replacement = "_",
x = .config_,
.config_ <-
! ~ paste0(name, .config_),
TRUE ~ paste0(name, "_1")
# For racing, we only want to keep the candidates with complete resamples.
collate_predictions <- function(x) {
res <- tune::collect_predictions(x, summarize = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::rename_with(make.names, .cols = dplyr::starts_with(".pred"))
if (inherits(x, "tune_race")) {
config_counts <-
tune::collect_metrics(x, summarize = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.config) %>%
dplyr::count() %>%
# At least one configuration will always be fully resampled. We can filter
# on configurations that have the maximum number of resamples.
complete_count <- max(config_counts$n, na.rm = TRUE)
retain_configs <-
config_counts %>%
dplyr::filter(n == complete_count) %>%
res <- dplyr::inner_join(res, retain_configs, by = ".config")
# given a set of candidate columns, removes those with hard class predictions
remove_class_preds <- function(x) {
lvls <- make.names(paste0(".prefix.", levels(factor(x[[1]]))))
lvls <- gsub(".prefix.", "", lvls, fixed = TRUE)
# gather indices for the columns with class probability predictions
prob_preds_idx <- purrr::map(paste0(".pred_", lvls), grepl, x = colnames(x)) %>%
purrr::pmap(any) %>%
# select the columns that look like they have probability predictions,
# get rid of entries that would have been okayed because of an outcome
# level called "class", and re-attach the outcome column itself
x[,prob_preds_idx] %>%
dplyr::select(where(is.numeric)) %>%
dplyr::bind_cols(x[,1], .) %>%
setNames(., make.names(names(.)))
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