Man pages for stars
Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes

aggregate.starsspatially or temporally aggregate stars object
bcsd_obsMonthly Gridded Meteorological Observations
coerce-methodsCoerce stars object into a Raster raster or brick
contour.starsplot contours of a stars object
c.starscombine multiple stars objects, or combine multiple...
cut_starscut methods for stars objects
dplyrdplyr verbs for stars objects
expand_dimensionsexpand the dimension values into a list
geom_starsggplot geom for stars objects
in-methodsevaluate whether cube values are in a given set
L7_ETMsLandsat-7 bands for a selected region around Olinda, BR
make_intervalscreate an intervals object
mdimRead or write data using GDAL's multidimensional array API
mergemerge or split stars object
ops_starsS3 Ops Group Generic Functions for stars objects
plotplot stars object, with subplots for each level of first...
prcompPrinciple components of stars object
predict.starsPredict values, given a model object, for a stars or...
print_starsprint stars or dimensions object
read_ncdfRead NetCDF into stars object
read_starsread raster/array dataset from file or connection
redimensionredimension array, or collapse attributes into a new...
st_applyst_apply apply a function to one or more array dimensions
stars_sentinel2Sentinel-2 sample tile
stars_subsetsubset stars objects
st_as_sfConvert stars object into an sf object
st_as_starsconvert objects into a stars object
st_cellsreturn the cell index corresponding to the location of a set...
st_contourCompute or plot contour lines or sets
st_coordinatesretrieve coordinates for raster or vector cube cells
st_cropcrop a stars object
st_dimensionsget dimensions from stars object
st_dim_to_attrcreate an array with dimension values
st_downsampledownsample stars or stars_proxy objects
st_extractExtract cell values at point locations
st_geotransformget or set the geotransform, or rotation matrix
st_intersects.starsspatial intersect predicate for stars and sfc object
st_join.starsSpatially join a stars and an 'sf' object
st_mosaicbuild mosaic (composite) of several spatially disjoint stars...
st_rasterizerasterize simple feature geometries
st_raster_typeget the raster type (if any) of a stars object
st_resobtain (spatial) resolution of a stars object
st_rgbreduce dimension to rgb (alpha) hex values
st_rotateTransform rotated pole long/lat regular grid to unrotated...
st_set_bboxset bounding box parameters of regular grid
st_sfc2xyreplace POINT simple feature geometry list with an x y raster
st_tileSpecify parameters to load raster in blocks
st_transformtransform geometries in stars objects to a new coordinate...
st_warpWarp (resample) grids in stars objects to a new grid,...
st_xy2sfcreplace x y raster dimensions with simple feature geometry...
write_starswrite stars object to gdal dataset (typically: to file)
stars documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:59 a.m.