#' Helper function for plotting the pedigree
#' @importFrom utils tail head
#' @keywords internal
pedPlot <- function(pedigree,
multiCross = NULL,
title) {
pedDatTot <- pedigree
isDH <- endsWith(popType, "DH")
isS <- grepl(pattern = "S|F", x = popType)
isC3C4 <- popType %in% c("C3", "C4")
isBC <- startsWith(popType, "BC")
if (isBC) {
nBC <- as.numeric(substring(text = popType, first = 3, last = 3))
## Restrict to parents and first progeny.
pedDatPar <- pedDatTot[!pedDatTot[["ID"]] %in% offSpring, ]
pedDatOff <- pedDatTot[pedDatTot[["ID"]] %in% offSpring, ]
pedDatOff <- pedDatOff[!duplicated(pedDatOff[c("par1", "par2")]), ]
pedDatOff[["ID"]] <- if (!isC3C4) "F1" else popType
if (!is.null(genoCross)) {
pedDatTot[["cross"]] <- genoCross[["cross"]][match(pedDatTot[["ID"]],
} else {
pedDatTot[pedDatTot[["ID"]] %in% offSpring, "cross"] <- "cross1"
pedDat <- rbind(pedDatPar, pedDatOff)
## Put most used parent central.
parTab <- table(c(pedDat[["par1"]], pedDat[["par2"]]))
## First order by ID in pedigree to prevent crossing arrows as much as possible.
parTab <- parTab[unique(pedigree[["ID"]])]
parTab <- parTab[names(parTab) %in%
pedDat[pedDat[["type"]] == "INBPAR", "ID"]]
if (length(parTab) > 1 && length(unique(parTab)) > 1) {
parTab <- sort(parTab)
parTab <- c(head(parTab, length(parTab) / 2), tail(parTab, 1),
rev(head(rev(parTab)[-1], (length(parTab) - 1) / 2)))
pedDat <- pedDat[c(match(names(parTab), table = pedDat[["ID"]], nomatch = 0),
(length(parTab) + 1):nrow(pedDat)), ]
generation <- as.numeric(factor(pedDat[["type"]],
levels = unique(pedDat[["type"]]))) - 1
## Determine the row and column numbers in the plot.
plotCols <- max(table(generation))
plotRows <- length(unique(generation))
if (!isC3C4) plotRows <- plotRows + 1
## Determine x and y positions of all parents and individuals in the plot
xPos <- yPos <- NULL
for (g in unique(generation)) {
nGen <- sum(generation == g)
if (nGen == plotCols) {
xPosGen <- seq(1, plotCols, length.out = nGen)
} else {
xPosGen <- seq(1, plotCols, by = (plotCols - 1) / (nGen + 1))
xPosGen <- xPosGen[-c(1, length(xPosGen))]
yPosGen <- rep(plotRows - g, nGen)
xPos <- c(xPos, xPosGen)
yPos <- c(yPos, yPosGen)
pedDat[["xPos"]] <- xPos
pedDat[["yPos"]] <- yPos
## Construct data for plotting arrows.
arrowDat <- rbind(merge(pedDat,
pedDat[, !colnames(pedDat) %in% c("par1", "par2")],
by.x = "par1", by.y = "ID", sort = FALSE),
pedDat[, !colnames(pedDat) %in% c("par1", "par2")],
by.x = "par2", by.y = "ID", sort = FALSE))
arrowDat <- arrowDat[order(arrowDat[["yPos.x"]], decreasing = TRUE), ]
arrowDat[["linetype"]] <- "solid"
## Add extra arrow to bottom of plot.
if (!isC3C4) {
extArrow <- tail(arrowDat, sum(generation == max(generation)))
extArrow[["linetype"]] <- "dotted"
extArrow[["yPos.y"]] <- extArrow[["yPos.x"]]
extArrow[["yPos.x"]] <- extArrow[["yPos.x"]] - 1
extArrow[["xPos.y"]] <- extArrow[["xPos.x"]]
arrowDat <- rbind(arrowDat, extArrow)
} else {
extArrow <- data.frame()
## Construct data for labels.
labDat <- arrowDat[colnames(arrowDat) != "ID"]
labDat <- merge(labDat, pedDat[c("ID", "xPos", "yPos")],
by.x = c(c("xPos.y", "yPos.y")), by.y = c("xPos", "yPos"))
extLab <- tail(arrowDat,
if (!is.null(genoCross)) length(unique(genoCross[["cross"]])) else 1)
extLab[["yPos.y"]] <- extLab[["yPos.x"]]
extLab[["xPos.y"]] <- extLab[["xPos.x"]]
extLab[["ID"]] <- popType
labDat <- rbind(labDat, extLab)
## Construct texts.
## Get number of individuals per cross.
pedDatTot[["cross"]] <- factor(pedDatTot[["cross"]],
levels = unique(pedDatTot[["cross"]]))
crossSizes <- table(pedDatTot[["cross"]])
textDat <- data.frame(xPos.y = c(0, 0, 0, extLab[["xPos.y"]]),
yPos.y = c(plotRows, 1, 0, rep(0, nrow(extLab))),
text = c("Parent:", "Population type:", "size:",
if (nrow(extArrow) > 0) {
extText <- tail(arrowDat, nrow(extArrow))
## Construct text label for last - dashed - line in plot.
## Exact text depends on population type.
if (popType == "DH") {
lastText <- "haploid"
} else {
lastText <- NULL
if (isBC) {
BCtxt <- if (nBC == 1) "F1" else paste0("BC", nBC - 1)
lastText <- paste(BCtxt , "x", pedDat[2, "ID"])
if (isS) {
lastText <- c(lastText, "selfing")
if (isDH) {
lastText <- c(lastText, "DH")
lastText <- paste(lastText, collapse = " + ")
extText[["text"]] <- lastText
extText[["xPos.y"]] <- (extText[["xPos.x"]] + extText[["xPos.y"]]) / 2
extText[["yPos.y"]] <- (extText[["yPos.x"]] + extText[["yPos.y"]]) / 2
textDat <- rbind(textDat, extText[c("xPos.y", "yPos.y", "text")])
## For back crosses add an extra dotted line from parent 2 to bottom.
## Should be done after other computations are done to keep correct
## label positions.
if (isBC) {
extArrow2 <- extArrow
extArrow2[["yPos.y"]] <- plotRows
extArrow2[["xPos.y"]] <- max(arrowDat[["xPos.y"]])
arrowDat <- rbind(arrowDat, extArrow2)
arrowDat[["linetype"]] <- factor(arrowDat[["linetype"]],
levels = unique(arrowDat[["linetype"]]))
## Construct title.
if (is.null(title)) {
title <- "pedigree"
## Plot pedigree.
## Segments, arrows, labels and text separately and an additional
## segment for the arrow in the explanation part.
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(arrowDat,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data[["xPos.y"]],
y = .data[["yPos.y"]])) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(xend = .data[["xPos.x"]],
yend = .data[["yPos.x"]],
linetype = .data[["linetype"]]),
size = 1, color = "blue") +
ggplot2::aes(xend = (.data[["xPos.x"]] + .data[["xPos.y"]]) / 2,
yend = (.data[["yPos.x"]] + .data[["yPos.y"]]) / 2),
size = 1, color = "blue",
data = arrowDat[arrowDat[["linetype"]] == "solid", ],
arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(0.3, "cm"),
type = "closed")) +
ggplot2::geom_label(ggplot2::aes(label = .data[["ID"]]),
data = labDat, fill = "white") +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = .data[["text"]]),
data = textDat) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(x = 0, y = plotRows - 0.2, xend = 0, yend = 1.2,
size = 1, color = "blue", arrow = ggplot2::arrow()) +
ggplot2::xlim(-0.5, plotCols + 0.5) +
ggplot2::ylim(-0.5, plotRows + 0.5) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "", y = "", title = title) +
ggplot2::theme(panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
plot.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
strip.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = NA),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5),
legend.position = "none")
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