
Defines functions stepFit

Documented in stepFit

stepFit <- function(y, q = NULL, alpha = NULL, x = 1:length(y), x0 = 2 * x[1] - x[2], family = NULL, intervalSystem = NULL,
                    lengths = NULL, confband = FALSE, jumpint = confband, ...) {
  if (missing(y)) {
    stop("argument 'y' must be given")
  .RemoveAdditionalArgsPF <- function(family, y, n, ..., penalty, alpha, stat, r, weights, options,
                                      seed, rand.gen, messages)
    .parametricFamily(family = family, y = y, n = n, ...)
  data <- .RemoveAdditionalArgsPF(family = family, y = y, n = length(y), ...)

  intervalSystem <- .intervalSystem(intervalSystem = intervalSystem, lengths = lengths, data = data)
  if (length(x) != data$n) {
    stop("x and y must have the same length")

  if (!is.numeric(x) || !all(is.finite(x))) {
    stop("x must be a finite numeric vector")
  if (any(x[-1] - x[-data$n] <= 0)) {
    stop("x must be an increasing sequence")
  if (!is.numeric(x0) || length(x0) != 1 || !is.finite(x0) || x0 >= x[1]) {
    stop("x0 must be a single finite numeric smaller than x[1]")
  .RemoveAdditionalArgsCV <- function(q, alpha, data, output, intervalSystem, ..., nq,
                                      sd, covariances, correlations, filter)
    .critVal(q = q, alpha = alpha, data = data, output = output, intervalSystem = intervalSystem, ...)
  q <- .RemoveAdditionalArgsCV(q = q, alpha = alpha, data = data, output = "vector",
                               intervalSystem = intervalSystem, ...)
  criticalValues <- rep(Inf, data$n)
  criticalValues[intervalSystem$lengths] <- q
  if (length(confband) != 1 || !is.logical(confband) || is.na(confband)) {
    stop("confband must be a single logical (not NA)")
  if (length(jumpint) != 1 || !is.logical(jumpint) || is.na(jumpint)) {
    stop("jumpint must be a single logical (not NA)")
  if (confband) {
    jumpint <- TRUE
    ret <- .callRoutines(observations = data$y, routineType = 5L,
                         argumentsListRoutine = list(q = criticalValues), 
                         dataType = data$type, argumentsListData = data$argumentsList,
                         intervalSystemType = intervalSystem$type,
                         argumentsListIntervalSystem = intervalSystem$argumentsList)
  } else {
    if (jumpint) {
      ret <- .callRoutines(observations = data$y, routineType = 4L,
                           argumentsListRoutine = list(q = criticalValues), 
                           dataType = data$type, argumentsListData = data$argumentsList,
                           intervalSystemType = intervalSystem$type,
                           argumentsListIntervalSystem = intervalSystem$argumentsList)
    } else {
      if (intervalSystem$type < 10L) {
        ret <- .callRoutines(observations = data$y, routineType = 3L,
                             argumentsListRoutine = list(q = criticalValues), 
                             dataType = data$type, argumentsListData = data$argumentsList,
                             intervalSystemType = intervalSystem$type,
                             argumentsListIntervalSystem = intervalSystem$argumentsList)
      } else {
        ret <- .callRoutines(observations = data$y, routineType = 4L,
                             argumentsListRoutine = list(q = criticalValues), 
                             dataType = data$type, argumentsListData = data$argumentsList,
                             intervalSystemType = intervalSystem$type,
                             argumentsListIntervalSystem = intervalSystem$argumentsList)
  fit <- stepfit(cost = attr(ret, "cost"), family = data$family, value = ret$value,
                 param = data$argumentsListData,
                 x0 = x0, leftEnd = x[ret$leftIndex], rightEnd = x[ret$rightIndex],
                 leftIndex = ret$leftIndex, rightIndex = ret$rightIndex)
  if (jumpint) {
    fit$leftEndLeftBound <- x[c(1L, ret$leftConfInt)]
    fit$leftEndRightBound <- x[c(1L, ret$rightConfInt)]
    fit$rightEndLeftBound <- x[c(ret$leftConfInt - 1L, data$n)]
    fit$rightEndRightBound <- x[c(ret$rightConfInt - 1L, data$n)]
    fit$leftIndexLeftBound <- c(1L, ret$leftConfInt)
    fit$leftIndexRightBound <- c(1L, ret$rightConfInt)
    fit$rightIndexLeftBound <- c(ret$leftConfInt - 1L, data$n)
    fit$rightIndexRightBound <- c(ret$rightConfInt - 1L, data$n)
  if (confband) {
    band <- data.frame(x = x, lower = ret$lowerBand, upper = ret$upperBand)
    attr(band, "x0") <- x0
    class(band) <- c("confband", class(band))
    attr(fit, "confband") <- band

"stepfit" <-
  function(cost, family, value, param = NULL, leftEnd, rightEnd, x0, leftIndex = leftEnd, rightIndex = rightEnd)
    ret <- stepblock(value, leftEnd, rightEnd, x0)
    ret$leftIndex <- leftIndex
    ret$rightIndex <- rightIndex
    attr(ret, "cost") <- cost
    attr(ret, "family") <- family
    attr(ret, "param") <- param
    class(ret) <- c("stepfit", class(ret))

"print.stepfit" <-
  function(x, ...)
    cat("Fitted step function of family", attr(x, "family"), "containing", nrow(x), "blocks\n\n")
    cat("domain: (", attr(x, "x0"), ",", x$rightEnd[nrow(x)], "]\n")
    cat("range:  [", min(x$value), ",", max(x$value), "]\n")
    cat("cost:", attr(x, "cost"), "\n")
    if(!is.null(attr(x, "param"))) {
      print(attr(x, "param"))

"[.stepfit" <- 
  function (x, i, j, drop = if(missing(i)) TRUE else if(missing(j)) FALSE else length(j) == 1, refit = FALSE) 
    ret <- NextMethod("[.")
    # refit
    if(!identical(refit, FALSE)) {
      if(missing(i)) i <- 1:nrow(x)
      ret$value <- switch(attr(x, "family"),
                          gauss = diff(c(0, ret$cumSum)) / diff(c(attr(ret, "x0"), ret$rightIndex)),
                          gaussKern = if(nrow(ret) == 1 ) diff(c(0, ret$cumSum)) / diff(c(attr(ret, "x0"), ret$rightIndex)) else {
                            param <- attr(x, "param")
                            r <- ret$rightIndex
                            ir <- r[-length(r)] # inner positions
                            n <- r[length(r)] # last position
                            kl <- length(param$kern)
                            kj <- param$jump
                            s <- param$step
                            d <- c(ir - kj, n) - c(0, ir + kl - kj) + c(rep(sum((1 - s)^2), length(r) - 1), 0) + c(0, rep(sum(s^2), length(r) - 1))
                            ld <- length(d)
                            sd <- sum( s * ( 1 - s ) )
                            XX <- diag(d)
                            XX[cbind(1:(ld-1), 2:ld)] <- sd
                            XX[cbind(2:ld, 1:(ld-1))] <- sd
                            dif <- diff(c(0, ret$rightIndex))
                            close <- min(dif) <= kl
                            Xy <- c(0, ret$lXy[-nrow(ret)]) + ret$rcXy - c(0, ret$lcXy[-nrow(ret)]) + ret$rXy
                            if(identical(refit, TRUE) | !close) {
                              if(close) warning("jumps closer than filter length")
                            } else {
                              ss <- c(0, s, 1)
                              revss <- c(1, rev(s), 0)
                              for(i in which(dif < kl)) {
                                if(i > 1 & i < n) {
                                  # compute design matrix for neighbouring blocks
                                  neigh <- which(r + kj > r[i-1] & c(0, ir) <= r[i] + kl - kj )
                                  neighn <- length(neigh)
                                  neighi <- max(r[neigh[1]] - kj + 1, 1):min(r[neigh[neighn] - 1] + kl - kj, n)
                                  tX <- outer(1:neighn, neighi, function(k,ind) {
                                    #                 print(data.frame(k = k, neighk = neigh[k], rneighk = r[neigh[k]], ind = ind, test = ind <= r[neigh[k]] - kj, s = pmin(pmax(c(0,r)[neigh[k]] + kl - kj + 1 - ind, 0), kl + 1) + 1, revss = revss[pmin(pmax(c(0,r)[neigh[k]] + kl - kj + 1 - ind, 0), kl + 1) + 1], s1 = pmin(pmax(ind + kj - r[neigh[k]], 0), kl + 1) + 1, ss = ss[pmin(pmax(ind + kj - r[neigh[k]], 0), kl + 1) + 1]))
                                    revss[pmin(pmax(c(0,r)[neigh[k]] + kl - kj + 1 - ind, 0), kl + 1) + 1] - ss[pmin(pmax(ind + kj - r[neigh[k]], 0), kl + 1) + 1]
                                  #               print(tX)
                                  iXX <- tX %*% t(tX)
                                  # apply to off-diagonal elements including or crossing i
                                  XX[neigh[neigh <= i],neigh[neigh >= i]] <- iXX[which(neigh <= i),which(neigh >= i)]
                                  XX[neigh[neigh >= i],neigh[neigh <= i]] <- iXX[which(neigh >= i),which(neigh <= i)]
                                  Xy[i] <- tX[which(neigh == i),] %*% refit[neighi]
                            ret$value <- as.numeric(solve(XX, Xy))
                          poisson = diff(c(0, ret$cumSum)) / diff(c(attr(ret, "x0"), ret$rightIndex)),
                          binomial = diff(c(0, ret$cumSum)) / diff(c(attr(ret, "x0"), ret$rightIndex)) / attr(ret, "param")
      class(ret) <- class(x)

"plot.stepfit" <-
  function(x, dataspace = TRUE, ...)
    if(attr(x, "family") == "binomial" && dataspace) {
      x$value <- x$value * attr(x, "param")

"lines.stepfit" <-
  function(x, dataspace = TRUE, ...)
    if(attr(x, "family") == "binomial" && dataspace) {
      x$value <- x$value * attr(x, "param")

"fitted.stepfit" <-
  function(object, ...)
    if(attr(object, "family") == "gaussKern" && nrow(object) > 1) {
      k <- attr(object, "param")$kern
      l <- length(k)
      j <- attr(object, "param")$jump
      ret <- rep(object$value, object$rightIndex - object$leftIndex + 1 + c(l - j - 1, rep(0, length(object$rightIndex) - 2), j))
      convolve(ret, rev(k), conj = TRUE, type = "filter")
    } else if(attr(object, "family") == "binomial") {
      rep(object$value * attr(object, "param"), object$rightIndex - object$leftIndex + 1)
    } else {
      rep(object$value, object$rightIndex - object$leftIndex + 1)

"residuals.stepfit" <-
  function(object, y, ...)
    fit <- fitted(object)
    if(length(fit) != length(y)) stop("data and fit differ in length")
    switch(attr(object, "family"),
           binomial = {
             y - attr(object, "param") * fit
           gaussvar = {
             ifelse(fit == 0, ifelse(y^2 == 0, 0, Inf), log(y^2 / fit)) # sort of residuals: log( y^2 / sigma^2 )
             y - fit

"logLik.stepfit" <-
  function(object, df = NULL, nobs = object$rightIndex[nrow(object)], ...)
    family <- switch(attr(object, "family"),
                     gaussKern = "gauss",
                     #     gaussInhibit = "gauss",
                     #     gaussInhibitBoth = "gauss",
                     attr(object, "family")
    ret <- switch(family,
                  gauss = {
                    if(is.null(df)) df <- nrow(object) + 1 # variance has also been estimated
                    -nobs / 2 * (1 + log(2 * pi * attr(object, "cost") / nobs))
                    if(is.null(df)) df <- nrow(object)
                    attr(object, "cost")
    attr(ret, "df") <- df
    attr(ret, "nobs") <- nobs
    class(ret) <- "logLik"

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stepR documentation built on Nov. 14, 2023, 1:09 a.m.