
Defines functions swagger_type_unsupported stevedore_type swagger_type_help object_is_string_map swagger_type_make_handler_subtype swagger_type_make_handler_enum swagger_type_make_handler_string_map swagger_type_make_handler_vector_atomic swagger_type_make_handler_scalar_atomic swagger_type_make_reciever swagger_type_make_handler_object swagger_type swagger_types

swagger_types <- function(version, spec) {
  types <- docker_api_client_types()

  ret <- set_names(vector("list", length(types)),
                   vcapply(types, "[[", "name"))
  for (t in types) {
    ret[[t$name]] <- swagger_type(t, ret, spec)


## Support for complex types (e.g. TaskSpec).  This is a similar
## amount of work to swagger args unfortunately, but might be somewhat
## easier to test.
swagger_type <- function(info, types, spec) {
  if (!is.null(info$from) && !version_at_least(spec$info$version, info$from)) {
    return(swagger_type_unsupported(info$name, info$from, spec$info$version))

  handler <- swagger_type_make_handler_object(info, types, spec)
  reciever <- swagger_type_make_reciever(spec[[info$path]], handler)
  help <- swagger_type_help(spec[[info$path]], info, spec)

  ## NOTE: this name lets us reuse all the formatting bits elsewhere,
  ## even though it's not really quite the right name?
  class(reciever) <- "docker_client_method"
  attr(reciever, "help") <- help

  list(name = info$name, handler = handler, reciever = reciever)

## TODO: this is going to require, for things like ports, special
## treatment that is similar to how we do these things in the method
## creation.  That's a bit of an annoyance!
swagger_type_make_handler_object <- function(info, types, spec) {
  typename <- info$name
  x <- spec[[info$path]]

  stopifnot(!is.null(x), x$type == "object")

  atomic <- atomic_types()

  properties <- lapply(x$properties, resolve_schema_ref, spec)

  nms <- names(properties)
  nms_r <- pascal_to_snake_cached(nms)
  type <- vcapply(properties, "[[", "type")
  is_scalar_atomic <- type %in% names(atomic$type)
  is_array <- type == "array"

  array_type <- rep(NA_character_, length(properties))
  array_type[is_array] <- vcapply(properties[is_array], function(x)
    x$items$type %||% "object")
  is_array_atomic <- logical(length(properties))
  is_array_atomic[is_array] <- array_type[is_array] %in% names(atomic$type)

  is_string_map <- vlapply(properties, object_is_string_map)
  is_enum <- vlapply(properties, function(x)
    !is.null(x$enum) && identical(x$type, "string"))
  if (any(is_enum)) {
    is_scalar_atomic[is_enum] <- FALSE

  ## For now nothing else is handled - object (which we go recursive
  ## with) and arrays of objects (which are going to require some
  ## care)
  handlers <- vector("list", length(nms_r))
  names(handlers) <- nms_r

  handlers[is_scalar_atomic] <- Map(swagger_type_make_handler_scalar_atomic,
  handlers[is_array_atomic] <- Map(swagger_type_make_handler_vector_atomic,
  handlers[is_string_map] <- lapply(nms_r[is_string_map],
  handlers[is_enum] <- Map(swagger_type_make_handler_enum,
                           lapply(properties[is_enum], "[[", "enum"))

  if (!is.null(info$special)) {
    handlers[names(info$special)] <-
      lapply(info$special, swagger_type_make_handler_subtype, typename, types)

  if (!is.null(info$custom)) {
    handlers[names(info$custom)] <-
      lapply(info$custom, get, asNamespace("stevedore"),
             mode = "function", inherits = FALSE)

  msg <- lengths(handlers) == 0
  if (any(msg) && isTRUE(getOption("stevedore.verbose.missing.types"))) {
    message(sprintf("Skipping %d/%d handlers for '%s':\n\t%s",
                    sum(msg), length(msg), typename,
                    paste(squote(nms[msg]), collapse = ", ")))

  function(data, name = "data") {
    stevedore_type <- attr(data, "stevedore_type", exact = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(stevedore_type)) {
      if (!identical(stevedore_type, typename)) {
          "Unexpected input: recieved a '%s' when '%s' was expected",
          stevedore_type, typename))

    if (length(data) == 0L) {

    assert_named(data, unique = TRUE, name = name)
    extra <- setdiff(names(data), nms_r)
    if (length(extra) > 0L) {
      stop(sprintf("Unexpected %s %s in %s",
                   ngettext(length(extra), "property", "properties"),
                   paste(squote(extra), collapse = ", "),
    data <- data[!vlapply(data, is.null)]

    if (length(data) == 0L) {

    for (i in seq_along(data)) {
      nm <- names(data)[[i]]
      h <- handlers[[nm]]
      if (is.null(h)) {
        stop(sprintf("Handler for '%s' (in '%s') not yet implemented",
                     nm, typename))
      data[[i]] <- h(data[[i]])

    names(data) <- nms[match(names(data), nms_r)]

    stevedore_type(data, typename)

swagger_type_make_reciever <- function(x, handler) {
  nms <- names(x$properties)
  nms_r <- pascal_to_snake_cached(nms)

  env <- new_base_env()
  env$.handler <- handler

  args <- rep(alist(a = NULL), length(nms))
  names(args) <- nms_r

  rec <- args
  rec[] <- lapply(nms_r, as.name)
  body <- call(".handler", as.call(c(quote(list), rec)))

  as.function(c(args, body), env)

swagger_type_make_handler_scalar_atomic <- function(name, type) {
  validate <- atomic_types()$validate_scalar[[type]]
  function(x) {
    jsonlite::unbox(validate(x, name = name))

swagger_type_make_handler_vector_atomic <- function(name, type) {
  validate <- atomic_types()$validate_vector[[type]]
  function(x) {
    validate(x, name = name)

swagger_type_make_handler_string_map <- function(name) {
  function(x) {
    if (length(x) == 0L) {
    ## I'm pretty sure I've done this already somewhere
    assert_named(x, unique = TRUE)
    if (!is.character(x)) {
      ok <- vlapply(x, function(el) length(el) == 1 && is.character(el))
      if (!all(ok)) {
        stop(sprintf("All elements of '%s' must be scalar character", name))
    lapply(x, jsonlite::unbox)

swagger_type_make_handler_enum <- function(name, enum) {
  function(x) {
    jsonlite::unbox(match_value(x, enum, name = name))

swagger_type_make_handler_subtype <- function(typename, elementname, types) {
  h <- types[[typename]]$handler
  msg <- sprintf("while processing '%s':\n", elementname)
  function(x) {
    withCallingHandlers(h(x), error = function(e) {
      e$message <- paste0(msg, e$message)

object_is_string_map <- function(x) {
  x$type == "object" &&
    is.null(x$properties) &&
    identical(x$additionalProperties, list(type = "string"))

## TODO: there's some repetition here with above, but that can be
## eliminated later - we'd preprodcess the args list and work with
## that
swagger_type_help <- function(x, info, spec) {
  properties <- lapply(x$properties, resolve_schema_ref, spec)
  nms_r <- pascal_to_snake_cached(names(properties))
  args <- set_names(vcapply(properties, pick, "description", NA_character_),

  special <- intersect(names(info$special), names(args))
  if (length(special) > 0L) {
    str1 <- args[special]
    str1[is.na(str1)] <- ""
    str2 <- sprintf("Construct with `$types$%s()`",
                    vcapply(info$special[special], identity))
    args[special] <- paste0(str1, ifelse(nzchar(str1), " ", ""), str2)

  description <- x$description %||% info$name

  list(name = info$name,
       summary = description,
       args = args)

stevedore_type <- function(data, typename) {
  attr(data, "stevedore_type") <- typename

swagger_type_unsupported <- function(name, version_required, version_used) {
  msg <- sprintf(
    "'%s' requires docker API version at least %s (version %s used)",
    name, version_required, version_used)
  handler <- function(...) {
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  reciever <- function(...) {

  help <- list(name = name,
               summary = paste("Unsupported type", msg),
               args = list("..." = "Ignored in this version"))
  class(reciever) <- "docker_client_method"
  attr(reciever, "help") <- help

  list(name = name,
       handler = handler,
       reciever = reciever)

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stevedore documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:35 p.m.