
Defines functions eval.heldout make.heldout

Documented in eval.heldout make.heldout

#' Heldout Likelihood by Document Completion
#' Tools for making and evaluating heldout datasets.
#' These functions are used to create and evaluate heldout likelihood using the
#' document completion method.  The basic idea is to hold out some fraction of
#' the words in a set of documents, train the model and use the document-level
#' latent variables to evaluate the probability of the heldout portion. See the
#' example for the basic workflow.
#' @aliases make.heldout eval.heldout
#' @param documents the documents to be modeled (see \code{\link{stm}} for format).
#' @param vocab the vocabulary item
#' @param N number of docs to be partially held out
#' @param proportion proportion of docs to be held out.
#' @param seed the seed, set for replicability
#' @examples
#' prep <- prepDocuments(poliblog5k.docs, poliblog5k.voc,
#'                       poliblog5k.meta,subsample=500,
#'                       lower.thresh=20,upper.thresh=200)
#' heldout <- make.heldout(prep$documents, prep$vocab)
#' documents <- heldout$documents
#' vocab <- heldout$vocab
#' meta <- prep$meta
#' stm1<- stm(documents, vocab, 5,
#'            prevalence =~ rating+ s(day),
#'            init.type="Random",
#'            data=meta, max.em.its=5)
#' eval.heldout(stm1, heldout$missing)
#' @export
make.heldout <- function(documents, vocab, N=floor(.1*length(documents)), 
                         proportion=.5, seed=NULL) {
  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  # Convert the corpus to the internal STM format
  args <- asSTMCorpus(documents, vocab)
  documents <- args$documents
  vocab <- args$vocab

  index <- sort(sample(1:length(documents), N))
  pie <- proportion
  missing <- vector(mode="list", length=N)
  ct <- 0
  for(i in index) {
    ct <- ct + 1
    doc <- documents[[i]]  
    if(ncol(doc)<2) next
    doc <- rep(doc[1,], doc[2,])
    #how many tokens to sample? The max ensures at least one is sampled
    nsamp <- max(1,floor(pie*length(doc)))
    ho.index <- sample(1:length(doc), nsamp)
    tab <- tabulate(doc[ho.index])
    missing[[ct]] <- rbind(which(tab>0), tab[tab>0])
    tab <- tabulate(doc[-ho.index])
    documents[[i]] <- rbind(which(tab>0), tab[tab>0])
  missing <- list(index=index, docs=missing)
  #check the vocab
  indices <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(documents, function(x) x[1,]))))

  #all sorts of nonsense ensues if there is missingness
  #first condition checks the vocab, second checks the documents
  if(length(indices)!=length(vocab) | any(unlist(lapply(missing$docs, is.null)))) {
    remove <- which(!(1:length(vocab)%in% indices))
    newind <- rep(0, length(vocab))
    newind[indices] <- 1:length(indices)
    new.map <- cbind(1:length(vocab), newind)
    #renumber the missing elements and remove 0's
    missing$docs <- lapply(missing$docs, function(d) {
      d[1,] <- new.map[match(d[1,], new.map[,1]),2]
      return(d[,d[1,]!=0, drop=FALSE])
    #apply the same process to the documents
    documents <- lapply(documents, function(d) {
      d[1,] <- new.map[match(d[1,], new.map[,1]),2]
      return(d[,d[1,]!=0, drop=FALSE])
    lens <- unlist(lapply(missing$docs, length))
    if(any(lens==0)) {
      missing$docs <- missing$docs[lens!=0]
      missing$index <- missing$index[lens!=0]
    vocab <- vocab[indices]
  #hooray.  return some stuff.
  heldout <- list(documents=documents,vocab=vocab, missing=missing)

  #you can get cases where these come out as non-integers...
  #recast everything just to be sure.
  heldout$documents <- lapply(heldout$documents, function(x) matrix(as.integer(x), nrow(x), ncol(x)))
  heldout$missing$docs <- lapply(heldout$missing$docs, function(x) matrix(as.integer(x), nrow(x), ncol(x)))
  class(heldout) <- "heldout"

#' @export
eval.heldout <- function(model, missing) {
  heldout <- vector(length=length(missing$index))
  ntokens <- vector(length=length(missing$index))
  beta <- lapply(model$beta$logbeta, exp)
  bindex <- model$settings$covariates$betaindex[missing$index]
  for(i in 1:length(missing$index)) {
    docid <- missing$index[i]
    words <- missing$docs[[i]][1,]
    probs <- model$theta[docid,]%*%beta[[bindex[i]]][,words]
    probs <- rep(probs, missing$docs[[i]][2,])
    heldout[i] <- mean(log(probs)) 
    ntokens[i] <- sum(missing$docs[[i]][2,])
  out <- list(expected.heldout=mean(heldout, na.rm=TRUE), doc.heldout=heldout,
              index=missing$index, ntokens=ntokens) #the mean here to deal with 0 length docs

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stm documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:18 p.m.