
Defines functions plotRemoved

Documented in plotRemoved

#rewritten from scratch on 11/7/2014
#new version is dramatically faster but still not as memory efficient
#as it could be.  I'm restoring and recalculating the thresholds at every
#level but theoretically this could all be constructed as a cumulative
#measure.  Still it would take an enormous document set for this to matter.
# -BMS

#' Plot documents, words and tokens removed at various word thresholds
#' A plot function which shows the results of using different thresholds in
#' \code{prepDocuments} on the size of the corpus.
#' For a lower threshold, \code{prepDocuments} will drop words which appear in
#' fewer than that number of documents, and remove documents which contain no
#' more words. This function allows the user to pass a vector of lower
#' thresholds and observe how \code{prepDocuments} will handle each threshold.
#' This function produces three plots, showing the number of words, the number
#' of documents, and the total number of tokens removed as a function of
#' threshold values. A dashed red line is plotted at the total number of
#' documents, words and tokens respectively.
#' @param documents The documents to be used for the stm model
#' @param lower.thresh A vector of integers, each of which will be tested as a
#' lower threshold for the prepDocuments function.
#' @return Invisibly returns a list of \item{lower.thresh}{The sorted threshold
#' values} \item{ndocs}{The number of documents dropped for each value of the
#' lower threshold} \item{nwords}{The number of entries of the vocab dropped
#' for each value of the lower threshold.} \item{ntokens}{The number of tokens
#' dropped for each value of the lower threshold.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{prepDocuments}}
#' @examples
#' plotRemoved(poliblog5k.docs, lower.thresh=seq(from = 10, to = 1000, by = 10))
#' @export
plotRemoved<- function(documents, lower.thresh){
  #sort so we know it is in order
  lower.thresh <- sort(lower.thresh)
  #Create some useful representations
  #standard triplet form
	triplet <- doc.to.ijv(documents)
  #calculate the number of docs for each vocab item
  wordcounts <- tabulate(triplet$j)
  #calculate the number of tokens for each vocab item
  tokencount <- tabulate(rep(triplet$j, times=triplet$v))              
  # Calculate quantities of interest
  #which words will drop?
  drop <- sapply(lower.thresh, function(x) which(wordcounts<=x), simplify=FALSE)
  #number of words dropped is just the length
  nwords <- unlist(lapply(drop, length))
  #for tokens we sum over the token counts for the dropped words
  ntokens <- unlist(lapply(drop, function(x) sum(tokencount[x])))
  #for documents its a bit more nuanced...
  #calculate the number of docs in which the word with the highest count
  #appears.  this tells us what number we would have to drop to lose the doc.
  docthresh <- unlist(lapply(documents, function(x) max(wordcounts[x[1,]])))
  ndocs <- sapply(lower.thresh, function(x) sum(docthresh<=x), simplify=TRUE)
	# Composite Plot
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
	par(mfrow = c(1,3), oma = c(2,2,2,2))
	plot(lower.thresh, ndocs, type = "n", xlab = "", 
       ylab = "Number of Documents Removed", main = "Documents Removed by Threshold")
	lines(lower.thresh, ndocs, lty=1, col=1) 
	abline(a = length(documents), lty=2, b=0, col="red")

	plot(lower.thresh, nwords, type = "n", 
       xlab = "Threshold (Minimum No. Documents Appearing)", 
       ylab = "Number of Words Removed", main = "Words Removed by Threshold")
	lines(lower.thresh, nwords, lty=1, col=1) 
	abline(a = length(tokencount), lty=2, b=0, col="red")
  plot(lower.thresh, ntokens, type = "n", xlab= "", 
       ylab = "Number of Tokens Removed", main = "Tokens Removed by Threshold")
  lines(lower.thresh, ntokens, lty=1, col=1)
  abline(a = sum(tokencount), lty=2, b=0, col="red")

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