
Defines functions workaround fish_find

Documented in fish_find

#' Stockfish engine
#' @description This class represents a Stockfish engine, allowing the user to
#' send commands and receive outputs according to the UCI protocol. In short, a
#' `fish` object, when created, spawns a detached Stockfish process and pipes
#' into its stdin and stdout.
#' @section Bundled Stockfish:
#' This package comes bundled with
#' [Stockfish](https://github.com/official-stockfish/Stockfish), a very popular,
#' open source, powerful chess engine written in C++. It can achieve an ELO of
#' 3544, runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android, and can be compiled in
#' less than a minute.
#' When installing `{stockfish}` (lower case), Stockfish's (upper case) source
#' code is compiled and the resulting executable is stored with your R packages.
#' This is not a system-wide installation! You don't have to give it
#' administrative privileges to run or even worry about any additional software.
#' But there are two main downsides:
#' * While the bundled version of the engine (Stockfish 14.1) is up-to-date as
#'   of March 2022, it isn't able to update itself. This means that, if I'm not
#'   able to port an upcomming version of Stockfish, the package will stay
#'   behind. Luckly, you can always download the version of your choosing and
#'   pass the executable as an argument to `new()`.
#' * Since version 12, Stockfish supports NNUE evaluation but this requires
#'   some pretty heavy binaries. In order to avoid bundling large files with
#'   `{stockfish}`, **I have decided to disable NNUE** in the source code.
#'   Again, you are free to download a NNUE-capable version and use it instead
#'   of the bundled executable.
#' @section UCI Protocol:
#' UCI (Universal Chess Interface) is an open communication protocol that
#' enables chess engines to communicate with user interfaces. Strictly speaking,
#' this class implements the
#' [UCI protocol](http://wbec-ridderkerk.nl/html/UCIProtocol.html) as
#' publicized by Stefan-Meyer Kahlen, just with a focus on the Stockfish engine.
#' This means that some methods are not implemented (see Common Gotchas) and
#' that all tests are run on Stockfish, but everything else should work fine
#' with other engines.
#' The quoted text at the end of the documentation of each method was extracted
#' directly from the official UCI protocol, so you can see exactly what that
#' command can do. In general, the commands are pretty self-explanatory, except
#' for long algebraic notation (LAN), the move notation used by UCI. In this
#' notation, moves are recorded using the starting and ending positions of each
#' piece, e.g. e2e4, e7e5, e1g1 (white short castling), e7e8q (for promotion),
#' 0000 (nullmove).
#' @section Implementation:
#' All the heavy lifting of this class is done by the `{processx}` package. The
#' Stockfish process is created with `processx::process$new` and IO is done with
#' `write_input()` and `read_output()`. An important aspect of the communication
#' protocol of any UCI engine is waiting for replies, and here this is done
#' with a loop that queries the process with `poll_io()` and stops once the
#' output comes back empty.
#' Before implementing the UCI protocol manually, this package used
#' `{bigchess}`. It is a great package created by
#' [@@rosawojciech](https://github.com/rosawojciech), but it has some
#' dependencies that are beyond the scope of this package and ultimately I
#' wanted more control over the API (e.g. using `{R6}`).
#' @section Common Gotchas:
#' This class has some specifics that the user should keep in mind when
#' trying to communicate with Stockfish. Some of them are due to implementation
#' choices, but others are related to the UCI protocol itself. This is by no
#' means a comprehensive list (and you should probably read
#' [UCI's documentation](http://wbec-ridderkerk.nl/html/UCIProtocol.html)), but
#' here are a few things to look out for:
#' * Not every UCI method is implemented: since `{stockfish}` was made with
#'   Stockfish in mind, a couple of UCI methods that don't work with the engine
#'   were not implemented. They are `debug()` and `register()`.
#' * Most methods return silently: since most UCI commands don't output anything
#'   or output boilerplate text, most methods return silently. The
#'   exceptions are `run()`, `isready()`, `go()` and `stop()`; you can see
#'   exactly what they return by reading their documentations.
#' * Not every Stockfish option will work: at least when using the bundled
#'   version of Stockfish, not every documented option will work with
#'   `setoption()`. This happens because, as described above, the bundled
#'   version has some limitations. Options that will not work are labeled with
#'   an asterisk.
#' * Times are in milliseconds: unlike most R functions, every method that takes
#'   a time interval expects them in milliseconds, not seconds.
#' @export
fish <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "fish",

  # Public methods
  public = list(

    #' @field process Connection to `{processx}` process running the engine
    process = NULL,

    #' @field output String vector with the output of the last command
    output = NULL,

    #' @field log String vector with the all outputs from the engine
    log = NULL,

    #' @description Start Stockfish engine
    #' By default, this function uses the included version of Stockfish. If
    #' you want to run a more recent version, you can pass its executable as
    #' an argument. For more information, see the Bundled Stockfish section of
    #' this documentation.
    #' @param path Path to Stockfish executable (defaults to bundled version)
    initialize = function(path = NULL) {

      # Check for user-supplied executable
      exe <- if (is.null(path)) fish_find() else path.expand(path)

      # Start process
      self$process <- processx::process$new(
        exe, stdin = "|", stdout = "|", stderr = "|"

      # Record output
      self$output <- self$process$read_output()
      self$log <- self$output

    #' @description Send a command to be run on the engine.
    #' Every supported command is documented on the
    #' [UCI protocol](http://wbec-ridderkerk.nl/html/UCIProtocol.html) as
    #' publicized by Stefan-Meyer Kahlen. Please refrain from sending more than
    #' one command per call as the engine can get confused! Also note that
    #' commands automatically get a newline (`\n`) at the end, so there is no
    #' need to append that to the string itself.
    #' @param command A string with the command to run
    #' @param infinite Whether the command involves `go infinite` (will make
    #' function return instantly as output should only be collected when a
    #' `stop()` command is issued)
    #' @return A string vector with the output of the command or `NULL`
    run = function(command, infinite = FALSE) {

      # Send command to engine
      self$process$write_input(paste0(command, "\n"))

      # If command is infinite, let it run without polling
      if (infinite) {

      # Read from connection until process stops processing
      output <- c()
      while (TRUE) {

        # Poll IO and read output
        tmp <- self$process$read_output()

        if (tmp == "") {

        # Choose separator based on OS
        if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") sep <- "\r\n" else sep <- "\n"

        # Parse output
        output <- c(output, strsplit(tmp, sep, perl = TRUE)[[1]])

      # Update output field and the log
      self$output <- output
      self$log <- c(self$log, output)

    #' @description Tell the engine to use the UCI.
    #' "Tell engine to use the uci (universal chess interface), this will be
    #' send once as a first command after program boot to tell the engine to
    #' switch to uci mode. After receiving the uci command the engine must
    #' identify itself with the 'id' command and sent the 'option' commands to
    #' tell the GUI which engine settings the engine supports if any. After that
    #' the engine should sent 'uciok' to acknowledge the uci mode. If no uciok
    #' is sent within a certain time period, the engine task will be killed by
    #' the GUI."
    uci = function() {

    #' @description Ask if the engine is ready for more commands.
    #' "This is used to synchronize the engine with the GUI. When the GUI has
    #' sent a command or multiple commands that can take some time to complete,
    #' this command can be used to wait for the engine to be ready again or to
    #' ping the engine to find out if it is still alive. E.g. this should be
    #' sent after setting the path to the tablebases as this can take some time.
    #' This command is also required once before the engine is asked to do any
    #' search to wait for the engine to finish initializing. This command must
    #' always be answered with 'readyok' and can be sent also when the engine is
    #' calculating in which case the engine should also immediately answer with
    #' 'readyok' without stopping the search."
    #' @return Boolean indicating whether the output is exactly `"readyok"`
    isready = function() {
      return(self$run("isready")[1] == "readyok")

    #' @description Change the internal parameters of the engine. All currently
    #' supported options (according to Stockfish's documentation) are listed
    #' below, but note that **those marked with an * will not work** with the
    #' buldled version:
    #' * `Threads`: The number of CPU threads used for searching a position. For
    #'   best performance, set this equal to the number of CPU cores available.
    #' * `Hash`: The size of the hash table in MB. It is recommended to set Hash
    #'   after setting Threads.
    #' * `Clear Hash`: Clear the hash table.
    #' * `Ponder`: Let Stockfish ponder its next move while the opponent is
    #'   thinking.
    #' * `MultiPV`: Output the N best lines (principal variations, PVs) when
    #'   searching. Leave at 1 for best performance.
    #' * `Use NNUE`*: Toggle between the NNUE and classical evaluation
    #'   functions. If set to "true", the network parameters must be available
    #'   to load from file (see also EvalFile), if they are not embedded in the
    #'   binary.
    #' * `EvalFile`*: The name of the file of the NNUE evaluation parameters.
    #'   Depending on the GUI the filename might have to include the full path
    #'   to the folder/directory that contains the file. Other locations, such
    #'   as the directory that contains the binary and the working directory,
    #'   are also searched.
    #' * `UCI_AnalyseMode`: An option handled by your GUI.
    #' * `UCI_Chess960`: An option handled by your GUI. If true, Stockfish will
    #'   play Chess960.
    #' * `UCI_ShowWDL`: If enabled, show approximate WDL statistics as part of
    #'   the engine output. These WDL numbers model expected game outcomes for a
    #'   given evaluation and game ply for engine self-play at fishtest LTC
    #'   conditions (60+0.6s per game).
    #' * `UCI_LimitStrength`: Enable weaker play aiming for an Elo rating as set
    #'   by UCI_Elo. This option overrides Skill Level.
    #' * `UCI_Elo`: If enabled by UCI_LimitStrength, aim for an engine strength
    #'   of the given Elo. This Elo rating has been calibrated at a time control
    #'   of 60s+0.6s and anchored to CCRL 40/4.
    #' * `Skill Level`: Lower the Skill Level in order to make Stockfish play
    #'   weaker (see also UCI_LimitStrength). Internally, MultiPV is enabled,
    #'   and with a certain probability depending on the Skill Level a weaker
    #'   move will be played.
    #' * `SyzygyPath`: Path to the folders/directories storing the Syzygy
    #'   tablebase files. Multiple directories are to be separated by ";" on
    #'   Windows and by ":" on Unix-based operating systems. Do not use spaces
    #'   around the ";" or ":". Example:
    #'   `C:\tablebases\wdl345;C:\tablebases\wdl6;D:\tablebases\dtz345;D:\tablebases\dtz6`. #nolint
    #'   It is recommended to store .rtbw files on an SSD. There is no loss in
    #'   storing the .rtbz files on a regular HDD. It is recommended to verify
    #'   all md5 checksums of the downloaded tablebase files
    #'   (`md5sum -c checksum.md5`) as corruption will lead to engine crashes.
    #' * `SyzygyProbeDepth`: Minimum remaining search depth for which a position
    #'   is probed. Set this option to a higher value to probe less aggressively
    #'   if you experience too much slowdown (in terms of nps) due to tablebase
    #'   probing.
    #' * `Syzygy50MoveRule`: Disable to let fifty-move rule draws detected by
    #'   Syzygy tablebase probes count as wins or losses. This is useful for
    #'   ICCF correspondence games.
    #' * `SyzygyProbeLimit`: Limit Syzygy tablebase probing to positions with at
    #'   most this many pieces left (including kings and pawns).
    #' * `Move Overhead`: Assume a time delay of x ms due to network and GUI
    #'   overheads. This is useful to avoid losses on time in those cases.
    #' * `Slow Mover`: Lower values will make Stockfish take less time in games,
    #'   higher values will make it think longer.
    #' * `nodestime`: Tells the engine to use nodes searched instead of wall
    #'   time to account for elapsed time. Useful for engine testing.
    #' * `Debug Log File`: Write all communication to and from the engine into a
    #'   text file.
    #' "This is sent to the engine when the user wants to change the internal
    #' parameters of the engine. For the 'button' type no value is needed. One
    #' string will be sent for each parameter and this will only be sent when
    #' the engine is waiting. The name of the option in  should not be case
    #' sensitive and can includes spaces like also the value. The substrings
    #' 'value' and 'name' should be avoided in  and  to allow unambiguous
    #' parsing, for example do not use = 'draw value'. Here are some strings
    #' for the example below:
    #' * `setoption name Nullmove value true\n`
    #' * `setoption name Selectivity value 3\n`
    #' * `setoption name Style value Risky\n`
    #' * `setoption name Clear Hash\n`
    #' * `setoption name NalimovPath value c:\chess\tb\4;c:\chess\tb\5\n`"
    #' @param name Name of the option
    #' @param value Value to set (or `NULL` if option doesn't need a value)
    setoption = function(name, value = NULL) {

      # Build command
      command <- paste("setoption name", name)
      if (!is.null(value)) {
        command <- paste(command, "value", value)


    #' @description Tell the engine that the next search will be from a
    #' different game.
    #' "This is sent to the engine when the next search (started with 'position'
    #' and 'go') will be from a different game. This can be a new game the
    #' engine should play or a new game it should analyse but also the next
    #' position from a testsuite with positions only. If the GUI hasn't sent a
    #' 'ucinewgame' before the first 'position' command, the engine shouldn't
    #' expect any further ucinewgame commands as the GUI is probably not
    #' supporting the ucinewgame command. So the engine should not rely on this
    #' command even though all new GUIs should support it. As the engine's
    #' reaction to 'ucinewgame' can take some time the GUI should always send
    #' 'isready' after ucinewgame to wait for the engine to finish its
    #' operation."
    ucinewgame = function() {

    #' @description Set up the position on the internal board. When passing a
    #' sequence of moves, use long algebraic notation (LAN) as described in the
    #' UCI Protocol section of this documentation.
    #' "Set up the position described in fenstring on the internal board and
    #' play the moves on the internal chess board. if the game was played from
    #' the start position the string 'startpos' will be sent. Note: no 'new'
    #' command is needed. However, if this position is from a different game
    #' than the last position sent to the engine, the GUI should have sent a
    #' 'ucinewgame' inbetween."
    #' @param position String with position (either a FEN or a sequence of moves
    #' separated by spaces)
    #' @param type Either `"fen"` or `"startpos"`, respectively
    position = function(position = NULL, type = c("fen", "startpos")) {
      type <- match.arg(type)
      invisible(self$run(paste("position", type, position)))

    #' @description Start calculating on the current position.
    #' "Start calculating on the current position set up with the 'position'
    #' command. There are a number of commands that can follow this command, all
    #' will be sent in the same string. If one command is not send its value
    #' should be interpreted as it would not influence the search.
    #' * `searchmoves`: restrict search to this moves only. Example: after
    #'   'position startpos' and 'go infinite searchmoves e2e4 d2d4' the engine
    #'   should only search the two moves e2e4 and d2d4 in the initial position.
    #' * `ponder`: start searching in pondering mode. Do not exit the search in
    #'   ponder mode, even if it's mate! This means that the last move sent in
    #'   the position string is the ponder move. The engine can do what it wants
    #'   to do, but after a 'ponderhit' command it should execute the suggested
    #'   move to ponder on. This means that the ponder move sent by the GUI can
    #'   be interpreted as a recommendation about which move to ponder. However,
    #'   if the engine decides to ponder on a different move, it should not
    #'   display any mainlines as they are likely to be misinterpreted by the
    #'   GUI because the GUI expects the engine to ponder on the suggested move.
    #' * `wtime`: white has x msec left on the clock.
    #' * `btime`: black has x msec left on the clock.
    #' * `winc`: white increment per move in mseconds if x > 0.
    #' * `binc`: black increment per move in mseconds if x > 0.
    #' * `movestogo`: there are x moves to the next time control, this will only
    #'   be sent if x > 0, if you don't get this and get the wtime and btime
    #'   it's sudden death.
    #' * `depth`: search x plies only.
    #' * `nodes`: search x nodes only.
    #' * `mate`: search for a mate in x moves.
    #' * `movetime`: search exactly x mseconds.
    #' * `infinite`: search until the 'stop' command. Do not exit the search
    #'   without being told so in this mode!"
    #' @param searchmoves A string with the only moves (separated by spaces)
    #' that should be searched
    #' @param ponder Pondering move (see UCI documentation for more information)
    #' @param wtime Time (in ms) white has left on the clock (if `movestogo` is
    #' not set, it's sudden death)
    #' @param btime Time (in ms) black has left on the clock (if `movestogo` is
    #' not set, it's sudden death)
    #' @param winc White increment (in ms) per move if `wtime > 0`
    #' @param binc Black increment (in ms) per move if `btime > 0`
    #' @param movestogo Number of moves to the next time control
    #' @param depth Maximum number of plies to search
    #' @param nodes Maximum number of nodes to search
    #' @param mate Search for a mate in this number of moves
    #' @param movetime Time (in ms) allowed for searching
    #' @param infinite Whether to only stop searching when a `stop()` command is
    #' issued (makes function return instantly without any output)
    #' @return A string with result of the search or `NULL` if
    #' `infinite == TRUE`
    go = function(searchmoves = NULL, ponder = NULL, wtime = NULL, btime = NULL,
                  winc = NULL, binc = NULL, movestogo = NULL, depth = NULL,
                  nodes = NULL, mate = NULL, movetime = NULL,
                  infinite = FALSE) {

      # List all arguments
      args <- list(
        "searchmoves" = searchmoves,
        "ponder" =  ponder,
        "wtime" =  wtime,
        "btime" =  btime,
        "winc" =  winc,
        "binc" =  binc,
        "movestogo" = movestogo,
        "depth" =  depth,
        "nodes" =  nodes,
        "mate" =  mate,
        "movetime" = movetime

      # Paste all arguments
      command <- ""
      for (i in seq_along(args)) {
        if (!is.null(args[[i]])) {
          command <- paste(command, names(args)[i], args[[i]])

      # Choose either 'go' or 'go infinite'
      if (infinite) {
        command <- paste0("go infinite", command)
      } else {
        command <- paste0("go", command)

      # Run command and read output
      return(utils::tail(self$run(command, infinite), 1))

    #' @description Stop calculating as soon as possible.
    #' "Stop calculating as soon as possible, don't forget the 'bestmove' and
    #' possibly the 'ponder' token when finishing the search."
    #' @return A string with the result of search or `NULL` if there was no
    #' search underway
    stop = function() {
      return(utils::tail(self$run("stop"), 1))

    #' @description Tell the engine that the user has played the expected move.
    #' "The user has played the expected move. This will be sent if the engine
    #' was told to ponder on the same move the user has played. The engine
    #' should continue searching but switch from pondering to normal search."
    ponderhit = function() {

    #' @description Kill the engine
    #' "Quit the program as soon as possible."
    quit = function() {

    #' @description Print information about engine process.
    #' @param ... Arguments passed on to `print()`
    print = function(...) {
      print(self$process, ...)

  # Private methods
  private = list(

    # @description Kill engine when object is collected
    finalize = function() {
        error = function(err) { } #nolint

#' Find bundled Stockfish executable
#' This package comes bundled with Stockfish, an open source, powerful UCI chess
#' engine. For more information about what Stockfish is, see the full
#' documentation of this package by running `?fish`.
#' @export
fish_find <- function() {

  # Find all paths where bin can be (necessary when using load_all())
  paths <- paste0(.libPaths(), "/stockfish/bin")

  # Select the first valid path and handle Windows architectures
  path <- paths[dir.exists(paths)][1]
  path <- paste0(path, "/", .Platform$r_arch)

  # Find executable and tidy path
  file <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "stockfish($|.exe)")
  file <- gsub("//", "/", file)


# Work around R CMD check issue:
# Namespaces in Imports field not imported from
workaround <- function() {

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stockfish documentation built on March 19, 2022, 2:15 a.m.