
as.3dpoints <- function (...) 
    nv <- nargs()
    fargs <- list(...)
    if (nv == 3) {
        l1 <- length(fargs[[1]])
        l2 <- length(fargs[[2]])
        l3 <- length(fargs[[3]])
        if ((l1 == l2) & (l1 == l3)) {
            pts <- cbind(x=fargs[[1]], y=fargs[[2]], t=fargs[[3]])
        else {
            stop("Cannot make points from different length vectors")
    else {
        if (nv == 1) {
            if (is.list(fargs[[1]])) {
                fargs <- fargs[[1]]
                if (any(names(fargs) == "x") & any(names(fargs) == 
                  "y") & any(names(fargs) == "t")) {
                  arx <- fargs$x
                  ary <- fargs$y
			art <- fargs$t
                  if ((length(arx) != length(ary)) | (length(arx) != length(art))) {
                    stop("Cannot make points from different length x, y and t list components!")
                  else {
                    pts <- cbind(x=arx, y=ary, t=art)
                else {
                  stop("Cannot make points from list without x and y components.")
            else {
                if (is.3dpoints(fargs[[1]])) 
				pts <- fargs[[1]]
                else stop("Cannot make points from this object")
        else {
            stop("Cannot make object into points!")

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stpp documentation built on June 28, 2024, 9:11 a.m.