
Defines functions spatial.plot spatial.plot.sf

Documented in spatial.plot spatial.plot.sf

spatial.plot.sf <- function(x, y, names, shapefile = NULL,  
                            cex = 1, arrow.col = "lightblue", arrow.lwd = 1, 
                           pch = 21, pt.bg = "orange"){
  if(requireNamespace(c("ggplot2", "sf"), quietly = TRUE)) {
    coords <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, Object.ID = names)
    g1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(shapefile) +
      ggplot2::geom_sf(lwd = arrow.lwd, colour = arrow.col) +
      ggplot2::geom_point(data = coords, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y), shape = pch,
                          fill = pt.bg, size = cex * 1.8) +
      ggplot2::ylab("") + ggplot2::xlab("") 
  } else {stop("Please install and load packages ggplot2 and sf.")}  

spatial.plot <- function(G, x, y, names = NULL, 
                         plot = TRUE,
                         col = "lightblue", 
                         cex.text = .4, cex = 1,
                         arrow.col = "lightblue", arrow.lwd = 1, 
                         plot.bg = "white", pch = 21, 
                         pt.bg = "orange", grid.lwd = 2, 
                         plot.dry = FALSE,
                         col.dry = gray(.7),
                         cex.dry = 1, pch.dry = 19, 
                         arrow.col.dry = gray(.7), arrow.lwd.dry = 1,
                         cnw = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, arrow.warn = TRUE,...)
if(!arrow.warn){op <- options(); options(warn = -1)} 
if(is.null(names)) names <- 1:length(x)
if(length(V(G)$name) == 0){ # empty network
  plot(x, y, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,...)
    out <- par("usr")
    grid(col = "white", lwd = grid.lwd)
    rect(out[1], out[3], out[2], out[4], col = plot.bg)
    if(plot.dry){points(x, y, pch = pch.dry, col = col.dry, cex = cex.dry)}  
      a <- attributes(E(G))$vnames
      b <- attributes(V(G))$names
      if(all(is.na(match(b, names))))stop("names do not match node names in G.")
    if(length(b) != length(names)){ # i.e., G is a subgraph.
      m <- match(b, names)
      w <- which(!(names %in% b))
      ids <- 1:length(b)
      x.d <- x[w]
      y.d <- y[w]
      x.n <- x[m]
      y.n <- y[m]
      names <- names[match(b, names)]
    } else {x.n <- x; y.n <- y; x.d <- NA; y.d <- NA}
      if(length(attributes(E(G))$vnames) > 0){
      bounds <- matrix(ncol = 2, data = unlist(strsplit(a, "\\|")), byrow = TRUE)
      x0 <- 1:nrow(bounds) -> x1 -> y0 -> y1
      for(i in 1:nrow(bounds)){    
      x0[i] = x.n[which(names == bounds[,1][i])]
      x1[i] = x.n[which(names == bounds[,2][i])]
      y0[i] = y.n[which(names == bounds[,1][i])]
      y1[i] = y.n[which(names == bounds[,2][i])]
    xlim <- range(c(x.n,x.d), na.rm = TRUE)
    xspace <- (xlim[2]-xlim[1])/20
    xlim <- c(xlim[1]-xspace, xlim[2]+xspace)}
    ylim <- range(c(y.n,y.d), na.rm = TRUE)
    yspace <- (ylim[2]-ylim[1])/20
    ylim <- c(ylim[1]-yspace, ylim[2]+yspace)
    x <- x.n; y <- y.n
      plot(x, y, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
      out <- par("usr")
      rect(out[1], out[3], out[2], out[4], col = plot.bg)
      grid(col = "white", lwd = grid.lwd)
        if(plot.dry & all(!is.na(x.d)) & !is.null(cnw)){
          points(cnw$x, cnw$y, pch = pch.dry, col = col.dry, cex = cex.dry)
          if(length(attributes(E(G))$vnames) > 0){
            # warning given by arrows for nearby points
            arrows(cnw$x0, cnw$y0, cnw$x1, cnw$y1, col = arrow.col.dry, 
                                     length = .08, lwd = arrow.lwd.dry)}
        if(plot.dry & all(!is.na(x.d)) & is.null(cnw)){
          points(x.d, y.d, pch = pch.dry, col = col.dry, cex = cex.dry)}
      points(x, y, pch = pch, col = col, cex = cex, bg = pt.bg)
      if(length(attributes(E(G))$vnames) > 0){
        # warning given by arrows for nearby points
        arrows(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = arrow.col, length = .08, lwd = arrow.lwd)
      if(cex.text != 0){thigmophobe.labels(x.n, y.n, names, cex = cex.text)}
    if(!arrow.warn) options(op)
    outL <- list()
    outL$x <- x; outL$y <- y
    if(length(attributes(E(G))$vnames) > 0){
    outL$x0 <- x0; outL$x1 <- x1; outL$y0 <- y0; outL$y1 <- y1}

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streamDAG documentation built on Oct. 7, 2023, 1:08 a.m.