
Defines functions plot.survIDM

Documented in plot.survIDM

plot.survIDM <- function(x = object, y = NULL, trans = "all", func = "distribution",
                         conf = NULL, type = NULL,conftype = NULL, col = 1:6,
                         confcol = 1:6, lty = 1, conflty = 2, xlab = "Time (years)",
                         ylab = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlim = NULL, ...) {

  object <- x


  if(inherits(x, "survIDM") & class(x)[1] =='markov'){

    #class(object)[1] #markov

    est <- object$TPestimates
    if(missing(xlab))  xlab <- paste(object$nm.method, "estimator")
    if(missing(ylab))  ylab <- paste("AJ estimator")

    layout(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4), ncol = 3, nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
    plot(est$aj01, est$nm01, main= "p01", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
    abline(0,1, col = 2)
    plot(est$aj02, est$nm02, main= "p02", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
    abline(0,1, col = 2)
    plot(est$aj12, est$nm12, main= "p12", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
    abline(0,1, col = 2)
    #1->2 NM with CI and AJ
    y <- cbind(est$nm12, est$nm12LCI, est$nm12UCI, est$aj12)
    x <- est$times
    matplot(x, y , col = c(1, 1, 1, 2), xlab = "Time",
            ylab = "P12", lty = c(1, 2, 2, 1), type="s")


    if (inherits(x, "survIDM")) {

      if (class(x)[1] == "data.frame") {


      if (!class(object)[1] %in% c("AJ", "LIDA", "LM", "PLM", "tpIPCW", "CIF",
                                   "cifIPCW", "soj", "sojIPCW", "LMAJ",
                                   "PLMAJ", "PAJ",'tpBreslow','markov')) {
        stop("The argumment 'Object' must be of one of the following classes
              'AJ', 'LIDA', 'LM', 'PLM', 'LMAJ', 'PLMAJ', 'PAJ', 'tpIPCW',
              'CIF', 'cifIPCW', 'soj', 'sojIPCW','tpBreslow' or 'markov'")

      # for all

      object <- x

      if (object$Nlevels != length(col))
        col <- rep(col, times = object$Nlevels)
      if (object$Nlevels != length(confcol))
        confcol <- rep(confcol, times = object$Nlevels)

      if (is.null(type))
        type <- "s"
      if (is.null(conftype))
        conftype <- "s"

      if (is.null(conf)) {
        ci <- object$conf
      } else {
        if (conf == TRUE & object$conf == FALSE) {
          stop("The surv object does not contain confidence intervals")
        if (conf == TRUE & object$conf == TRUE)
          ci <- TRUE
        if (conf == FALSE)
          ci <- FALSE

      if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(0, 1)

      ob <- object$est
      obCI <- object$CI

      if (is.null(xlim) & object$Nlevels > 1) {
        xlim <- c(min(sapply(ob, function(x) min(x[, 1]), simplify = TRUE)),
                  max(sapply(ob, function(x) max(x[, 1]), simplify = TRUE)))



      if (class(object)[1] %in% c("AJ", "LIDA", "LM", "PLM", "tpIPCW",
                                  "LMAJ", "PLMAJ", "PAJ",'tpBreslow')) {

        if(is.null(ylab) & class(object)[1] != "tpIPCW")
          ylab <- bquote(paste(p[ij], "(", .(x$s), ",t)"))

        if(is.null(ylab) & class(object)[1] == "tpIPCW")
          ylab <- bquote(paste(p[ij], "(", .(x$s), ",t|", .(x$z.name),")"))

        trans2 = trans
        tp <- c("00", "01", "02", "11", "12")
        if(trans == "all") {trans2 = tp}
        ii <- trans2 == tp
        itp <- 2:6
        itpCI <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)

        if (object$Nlevels == 1) {

          matplot(ob[, 1], ob[, itp[ii]], type = type, col = col, xlab = xlab,
                  ylab = ylab, lty = lty, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, ...)

          if (ci == TRUE) {
            matlines(x = ob[, 1], y = obCI[, itpCI[ii]], type = conftype,
                     lty = conflty, col = confcol, ...)
            matlines(x = ob[, 1], y = obCI[, itpCI[ii] + 1], type = conftype,
                     lty = conflty, col = confcol, ...)

          if(trans == "all") legend("topright", c("00", "01", "02", "11", "12")[itp - 1], col = col, lty = lty)

        } else { # more than 1 level

          if (trans == "all") {
            stop(paste("The argumment 'trans' can't be 'all' if the factor", attr(terms(object$formula),"term.labels"),
                       "is included in the formula, you must select one of the transition probabilities."))

          plot(ob[[1]][, 1], ob[[1]][, 2], type = "n", xlab = xlab,
               ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, ...)

          for (i in 1:object$Nlevels) {

            lines(ob[[i]][, 1], ob[[i]][, itp[ii]], type = type, col = col[i],
                  lty = lty, ...)
            if (ci == TRUE) {
              lines(x = ob[[i]][, 1], y = obCI[[i]][, itpCI[ii]], type = conftype,
                    lty = conflty, col = confcol[i], ...)
              lines(x = ob[[i]][, 1], y = obCI[[i]][, itpCI[ii] + 1], type = conftype,
                    lty = conflty, col = confcol[i], ...)

          if (trans=='02'| trans=='12') legend("bottomright", object$levels, col = col, lty = lty)
          else  legend("topright", object$levels, col = col, lty = lty)

      } #end plot for tp


      if (class(object)[1] %in%  c("CIF", "cifIPCW")) {
        if (is.null(ylab) &  class(object)[1] == "CIF") ylab <- "CIF(t)"

        if (is.null(ylab) &  class(object)[1] == "cifIPCW")
          ylab <- bquote(paste("CIF(t|", .(x$z.name), ")"))

        if(class(object)[1] == "cifIPCW") object$s <- 0

        if (object$Nlevels == 1) {

          if(object$s != 0){
            ob <- ob[, -2]
            #obCI <- obCI[, -c(1:2)]

          if(class(object)[1] == "cifIPCW" & ci == TRUE) {
            obCI <- ob[, 3:4] # in order to corerct the out of cifIPCW

          matplot(ob[, 1], ob[, 2], type = type, col = col, xlab = xlab,
                  ylab = ylab, lty = lty, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, ...)

          if (ci == TRUE) {

            if(object$s != 0){
              #ob <- ob[, -2]
              obCI <- obCI[, -c(1:2)]

            matlines(x = ob[, 1], y = obCI[, 1], type = conftype,
                     lty = conflty, col = confcol, ...)
            matlines(x = ob[, 1], y = obCI[, 2], type = conftype,
                     lty = conflty, col = confcol, ...)

        }else{ # more than 1 level

          plot(ob[[1]][, 1], ob[[1]][, 2], type = "n", xlab = xlab,
               ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, ...)

          for (i in 1:object$Nlevels) {

            if(object$s != 0){
              ob [[i]]<- ob[[i]][, -2]
              # obCI[[i]] <- obCI[[i]][, -c(1:2)]

            lines(ob[[i]][, 1], ob[[i]][, 2], type = type, col = col[i],
                  lty = lty, ...)
            if (ci == TRUE) {
              if(object$s != 0){
                #ob [[i]]<- ob[[i]][, -2]
                obCI[[i]] <- obCI[[i]][, -c(1:2)]

              lines(x = ob[[i]][, 1], y = obCI[[i]][, 1], type = conftype,
                    lty = conflty, col = confcol[i], ...)
              lines(x = ob[[i]][, 1], y = obCI[[i]][, 2], type = conftype,
                    lty = conflty, col = confcol[i], ...)
          legend("bottomright", object$levels, col = col, lty = lty)


      } #ends for CIF

      # soj

      if (class(object)[1] %in%  c("soj", "sojIPCW")) {
        if (is.null(ylab) &  class(object)[1] == "soj") ylab <- "Sojourn(t)"

        if (is.null(ylab) &  class(object)[1] == "sojIPCW")
          ylab <- bquote(paste("Sojourn(t|", .(x$z.name), ")"))

        if (object$Nlevels == 1) {

          #   if(class(object)[1] == "cifIPCW") obCI <- ob[, 3:4] # in order to corerct the out of cifIPCW
          if(func == "survival"){ob[, 2] <- 1 - ob[, 2]}
          if(func == "survival" & ci == TRUE){obCI <- 1 - obCI}

          matplot(ob[, 1], ob[, 2], type = type, col = col, xlab = xlab,
                  ylab = ylab, lty = lty, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, ...)

          if (ci == TRUE) {
            matlines(x = ob[, 1], y = obCI[, 1], type = conftype,
                     lty = conflty, col = confcol, ...)
            matlines(x = ob[, 1], y = obCI[, 2], type = conftype,
                     lty = conflty, col = confcol, ...)

        }else{ # more than 1 level

          plot(ob[[1]][, 1], ob[[1]][, 2], type = "n", xlab = xlab,
               ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, ...)

          for (i in 1:object$Nlevels) {

            if(func == "survival"){ob[[i]][, 2] <- 1 - ob[[i]][, 2]}
            if(func == "survival" & ci == TRUE){obCI[[i]] <- 1 - obCI[[i]]}

            lines(ob[[i]][, 1], ob[[i]][, 2], type = type, col = col[i],
                  lty = lty, ...)
            if (ci == TRUE) {
              lines(x = ob[[i]][, 1], y = obCI[[i]][, 1], type = conftype,
                    lty = conflty, col = confcol[i], ...)
              lines(x = ob[[i]][, 1], y = obCI[[i]][, 2], type = conftype,
                    lty = conflty, col = confcol[i], ...)
          legend("bottomright", object$levels, col = col, lty = lty)


      } #ends for sojourn

      stop("Argument x must be either survIDM object.")



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survidm documentation built on June 25, 2021, 1:07 a.m.