
Defines functions survivalROC.C survivalROC

Documented in survivalROC survivalROC.C

## survivalROC.R
## AUTHOR:  P. Heagerty
## DATE:  98/08/18
## (last modified:  98/11/17)
## Comments added by : P. SAHA
## DATE: 06/04/19
## Function name changed from roc.KM.calc() to survivalROC() as of 06/05/17
survivalROC<-function( Stime, status, marker, entry=NULL,
			predict.time, cut.values=NULL,
			method="NNE", lambda=NULL, span=NULL,
			window="symmetric" )
  ## DATE: July 12, 2006
  ## one of the option of method is changed from "smooth" to "NNE"
## PURPOSE:  calculations for Kaplan-Meier based ROC curve
### drop any missing
  ## changed input from times to Stime, June 1, 2006, by Paramita Saha
  ## to make both the functions similar
x <- marker

if( is.null(entry) ) entry <- rep( 0, length(times) )
bad <- is.na(times) | is.na(status) | is.na(x) | is.na(entry)
entry <- entry[!bad]
times <- times[!bad]
status <- status[!bad]
x <- x[!bad]
if( sum(bad)>0 ) cat(paste("\n", sum(bad),
			"records with missing values dropped. \n") )
if( is.null(cut.values) ) cut.values <- unique(x)
cut.values <- cut.values[ order(cut.values) ]
ncuts <- length(cut.values)
### sort the times
ooo <- order( times )
times <- times[ooo]
status <- status[ooo]
x <- x[ooo]
### overall survival probability
s0 <- 1.0
unique.t0 <- unique( times )
unique.t0 <- unique.t0[ order(unique.t0) ]
## print( unique.t0 )
n.times <- sum( unique.t0 <= predict.time )
for( j in 1:n.times ){
	n<-sum( entry <= unique.t0[j] & times >= unique.t0[j] )
	d<-sum( (entry <= unique.t0[j])&(times==unique.t0[j])&(status==1) )
	if( n>0 ) s0<-s0*( 1 - d/n )	
s.pooled <- s0
## print( s.pooled )
### compute the sensitivity and specificity for each cut.value
roc.matrix <- matrix( NA, ncuts, 2 )
## changed to strictly greater 98/11/17
roc.matrix[ncuts,1] <- 0.0
roc.matrix[ncuts,2] <- 1.0
if( method=="KM" ){
for( c in 1:(ncuts-1) ){
  s0 <- 1.0
## changed to strictly greater 98/11/17
  subset <- as.logical( x > cut.values[c] )
  e0 <- entry[subset]
  t0 <- times[subset]
  c0 <- status[subset]
  if( !is.null(t0) ){
   unique.t0 <- unique( t0 )
   unique.t0 <- unique.t0[ order(unique.t0) ]
   n.times <- sum( unique.t0 <= predict.time )
   if( n.times>0 ){
    for( j in 1:n.times ){
	  n<-sum( e0 <= unique.t0[j] & t0 >= unique.t0[j] )
	  d<-sum( (e0<=unique.t0[j])& (t0==unique.t0[j])&(c0==1) )
	  if( n>0 ) s0<-s0*( 1 - d/n )	
  p0 <- mean(subset) 
  roc.matrix[ c, 1 ] <-  (1-s0) * p0 / (1-s.pooled)
  roc.matrix[ c, 2 ] <-  1 - s0 * p0 / s.pooled
}## end-of method=="KM"
if( method=="NNE" ){
  if( is.null(lambda) & is.null(span) ){
	## cat("method = smooth requires either lambda or span! \n")
    	cat("method = NNE requires either lambda or span! \n")
  x.unique <- unique(x)
  x.unique <- x.unique[ order(x.unique) ]
  S.t.x <- rep( 0, length(x.unique) )
  t.evaluate <- unique( times[status==1] )
  t.evaluate <- t.evaluate[ order(t.evaluate) ]
  t.evaluate <- t.evaluate[ t.evaluate <= predict.time ]
  for( j in 1:length(x.unique) ){
	if( !is.null(span) ){
	 if( window=="symmetric" ){
### symmetric
		ddd <- ( x - x.unique[j] )
		n <- length(x)
		ddd <- ddd[ order(ddd) ]
		index0 <- sum( ddd< 0 ) + 1
		index1 <- index0 + trunc(n*span +.5)

                ## Date: May 5, 2008
                ## Someone sent us an email saying that the same span
                ## produced very different results in .R vs .C
                ## code. We found out that .R was using interval
                ## length = n*span/2 on either side while .C was using
                ## length = n*span+.5 on either side, so the interval
                ## length considered in .C was double the length for
                ## .R. Today, we fixed the .R code from the following
                ## line to the line above.
		## index1 <- index0 + trunc(n*span +.5)

                if( index1>n ) index1 <- n
		lambda <- ddd[ index1 ]
		wt <- as.integer( ( (x-x.unique[j]) <= lambda ) & 
				  ( (x-x.unique[j]) >= 0 ) )
		index0 <- sum( ddd<= 0 ) 
		index2 <- index0 - trunc(n*span/2)
		if( index2<1 ) index2 <- 1
		lambda <- abs( ddd[ index1 ] )
		set.index<- ( (x-x.unique[j]) >= -lambda ) & 
				  ( (x-x.unique[j]) <= 0 ) 
		wt[ set.index ] <- 1

	 if( window=="asymmetric" ){
### asymmetric
		ddd <- ( x - x.unique[j] )
		n <- length(x)
		ddd <- ddd[ order(ddd) ]
		index0 <- sum( ddd< 0 ) + 1
		index <- index0 + trunc(n*span)
		if( index>n ) index <- n
		lambda <- ddd[ index ]
		wt <- as.integer( ( (x-x.unique[j]) <= lambda ) & 
				  ( (x-x.unique[j]) >= 0 ) )
		## wt <- as.integer( abs(x-x.unique[j]) <= lambda )
		wt <- exp( -(x-x.unique[j])^2 / lambda^2 )
  	s0 <- 1.0
	for( k in 1:length(t.evaluate) ){
  	  n <- sum( wt*(entry<=t.evaluate[k])&(times >= t.evaluate[k]) )
	  d <- sum( wt*(entry<=t.evaluate[k])&(times==t.evaluate[k])*
			(status==1) )
	if( n > 0 ) s0 <- s0 * ( 1 - d/n )
	S.t.x[j] <- s0
  S.all.x <- S.t.x[ match( x, x.unique ) ]
  n <- length( times )
  S.marginal <- sum( S.all.x )/n
  for( c in 1:(ncuts-1) ){
## changed to strictly greater 98/11/17
	p1 <- sum( x > cut.values[c] )/n
	Sx <- sum( S.all.x[ x > cut.values[c] ] )/n
	roc.matrix[ c, 1 ] <- (p1-Sx)/(1-S.marginal)
	roc.matrix[ c, 2 ] <-  1 - Sx/S.marginal
}## end-of method=="NNE"
x <- 1 - c( 0.0, specificity )
y <- c( 1.0, sensitivity )
n <- length( x )
dx <- x[-n] - x[-1]
mid.y <- ( y[-n] + y[-1] )/2
## print( sum(dx) )
area <- sum( dx*mid.y )

list(cut.values=c(-Inf, cut.values),
     ## renamed x as cut.values and changed from (NA,unique.x) to this one. June 1, 2006, By Paramita Saha
     ## sensitivity=roc.matrix[,1], Changed to TP and FP with 1.0 value added 06/05/15
     ## specificity=roc.matrix[,2],
     predict.time=predict.time, ## predict.time included in the return object, June 1, 2006
     Survival = s.pooled,

survivalROC.C <- function( 
                                span = 0.05 ){

# PURPOSE:  compute survivalROC using NNE method of 
#           Heagerty, Lumley & Pepe (2000)
# AUTHOR:  P. Heagerty
# DATE:  00/09/06
# REVISION by P. Saha
# DATE: 06/03/08
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
##### subset for missing X or (Stime,status)
  ## changed input from PredictTime to predict.time, June 1, 2006, by Paramita Saha
  ## to make both the functions similar
  x <- marker 
drop <- is.na(Stime) | is.na(status) | is.na(x )
## checking how many have missing Stime or status or missing marker values
## we are excluding those who have missing at least one of the above

if( sum(drop)>0 ){
  ndrop <- sum(drop)
  cat(paste("\n cases dropped due to missing values:", ndrop, "\n\n"))
  ## dropping the missing values and updating Stime, status and x to
  ## corrspond to those without any missing values
  Stime <- Stime[ !drop ]
  status <- status[ !drop ] 
  x <- x[ !drop ]
unique.Stimes <- unique( Stime[status==1] )
## unique survival times for those who died or had an event
## (i.e. uncensored) unique failure times
unique.Stimes <- unique.Stimes[ order(unique.Stimes) ]
## and ordeing the unique survival times, but also keeping the
## original Stime as well
unique.x <- unique( x )
## identifying unique marker values
unique.x <- unique.x[ order(unique.x) ]
## and ordering them

###### sort based on x
## suppose a= c(3,5,1,8)
## then order(a)=(3,1,2,4)
## i.e.,3rd element of a is the smallest, then the 1st, then the 2nd
## and then the 4th

ooo <- order(x)
## finding the orders of x
Stime <- Stime[ooo]
## then rearranging Stime, status and x according to order of x, so
## that each row correspond to a person and the observations are
## ordered according to increasing values of x
status <- status[ooo]
x <- x[ooo]
## n is total observations
n <- length(x)
p <- length(unique.Stimes)
## p is total no of unique failure times
q <- length(unique.x)
## q is number of unique marker values
## need to generate True positives and False positives, so
## initializing them to be zeros.
TP <- rep( 0, q )
FP <- rep( 0, q )
SurvT <- 0.0
z <- .C( "survivalROC",
        SurvT = as.double(SurvT),
        TP = as.double(TP),
        FP = as.double(FP),
        as.integer(q), PACKAGE = "survivalROC")
  area <- function(x,y)
    ## check to see if x and y are of same length and have at least two elements
         print("ERROR: variables of different length")
        nr <- NROW(x)
        nr1 <- nr-1
        a <- sum( y[1:nr1]*(x[2:nr]-x[1:nr1]))
        b <- sum( y[2:nr]*(x[2:nr]-x[1:nr1]))
        temp <- (a+b)/2

  TP <- c( 1.0, z[["TP"]]); FP <- c( 1.0, z[["FP"]])
  AUC= area(FP[NROW(FP):1], TP[NROW(TP):1])
out <- list( cut.values = c(-Inf, unique.x),
            ## renamed x as cut.values and changed from (NA, unique.x) to (-Inf, unique.x). June 1, 2006, By Paramita Saha
             TP = c( 1.0, z[["TP"]]),
             FP = c( 1.0, z[["FP"]]),
             predict.time = PredictTime,
             Survival = z[["SurvT"]],
             AUC = AUC

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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survivalROC documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 5:21 p.m.