Man pages for symphony
Efficient and Precise Single-Cell Reference Atlas Mapping

buildReferenceFunction for building a Symphony reference starting from...
buildReferenceFromHarmonyObjFunction for building a Symphony reference from a Harmony...
calcknncorrCalculates the k-NN correlation, which measures how well the...
calcknncorrWithinQueryCalculates the k-NN correlation within the query cells only,...
calcPerCellMappingMetricPer-cell Confidence Score: Calculates the weighted...
calcPerClusterMappingMetricPer-cluster Confidence Score: Calculates the Mahalanobis...
evaluateFunction for evaluating F1 by cell type, adapted from...
findVariableGenesFunction to find variable genes using mean variance...
knnPredictPredict annotations of query cells from the reference using...
mapQueryFunction for mapping query cells to a Symphony reference
pbmcs_exprs_smallLog(CP10k+1) normalized counts matrix (genes by cells) for...
pbmcs_meta_smallMetadata for 10x PBMCs dataset for vignette.
plotReferenceFunction to plot reference, colored by cell type
rowSDsCalculate standard deviations by row
runPCAQueryAloneRuns a standard PCA pipeline on query (1 batch). Assumes...
scaleDataWithStatsScale data with given mean and standard deviations
vargenes_vstFunction to find variable genes using variance stabilizing...
symphony documentation built on Jan. 17, 2023, 1:13 a.m.