
write.plink <- function(gp,wdir=getwd(),prefix=paste(substitute(gp)),ld.threshold=0,type=c("data.frame","matrix"),ld.window=99999){

       # information from arguments
       geno <- gp$geno
       n <- nrow(geno)
       M <- ncol(geno)

       # recode genotypic data
       geno[geno==0] <- "BB" ##? or "AA"
       geno[geno==2] <- "AA"
       geno[geno==1] <- "AB" 
       # prepare .ped file
       # family ID, individual ID, paternal ID, maternal ID, sex, phenotype, genotypedata
       # we omit cols 3-6
                warning("missing family information in gpData$covar")
                gp$covar$family <- 1

       family <- gp$covar$family[gp$covar$genotyped]  # only for individuals with genotypes

       id <- gp$covar$id[gp$covar$genotyped]  # only for individuals with genotypes
       # combine in one file
       ped <- data.frame(family,id,geno)
       # prepare .map file
       # Chromosome ID, SNP ID, genetic distance, bp pos
       chr <- gp$map$chr
       if (length(chr)!=M) stop("PLINK does not allow different number of markers in 'map' and 'geno'")
       snpID <- rownames(gp$map)
       gPos <- bpPos <- gp$map$pos
       #else gPos <- rep(0,M)
       #if(gp$info$map.unit=="bp") bpPos <- gp$map$pos
       #else bpPos <- rep(0,M)
       # combine in one file
       map <- data.frame(chr,snpID,gPos,bpPos)
       # write data for PLINK
       # write PLINK script (sink does not work for Linux)
       #zz <- file(file.path(wdir,paste(prefix,"plinkScript.txt",sep="")), open="wt")
       #cat("--ped ",prefix,".ped \n",sep="",append=TRUE)
       #cat("--map ",prefix,".map \n",sep="",append=TRUE)
       #cat("--compound-genotypes \n")
       #cat("--out ",prefix,"\n")
       #cat("--no-parents \n")
       #cat("--no-sex \n")
       #cat("--no-pheno \n")
       #cat("--allow-no-sex \n")
       #if(type=="matrix") cat("--matrix \n")
       #else { 
       # cat("--ld-window 99999\n")
       # cat("--ld-window-r2 ",ld.threshold)
       #cat("--r2 \n")
       cat("--ped ",prefix,".ped \n","--map ",prefix,".map \n","--compound-genotypes \n","--out ",prefix,"\n","--no-parents \n","--no-sex \n","--no-pheno \n","--allow-no-sex \n",ifelse(type=="matrix","--matrix \n",paste("--ld-window ",nrow(map),"\n","--ld-window-kb ",ld.window,"\n","--ld-window-r2 ",ld.threshold,"\n",sep="")),"--r2 \n",sep="",file=file.path(wdir,paste(prefix,"plinkScript.txt",sep="")))


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

synbreed documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:23 a.m.