
Defines functions hmisc_data_type summarize_spearman summarize_chisq summarize_kruskal_vert summarize_kruskal_horz

Documented in hmisc_data_type summarize_chisq summarize_kruskal_horz summarize_kruskal_vert summarize_spearman

# tangram a general purpose table toolkit for R
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Shawn Garbett
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Style Bundle for Hmisc defaults
#' List of lists, should contain a "Type" entry with a function to determine type of vector passed in.
#' Next entries are keyed off returned types from function, and represent the type of a row.
#' The returned list should contain the same list of types, and represents the type of a column. Thus it now returns
#' a function to process the intersection of those two types.
#' There are additionally a list of cell tranforms that can be overridden and a default
#' footnote if none is specified.
#' @param table The table object to modify
#' @param row The row variable object to use (numerical)
#' @param column The column variable to use (categorical)
#' @param cell_style list; cell styling functions
#' @param collapse_single logical; default TRUE. Categorical variables with a two values collapse to single row.
#' @param pformat numeric, character or function; A formatting directive to be applied to p-values
#' @param msd logical; Include mean and standard deviation with quantile statistics
#' @param quant numeric; Vector of quantiles to include. Should be an odd number since the middle value is highlighted on display.
#' @param overall logical or character; Include overall summary statistics for a categorical column. Character values are assumed to be true and used as column header.
#' @param row_percents logical; use denominator across rows instead of columns.
#' @param test logical or function; include statistical test results. Function signature must be function(row, col, cell_style, ...)
#' @param useNA character; Specifies whether to include NA counts in the table. The allowed values correspond to never "no" (Default), only if the count is positive "ifany" and even for zero counts "always". An NA column is always excluded.
#' @param ... absorbs additional arugments. Unused at present.
#' @return The modified table object
#' @rdname hmisc
#' @seealso \code{\link{hmisc_data_type}}, \code{\link{tangram}}, \code{\link{hmisc_cell}}
#' @section \code{summarize_kruskal_horz}:
#' Given a row and column object apply a Kruskal test and output
#' the results horizontally. 1 X (n + no. categories + test statistic)
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @include hmisc-biVar.R
#' @include compile.R
#' @include compile-cell.R
#' @include compile-typing.R
#' @include helper-format.R
#' @importFrom stats chisq.test
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom stats cor.test
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom stats wilcox.test
summarize_kruskal_horz <- function(table,
                                   quant=c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
  # Treat overall as a label if it's character
  overall_label <- if(is.character(overall)) overall else "Overall"
  overall       <- column$value != "1" && (isTRUE(overall) || is.character(overall))
  datar         <- row$data
  datac         <- as.categorical(column$data)
  categories    <- if(overall) c(levels(datac), overall_label) else levels(datac)
  categories    <- if(length(categories) == 1) overall_label else categories
  format        <- ifelse(is.na(row$format), format_guess(datar), row$format)

  # Compute N values for each category
  subN <- lapply(levels(datac), FUN=function(cat){
    cell_style[['n']](length(datac[datac == cat & !is.na(datac)]), subcol=cat, hdr=TRUE, possible=length(datac), ...)

  if(overall) subN[[length(subN)+1]] <- cell_style[['n']]( sum(!is.na(column$data)),
                                           hdr=TRUE, subcol="Overall", possible=length(column$data), ...)

  if(inherits(test, "function"))
    stat <- test(row, column, cell_style, ...)
    test <- TRUE
  } else if(length(categories) == 1) stat <- "" else
  # Kruskal-Wallis via F-distribution
    tst  <- suppressWarnings(spearman2(datac, datar, na.action=na.retain))
    stat <- cell_style[['fstat']](
        f         = render_f(tst['F'], "%.2f"),
        df1       = tst['df1'],
        df2       = tst['df2'],
        p         = cell_style[['p']](tst['P'], pformat))

  tbl <- if(test) {
    col_header(table, "N", categories, "Test Statistic")  %>% col_header("", subN, "")
  } else {
    col_header(table, "N", categories)  %>% col_header("", subN)

  tbl <- row_header(tbl, derive_label(row, ...))

  tbl <- add_col(tbl, cell_style[['n']](sum(!is.na(datar)), possible=length(datar), ...)) %>%
  table_apply(categories, function(tbl, category) {
     x  <- if(category == overall_label) datar else datar[datac == category]

     if(sum(!is.na(x)) > 0) {
       add_col(tbl, cell_style[['iqr']](x, format, na.rm=TRUE, subcol=category, msd=msd, quant=quant))
     } else {
       add_col(tbl, "")


  if(test) tbl <- add_col(tbl, stat)


#' @section \code{summarize_kruskal_vert}:
#' Given a row and column object from the parser apply a Kruskal test and output
#' the results vertically (#Categories+1) X (N, Summary, Statistic)
#' @rdname hmisc
#' @export
summarize_kruskal_vert <- function(table, row, column, cell_style, collapse_single=TRUE, pformat=NULL, msd=FALSE, test=FALSE, ...)
  datar      <- as.categorical(row$data)
  datac      <- column$data
  categories <- levels(datar)
  collapse   <- length(categories) == 1

  # Kruskal-Wallis via F-distribution
  if(inherits(test, "function"))
    stat <- test(row, column, cell_style, ...)
    test <- TRUE
  } else {
    stat  <- suppressWarnings(spearman2(datar, datac, na.action=na.retain))
    stat  <- if(collapse) "" else
                      f   = render_f(stat['F'], "%.2f"),
                      df1 = stat['df1'],
                      df2 = stat['df2'],
                      p   = cell_style[['p']](stat['P'], pformat))

  N <- cell_style[['n']](sum(!is.na(datac)), hdr=TRUE, possible=length(datac), ...)

  tbl <- if(test)
    col_header(table, "N", derive_label(column, ...), "Test Statistic") %>% col_header("", N, "")
  } else {
    col_header(table, "N", derive_label(column, ...)) %>% col_header("", N)

  tbl <- if(collapse)
    row_header(tbl, derive_label(row, ...)) %>%
    add_col(cell_style[['n']](sum(!is.na(datac)), subcol=categories[1], possible=length(datac), ...))           %>%
    add_col(cell_style[['iqr']](datac, column$format, na.rm=TRUE, msd=msd, subrow=categories[1]))
  } else if(collapse_single && length(categories) == 2)
    category <- categories[2]
    x <- datac[datar == category]

    row_header(tbl, paste(derive_label(row, ...), ":", category) )    %>%
    add_col(cell_style[['n']](sum(!is.na(datac)), possible=length(datac), subcol=category, ...))           %>%
    add_col(cell_style[['iqr']](x, column$format, na.rm=TRUE, subrow=category, msd=msd))
  } else

    row_header(tbl, derive_label(row, ...))                                %>%
    add_col("", "")                                                   %>%
    new_line()                                                        %>%
    table_apply(categories, FUN=function(tbl, category) {
      x <- datac[datar == category]
      tbl                                                  %>%
      row_header(paste0("  ", category))                   %>%
      add_col(cell_style[['n']](length(x), possible=length(datac), subcol=category, ...))            %>%
      add_col(cell_style[['iqr']](x, column$format, na.rm=TRUE, subrow=category, msd=msd)) %>%
    })                                                                %>%
    cursor_pos(1, 3)

  if(test) tbl <- add_col(tbl, stat)


#' @section \code{summarize_chisq}:
#' Given a row and column object from the parser apply a chi^2 test and output
#' the results
#' @rdname hmisc
#' @export
summarize_chisq <- function(table,
  grid <- table(as.categorical(row$data), as.categorical(column$data), useNA=useNA)
  if(is.na(colnames(grid)[ncol(grid)])) grid <- grid[,1:(ncol(grid)-1)]

  validcol      <- which(!apply(grid,2,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)}))
  validrow      <- which(!apply(grid,1,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)}))
  stat          <- if(length(validrow) < 2 || length(validcol) < 2) NA else suppressWarnings(chisq.test(grid[validrow,validcol], correct=FALSE))
  ncol          <- dim(grid)[2]
  nrow          <- dim(grid)[1]

  denominators  <- if(row_percents)
                     matrix(rep(rowSums(grid), ncol), ncol=ncol, byrow=FALSE)
                     matrix(rep(colSums(grid), nrow), ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE)

  rowlabels     <- rownames(grid)

  # Compute overall N values for each category
  # length(datac[datac == cat & !is.na(datac)])
  subN <- lapply(colnames(grid), FUN=function(cat)
    cell_style[['n']](sum(column$data == cat, na.rm=TRUE), subcol=cat, possible=length(column$data), hdr=TRUE, ...)

  if(!is.null(overall) && (!is.logical(overall) || overall))
    denominators <- cbind(denominators, rep(sum(grid), nrow))
    grid         <- cbind(grid,         rowSums(grid))
    colnames(grid)[ncol+1] <- if(is.character(overall)) overall else "Overall"
    subN[[ncol+1]] <- cell_style[['n']]( sum(!is.na(column$data)), possible=length(column$data), subcol="Overall", hdr=TRUE, ...)
    ncol         <- ncol + 1

  # Collapse to a single line when requested for 2 binomial factors
  if(collapse_single && dim(grid)[1]<=2)
    # Why is this so difficult?

    # More complex name derivation
    name <- row$name()
          l2 <- attr(row$data, "label")
          if(!is.null(l2)) {name<-l2}

    pos <- dim(grid)[1]

    # Select part of grid table, then do all the munging to get it back in form
    x <- matrix(grid[pos,], nrow=1)
    colnames(x) <- colnames(grid)
    rownames(x) <- paste(name,":", rownames(grid)[pos])
    grid <- x
    denominators <- matrix(denominators[pos,], nrow=1)
    nrow <- 1
  else # Give a good indent otherwise
      rownames(grid)[nrow(grid)] <- "Missing (%)"
    rownames(grid)   <- lapply(rownames(grid), FUN=function(x) paste("  ", x))

  # compute the stats if needed
  if(inherits(test, "function"))
    test_result <- test(row, column, cell_style, ...)
    test <- TRUE
  } else if(test)
    test_result <- if(any(is.na(stat))) cell("NA") else
        render_f(stat$statistic, 2),
        cell_style[['p']](stat$p.value, pformat)

  # Column Headers
  if(test) {
    table <- col_header(table, "N", colnames(grid), "Test Statistic")
    table <- col_header(table, "", subN, "")
  } else {
    table <- col_header(table, "N", colnames(grid))
    table <- col_header(table, "", subN)

  # Row Headers
  if(nrow > 1) table <- row_header(table, derive_label(row, ...)) # Deal with single
  for(nm in rownames(grid)) table <- row_header(table, nm)

  # The N value
  table <- add_col(table, cell_style[['n']](sum(!is.na(row$data)), possible=length(row$data), ...))

  # Now loop the grid into the table as a fraction
  for(j in 1:ncol)
    if(nrow > 1) table <- add_row(table, "")
    format <- if(is.na(row$format) || is.null(row$format)) format_guess(as.vector(grid/denominators)) else row$format
    for(i in 1:nrow)
      table <-
        if(denominators[i,j] == 0)
          add_row(table, "")
                                grid[i,j], denominators[i,j],
                                subcol=colnames(grid)[i], subrow=rownames(grid)[j]))
    table <- new_col(table)

    table <- add_row(table, test_result)

    # Fill in blank cells in stats column
    if(nrow > 1) table <- add_row(table, rep("", nrow))


#' @section \code{summarize_spearman}:
#' Given a row and column object from the parser apply a Spearman test and output
#' the results in a 1X3 format.
#' @rdname hmisc
#' @export
summarize_spearman <- function(table, row, column, cell_style, pformat=NULL, test=FALSE, ...)
  datar   <- row$data
  datac   <- column$data

  tbl     <- row_header(table, derive_label(row, ...))

  N <- cell_style[['n']](sum(!is.na(datac)), possible=length(datac), hdr=TRUE, ...)

  estimate <- unname(suppressWarnings(cor.test(datar, datac, alternate="two.sided", method="spearman", na.action=na.omit, exact=FALSE))$estimate)
  if(inherits(test, "function"))
    stat <- test(row, column, cell_style, ...)
    test <- TRUE
  } else if(test)
    stat <- suppressWarnings(cor.test(datar, datac, alternate="two.sided", method="spearman", na.action=na.omit, exact=FALSE))
    stat <- cell_style[['spearman']](
      render_f(estimate, row$format),
      cell_style[['p']](stat$p.value, pformat)

  tbl <- if(test)
    col_header(tbl, "N", derive_label(column, ...), "Test Statistic") %>% col_header("", N, "")
  } else {
    col_header(tbl, "N", derive_label(column, ...)) %>% col_header("", N)

  tbl <- add_col(tbl, cell_style[['n']](sum(!is.na(datar) & !is.na(datac)),possible=length(datar), ...))
  tbl <- add_col(tbl, paste0("\u03c1=", render_f(estimate, row$format)))

  if(test) tbl <- add_col(tbl, stat)


#' Determine data type of a vector loosely consistent with Hmisc.
#' @param x Vector to determine type of
#' @param category_threshold The upper threshold of unique values for which a vector is considered categorical.
#' @return One of the following strings: Binomial, Categorical, or Numerical.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{hmisc}}
#' @examples
#' hmisc_data_type(c(1,2,3))
#' hmisc_data_type(factor(c("A","B","C")))
#' hmisc_data_type(factor(c("A","B","B","A")))
#' hmisc_data_type(factor(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)))
hmisc_data_type <- function(x, category_threshold=NA)
  #if(inherits(x,"data.frame")) x <- x[,1] # FIXME: Need to deal with factors
  if(is.categorical(x,category_threshold))  "Categorical" else
  if(is.numeric(x))                         "Numerical"   else
  stop(paste("Unsupported class/type - ",class(x), typeof(x)))

#' @section \code{hmisc}:
#' \preformatted{hmisc <- list(
#'  Type        = hmisc_data_type,
#'  Numerical   = list(
#'    Numerical   = summarize_spearman,
#'    Categorical = summarize_kruskal_horz
#'  ),
#'  Categorical = list(
#'    Numerical   = summarize_kruskal_vert,
#'    Categorical = summarize_chisq
#'  ),
#'  Cell        = hmisc_cell,
#'  Footnote    = "N is the number of non-missing value. ^1^Kruskal-Wallis. ^2^Pearson. ^3^Wilcoxon."
#' )}
#' @export
#' @rdname hmisc
#' @keywords data
hmisc <- list(
  Type        = hmisc_data_type,
  Numerical   = list(
                  Numerical   = summarize_spearman,
                  Categorical = summarize_kruskal_horz
  Categorical = list(
                  Numerical   = summarize_kruskal_vert,
                  Categorical = summarize_chisq
  Cell        = hmisc_cell,
  Footnote    = "N is the number of non-missing value. ^1^Kruskal-Wallis. ^2^Pearson. ^3^Wilcoxon."

#' Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
#' D This data is from the Mayo Clinic trial in primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) of the liver conducted between 1974 and 1984. A total of 424 PBC patients, referred to Mayo Clinic during that ten-year interval, met eligibility criteria for the randomized placebo controlled trial of the drug D-penicillamine. The first 312 cases in the data set participated in the randomized trial and contain largely complete data. The additional 112 cases did not participate in the clinical trial, but consented to have basic measurements recorded and to be followed for survival. Six of those cases were lost to follow-up shortly after diagnosis, so the data here are on an additional 106 cases as well as the 312 randomized participants.
#' A nearly identical data set found in appendix D of Fleming and Harrington; this version has fewer missing values.
#' Included for use in example from Hmisc.
#' @name pbc
#' @docType data
#' @keywords data

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