
Defines functions .nondom .pava .softmax .groupsum .clusterid fast_iid ace_est bin_esteq_c bin_esteq bin_dlogl_c bin_pa bin_dlogl bin_logl .ode_solve2 .ode_solve .predNB .NB

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

.NB <- function(y, x, xlev, ylev, weights, laplacesmooth = 1.0) {
    .Call(`_targeted_NB`, y, x, xlev, ylev, weights, laplacesmooth)

.predNB <- function(X, condprob, xord, multinomial, prior, threshold = 1E-3) {
    .Call(`_targeted_predNB`, X, condprob, xord, multinomial, prior, threshold)

.ode_solve <- function(f, input, init, par) {
    .Call(`_targeted_ode_solve`, f, input, init, par)

.ode_solve2 <- function(f, input, init, par) {
    .Call(`_targeted_ode_solve2`, f, input, init, par)

bin_logl <- function(y, a, x1, x2, par, weights, type = "rd", indiv = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_targeted_bin_logl`, y, a, x1, x2, par, weights, type, indiv)

bin_dlogl <- function(y, a, x1, x2, par, weights, type = "rd", indiv = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_targeted_bin_dlogl`, y, a, x1, x2, par, weights, type, indiv)

bin_pa <- function(y, a, x1, x2, par, type = "rd") {
    .Call(`_targeted_bin_pa`, y, a, x1, x2, par, type)

bin_dlogl_c <- function(y, a, x1, x2, par, weights, type = "rd", indiv = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_targeted_bin_dlogl_c`, y, a, x1, x2, par, weights, type, indiv)

bin_esteq <- function(y, a, x1, x2, pr, alpha, par, weights, type = "rd") {
    .Call(`_targeted_bin_esteq`, y, a, x1, x2, pr, alpha, par, weights, type)

bin_esteq_c <- function(y, a, x1, x2, x3, alpha, par, weights, type = "rd") {
    .Call(`_targeted_bin_esteq_c`, y, a, x1, x2, x3, alpha, par, weights, type)

ace_est <- function(y, a, x1, x2, theta, weights, offset, link = "identity") {
    .Call(`_targeted_ace_est`, y, a, x1, x2, theta, weights, offset, link)

fast_iid <- function(y, p, x1, weights, logistic = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_targeted_fast_iid`, y, p, x1, weights, logistic)

.clusterid <- function(id) {
    .Call(`_targeted_clusterid`, id)

.groupsum <- function(x, cluster, reduce = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_targeted_groupsum`, x, cluster, reduce)

.softmax <- function(lp, ref = TRUE, log = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_targeted_softmax`, lp, ref, log)

.pava <- function(y, x, weights) {
    .Call(`_targeted_pava`, y, x, weights)

.nondom <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_targeted_nondom`, x)

# Register entry points for exported C++ functions
methods::setLoadAction(function(ns) {

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targeted documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:08 a.m.