
#' methods for preparing/printing info for prompts for `get_*` functions
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # nms <- c("Quercus", "Sasdsfasdf")
#' # x <- progressor$new(items = nms)
#' # x
#' # x$prog_start()
#' # x$completed(nms[1], "found")
#' # x$prog_found()
#' # x$completed(nms[2], "not found")
#' # x$prog_not_found()
#' # x$prog_summary()
#' # suppress cli::cat_line
#' # x <- progressor$new(items = nms, suppress = TRUE)
#' # x$prog_summary()
#' }
progressor <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field total (integer) x
    total = 0,
    #' @field found (integer) list of results when name found
    found = list(),
    #' @field not_found (integer) list of results when name not found
    not_found = list(),
    #' @field done (integer) x
    done = list(),
    #' @field suppress (integer) x
    suppress = FALSE,

    #' @description Create a new `progressor` object
    #' @param items (character) xxx
    #' @param suppress (logical) suppress messages. default: `FALSE`
    #' @return A new `progressor` object
    initialize = function(items, suppress = FALSE) {
      if (!missing(items)) self$total <- length(items)
      if (!is.null(taxize_env$options$taxon_state_messages)) {
        self$suppress <- taxize_env$options$taxon_state_messages
      } else {
        self$suppress <- suppress
    #' @description add results to found or not found
    #' @param name (character) vector of names
    #' @param att (character) one of "found" or "not found"
    #' @return nothing returned; adds to `$found` or `$not_found`
    completed = function(name, att) {
        "found" = self$completed_found(name),
        "not found" = self$completed_not_found(name))
    #' @description add to found results
    #' @param name (character) vector of taxon names
    #' @return nothing returned; adds to `$found`
    completed_found = function(name) self$found <- c(self$found, name),
    #' @description add to not found results
    #' @param name (character) vector of taxon names
    #' @return nothing returned; adds to `$not_found`
    completed_not_found = function(name) {
      self$not_found <- c(self$not_found, name)
    #' @description print messages of total queries to do, and 
    #' percent completed
    prog_start = function() {
          left = sprintf(" %s queries ", self$total),
          line = 2, line_col = "blue", width = 30)
      len <- length(self$found) + length(self$not_found)
      if (len > 0) {
          left = sprintf(" %s completed ", len),
          line = 2, line_col = "lightblue", width = 25)
    #' @description prints message of found or not found using packages
    #' cli and crayon
    #' @param att (character) one of "found" or "not found"
    #' @return messages
    prog = function(att) {
        "found" = self$prog_found(),
        "not found" = self$prog_not_found())
    #' @description prints found message using packages cli and crayon
    #' @return messages
    prog_found = function() {
      name <- private$last(self$found)
          paste(private$sym$tick,  " Found: "), "green"), name)
    #' @description prints not found message using packages cli and crayon
    #' @return messages
    prog_not_found = function() {
      name <- private$last(self$not_found)
          paste(private$sym$cross,  " Not Found: "), "red"), name)
    #' @description prints summary at end of result with total found and
    #' not found
    #' @return messages
    prog_summary = function() {
        cli::rule(left = " Results ", line = 2, line_col = "grey", width = 30),
        paste(private$sym$bullet, "Total:",
          crayon::style(self$total, "green"), "\n"),
        paste(private$sym$bullet, "Found:",
          crayon::style(length(self$found), "green"), "\n"),
        paste(private$sym$bullet, "Not Found:",
          crayon::style(length(self$not_found), "green"))

  active = list(
    #' @field p (integer) percent done
    p = function() (length(self$done) / self$total) * 100,
    #' @field d (integer) number done
    d = function() length(c(self$found, self$not_found))

  private = list(
    sym = list(
      bullet = cli::symbol$bullet,
      tick = cli::symbol$tick,
      cross = cli::symbol$cross
    last = function(x) x[length(x)],
    sm = function(x) if (!self$suppress) x,
    update_suppress = function() {
      if (!is.null(taxize_env$options$taxon_state_messages)) {
        self$suppress <- taxize_env$options$taxon_state_messages

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

taxize documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:13 p.m.