
Defines functions list_higher_taxo

Documented in list_higher_taxo

#'Get higher taxonomy data for list of names
#'Retrieve higher taxonomy information (like Family and Order) for each record
#'from the "Encyclopedia of Life" web API.
#'This function makes use of certain functions in the \code{\link{taxize}}
#'package. It scans and retrieves the taxonomic hierarchy for each scientific
#'name (or just genus name) in the data set. When new data are retrieved, they
#'are stored in a local sqlite database, taxo.db, for faster further access.
#'@importFrom plyr ldply
#'@importFrom taxize get_uid classification
#'@importFrom sqldf sqldf
#'@importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#'@param indf input data frame containing taxonomic list
#'@param canonical field name containing scientific names
#'@param genus If TRUE, use only genus level data to get taxonomy
#'@param verbose If TRUE, displays each name string for which the higher
#'  taxonomy is sought
#'@param progress If TRUE prints progress bar and messages on the console.
#'@return data frame with added / updated columns \describe{ \item{"Kingdom"}{Kingdom
#'  of the Scientific name} \item{"Phylum"}{Phylum of the Scientific name}
#'  \item{"Order_"}{Order of the Scientific name} \item{"Family"}{Family of the
#'  Scientific name} \item{"Genus"}{Genus of the Scientific name} } and also
#'  saves a local copy of taxonomy downloaded for future use in 'taxo.db' sqlite
#'  file
#'@examples \dontrun{
#'mylist <- data.frame("canonical" = c("Abrothrix longipilis",
#'                                     "Mus longipilis",
#'                                     "Abrothrix jelskii",
#'                                     "Cardinalis cardinalis",
#'                                     "Danaus plexippus"),
#'                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'my_taxo_list <- list_higher_taxo(mylist,"canonical")
#'@family Name functions
list_higher_taxo <- function(indf,canonical,genus=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,
  colnames(indf)[which(colnames(indf) == canonical)] <- 'Scientific_name'
  indfu <- sqldf("select Scientific_name from indf group by Scientific_name order by Scientific_name")
    mytaxo <- sqldf("select * from taxo", dbname = "taxo.db")
    indfu <- sqldf("select indfu.*, mytaxo.* from indfu left outer join mytaxo on  indfu.Scientific_name = mytaxo.Scientific_name")
    indfu <- indfu[,-c(2)]
    if(progress) {cat("Local database taxo.db is present\n")}
  } else {
    indfu$Kingdom[1] <- NA
    indfu$Phylum[1] <- NA
    indfu$Class[1] <- NA
    indfu$Order[1] <- NA
    indfu$Family[1] <- NA
    indfu$Genus[1] <- NA
    if(progress) {cat("Local database taxo.db is absent\n")}
  indfu1 <- indfu[which(!is.na(indfu$Kingdom)),]
  indfu <- indfu[which(is.na(indfu$Kingdom)),]
    if(progress) {cat("Processing names not present in local database ...\n")}
    sciname <- ""
    for(i in 1:dim(indfu)[1]){
      if(dim(indfu)[1]<=1){pbar <- 2} else {pbar <- dim(indfu)[1]}
      pb   <- txtProgressBar(1, pbar, style=3)
        Scientific_name <- strsplit(indfu$Scientific_name[i]," ")[[1]][1]
        if(is.na(Scientific_name)){Scientific_name <- ""}
      } else {
        Scientific_name <- indfu$Scientific_name[i]
      if (!Scientific_name==sciname){
        dat <- classification(get_uid(Scientific_name,verbose = verbose))
          dat1 <- ldply(dat, function(x) x[x$rank %in% c("kingdom","phylum","class","order","family","genus","species"), "name"])
          dat2 <- ldply(dat, function(x) x[x$rank %in% c("kingdom","phylum","class","order","family","genus","species"), "rank"])
        } else {
      if(!is.null(dat1)) {
        names(dat1) <- dat2
        if(!is.null(dat1$kingdom)) indfu$Kingdom[i] <- dat1$kingdom
        if(!is.null(dat1$phylum)) indfu$Phylum[i] <- dat1$phylum
        if(!is.null(dat1$class)) indfu$Class[i] <- dat1$class
        if(!is.null(dat1$order)) indfu$Order[i] <- dat1$order
        if(!is.null(dat1$family)) indfu$Family[i] <- dat1$family
        if(!is.null(dat1$genus)) indfu$Genus[i] <- dat1$genus
      sciname <- Scientific_name
      if(progress) {setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)}
  if(progress) {setTxtProgressBar(pb, pbar)}
  indfu <- rbind(indfu,indfu1)
  indf <- sqldf("select * from indf, indfu where indf.Scientific_name = indfu.Scientific_name")
    if(progress) {cat("\nUpdating local database with new names\n")}
    sqldf("insert into taxo select * from indfu where Scientific_name not in (select Scientific_name from taxo)",dbname="taxo.db")
  } else {
    sqldf("attach 'taxo.db' as new")
    sqldf("create table taxo as select * from indfu", dbname="taxo.db")
    if(progress) {cat("\nCreating local database taxo.db ...\n")}
  indf <- indf[, !duplicated(colnames(indf))]
  colnames(indf)[which(colnames(indf) == 'Scientific_name')] <- canonical

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taxotools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:09 a.m.