
Defines functions assign_pars elvdlpars list_pkmods list_parnms infer_pkfn format_pars

Documented in assign_pars elvdlpars format_pars infer_pkfn list_parnms list_pkmods

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - PK-PD model helper functions and methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @name format_pars
#' @title Format parameters for use in Rcpp functions
#' Order parameters for 1-4 compartment models to be used in Rcpp functions in
#' predict_pkmod method.
#' @param pars Vector of named parameters. Names can be capitalized or lowercase
#' and can include variations of "V1" as "V" or clearance terms rather than
#' elimination rate constants.
#' @param ncmpt Number of compartments in the model. This should be a value
#' between 1 and 4. If ncmpt = 4, it assumes that the fourth compartment is an
#' effect-site without a corresponding volume parameter.
#' @return Numeric vector of transformed parameter values.
#' @examples
#' format_pars(c(V1 = 8.9, CL = 1.4, q2 = 0.9, v2 = 18), ncmpt = 2)
#' format_pars(c(V1 = 8.9, CL = 1.4, q2 = 0.9, v2 = 18, cl2 = 3), ncmpt = 2)
#' @export
format_pars <- function(pars, ncmpt = 3){

  names(pars) <- tolower(names(pars))

  if("v" %in% names(pars)){
    v1 <- pars["v"]
  } else{
    v1 <- pars["v1"]
  if("cl" %in% names(pars)){
    k10 <- pars["cl"]/v1
  } else if("cl1" %in% names(pars)){
    k10 <- pars["cl1"]/v1
  } else if("ke" %in% names(pars))
    k10 <- pars["ke"]
    k10 <- pars["k10"]
  if(ncmpt >= 2){
    v2 <- pars["v2"]
    if("q" %in% names(pars)){
      k12 = pars["q"]/v1
      k21 = pars["q"]/v2
    } else if("q2" %in% names(pars)){
      k12 = pars["q2"]/v1
      k21 = pars["q2"]/v2
    } else{
      k12 = pars["k12"]
      k21 = pars["k21"]

    if("cl2" %in% names(pars)){
      k20 = pars["cl2"]/v2
    } else if("k20" %in% names(pars))
      k20 = pars["k20"]
      k20 = 0

  if(ncmpt >= 3){
    v3 <- pars["v3"]
    if("q3" %in% names(pars)){
      k13 = pars["q3"]/v1
      k31 = pars["q3"]/v3
    } else{
      k13 = pars["k13"]
      k31 = pars["k31"]

    if("cl3" %in% names(pars)){
      k30 = pars["cl3"]/v3
    } else if("k30" %in% names(pars))
      k30 = pars["k30"]
      k30 = 0

  if(ncmpt >= 3){
    pars_out <- unname(c(k10,k20,k30,k12,k21,k13,k31,v1,v2,v3))
    names(pars_out) <- c("k10","k20","k30","k12","k21","k13","k31","v1","v2","v3")
  } else if(ncmpt == 2){
    pars_out <- unname(c(k10,k20,k12,k21,v1,v2))
    names(pars_out) <- c("k10","k20","k12","k21","v1","v2")
  } else{
    pars_out <- unname(c(k10,v1))
    names(pars_out) <- c("k10","v1")

  if("ke0" %in% names(pars)){
    pars_out <- c(pars_out, pars["ke0"])

#' @name infer_pkfn
#' @title Identify pkfn from parameter names
#' @description Identify structural PK model function (i.e., `pkfn`) from parameter names.
#' Models available are 1-, 2-, and 3-compartment mammillary models, or 3-compartment with
#' an effect site, corresponding to functions `pkmod1cpt`, `pkmod2cpt`, `pkmod3cpt`, and
#' `pkmod3cptm`, respectively.
#' @param parnms Vector of parameter names.
#' @return Returns one of the following functions: `pkmod1cpt`, `pkmod2cpt`, `pkmod3cpt`,
#' or `pkmod3cptm` based on the parameter names entered.
#' @examples
#' # 1-compartment
#' infer_pkfn(c("CL","V"))
#' infer_pkfn(c("Cl","v1"))
#' # 2-compartment
#' infer_pkfn(c("CL","v","v2","q"))
#' # 3-compartment
#' infer_pkfn(c("CL","v","v2","q","Q2","V3"))
#' # 3-compartment with effect-site
#' infer_pkfn(c("CL","v","v2","q","Q2","V3","ke0"))
#' @export
infer_pkfn <- function(parnms){

  parnms <- tolower(parnms)

  if("ke0" %in% parnms)

  if(any(c("v3","q3") %in% parnms))

  if(any(c("v2","q2","q") %in% parnms))

  if(any(c("cl","v","v1") %in% parnms))

  warning("Could not infer pkfn from parameter names.")

#' @name list_parnms
#' @title Identify pkfn from parameter names
#' @description Identify structural PK model function (i.e., `pkfn`) from parameter names.
#' Models available are 1-, 2-, and 3-compartment mammillary models, or 3-compartment with
#' an effect site, corresponding to functions `pkmod1cpt`, `pkmod2cpt`, `pkmod3cpt`, and
#' `pkmod3cptm`, respectively.
#' @return Returns one of the following functions: `pkmod1cpt`, `pkmod2cpt`, `pkmod3cpt`,
#' or `pkmod3cptm` based on the parameter names entered.
#' @examples
#' list_parnms()
#' @export
list_parnms <- function(){
  cat("Acceptable names for 'pars_pk' vector (case-insensitive)", "\n")
  cat("\nFirst compartment options\n")
  cat(" Central volume: 'v','v1'","\n")
  cat(" Elimination: 'cl','cl1','k10','ke'","\n")
  cat("\nSecond compartment options\n")
  cat(" Peripheral volume: 'v2'","\n")
  cat(" Transfer: 'q','q2','k12','k21'","\n")
  cat(" Elimination: 'cl2','k20'","\n")
  cat("\nThird compartment options\n")
  cat(" Second peripheral volume: 'v3'","\n")
  cat(" Transfer: 'q3','k13','k31'","\n")
  cat(" Elimination: 'cl3','k30'","\n")
  cat(" Elimination: 'ke0'")

#' @name list_pkmods
#' @title Print population PK models available in `tci`
#' @description Print population PK models available in `tci` for propofol (Marsh,
#' Schnider, Eleveld) and remifentanil (Minto, Kim, Eleveld).
#' @return Prints function names, model types, and required covariates for each
#' model.
#' @examples
#' list_pkmods()
#' @import knitr
#' @export
list_pkmods <- function(){
  tab <- data.frame(`Population model` = c("Marsh","Schnider","Eleveld (propofol)",
                              "Minto","Kim","Eleveld (remifentanil"),
                    Function = c("pkmod_marsh()","pkmod_schnider()","pkmod_eleveld_ppf()",
                    Drug = rep(c("Propofol","Remifentanil"), each = 3),
                    Type = c("PK","PK","PK/PKPD","PK/PKPD","PK","PK/PKPD"),
                    `Required covariates` = c("TBW",
                                              "(AGE, HGT, TBW, MALE) or (AGE, HGT, LBW)",
                                   "AGE, HGT, MALE, TBW",
                                   "(AGE, HGT, TBW, MALE) or (AGE, HGT, LBW)",
                                   "(AGE, TBW, BMI, HGT) or (AGE, TBW, FFM)",
                                   "(AGE, MALE, TBW, HGT) or (AGE, MALE, TBW, BMI)"))

  knitr::kable(tab, format = "pipe")

# #' @name restrict_sigmoid
# #' @title Restrict target sigmoid values
# #' @description Function to place restriction on gamma and E50 parameters of target sigmoid
# #' such that it passes through point (tfinal, BISfinal+eps)
# #'
# #' @param t50 parameter of Emax model
# #' @param tfinal end of the induction period
# #' @param eps distance between BISfinal and the target function at tfinal
# #' @param BIS0 starting BIS value
# #' @param BISfinal asymptote of Emax model
# #' @return Numeric vector of PD parameter values
# #' @export
# restrict_sigmoid <- function(t50, tfinal =10, eps = 1, BIS0 = 100, BISfinal = 50-eps){
#   gamma <- log((BIS0-BISfinal)/eps - 1, base = tfinal/t50)
#   c(c50 = t50, gamma = gamma, e0 = BIS0, emx = BIS0 - BISfinal)
# }

# All parameters in the Eleveld model are log-normally distributed or constant within the population.
# For each patient, there is a fixed set of model parameters predicted with variability around it.
# The fixed set of model parameters includes an estimate of the residual error standard deviation.
# The estimate of the sd is given by omega5 = 8.03 in the PD model and omega7 = 0.191 in the pk model.
# The residual error also is log-normally distributed --> log(err) ~ N(log(omega7), )

#' Get logged parameters updated in Eleveld model
#' Extract the logged parameter values to be updated within the Eleveld model
#' from a data frame of patient PK-PD values.
#' @param x Vector or data frame with Eleveld PK-PD model parameters
#' @param pd Logical. Should PD parameters be returned in addition to PK parameters.
#' @return List of parameters used by Eleveld PK-PD model.
#' @export
elvdlpars <- function(x, pd = TRUE){

    x <- x[c("K10","K12","K21","K13","K31","V1","V2","V3","KE0","CE50","SIGMA")]
    names(x) <-  c("k10","k12","k21","k13","k31","v1","v2","v3","ke0","c50","sigma")
  } else{
    x <- x[c("K10","K12","K21","K13","K31","V1","V2","V3","KE0","LN_SIGMA")]
    names(x) <-  c("k10","k12","k21","k13","k31","v1","v2","v3","ke0","ln_sigma")

  if(nrow(x) == 1)
    x <- as.numeric(x)


#' Set default PK parameter values
#' Set default PK parameter values for a pkmod object.
#' @param pkmod pkmod object
#' @param pars PK parameters to assign as default values of pkmod
#' @return pkmod object
#' @export
assign_pars <- function(pkmod, pars){

  if(!inherits(pkmod, "pkmod"))
    stop("Class of pkmod must be 'pkmod'")
  if(!("pars" %in% names(formals(pkmod))))
    stop("Object 'pkmod' must have argument 'pars'")
  formals(pkmod)$pars <- pars
  class(pkmod) <- "pkmod"


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tci documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:09 a.m.