#' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Population PK and PK-PD functions -------------------------------------------
#' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Propofol models --------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Marsh population PK model for propofol
#' Evaluates the Marsh propofol model at patient covariates (total body mass) and
#' returns a `pkmod` object. KE0 parameter set to 1.2 in accordance with recommendations
#' from Absalom et al., 2009 "Pharmacokinetic models for propofol- Defining and
#' illuminating the devil in the detail."
#' @param TBW Weight (kg)
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `pkmod`
#' @return `pkmod` object with Marsh population PK parameters
#' @examples
#' pkmod_marsh(TBW = 50)
#' @export
pkmod_marsh <- function(TBW,...){
K10 = 0.119
K12 = 0.112
K13 = 0.042
K21 = 0.055
K31 = 0.0033
KE0 = 1.2
V1= 0.228 * TBW
V2= 0.464 * TBW
V3= 2.89 * TBW
pkmod(pars_pk = c(V1=V1,V2=V2,V3=V3,K10=K10,K12=K12,K13=K13,K21=K21,K31=K31,KE0=KE0),...)
#' @name pkmod_schnider
#' @title Schnider population PK model for propofol
#' @description Evaluate Schnider population PK model at patient covariate values.
#' Published in Schnider et al. (1998). "The influence of method of administration
#' and covariates on the pharmacokinetics of propofol in adult volunteers."
#' Anesthesiology 88 (5):1170-82.
#' @param AGE Age (years)
#' @param HGT Height (cm)
#' @param LBM Lean body mass (kg). Can be provided instead of TBW, and MALE
#' @param TBW Weight (kg). Used to calculate LBM if LBM is not provided.
#' @param MALE Logical. Used to calculate LBM if LBM is not provided.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `pkmod`
#' @return `pkmod` object with Schnider population PK parameters
#' @examples
#' pkmod_schnider(AGE = 40,HGT=170,LBM = 43.9)
#' pkmod_schnider(AGE = 40,HGT=170,TBW=50,MALE=TRUE)
#' @export
pkmod_schnider <- function(AGE, HGT, LBM = NULL,TBW=NULL,MALE=NULL,...){
if(is.null(LBM) & any(is.null(MALE),is.null(TBW),is.null(HGT)))
stop("MALE, TBW, and HGT must all be provided if LBM is NULL")
# calculate lean body mass
LBM <- ifelse(MALE, 1.1*TBW - 128*(TBW/HGT)^2,
1.07*TBW - 148*(TBW/HGT)^2)
# fixed effect estimates
theta <- c(4.27,18.9,238,1.89,1.29,0.836,-0.391,0.0456,-0.0681,0.0264,0.024)
V1 <- theta[1]
V2 <- theta[2] + theta[7]*(AGE-53)
V3 <- theta[3]
CL <- theta[4] + (LBM-77)*theta[8] + (LBM-59)*(theta[9]) + (HGT-177)*theta[10]
Q2 <- theta[5] + (theta[11])*(AGE-53)
Q3 <- 0.836
KE0 <- 0.456
# random effect distribution
cv <- c(4.04,0,14.35,10.05,0,11.79)
Omega <- diag(log((cv/100)^2+1))
colnames(Omega) <- c("V1","V2","V3","CL","Q2","Q3")
pkmod(pars_pk = c(V1=V1,V2=V2,V3=V3,CL=CL,Q2=Q2,Q3=Q3,KE0=KE0), Omega = Omega, ...)
#' @name pkmod_eleveld_ppf
#' @title Eleveld population PK model for propofol
#' @description Function takes patient covariate values required for the Eleveld
#' PK or PK-PD model for propofol and returns a `pkmod` object with the appropriate model
#' parameters.
#' @param AGE Age (years)
#' @param TBW Weight (kg)
#' @param HGT Height (cm)
#' @param MALE Sex, logical
#' @param OPIATE Logical indicating presence of opiates. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ARTERIAL PK based on arterial sampling rather than venous. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param PMA Post-menstrual age. Calculated as AGE + 40 weeks if not provided.
#' @param PD Logical. Should PD parameters be returned in addition to PK parameters.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `pkmod`
#' @return `pkmod` object with Eleveld propofol population PK or PK-PD parameters
#' @examples
#' pkmod_eleveld_ppf(AGE = 40,TBW = 56,HGT=150,MALE = TRUE)
#' @export
# fixed effect estimates
theta <- c(6.28,25.5,273,1.79,1.75,1.11,0.191,42.3,9.06,-0.0156,-0.00286,33.6,-0.0138,68.3,2.10,1.30,1.42,0.68)
theta_pd <- c(3.08,0.146,93.0,1.47,8.03,0.0517,-0.00635,1.24,1.89)
if(is.null(PMA)) PMA <- AGE + 40/52
# BMI uses HGT in meters
BMI = 10000 * TBW / HGT / HGT
PMAref = AGEref + 40/52
BMIref = 10000 * WGTref / HGTref / HGTref
V1ref = theta[1]
V2ref = theta[2]
V3ref = theta[3]
faging <- function(x) exp(x*(AGE-AGEref))
fsigmoid <- function(x,E50,lambda) x^lambda / (x^lambda + E50^lambda)
fcentral <- function(x) fsigmoid(x,theta[12],1)
fCLmaturation <- fsigmoid(PMA*52,theta[8],theta[9])
fCLmaturation_ref = fsigmoid(PMAref*52,theta[8],theta[9])
fQ3maturation <- fsigmoid(AGE*52+40,theta[14],1)
fQ3maturation_ref <- fsigmoid(AGEref*52+40,theta[14],1)
fopiates <- function(x) ifelse(OPIATE,exp(x*AGE),1)
fAlSallami <- ifelse(MALE, (0.88+(1-0.88)/(1+(AGE/13.4)^(-12.7)))*(9270*TBW)/(6680+216*BMI),
fAlSallami_ref <- (0.88+(1-0.88)/(1+(AGEref/13.4)^(-12.7))) *(9270*WGTref)/(6680+216*BMIref)
V1arterial <- theta[1]*fcentral(TBW)/fcentral(WGTref)
V1venous <- V1arterial*(1+theta[17]*(1-fcentral(TBW)))
V1 = ifelse(ARTERIAL, V1arterial, V1venous)
V2 <- theta[2]*TBW/WGTref*faging(theta[10])
V3 <- theta[3]*(fAlSallami/fAlSallami_ref)*fopiates(theta[13])
CL <- (MALE*theta[4] + (1-MALE)*theta[15])*(TBW/WGTref)^0.75*(fCLmaturation/fCLmaturation_ref)*fopiates(theta[11])
Q2arterial <- theta[5]*(V2/V2ref)^(0.75)*(1+theta[16]*(1-fQ3maturation))
Q2venous <- Q2arterial*theta[18]
Q2 <- ifelse(ARTERIAL, Q2arterial, Q2venous)
Q3 <- theta[6]*(V3/V3ref)^(0.75)*(fQ3maturation/fQ3maturation_ref)
# include KE0 with PK parameters for effect-site targeting
KE0 <- ifelse(ARTERIAL, theta_pd[2]*(TBW/70)^(-0.25), theta_pd[8]*(TBW/70)^(-0.25))
# PD parameters
C50 <- theta_pd[1]*faging(theta_pd[7])
BIS0 <- theta_pd[3]
GAMMA <- theta_pd[4] # value of gamma when Ce < Ce50
GAMMA2 <- theta_pd[9]
# random effect variances
omega_pk <- c(0.610,0.565,0.597,0.265,0.346,0.209,0.702,0.463)
omega_pd <- c(0.242,0.230)
# drop random effect on residual PK error
Omega <- diag(c(omega_pk[-8],omega_pd))
colnames(Omega) <- c("V1","V2","V3","CL","Q2","Q3","KE0","C50","sigma_add")
} else{
Omega <- diag(omega_pk)
colnames(Omega) <- c("V1","V2","V3","CL","Q2","Q3","KE0","sigma_add")
# residual error
sig <- ifelse(PD, 8.03, 0.191)
# logged response
lr <- ifelse(PD, FALSE, TRUE)
pkmod(pars_pk = c(V1=V1,V2=V2,V3=V3,CL=CL,Q2=Q2,Q3=Q3,KE0=KE0),
pars_pd = c(C50=C50,E0=BIS0,EMX=BIS0,GAMMA=GAMMA,GAMMA2=GAMMA2),
pdfn = emax_eleveld,
pdinv = emax_inv_eleveld,
sigma_add = sig,
log_response = lr,
Omega = Omega, ...)
} else{
pkmod(pars_pk = c(V1=V1,V2=V2,V3=V3,CL=CL,Q2=Q2,Q3=Q3,KE0=KE0),
sigma_add = sig,
log_response = lr,
Omega = Omega, ...)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remifentanil models -----------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @name pkmod_minto
#' @title Minto population PK model for remifentanil
#' @description Evaluate Minto population PK model at patient covariate values.
#' Published in Minto et al. (1997). "Influence of Age and Gender on the
#' Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Remifentanil: I. Model Development."
#' Anesthesiology 86:10-23 doi:
#' Residual error standard deviations are taken from Eleveld et al. (2017).
#' "An Allometric Model of Remifentanil Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics."
#' Anesthesiology Vol. 126, 1005–1018 doi:
#' @param AGE Age (years)
#' @param TBW Weight (kg). Used to calculate LBM if LBM is not provided.
#' @param HGT Height (cm). Used to calculate LBM if LBM is not provided.
#' @param MALE Logical. Used to calculate LBM if LBM is not provided.
#' @param LBM Lean body mass (kg). Can be provided instead of TBW, HGT, and MALE
#' @param PD Logical. Should PD parameters be returned in addition to PK parameters.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `pkmod`
#' @return `pkmod` object with Schnider population PK parameters
#' @examples
#' pkmod_minto(AGE = 40,HGT=170,LBM = 43.9)
#' pkmod_minto(AGE = 40,HGT=170,TBW=50,MALE=TRUE)
#' @export
pkmod_minto <- function(AGE,HGT=NULL,TBW=NULL,MALE=NULL, LBM = NULL,PD = TRUE, ...){
if(is.null(LBM) & any(is.null(MALE),is.null(TBW),is.null(HGT)))
stop("MALE, TBW, and HGT must all be provided if LBM is NULL")
# calculate lean body mass
LBM <- ifelse(MALE, 1.1*TBW - 128*(TBW/HGT)^2,
1.07*TBW - 148*(TBW/HGT)^2)
# fixed effect estimates for PK model
theta <- c(5.1,9.82,5.42,2.6,2.05,0.076,
V1 <- theta[1] + theta[7]*(AGE-40) + theta[12]*(LBM-55)
V2 <- theta[2] + theta[8]*(AGE-40) + theta[13]*(LBM-55)
V3 <- theta[3]
CL <- theta[4] + theta[9]*(AGE-40) + theta[14]*(LBM-55)
Q2 <- theta[5] + theta[10]*(AGE-40)
Q3 <- theta[6] + theta[11]*(AGE-40)
# fixed effect estimates for PD model
theta_pd <- c(0.595,20,5.5,13.1,2.44,-0.007,-0.148)
KE0 <- theta_pd[1] + theta_pd[6] * (AGE-40)
E0 <- theta_pd[2]
EMX <- theta_pd[3]
C50 <- theta_pd[4] + theta_pd[7] * (AGE-40)
GAMMA <- theta_pd[5]
# random effect distribution
omega_pk <- (c(26,29,66,14,36,41)/100)^2
omega_pd <- (c(60,15,30,45,54)/100)^2
Omega <- diag(c(omega_pk,omega_pd))
colnames(Omega) <- c("V1","V2","V3","CL","Q2","Q3","KE0","E0","EMX","C50","GAMMA")
pkmod(pars_pk = c(V1=V1,V2=V2,V3=V3,CL=CL,Q2=Q2,Q3=Q3,KE0=KE0),
pars_pd = c(E0=E0,EMX=EMX,C50=C50,GAMMA=GAMMA),
pdfn = emax,
pdinv = emax_inv,
sigma_add = 1.96,
log_response = FALSE,
Omega = Omega, ...)
} else{
Omega <- diag(c(omega_pk,omega_pd[1]))
colnames(Omega) <- c("V1","V2","V3","CL","Q2","Q3","KE0")
pkmod(pars_pk = c(V1=V1,V2=V2,V3=V3,CL=CL,Q2=Q2,Q3=Q3,KE0=KE0),
sigma_add = 0.111,
log_response = TRUE,
Omega = Omega, ...)
#' @name pkmod_kim
#' @title Kim population PK model for remifentanil
#' @description Evaluate Kim population PK model at patient covariate values.
#' Published in Kim et al. (2017). "Disposition of Remifentanil in Obesity: A New
#' Pharmacokinetic Model Incorporating the Influence of Body Mass"
#' Anesthesiology Vol. 126, 1019–1032. doi:
#' @param AGE Age (years)
#' @param TBW Total body weight (kg).
#' @param HGT Height (cm). Used to calculate BMI if BMI is not provided.
#' @param BMI Body mass index. Used to calculate LBM if LBM is not provided.
#' @param MALE Logical. Used to calculate LBM if LBM is not provided.
#' @param FFM Fat-free mass. Can be used instead of BMI and MALE.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `pkmod`
#' @return `pkmod` object with Schnider population PK parameters
#' @examples
#' pkmod_kim(AGE = 40,TBW = 75, BMI = 30, MALE = TRUE)
#' pkmod_kim(AGE = 40,TBW = 75, FFM = 52.83)
#' @export
pkmod_kim <- function(AGE,TBW,HGT=NULL,BMI=NULL,MALE=NULL,FFM=NULL,...){
if(is.null(BMI) & !is.null(HGT)){
BMI = 10000 * TBW / HGT / HGT
if((is.null(BMI)|is.null(MALE)) & is.null(FFM))
stop("BMI and MALE must be specified if FFM is NULL")
# calculate fat-free mass
FFM <- ifelse(MALE, 9.27*10^3*TBW / (6.68*10^3 + 216*BMI),
9.27*10^3*TBW / (8.78*10^3 + 244*BMI))
# fixed effect estimates for PK model
theta <- c(4.76,8.4,4,2.77,1.94,0.197,NA,NA,
V1 <- theta[1] * (TBW/74.5)^theta[9]
V2 <- theta[2] * (FFM/52.3)^theta[10] - theta[11]*(AGE-37)
V3 <- theta[3] - theta[12]*(AGE-37)
CL <- theta[4] * (TBW/74.5)^theta[13] - theta[14]*(AGE-37)
Q2 <- theta[5] - theta[15]*(AGE-37)
Q3 <- theta[6]
# random effect distribution
cv <- c(53.6,56.3,59,21.2,41.2,59)
Omega <- diag(log((cv/100)^2+1))
colnames(Omega) <- c("V1","V2","V3","CL","Q2","Q3")
pkmod(pars_pk = c(V1=V1,V2=V2,V3=V3,CL=CL,Q2=Q2,Q3=Q3),
sigma_add = 0.0217,
sigma_mult = 0.168,
log_response = FALSE,
ecmpt = 1,
Omega = Omega, ...)
#' @name pkmod_eleveld_remi
#' @title Eleveld population PK model for remifentanil
#' @description Function takes patient covariate values required for the Eleveld
#' PK or PK-PD model for propofol and returns a `pkmod` object with the appropriate model
#' parameters.
#' @param AGE Age (years)
#' @param MALE Sex, logical
#' @param TBW Total body weight (kg).
#' @param HGT Height (cm). Used to calculate BMI if not provided.
#' @param BMI Body mass index
#' @param PD Logical. Should PD parameters be returned in addition to PK parameters.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `pkmod`
#' @return `pkmod` object with Eleveld remifentanil population PK or PK-PD parameters
#' @examples
#' pkmod_eleveld_remi(AGE = 40,TBW = 56,HGT=150,MALE = TRUE)
#' @export
pkmod_eleveld_remi <- function(AGE, MALE, TBW, HGT=NULL,BMI = NULL,PD=TRUE,...){
if(is.null(BMI) & is.null(HGT))
stop("HGT must be specified if BMI is NULL")
if(is.null(BMI)) BMI = 10000 * TBW / HGT / HGT
BMIref = 10000 * TBWref / HGTref / HGTref
# calculate FFM
FFM <- ifelse(MALE, (0.88+(1-0.88)/(1+(AGE/13.4)^(-12.7)))*(9270*TBW)/(6680+216*BMI),
FFMref <- (0.88+(1-0.88)/(1+(AGEref/13.4)^(-12.7))) *(9270*TBWref)/(6680+216*BMIref)
faging <- function(x) exp(x*(AGE-AGEref))
fsigmoid <- function(x,E50,lambda) x^lambda / (x^lambda + E50^lambda)
# fixed effect estimates
theta <- c(2.88,-0.00554,-0.00327,-0.0315,0.470,-0.0260)
theta_pd <- c(3.08,0.146,93.0,1.47,8.03,0.0517,-0.00635,1.24,1.89)
V1ref = 5.81
V2ref = 8.82
V3ref = 5.03
CLref = 2.58
Q2ref = 1.72
Q3ref = 0.124
KMAT = fsigmoid(TBW,theta[1],2)
KMATref = fsigmoid(TBWref,theta[1],2)
KSEX = ifelse(MALE, 1, 1+theta[5]*fsigmoid(AGE,12,6)*(1-fsigmoid(AGE,45,6)))
V1 = V1ref * SIZE * faging(theta[2])
V2 = V2ref * SIZE * faging(theta[3])*KSEX
V3 = V2ref * SIZE * faging(theta[4])*exp(theta[6]*(TBW-70))
CL = CLref * SIZE^0.75 * (KMAT/KMATref) * KSEX * faging(theta[3])
Q2 = Q2ref * (V2/V2ref)^0.75 * faging(theta[2]) * KSEX
Q3 = Q3ref * (V3/V3ref)^0.75 * faging(theta[2])
# PD model
KE0 = 1.09 * faging(-0.0289)
E0 = 19.9
EMX = 5.66
C50 = 12.7
GAMMA = 2.87
# random effect variances
omega_pk <- c(0.104,0.115,0.810,0.0197,0.0547,0.285)
omega_pd <- c(0.021,0.101,0.391,0.379,0.947)
# drop random effect on residual PK error
Omega <- diag(c(omega_pk,omega_pd))
colnames(Omega) <- c("V1","V2","V3","CL","Q2","Q3","E0","EMX","C50","GAMMA","KE0")
pkmod(pars_pk = c(V1=V1,V2=V2,V3=V3,CL=CL,Q2=Q2,Q3=Q3,KE0=KE0),
pars_pd = c(E0=E0,EMX=EMX,C50=C50,GAMMA=GAMMA),
pdfn = emax_remi,
pdinv = emax_inv_remi,
sigma_add = 1.96,
log_response = FALSE,
Omega = Omega, ...)
} else{
Omega <- diag(c(omega_pk,omega_pd[5]))
colnames(Omega) <- c("V1","V2","V3","CL","Q2","Q3","KE0")
pkmod(pars_pk = c(V1=V1,V2=V2,V3=V3,CL=CL,Q2=Q2,Q3=Q3,KE0=KE0),
sigma_add = 1.11,
log_response = TRUE,
Omega = Omega, ...)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Extra functions --------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Sample parameters from a `pkmod` object
#' @param pkmod `pkmod` object with associated Omega matrix describing random effect variances
#' @param log_normal Logical. Assumes random effects are log-normally distributed
#' and multiplicative if TRUE, additive and normally distributed if FALSE.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to update.pkmod
#' @return `pkmod` object with updated parameters.
#' @examples
#' sample_pkmod(pkmod_schnider(AGE = 40,HGT=170,TBW=50,MALE=TRUE))
#' sample_pkmod(pkmod_eleveld_ppf(AGE = 40,TBW = 56,HGT=150,MALE = TRUE, PD = FALSE))
#' @export
sample_pkmod <- function(pkmod, log_normal = TRUE, ...){
pkmod <- update(pkmod, ...)
if(is.null(pkmod$Omega)) stop("pkmod must have an Omega matrix")
eta <- c(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, mean = rep(0, length(diag(pkmod$Omega))), sigma = pkmod$Omega))
names(eta) <- colnames(pkmod$Omega)
pknms <- names(pkmod$pars_pk)[names(pkmod$pars_pk) %in% names(eta)]
pdnms <- names(pkmod$pars_pd)[names(pkmod$pars_pd) %in% names(eta)]
pars_pk_new <- pkmod$pars_pk[pknms] * exp(eta[pknms])
pars_pd_new <- pkmod$pars_pd[pdnms] * exp(eta[pdnms])
sigma_add_new <- ifelse("sigma_add" %in% names(eta),
pkmod$sigma_add * exp(eta["sigma_add"]),
sigma_mult_new <- ifelse("sigma_mult" %in% names(eta),
pkmod$sigma_mult * exp(eta["sigma_mult"]),
} else{
pars_pk_new <- pkmod$pars_pk[pknms] + eta[pknms]
pars_pd_new <- pkmod$pars_pd[pdnms] + eta[pdnms]
sigma_add_new <- ifelse("sigma_add" %in% names(eta),
pkmod$sigma_add + eta["sigma_add"],
sigma_mult_new <- ifelse("sigma_mult" %in% names(eta),
pkmod$sigma_mult + eta["sigma_mult"],
update(pkmod, pars_pk = pars_pk_new, pars_pd = pars_pd_new,
sigma_add = sigma_add_new, sigma_mult = sigma_mult_new)
#' @name sample_iiv
#' @title Sample PK or PK-PD parameters from the distribution of inter- or intra-individual variability
#' @description Sample PK or PK-PD parameters from the distribution of random effects
#' for a `pkmod` or `poppkmod` object, as described by the Omega matrix (see ?pkmod).
#' @param mod `pkmod` or `poppkmod` object with associated Omega matrix describing random effect variances
#' @param log_normal Logical. Assumes random effects are log-normally distributed
#' and multiplicative if TRUE, additive and normally distributed if FALSE.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to update.pkmod.
#' @return Returns model passed to "mod" argument with randomly sampled PK or PK-PD
#' parameters.
#' @examples
#' # sample from single PK model
#' sample_iiv(pkmod_schnider(AGE = 40,HGT=170,TBW=50,MALE=TRUE))
#' # sample from `poppkmod`
#' data <- data.frame(ID = 1:5, AGE = seq(20,60,by=10), TBW = seq(60,80,by=5),
#' HGT = seq(150,190,by=10), MALE = c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE))
#' sample_iiv(poppkmod(data = data, drug = "ppf", model = "eleveld"))
#' @export
sample_iiv <- function(mod, log_normal = TRUE, ...){
if(!inherits(mod, "pkmod") & !inherits(mod, "poppkmod"))
stop("mod must have class 'pkmod' or 'poppkmod'")
if(inherits(mod, "pkmod")){
return(sample_pkmod(mod, log_normal = log_normal, ...))
} else{
mod$pkmods <- lapply(mod$pkmods, sample_pkmod, log_normal = log_normal, ...)
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