#' Install and load an R package
#' @return A printed shiny app
#' @export
#' @param pkg \code{character} Name of a package to be installed/loaded
#' @param repo \code{character} Name of the repository from which the package should be installed.
#' @param pub \code{logical} variable indicating whether the app be published (see details)
#' @importFrom devtools install_github
#' @importFrom devtools install_cran
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load_file
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @details If \code{repo = NULL} the package will be installed from the CRAN. Otherwise, \code{repo} is a character string that referring to the GitHub account in which the package is located.
#' When publishing apps on or shinyServer, attempting to \code{install.packages} will result in an error. Calls to \code{install.packages} should not be included within an app.
add_packages <-
function(pkg = NULL,
repo = NULL,
pub = FALSE )
if(is.null(pkg) || missing(pkg)) {
meta <- yaml::yaml.load_file('www/metadata.yaml')
pkgs <- gsub(meta$packages, ' ', '') %>%
strsplit(split = ',') %>%
repos <- gsub(meta$repos, ' ', '') %>%
strsplit(split = ',') %>%
if(length(pkgs) != length(repos)) stop('Number of packages and repos is not equal')
for(i in 1:length(pkgs)) {
if(!pub) {
if(tolower(repos[i])=='cran' || is.null(repos[i])) {
if(!pkgs[i]%in%installed.packages())'install_cran', args = list(pkgs = pkg[i], repos = getOption('repos')))
} else {
if(!pkgs[i]%in%installed.packages())'install_github', args = list(repo = paste0(c(repos[i],'/',pkgs[i]))))
}'library', list(package = pkg, pos = 2, character.only = T))
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