Man pages for tectonicr
Analyzing the Orientation of Maximum Horizontal Stress

abs_velAbsolute Plate Velocity
angle-conversionDegrees to Radians
angle_vectorsAngle Between Two Vectors
axesPlot axes
circle_mean_diffCircular Mean Difference
circle_statsSummary Statistics of Circular Data
circular_dispersion_bootBootstrapped estimates for circular dispersion
circular_plotCircular plot
circular_qqplotQuantile-Quantile Linearised Plot for Circular Distributions
circular_rangeCircular Range
circular_sd_errorStandard Error of Mean Direction of Circular Data
circular_summaryCircular Summary statistics
compact_gridCompact smoothed stress field
confidenceConfidence Interval around the Mean Direction of Circular...
confidence_interval_fisherConfidence Interval around the Mean Direction of Circular...
conjugate_Q4Conjugation of a Quaternion
coordinate_modCoordinate Correction
coordinatesCoordinate Transformations
coordinates2Coordinate Transformations
cpm_modelsGlobal model of current plate motions
deviation_normNormalize Angle Between Two Directions
deviation_shmaxDeviation of Observed and Predicted Directions of Maximum...
dispersionCircular distance and dispersion
distance_from_pbDistance from plate boundary
distance_modNormalize angular distance on a sphere distance
dist_greatcircleDistance between points
dummyPlate Stress Dummy Grid
earth_radiusEarth's radius in km
equivalent_rotationEquivalent rotation
est.kappaConcentration parameter of von Mises distribution
euler_poleEuler pole object
euler_to_Q4Quaternion from Euler angle-axis representation for rotations
get_azimuthAzimuth Between two Points
get_distanceHelper function to Distance from plate boundary
get_projected_pb_strikeHelper function to get Distance from plate boundary
get_relrotHelper function to Equivalent rotation
import_WSM2016World Stress Map Database (WSM) Release 2016
is.eulerCheck if object is euler.pole
is.Q4Check if object is quaternion
kernel_dispersionAdaptive Kernel Dispersion
kuiper_testKuiper Test of Circular Uniformity
line_azimuthExtract azimuths of line segments
mean_resultant_lengthMean Resultant Length
mean_SCMean cosinses and sines
model_shmaxTheoretical Direction of Maximum Horizontal Stress in the...
normalize_Q4Quaternion normalization
norm_chisqNormalized Chi-Squared Test for Circular Data
nuvel1NUVEL-1 Global model of current plate motions
nuvel1_platesPlate Boundaries on the Earth
parse_wsmNumerical values to World Stress Map Quality Ranking
pb2002Global model of current plate motions
platesPlate Boundaries on the Earth
plot_densityCircular density plot
plot_pointsAdd Points to a Circular Plot
PoR2Geo_azimuthAzimuth conversion from PoR to geographical coordinate...
PoR_coordinatesPoR coordinates
PoR_crsPoR coordinate reference system
PoR_mapPlot data in PoR map
PoR_shmaxDirection of Maximum Horizontal Stress in PoR reference...
PoR_stress2gridSpatial interpolation of SHmax in PoR coordinate reference...
por_transformation_dfConversion between spherical PoR to geographical coordinate...
por_transformation_quatConversion between PoR to geographical coordinate system...
por_transformation_sfConversion between PoR to geographical coordinates of spatial...
PositionCenterSpokeCentrically aligned geom_spoke marker
prd_errError of Model's Prediction
product_Q4Product of quaternions
projected_pb_strikeStrike of the plate boundary projected on data point
Q4_to_eulerEuler angle/axis from quaternion
quick_plotPlotting stress analysis results
raster_transformationConversion between PoR to geographical coordinate reference...
rayleigh_testRayleigh Test of Circular Uniformity
relative_rotationRelative rotation between two rotations
roll_circstatsApply Rolling Functions using Circular Statistics
rolling_testApply Rolling Functions using Circular Statistical Tests for...
rolling_test_distApply Rolling Functions using Circular Statistics
roseRose Diagram
rose_bwSelecting optimal number of bins and width for rose diagrams
rose_geomDirection Lines and Fans in Circular Diagram
rose_statsShow Average Direction and Spread in Rose Diagram
rotate_linesRotate Lines
rotation_Q4Rotation of a vector by a quaternion
sample_medianCircular Sample Median and deviation
second_central_momentSecond Central Momentum
spec_atanQuadrant-specific inverse of the tangent
spherical_angleAngle along great circle on spherical surface
stress2gridSpatial interpolation of SHmax
stress_analysisQuick analysis of a stress data set
stress_colorsColor palette for stress regime
stress_dataExample crustal stress dataset
stress_pathsTheoretical Plate Tectonic Stress Paths
superimposed_shmaxSHmax direction resulting from multiple plate boundaries
superimposed_shmax_PBSHmax direction resulting from multiple plate boundaries...
tectonicr.colorsColors for input variables
trigonTrigonometric Functions in Degrees
vcrossVector cross product
vm_qqplotvon Mises Quantile-Quantile Plot
vonmisesThe von Mises Distribution
watson_testWatson's U^2 Test of Circular Uniformity
weighted_rayleighWeighted Goodness-of-fit Test for Circular Data
tectonicr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:05 p.m.