#' @title Normalize angular distance on a sphere distance
#' @description Helper function to express angular distance on the sphere in
#' the range of 0 to 180 degrees
#' @param x numeric, angular distance (in degrees)
#' @returns numeric vector
distance_mod <- function(x) {
# sapply(X = x, FUN = get_distance_mod)
sind(x / 2) |> asind() * 2
#' Helper function to Distance from plate boundary
#' @param lon,lat numeric vectors
#' @param pb.coords matrix
#' @param tangential,km logical
#' @seealso [distance_from_pb()]
get_distance <- function(lon, lat, pb.coords, tangential, km) { <- distance_mod(pb.coords[, 2] - lat)
delta.lon <- distance_mod(pb.coords[, 1] - lon)
if (tangential) {
# latitudinal differences for tangential plate boundaries and
# select the one with the closest longitude
q <- which.min(abs(delta.lon))
dist <-[q] # latitudinal difference in degree
if (km) {
dist <- deg2rad(dist) * earth_radius() # great circle distance
} else {
# longitudinal differences for inward/outward plate boundaries and
# select the one with the closest latitude
q <- which.min(abs(
dist <- delta.lon[q] # longitudinal difference in degree
if (km) {
dist <- deg2rad(dist) * earth_radius() * cosd(lat) # small circle distance (PoR lat (colat) is 0 at equator!)
#' Distance from plate boundary
#' Absolute distance of data points from the nearest plate boundary in degree
#' @param x,pb `sf` objects of the data points and the plate boundary
#' geometries in the geographical coordinate system
#' @param PoR Pole of Rotation. \code{"data.frame"} or object of class \code{"euler.pole"}
#' containing the geographical coordinates of the Pole of Rotation
#' @param tangential Logical. Whether the plate boundary is a tangential
#' boundary (`TRUE`) or an inward and outward boundary (`FALSE`, the
#' default).
#' @param km Logical. Whether the distance is expressed in kilometers
#' (`TRUE`) or in degrees (`FALSE`, the default).
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to [smoothr::densify()]
#' @returns Numeric vector of the great circle distances
#' @details The distance to the plate boundary is the longitudinal or
#' latitudinal difference between the data point and the plate boundary
#' (along the closest latitude or longitude) for inward/outward or tangential
#' plate boundaries, respectively.
#' @export
#' @references Wdowinski, S. (1998). A theory of intraplate tectonics. Journal
#' of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 103(3), 5037<U+2013>5059.
#' @importFrom sf st_geometry st_cast st_coordinates
#' @importFrom smoothr densify
#' @examples
#' data("nuvel1")
#' na_pa <- subset(nuvel1, nuvel1$plate.rot == "na")
#' data("plates")
#' plate_boundary <- subset(plates, plates$pair == "na-pa")
#' data("san_andreas")
#' res <- distance_from_pb(
#' x = san_andreas, PoR = na_pa, pb = plate_boundary, tangential = TRUE
#' )
#' head(res)
#' <- distance_from_pb(
#' x = san_andreas, PoR = na_pa, pb = plate_boundary, tangential = TRUE, km = TRUE
#' )
#' range(
distance_from_pb <- function(x, PoR, pb, tangential = FALSE, km = FALSE, ...) {
inherits(x, "sf"),
inherits(pb, "sf"),
is.logical(km), | is.euler(PoR)
x.coords <- sf::st_geometry(x) |>
geographical_to_PoR_sf(PoR = PoR) |>
pb.coords <-
sf::st_geometry(pb) |>
geographical_to_PoR_sf(PoR = PoR) |>
sf::st_cast(to = "MULTILINESTRING", warn = FALSE) |>
sf::st_cast(to = "LINESTRING", warn = FALSE) |>
smoothr::densify(...) |>
FUN = get_distance,
lon = x.coords[, 1], lat = x.coords[, 2],
MoreArgs = list(pb.coords = pb.coords, tangential = tangential, km = km)
#' Helper function to get Distance from plate boundary
#' @param lon,lat,pb.bearing numeric vectors
#' @param pb.coords matrix
#' @param tangential logical
#' @seealso [projected_pb_strike()]
get_projected_pb_strike <- function(lon, lat, pb.coords, pb.bearing, tangential) { <- distance_mod(pb.coords[, 2] - lat)
delta.lon <- distance_mod(pb.coords[, 1] - lon)
if (tangential) {
# select the one with the closest longitude
q <- which.min(abs(delta.lon))
x_pb.bearing <- pb.bearing[q]
} else {
# select the one with the closest latitude
q <- which.min(abs(
x_pb.bearing <- pb.bearing[q]
#' Strike of the plate boundary projected on data point
#' The fault's strike in the PoR CRS projected on the data point along the
#' predicted stress trajectories.
#' @param x,pb `sf` objects of the data points and the plate boundary
#' geometries in the geographical coordinate system
#' @param PoR Pole of rotation. \code{"data.frame"} or object of class \code{"euler.pole"}
#' containing the geographical coordinates of the Euler pole
#' @param tangential Logical. Whether the plate boundary is a tangential
#' boundary (`TRUE`) or an inward and outward boundary (`FALSE`, the
#' default).
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to [smoothr::densify()]
#' @details Useful to calculate the beta angle, i.e. the angle
#' between SHmax direction (in PoR CRS!) and the fault's strike (in PoR CRS).
#' The beta angle is the same in geographical and PoR coordinates.
#' @note The algorithm calculates the great circle bearing between line
#' vertices. Since transform plate boundaries represent small circle lines in
#' the PoR system, this great-circle azimuth is only a approximation of the
#' true (small-circle) azimuth.
#' @returns Numeric vector of the strike direction of the plate boundary
#' (in degree)
#' @export
#' @importFrom sf st_cast st_coordinates st_geometry
#' @importFrom smoothr densify
#' @examples
#' data("nuvel1")
#' na_pa <- subset(nuvel1, nuvel1$plate.rot == "na")
#' data("plates")
#' plate_boundary <- subset(plates, plates$pair == "na-pa")
#' data("san_andreas")
#' res <- projected_pb_strike(
#' x = san_andreas, PoR = na_pa, pb = plate_boundary, tangential = TRUE
#' )
#' head(res)
#' head(san_andreas$azi - res) # beta angle
projected_pb_strike <- function(x, PoR, pb, tangential = FALSE, ...) {
inherits(x, "sf"),
inherits(pb, "sf"),
is.logical(tangential), | is.euler(PoR)
x.coords <- sf::st_geometry(x) |>
geographical_to_PoR_sf(PoR = PoR) |>
pb.coords <-
sf::st_geometry(pb) |>
geographical_to_PoR_sf(PoR = PoR) |>
sf::st_cast(to = "MULTILINESTRING", warn = FALSE) |>
sf::st_cast(to = "LINESTRING", warn = FALSE) |>
smoothr::densify(...) |>
n <- nrow(pb.coords)
pb.bearing <- numeric(n)
for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
pb.bearing[i] <- get_azimuth(pb.coords[i, 2], pb.coords[i, 1], pb.coords[i + 1, 2], pb.coords[i + 1, 1])
pb.bearing[n] <- NA
FUN = get_projected_pb_strike,
lon = x.coords[, 1], lat = x.coords[, 2],
MoreArgs = list(pb.coords = pb.coords, pb.bearing = pb.bearing %% 180, tangential = tangential)
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