
## install stack:
## remotes::install_github(c("statnet/rle@master",
##                           "statnet/statnet.common@master",
##                           "statnet/network@master",
##                           "statnet/networkDynamic@master",
##                           "statnet/ergm@master",
##                           "statnet/tergm@master",
##                           "statnet/tergmLite@master",
##                           "statnet/EpiModel@master",
##                           "statnet/EpiModelHPC@master",
##                           "EpiModel/EpiModelHIV-p@CombPrev-dev",
##                           "EpiModel/ARTnetData@1d8ec6e",
##                           "EpiModel/ARTnet@150c631"), dependencies = FALSE, force = TRUE)


# to avoid repeatedly reading the ergm version information

epistats <- build_epistats(city_name = "Atlanta")
netparams <- build_netparams(epistats = epistats, smooth.main.dur.55p = TRUE)
netstats <- build_netstats(epistats, netparams,
                           expect.mort = 0.000478213, network.size = 10000)

# save(epistats, netparams, netstats, file = "inst/ARTnetTestParams.rda")

# 0. Initialize Network ---------------------------------------------------

num <- netstats$demog$num
nw <- network_initialize(num)

attr.names <- names(netstats$attr)
attr.values <- netstats$attr
nw <- set_vertex_attribute(nw, attr.names, attr.values)
nw_main <- nw_casl <- nw_inst <- nw

# 1. Main Model -----------------------------------------------------------

# Formula
model_main <- ~edges +
  nodematch("age.grp", diff = TRUE) +
  nodefactor("age.grp", levels = -1) +
  nodematch("race", diff = FALSE) +
  nodefactor("race", levels = -1) +
  nodefactor("deg.casl", levels = -1) +
  concurrent +
  degrange(from = 3) +
  nodematch("role.class", diff = TRUE, levels = 1:2)

# Target Stats
netstats_main <- c(
  edges = netstats$main$edges,
  nodematch_age.grp = netstats$main$nodematch_age.grp,
  nodefactor_age.grp = netstats$main$nodefactor_age.grp[-1],
  nodematch_race = netstats$main$nodematch_race_diffF,
  nodefactor_race = netstats$main$nodefactor_race[-1],
  nodefactor_deg.casl = netstats$main$nodefactor_deg.casl[-1],
  concurrent = netstats$main$concurrent,
  degrange = 0,
  nodematch_role.class = c(0, 0)
netstats_main <- unname(netstats_main)

# Fit model
fit_main <- netest(nw_main,
                   formation = model_main,
                   target.stats = netstats_main,
                   coef.diss = netstats$main$diss.byage,
                   constraints = ~bd(maxout = 2) + blocks(~role.class, levels2 = diag(c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))),
                   set.control.ergm = list(MCMLE.termination = "Hummel",
                                           MCMLE.samplesize = 1024,
                                           MCMLE.interval = 1024,
                                           MCMLE.effectiveSize = NULL,
                                           MPLE.constraints.ignore = TRUE,
                                           init.method = "MPLE"),
                   verbose = FALSE)

# 2. Casual Model ---------------------------------------------------------

# Formula
model_casl <- ~edges +
  nodematch("age.grp", diff = TRUE) +
  nodefactor("age.grp", levels = c(-1, -5)) +
  nodematch("race", diff = FALSE) +
  nodefactor("race", levels = -1) +
  nodefactor("deg.main", levels = -3) +
  concurrent +
  degrange(from = 4) +
  nodematch("role.class", diff = TRUE, levels = 1:2)

# Target Stats
netstats_casl <- c(
  edges = netstats$casl$edges,
  nodematch_age.grp = netstats$casl$nodematch_age.grp,
  nodefactor_age.grp = netstats$casl$nodefactor_age.grp[-c(1,5)],
  nodematch_race = netstats$casl$nodematch_race_diffF,
  nodefactor_race = netstats$casl$nodefactor_race[-1],
  nodefactor_deg.main = netstats$casl$nodefactor_deg.main[-3],
  concurrent = netstats$casl$concurrent,
  degrange = 0,
  nodematch_role.class = c(0, 0)
netstats_casl <- unname(netstats_casl)

# Fit model
fit_casl <- netest(nw_casl,
                   formation = model_casl,
                   target.stats = netstats_casl,
                   coef.diss = netstats$casl$diss.byage,
                   constraints = ~bd(maxout = 3) + blocks(~role.class, levels2 = diag(c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))),
                   set.control.ergm = list(MCMLE.termination = "Hummel",
                                           MCMLE.samplesize = 1024,
                                           MCMLE.interval = 1024,
                                           MCMLE.effectiveSize = NULL,
                                           MPLE.constraints.ignore = TRUE,
                                           init.method = "MPLE"),
                   verbose = FALSE)

# 3. One-Off Model --------------------------------------------------------

# Formula
model_inst <- ~edges +
  nodematch("age.grp", diff = FALSE) +
  nodefactor("age.grp", levels = -1) +
  nodematch("race", diff = FALSE) +
  nodefactor("race", levels = -1) +
  nodefactor("risk.grp", levels = -5) +
  nodefactor("deg.tot", levels = -1) +
  nodematch("role.class", diff = TRUE, levels = 1:2)

# Target Stats
netstats_inst <- c(
  edges = netstats$inst$edges,
  nodematch_age.grp = sum(netstats$inst$nodematch_age.grp),
  nodefactor_age.grp = netstats$inst$nodefactor_age.grp[-1],
  nodematch_race = netstats$inst$nodematch_race_diffF,
  nodefactor_race = netstats$inst$nodefactor_race[-1],
  nodefactor_risk.grp = netstats$inst$nodefactor_risk.grp[-5],
  nodefactor_deg.tot = netstats$inst$nodefactor_deg.tot[-1],
  nodematch_role.class = c(0, 0)
netstats_inst <- unname(netstats_inst)

# Fit model
fit_inst <- netest(nw_inst,
                   formation = model_inst,
                   target.stats = netstats_inst,
                   coef.diss = dissolution_coefs(~offset(edges), 1),
                   constraints = ~blocks(~role.class, levels2 = diag(c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))),
                   set.control.ergm = list(MCMLE.termination = "Hummel",
                                           MCMLE.samplesize = 1024,
                                           MCMLE.interval = 1024,
                                           MPLE.constraints.ignore = TRUE,
                                           MCMLE.effectiveSize = NULL),
                   verbose = FALSE)

out <- list(fit_main, fit_casl, fit_inst)

# 4. Run Diagnostics ------------------------------------------------------

## Main

fit_main <- out[[1]]

model_main_dx <- ~edges +
  nodematch("age.grp", diff = TRUE) +
  nodefactor("age.grp", levels = NULL) +
  nodematch("race", diff = TRUE) +
  nodefactor("race", levels = NULL) +
  nodefactor("deg.casl", levels = NULL) +
  degrange(from = 3) +
  concurrent +
  nodematch("role.class", diff = TRUE) +
dx_main <- netdx(fit_main, nsims = 10, ncores = 6, nsteps = 500,
                 nwstats.formula = model_main_dx, skip.dissolution = TRUE,
                 set.control.stergm = list(MCMC.burnin.min = 2e3))


## Casual

fit_casl <- out[[2]]

model_casl_dx <- ~edges +
  nodematch("age.grp", diff = TRUE) +
  nodefactor("age.grp", levels = NULL) +
  nodematch("race", diff = TRUE) +
  nodefactor("race", levels = NULL) +
  nodefactor("deg.main", levels = NULL) +
  degrange(from = 4) +
  concurrent +
  nodematch("role.class", diff = TRUE) +
dx_casl <- netdx(fit_casl, nsims = 10, ncores = 6, nsteps = 500,
                 nwstats.formula = model_casl_dx, skip.dissolution = TRUE,
                 set.control.stergm = list(MCMC.burnin.min = 2e3))
print(dx_casl, digits = 1)


## One-Off

fit_inst <- out[[3]]

model_inst_dx <- ~edges +
  nodematch("age.grp", diff = FALSE) +
  nodefactor("age.grp", levels = NULL) +
  nodematch("race", diff = TRUE) +
  nodefactor("race", levels = NULL) +
  nodefactor("risk.grp", levels = NULL) +
  nodefactor("deg.tot", levels = NULL) +
  nodematch("role.class", diff = TRUE) +
dx_inst <- netdx(fit_inst, nsims = 10000, dynamic = FALSE,
                 nwstats.formula = model_inst_dx,
                 set.control.ergm = list(MCMC.burnin = 1e5))

print(dx_inst, digits = 2)

plot(dx_inst, sim.lines = TRUE, sim.lwd = 0.05)


# 5. Run Epidemic Model ---------------------------------------------------

param <- param_msm(netstats = netstats,
                   epistats = epistats,
                   hiv.test.rate = c(0.00432, 0.00425, 0.00730),
                   hiv.test.late.prob = c(0, 0, 0),
                   tx.init.prob = c(0.1775, 0.190, 0.2521),
                   tt.part.supp = c(0.45, 0.40, 0.28),
                   tt.full.supp = c(0.55, 0.60, 0.72),
                   tt.dur.supp = c(0, 0, 0),
                   tx.halt.part.prob = c(0.009, 0.0084, 0.00768),
                   tx.halt.full.rr = c(0.45, 0.45, 0.45),
                   tx.halt.dur.rr = c(0.45, 0.45, 0.45),
                   tx.reinit.part.prob = c(0.0115, 0.0135, 0.0205),
                   tx.reinit.full.rr = c(1, 1, 1),
                   tx.reinit.dur.rr = c(1, 1, 1),
          = 52 * 15,
          = 52 * 10,
          = 52 * 10,
          = 1/250,
                   trans.scale = c(2.64, 0.45, 0.285),
                   acts.scale = 1.00,
                   acts.aids.vl = 5.75,
                   prep.start = (52*60) + 1,
                   riskh.start = 52*59,
                   prep.start.prob = 0.66,
                   prep.require.lnt = TRUE,
                   prep.risk.reassess.method = "year")
init <- init_msm(prev.ugc = 0,
                 prev.rct = 0,
                 prev.rgc = 0,
                 prev.uct = 0)
control <- snctrl(simno = 1,
                  nsteps = 52*5,
                  nsims = 1,
                  ncores = 1,
                  save.nwstats = TRUE,
                  save.clin.hist = FALSE,
                  tergmLite.track.duration = TRUE,
                  nwstats.formula.2 = ~edges + concurrent + mean.age + Form(~concurrent),
                  mcmc.control.tergm.1 = control.simulate.formula.tergm(MCMC.burnin.min = 2e3),
                  mcmc.control.tergm.2 = control.simulate.formula.tergm(MCMC.burnin.min = 2e3),
                  mcmc.control.ergm.3 = control.simulate.formula())

sim <- netsim(out, param, init, control)

df <-, out = "mean")


par(mar = c(3,3,1,1), mgp = c(2,1,0))
plot(sim, y = "i.prev", mean.smooth = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 1))

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tergmLite documentation built on July 20, 2022, 5:06 p.m.