#' Diagnostic Plots for `MMRM`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This function produces diagnostic plots.
#' @param object (`tern_mmrm`)\cr model result produced by [fit_mmrm()].
#' @param type (`string`)\cr specifying the type of diagnostic plot to be produced:
#' - `fit-residual`: A fitted vs residuals plot, grouped by visits.
#' This allows to see if there is remaining
#' structure in the residuals that might be captured by adding additional
#' covariates to the model.
#' - `q-q-residual`: A Q-Q plot for the residuals (i.e. sorted standardized residuals
#' vs. normal quantiles), grouped by visits. Observations with an absolute
#' standardized residual above `z_threshold` will be labeled.
#' @param z_threshold (`numeric`)\cr optional number indicating the normal quantile threshold
#' for the Q-Q plot.
#' @return A `ggplot2` plot.
#' @details Here we use marginal fitted values and residuals. That is, we estimate fitted values,
#' and the difference of those fitted values vs. the observed data are
#' the residuals.
#' @export
#' @seealso [g_mmrm_lsmeans()] for plotting the least-squares means and contrasts.
#' @examples
#' mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm(
#' vars = list(
#' response = "FEV1",
#' covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"),
#' id = "USUBJID",
#' arm = "ARMCD",
#' visit = "AVISIT"
#' ),
#' data = mmrm_test_data,
#' cor_struct = "unstructured",
#' weights_emmeans = "equal"
#' )
#' g_mmrm_diagnostic(mmrm_results)
#' g_mmrm_diagnostic(mmrm_results, type = "q-q-residual")
g_mmrm_diagnostic <- function(object,
type = c("fit-residual", "q-q-residual"),
z_threshold = NULL) {
assert_class(object, "tern_mmrm")
type <- match.arg(type)
stopifnot(is.null(z_threshold) || (is.numeric(z_threshold) && z_threshold > 0))
model <- object$fit
vars <- object$vars
amended_data <- stats::model.frame(model)
amended_data$.fitted <- stats::fitted(model)
amended_data$.resids <- stats::residuals(model, type = "response")
result <- if (type == "fit-residual") {
amended_data_smooth <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(
expr = {
# nolint
tern::get_smooths(amended_data, x = ".fitted", y = ".resids", groups = vars$visit, level = 0.95)
error = function(msg) {
"Warning: Data not amenable to the Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing.",
"\nSmooth line will not be displayed in the fit-residual plot."
tmp <- ggplot2::ggplot(amended_data, ggplot2::aes(x = .data$.fitted, y = .data$.resids)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(colour = "blue", alpha = 0.3) +
ggplot2::facet_grid(stats::as.formula(paste(". ~", vars$visit)), scales = "free_x") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0)
if (!is.null(amended_data_smooth)) {
tmp <- tmp + ggplot2::geom_line(
data = amended_data_smooth,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, group = !!sym(vars$visit)),
color = "red",
linewidth = 1.4
) +
data = amended_data_smooth,
x = .data$x,
y = NULL,
ymin = .data$ylow,
ymax = .data$yhigh,
group = !!sym(vars$visit)
alpha = 0.4,
color = "light grey"
tmp <- tmp +
ggplot2::xlab("Fitted values") +
} else if (type == "q-q-residual") {
amended_data$.scaled_resids <- stats::residuals(model, type = "pearson")
# For each visit, calculate x and y coordinates of the specific Q-Q-plot.
plot_data <- split(amended_data, amended_data[[vars$visit]]) %>%
lapply(function(data) {
res <- data.frame(
x = stats::qnorm(stats::ppoints(data$.scaled_resids)),
y = sort(data$.scaled_resids)
res[[vars$visit]] <- data[[vars$visit]] # Note that these are all the same.
}) %>% = rbind)
tmp <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_data, ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(colour = "blue", alpha = 0.3) +
ggplot2::xlab("Standard normal quantiles") +
ggplot2::ylab("Standardized residuals") +
ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
ggplot2::facet_grid(stats::as.formula(paste(". ~", vars$visit)))
if (!is.null(z_threshold)) {
label_data <- plot_data
label_data$label <- ifelse(
abs(plot_data$y) > z_threshold,
tmp <- tmp +
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, label = .data$label),
data = label_data,
hjust = "inward",
size = 2
) +
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off")
#' Plot LS means for MMRM
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This function summarizes adjusted `lsmeans` and standard error, as well as conducts
#' comparisons between groups' adjusted `lsmeans`, where the first level of the group
#' is the reference level.
#' @param object (`tern_mmrm`)\cr model result produced by [fit_mmrm()].
#' @param select (`character`)\cr to select one or both of "estimates" and "contrasts" plots.
#' Note "contrasts" option is not applicable to model summaries excluding an arm variable.
#' @param titles (`character`)\cr with elements `estimates` and `contrasts` containing the plot titles.
#' @param xlab (`string`)\cr the x axis label.
#' @param ylab (`string`)\cr the y axis label.
#' @param width (`numeric`)\cr width of the error bars.
#' @param show_pval (`flag`)\cr should the p-values for the differences of
#' LS means vs. control be displayed (not default)?
#' @param show_lines (`flag`)\cr should the visit estimates be connected by lines (not default)?
#' @param constant_baseline (named `number` or `NULL`)\cr optional constant baseline for the
#' LS mean estimates. If specified then needs to be a named `number`, and the name will be used to
#' label the corresponding baseline visit. The differences of LS means will always be 0 at this
#' baseline visit.
#' @param n_baseline (`int` or named `integer`)\cr optional number of patients at baseline.
#' Since this can be visible in the optional table below the estimates plot, and we cannot
#' infer this from `object` (since that is then only fit without baseline data), we need
#' to allow the user to specify this. If `number` then assumed constant across potential
#' treatment arms, otherwise one number per treatment arm can be provided.
#' @param table_stats (`character`)\cr names of the statistics that will be displayed in the
#' table below the estimates plot. Note that the table will only be added when selecting only the
#' "estimates" plot. Available statistics are `n`, `estimate`, `se`, and `ci`.
#' @param table_formats (named `character`)\cr format patterns for descriptive statistics
#' used in the (optional) estimates table appended to the estimates plot.
#' @param table_labels (named `character`)\cr
#' labels for the statistics in the (optional) estimates table.
#' @param table_font_size (`number`)\cr
#' controls the font size of values in the (optional) estimates table.
#' @param table_rel_height (`number`)\cr
#' controls the relative height of the (optional) estimates table compared to the estimates plot.
#' @return A `ggplot2` plot.
#' @details If variable labels are available in the original data set, then these are used. Otherwise
#' the variable names themselves are used for annotating the plot.
#' The contrast plot is not going to be returned if treatment is not
#' considered in the `tern_mmrm` object input,
#' no matter if `select` argument contains the `contrasts` value.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm(
#' vars = list(
#' response = "FEV1",
#' covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"),
#' id = "USUBJID",
#' arm = "ARMCD",
#' visit = "AVISIT"
#' ),
#' data = mmrm_test_data,
#' cor_struct = "unstructured",
#' weights_emmeans = "equal"
#' )
#' g_mmrm_lsmeans(mmrm_results, constant_baseline = c(BSL = 0))
#' g_mmrm_lsmeans(
#' mmrm_results,
#' select = "estimates",
#' show_lines = TRUE,
#' xlab = "Visit"
#' )
#' g_mmrm_lsmeans(
#' mmrm_results,
#' select = "contrasts",
#' titles = c(contrasts = "Contrasts of FKSI-FWB means"),
#' show_pval = TRUE,
#' show_lines = TRUE,
#' width = 0.8
#' )
#' mmrm_test_data2 <- mmrm_test_data %>%
#' filter(ARMCD == "TRT")
#' mmrm_results_no_arm <- fit_mmrm(
#' vars = list(
#' response = "FEV1",
#' covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"),
#' id = "USUBJID",
#' visit = "AVISIT"
#' ),
#' data = mmrm_test_data2,
#' cor_struct = "unstructured",
#' weights_emmeans = "equal"
#' )
#' g_mmrm_lsmeans(mmrm_results_no_arm, select = "estimates")
#' g_mmrm_lsmeans(
#' mmrm_results_no_arm,
#' select = c("estimates", "contrasts"),
#' titles = c(
#' estimates = "Adjusted mean of FKSI-FWB",
#' contrasts = "it will not be created"
#' ),
#' show_pval = TRUE,
#' width = 0.8
#' )
#' g_mmrm_lsmeans(
#' mmrm_results_no_arm,
#' select = "estimates",
#' titles = c(estimates = "Adjusted mean of FKSI-FWB"),
#' show_pval = TRUE,
#' width = 0.8,
#' show_lines = TRUE
#' )
#' g_mmrm_lsmeans(
#' mmrm_results,
#' select = "estimates",
#' titles = c(estimates = "Adjusted mean of FKSI-FWB"),
#' table_stats = c("n", "ci")
#' )
g_mmrm_lsmeans <-
select = c("estimates", "contrasts"),
titles = c(
estimates = paste("Adjusted mean of", object$labels$response, "by treatment at visits"),
contrasts = paste0(
"Differences of ", object$labels$response, " adjusted means vs. control ('", object$ref_level, "')"
xlab = object$labels$visit,
ylab = paste0("Estimates with ", round(object$conf_level * 100), "% CIs"),
width = 0.6,
show_pval = TRUE,
show_lines = FALSE,
constant_baseline = NULL,
n_baseline = NA_integer_,
table_stats = character(),
table_formats = c(
n = "xx.",
estimate = "xx.x",
se = "xx.x",
ci = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)"
table_labels = c(
n = "n",
estimate = "LS mean",
se = "Std. Error",
ci = paste0(round(object$conf_level * 100), "% CI")
table_font_size = 3,
table_rel_height = 0.5) {
assert_class(object, "tern_mmrm")
select <- match.arg(select, several.ok = TRUE)
if (is.null(object$vars$arm)) {
select <- "estimates"
arms <- FALSE
if (identical(names(titles), "contrasts")) {
names(titles) <- "estimates"
titles <- titles
} else {
arms <- TRUE
assert_subset(select, names(titles))
if (isFALSE(arms)) {
stopifnot(sum(duplicated(object$lsmeans$estimates$AVISIT)) == 0L)
assert_number(constant_baseline, null.ok = TRUE)
incl_const_baseline <- !is.null(constant_baseline)
# Get relevant subsets of the estimates and contrasts data frames.
v <- object$vars
if (arms) {
estimates <- object$lsmeans$estimates[, c(v$arm, v$visit, "estimate", "se", "n", "lower_cl", "upper_cl")]
contrasts <- object$lsmeans$contrasts[, c(v$arm, v$visit, "estimate", "se", "lower_cl", "upper_cl", "p_value")]
contrasts[[v$arm]] <- factor(contrasts[[v$arm]], levels = levels(estimates[[v$arm]]))
contrasts$n <- NA
} else {
estimates <- object$lsmeans$estimates[, c(v$visit, "estimate", "se", "n", "lower_cl", "upper_cl")]
# Optionally add constant baseline estimates and 0 contrasts.
if (incl_const_baseline) {
baseline_visit <- names(constant_baseline)
assert_string(baseline_visit, min.chars = 1L)
assert_false(baseline_visit %in% levels(estimates[[v$visit]]))
new_visit_levels <- c(baseline_visit, levels(estimates[[v$visit]]))
baseline_est_row <- data.frame(
visit = baseline_visit,
estimate = constant_baseline,
se = 0,
n = n_baseline[1],
lower_cl = constant_baseline,
upper_cl = constant_baseline,
row.names = NULL
names(baseline_est_row)[1] <- v$visit
if (!arms) {
assert_scalar(n_baseline, na.ok = TRUE)
baseline_estimates <- baseline_est_row
} else {
baseline_cont_row <- data.frame(
visit = baseline_visit,
estimate = 0,
se = 0,
n = NA,
lower_cl = 0,
upper_cl = 0,
p_value = 1,
row.names = NULL
names(baseline_cont_row)[1] <- v$visit
arm_lvls <- levels(estimates[[v$arm]])
arm_levels_factor <- factor(arm_lvls, levels = arm_lvls)
baseline_estimates <- cbind(
baseline_est_row[rep(1L, length(arm_levels_factor)), ]
n_baseline_vec <- if (length(n_baseline) > 1) {
assert_names(names(n_baseline), permutation.of = arm_lvls)
} else {
rep(n_baseline, length.out = length(arm_lvls))
baseline_estimates$n <- n_baseline_vec
baseline_contrasts <- cbind(
arm_levels_factor[-1L], # without the reference.
baseline_cont_row[rep(1L, length(arm_levels_factor) - 1), ]
names(baseline_estimates)[1] <- names(baseline_contrasts)[1] <- v$arm
contrasts <- rbind(baseline_contrasts, contrasts)
contrasts[[v$visit]] <- factor(contrasts[[v$visit]], levels = new_visit_levels)
estimates <- rbind(baseline_estimates, estimates)
estimates[[v$visit]] <- factor(estimates[[v$visit]], levels = new_visit_levels)
estimates$p_value <- NA
plot_data <- if (identical(select, "estimates") || isFALSE(arms)) {
cbind(estimates, type = "estimates")
} else if (identical(select, "contrasts")) {
cbind(contrasts, type = "contrasts")
} else {
contrasts <- contrasts[, colnames(estimates)]
cbind(estimates, type = "estimates"),
cbind(contrasts, type = "contrasts")
pd <- ggplot2::position_dodge2(width, preserve = "total", padding = .2)
aes_choice <- if (arms) {
x = !!sym(v$visit),
y = .data$estimate,
colour = !!sym(v$arm),
group = !!sym(v$arm),
ymin = .data$lower_cl,
ymax = .data$upper_cl
} else {
x = !!sym(v$visit),
y = .data$estimate,
ymin = .data$lower_cl,
ymax = .data$upper_cl
result <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_data, aes_choice) +
ggplot2::geom_errorbar(width = width, position = pd) +
ggplot2::geom_point(position = pd) +
name = if (arms) object$labels$arm else NULL,
drop = FALSE # To ensure same colors for only contrasts plot.
) +
ggplot2::ylab(ylab) +
ggplot2::xlab(xlab) +
nrow = length(select),
scales = "free_y", # Since estimates and contrasts need to have different y scales.
labeller = ggplot2::as_labeller(titles)
if (show_lines) {
result <- result +
ggplot2::geom_line(position = pd)
if ("contrasts" %in% select) {
result <- result +
data = data.frame(type = "contrasts", height = 0),
ggplot2::aes(yintercept = .data$height),
colour = "black"
if (show_pval) {
pval_data <- plot_data[plot_data$type == "contrasts", ]
pval_data$y_pval <- ifelse(
as.numeric(pval_data[[v$arm]]) %% 2,
pval_data$vjust <- ifelse(
as.numeric(pval_data[[v$arm]]) %% 2,
pval_data$y_total <- pval_data$y_pval + pval_data$vjust
pval_data$label <- ifelse(
pval_data$p_value < 0.0001,
sprintf("%.4f", pval_data$p_value)
result <- result +
data = pval_data,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(y = .data$y_pval, vjust = .data$vjust, label = .data$label),
position = pd,
show.legend = FALSE
) +
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off")
} else if (length(table_stats) > 0) {
table_stats <- match.arg(
choices = c("n", "estimate", "se", "ci"),
several.ok = TRUE
est_stats_tab <- NULL
strata_vars <- c(v$arm, v$visit)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(estimates))) {
x_list <- as.list(estimates[i, ])
x_list$ci <- c(x_list$lower_cl, x_list$upper_cl)
this_row <- cbind(
estimates[i, strata_vars, drop = FALSE],
x = x_list[table_stats],
format = table_formats,
labels = table_labels
est_stats_tab <- rbind(est_stats_tab, this_row)
stats_lev <- rev(setdiff(colnames(est_stats_tab), strata_vars))
est_stats_tab <- est_stats_tab %>%
cols = -dplyr::all_of(strata_vars),
names_to = "stat",
values_to = "value",
names_ptypes = list(stat = factor(levels = stats_lev))
tbl <- ggplot2::ggplot(
x = !!sym(v$visit),
y = .data$stat,
label = .data$value
) +
ggplot2::geom_text(size = table_font_size) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0),
strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::margin(1.5, 0, 1.5, 0, "pt")),
strip.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "grey95", color = NA),
legend.position = "none"
# Facet by treatment arm, if available.
if (arms) {
tbl <- tbl + ggplot2::facet_wrap(
facets = v$arm,
ncol = 1
# Align estimates plot and estimates table.
result <- result +
legend.position = "bottom"
result <- cowplot::plot_grid(
ncol = 1,
align = "v",
rel_heights = c(1, table_rel_height)
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