adjacent: Adjacent cells

adjacentR Documentation

Adjacent cells


Identify cells that are adjacent to a set of raster cells. Or identify adjacent polygons


## S4 method for signature 'SpatRaster'
adjacent(x, cells, directions="rook", pairs=FALSE, include=FALSE, symmetrical=FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatVector'
adjacent(x, type="rook", pairs=TRUE, symmetrical=FALSE)





vector of cell numbers for which adjacent cells should be found. Cell numbers start with 1 in the upper-left corner and increase from left to right and from top to bottom


character or matrix to indicated the directions in which cells are considered connected. The following character values are allowed: "rook" or "4" for the horizontal and vertical neighbors; "bishop" to get the diagonal neighbors; "queen" or "8" to get the vertical, horizontal and diagonal neighbors; or "16" for knight and one-cell queen move neighbors. If directions is a matrix it should have odd dimensions and have logical (or 0, 1) values


logical. If TRUE, a two-column matrix of pairs of adjacent cells is returned. If x is a SpatRaster and pairs is FALSE, an n*m matrix is returned where the number of rows n is length(cells) and the number of columns m is the number of neighbors requested with directions


logical. Should the focal cells be included in the result?


character. One of "rook", "queen", "touches", or "intersects". "queen" and "touches" are synonyms. "rook" exclude polygons that touch at a single node only. "intersects" includes polygons that touch or overlap


logical. If TRUE and pairs=TRUE, an adjacent pair is only included once. For example, if polygon 1 is adjacent to polygon 3, the implied adjacency between 3 and 1 is not reported




When using global lon/lat rasters, adjacent cells at the other side of the date-line are included.

See Also

relate, nearby


r <- rast(nrows=10, ncols=10)
adjacent(r, cells=c(1, 5, 55), directions="queen") 
r <- rast(nrows=10, ncols=10, crs="+proj=utm +zone=1 +datum=WGS84")
adjacent(r, cells=11, directions="rook") 

#same as 
rk <- matrix(c(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0), 3, 3)
adjacent(r, cells=11, directions=rk) 

## note that with global lat/lon data the E and W connect
r <- rast(nrows=10, ncols=10, crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
adjacent(r, cells=11, directions="rook") 

f <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra")
v <- vect(f)
a <- adjacent(v, symmetrical=TRUE)

terra documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 5:07 p.m.