
# setequal ----------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("ignores order and duplicates", {
  expect_success(expect_setequal(letters, rev(letters)))
  expect_success(expect_setequal(c("a", "a", "b"), c("b", "b", "a")))

test_that("checks both directions of containment", {
  expect_failure(expect_setequal(letters, letters[-1]))
  expect_failure(expect_setequal(letters[-1], letters))

test_that("truncates long differences", {
  cnd <- catch_cnd(expect_setequal("a", letters))
  expect_match(cnd$message, "...")

test_that("warns if both inputs are named", {
  expect_warning(expect_setequal(c(a = 1), c(b = 1)), "ignores names")

test_that("error for non-vectors", {
  expect_error(expect_setequal(sum, sum), "be vectors")

test_that("useful message on failure", {
  expect_snapshot_failure(expect_setequal(1:2, 2))
  expect_snapshot_failure(expect_setequal(2, 2:3))
  expect_snapshot_failure(expect_setequal(1:2, 2:3))

test_that("truncates long vectors", {
  expect_snapshot_failure(expect_setequal(1:2, 1:50))

# mapequal ----------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("ignores order", {
  expect_success(expect_mapequal(list(a = 1, b = 2), list(b = 2, a = 1)))

test_that("error if any names are duplicated", {
  expect_error(expect_mapequal(list(a = 1, b = 2, b = 3), list(b = 2, a = 1)))
  expect_error(expect_mapequal(list(a = 1, b = 2), list(b = 3, b = 2, a = 1)))
  expect_error(expect_mapequal(list(a = 1, b = 2, b = 3), list(b = 3, b = 2, a = 1)))

test_that("handling NULLs", {
  expect_success(expect_mapequal(list(a = 1, b = NULL), list(b = NULL, a = 1)))

test_that("fail if names don't match", {
  expect_failure(expect_mapequal(list(a = 1, b = 2), list(a = 1)))
  expect_failure(expect_mapequal(list(a = 1), list(a = 1, b = 2)))

test_that("fails if values don't match", {
  expect_failure(expect_mapequal(list(a = 1, b = 2), list(a = 1, b = 3)))

test_that("error for non-vectors", {
  expect_error(expect_mapequal(sum, sum), "be vectors")
  expect_error(expect_mapequal(NULL, NULL), "be vectors")

test_that("error if any unnamed values", {
  expect_error(expect_mapequal(list(1, b = 2), list(1, b = 2)))
  expect_error(expect_mapequal(list(1, b = 2), list(b = 2, 1)))

test_that("succeeds if comparing empty named and unnamed vectors", {
  x1 <- list()
  x2 <- setNames(list(), character())

  expect_warning(expect_success(expect_mapequal(x1, x1)))
  expect_warning(expect_success(expect_mapequal(x1, x2)))
  expect_warning(expect_success(expect_mapequal(x2, x1)))
  expect_warning(expect_success(expect_mapequal(x2, x2)))

# contains ----------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("expect_contains() succeeds when appropriate", {
  expect_success(expect_contains(letters, "a"))
  expect_success(expect_contains(letters, letters))
  expect_success(expect_contains(letters, character()))

test_that("expect_contains() gives useful message on failure", {
  x1 <- c("a", "b", "c")
  x2 <- c("c", "d")
  x3 <- c("d", "e")

  expect_snapshot_failure(expect_contains(x1, x2))
  expect_snapshot_failure(expect_contains(x1, x3))

# in ----------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("expect_in() succeeds when appropriate", {
  expect_success(expect_in("a", letters))
  expect_success(expect_in(letters, letters))
  expect_success(expect_in(character(), letters))

test_that("expect_in() gives useful message on failure", {
  x1 <- c("a", "b")
  x2 <- c("b", "c")
  x3 <- c("d", "e")

  expect_snapshot_failure(expect_in(x1, x2))
  expect_snapshot_failure(expect_in(x1, x3))

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testthat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:38 a.m.