
Defines functions print.summary.migpd summary.migpd

#' @export
summary.migpd <-
function(object, ...){
  d <- dim(object$data)[2]
  conv <- sapply(object$models, function(z) z$convergence)

  if (sum(conv) != 0)
    conv <- (1:d)[conv != 0]
  else conv <- NULL

  co <- coef(object)

  res <- list(d=d,conv=conv,penalty=object$penalty,co=co)
  oldClass(res) <- "summary.migpd"

#' @export 
print.summary.migpd <- function(x, ...){
    cat("\nA collection of", x$d, "generalized Pareto models.\n")
    if (is.null(x$conv)) cat("All models converged.\n")
    else cat("The following model(s) did not converge:", paste(x$conv, collapse=","), "\n")
    cat("Penalty to the likelihood:", x$penalty)
    cat("\n\nSummary of models:\n")
    print(x$co, ...)

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