#' This function tests the relationship between a single topic or all topics and a
#' variable of interest. Available tests include correlation, t-test, linear regression,
#' binary regression, and ridge regression. (EXPERIMENTAL - under development)
#' @param model (data.frame) The model returned from textTopics().
#' @param group_var (string) Grouping variable for t-test
#' @param pred_var (string) Variable of interest for linear or binary regression
#' @param control_vars (list) Control variables for linear or binary regression
#' @param test_method (string) Choose between "correlation", "t-test", "binary_regression",
#' "linear_regression" or "ridge_regression"
#' @param multiple_comparison Method for correction of multiple tests
#' (e.g., "fdr", "bonferroni").
#' @param load_dir (string) if specified, the function returns the precomputed analysis
#' from the directory, otherwise leave blank
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom stats as.formula glm p.adjust
#' @return Metadata and results of the test such as estimate, t-value, p-value,
#' and variable name.
#' @export
textTopicsTest <- function(model,
group_var = NULL, # only one in the case of t-test
control_vars = c(),
test_method = "linear_regression",
multiple_comparison = "fdr",
load_dir = NULL) {
model_info <- model
model <- model_info$model
preds <- model_info$preds
data <- model_info$train_data
seed <- model_info$seed
save_dir <- model_info$save_dir
control_vars <- c(pred_var, control_vars)
if (is.null(group_var)) {
group_var <- pred_var
if (!is.null(load_dir)) {
test <- readRDS(paste0(load_dir, "/seed_", seed, "/test.rds"))
} else {
if (!(group_var %in% names(preds))) {
preds <- dplyr::bind_cols(data[group_var], preds)
for (control_var in control_vars) {
if (!(control_var %in% names(preds))) {
preds <- dplyr::bind_cols(data[control_var], preds)
preds <- preds %>% tibble::tibble()
test <- topic_test(
topic_terms = model$summary,
topics_loadings = preds,
grouping_variable = preds[group_var],
control_vars = control_vars,
test_method = test_method,
split = "median",
n_min_max = 20,
multiple_comparison = multiple_comparison
if (!is.null(save_dir)) {
if (!dir.exists(save_dir)) {
# Create the directory
cat("Directory created successfully.\n")
} else {
cat("Directory already exists.\n")
if (!dir.exists(paste0(save_dir, "/seed_", seed))) {
dir.create(paste0(save_dir, "/seed_", seed))
if (test_method == "ridge_regression") {
df <- list(
variable = group_var,
estimate = test$estimate,
t_value = test$statistic,
p_value = test$p.value
utils::write.csv(data.frame(df), paste0(save_dir, "/seed_", seed, "/textTrain_regression.csv"))
saveRDS(test, paste0(save_dir, "/seed_", seed, "/test_", test_method, ".rds"))
print(paste0("The test was saved in: ", save_dir, "/seed_", seed, "/test_", test_method, ".rds"))
return_test <- list(
test = test,
test_method = test_method,
pred_var = pred_var
#' The function for topic testing
#' @param topic_loadings (tibble) The predicted loadings of topics including the grouping variable.
#' @param grouping_variable (tibble) The variable for grouping
#' @param topic_terms (R_obj) The object from model$summary in textmineR package vignette topic_modeling
#' @param split (string) How to split the CONTINUOUS test_values for testing
#' @param n_min_max (integer) If split = "min_max", the number of records to test per group.
#' @param multiple_comparison (string) The p-correction method
#' @importFrom dplyr select everything right_join contains
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @seealso See \code{\link{textTrainRegression}}
#' @return the test as a data.frame
#' @noRd
topic_test <- function(topic_terms,
test_method = "correlation",
split = "median",
n_min_max = 20,
multiple_comparison = "bonferroni") {
colnames(grouping_variable) <- "value"
topics_groupings <- bind_cols(
topics_loadings <- topics_loadings[complete.cases(topics_groupings), ]
grouping_variable <- grouping_variable[complete.cases(topics_groupings), ]
if (TRUE) {
# format checker
if (!tibble::is_tibble(topics_loadings)) {
stop("Parameter `topics_loadings` must be a tibble.")
if (!tibble::is_tibble(grouping_variable)) {
stop("Parameter `grouping_variable` must be a tibble.")
if (nrow(topics_loadings) != nrow(grouping_variable)) {
stop("Parameters `topics_loadings` & `grouping_variable`
should have the same length.")
if (!is.character(split)) {
stop("Parameter `split` must be a string.")
if (!split %in% c("median", "quartile", "min_max")) {
stop("Parameter `split` must be one of 'median', 'quartile', or 'min_max'.")
if (!is.numeric(n_min_max)) {
stop("Parameter `n_min_max` must be numeric.")
if (!is.character(multiple_comparison)) {
stop("Parameter `multiple_comparison` must be a string.")
if (!multiple_comparison %in% c(
"holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni",
"BH", "BY", "fdr", "none"
)) {
stop("Variable `multiple_comparison` must be one of `holm`, `hochberg`,
`hommel`, `bonferroni`, `BH`, `BY`,`fdr`, or `none`.")
if (test_method == "correlation") {
if (TRUE) {
temp <- cbind(grouping_variable, topics_loadings)
colnames(temp)[1] <- colnames(grouping_variable)[1]
colnames(temp)[2:ncol(temp)] <- colnames(topics_loadings)
topics_loadings <- temp
temp <- NULL
result <- topics_corr_grouping(
grouping1 = colnames(topics_loadings)[1],
colnames1 = colnames(topics_loadings)[2:ncol(topics_loadings)],
method1 = multiple_comparison
# Change the output of a list to a tibble. For corr only now.
output <- extract_topic_stats_corr(result)
names(output)[1] <- c("topic_name")
output <- dplyr::left_join(output, topic_terms,
by = dplyr::join_by(topic_name == topic)
output <- output %>%
dplyr::everything() # this will include the rest of the columns in their original order
return(output %>% sort_stats_tibble())
if (test_method == "t-test") {
temp <- cbind(grouping_variable, topics_loadings)
colnames(temp)[1] <- colnames(grouping_variable)[1]
colnames(temp)[2:ncol(temp)] <- colnames(topics_loadings)
topics_loadings <- temp
temp <- NULL
result <- topics_t_test_grouping(topics_loadings,
method1 = multiple_comparison
# Produce the topic list through the pairs of categories
output_list <- purrr::map(names(result), function(name) {
output <- extract_topic_stats_cate(result[[name]])
names(output)[1] <- c("topic_name")
output <- dplyr::left_join(output, topic_terms, by = dplyr::join_by(topic_name == topic))
output <- output %>%
# label.label_2,
dplyr::everything() # this will include the rest of the columns in their original order
output <- sort_stats_tibble(output)
names(output_list) <- names(result)
if (test_method == "linear_regression" || test_method == "logistic_regression") {
# still get number of topics automatically
num_topics <- sum(grepl("t_", names(topics_loadings)))
lda_topics <- character(num_topics)
# Create the list of LDA topics
for (i in 1:num_topics) {
lda_topics[i] <- paste("t_", i, sep = "")
preds <- topics_loadings # load topics_loading into different variable to reduce naming errors
for (topic in lda_topics) {
mean_value <- mean(preds[[topic]])
std_dev <- sd(preds[[topic]])
preds[[paste0("z_", topic)]] <- (preds[[topic]] - mean_value) / std_dev
control_variables <- control_vars
for (variable in control_variables) {
preds[[paste0("z_", variable)]] <- scale(preds[[variable]])
# Initialize an empty list to store the topic names
z_lda_topics <- character(num_topics)
for (i in 1:num_topics) {
z_lda_topics[i] <- paste0("z_t_", i)
# Loop through each LDA topic and create a linear model
multi_models <- list()
preds[] <- 0
if (test_method == "linear_regression") {
formula_tail <- "~"
for (variable in control_variables) {
formula_tail <- paste0(formula_tail, " + z_", variable)
for (topic in z_lda_topics) {
formula <- stats::as.formula(paste0(topic, formula_tail))
multi_models[[paste0("t_", topic)]] <- lm(formula, data = preds)
if (test_method == "logistic_regression") {
for (topic in z_lda_topics) {
multi_models[[paste0("t_", topic)]] <- stats::glm(paste0("z_", control_variables[1], " ~ ", topic),
data = preds)
control_variable_summary <- list()
topics <- c()
if (test_method == "linear_regression") {
for (variable in control_variables) {
control_variable_summary[[variable]] <- list()
control_variable_summary[[variable]][["estimate"]] <- c()
control_variable_summary[[variable]][["t"]] <- c()
control_variable_summary[[variable]][["p"]] <- c()
control_variable_summary[[variable]][["p_adjusted"]] <- c()
if (test_method == "logistic_regression") {
control_variable_summary[["estimate"]] <- c()
control_variable_summary[["t"]] <- c()
control_variable_summary[["p"]] <- c()
control_variable_summary[["p_adjusted"]] <- c()
for (i in 1:length(multi_models)) {
temp <- multi_models[[i]]
p_values <- summary(temp)$coefficients[, "Pr(>|t|)"]
t_values <- summary(temp)$coefficients[, "t value"]
estimate_values <- summary(temp)$coefficients[, "Estimate"]
topics <- c(topics, paste0("t", i))
if (test_method == "linear_regression") {
for (variable in control_variables) {
control_variable_summary[[variable]][["estimate"]] <- c(
estimate_values[[paste0("z_", variable)]]
control_variable_summary[[variable]][["t"]] <- c(
t_values[[paste0("z_", variable)]]
control_variable_summary[[variable]][["p"]] <- c(
p_values[[paste0("z_", variable)]]
if (test_method == "logistic_regression") {
control_variable_summary[["estimate"]] <- c(
estimate_values[[paste0("z_t_", i)]]
control_variable_summary[["t"]] <- c(
t_values[[paste0("z_t_", i)]]
control_variable_summary[["p"]] <- c(
p_values[[paste0("z_t_", i)]]
if (test_method == "linear_regression") {
for (variable in control_variables) {
p_adjusted <- stats::p.adjust(
control_variable_summary[[variable]][[paste0("p_adjusted")]] <- c(
if (test_method == "logistic_regression") {
p_adjusted <- stats::p.adjust(
control_variable_summary[[paste0("p_adjusted")]] <- c(
# return (control_variable_summary)
control_variable_summary$topic <- lda_topics
output <- dplyr::right_join(topic_terms[c("topic", "top_terms")],
by = dplyr::join_by(topic))
# add the adjustment for bonferroni
if (test_method == "ridge_regression") {
num_topics <- nrow(topic_terms)
preds <- topics_loadings
# rename topic columns
for (i in 1:num_topics) {
old_column_name <- paste0("t_", i)
new_column_name <- paste0("Dim", i, "_texts")
if (old_column_name %in% colnames(preds)) {
colnames(preds)[colnames(preds) == old_column_name] <- new_column_name
dims <- %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::contains("Dim"))
dims <- tibble::as_tibble(dims)
preds <- tibble::as_tibble(preds)
for (col in colnames(dims)) {
dims[[col]] <- as.numeric(dims[[col]])
trained_model <- textTrainRegression(
x = dims,
y = grouping_variable,
multi_cores = FALSE # This is FALSE due to CRAN testing and Windows machines.
#' This is a private function and used internally by textTopicsWordcloud
#' @param df_list (list) a list of data frames with each topic
#' @param phi (data.frame) data frame with topic word scores
#' @param model_type (string) "mallet", or "bert_topic" ("textmineR" not supported)
#' @return list of data.frames with assigned phi
#' @noRd
assign_phi_to_words <- function(df_list, phi, model_type) {
for (i in 1:length(df_list)) {
df <- data.frame(df_list[[i]])
colnames(df)[1] <- "Word"
phi_vector <- c()
for (j in 1:nrow(df)) {
word <- df[j, ]
if (model_type == "mallet") {
phi_vector <- c(phi_vector, phi[i, ][word])
} else {
phi_vector <- c(phi_vector, phi[paste0("t_", i), ][word])
df$phi <- phi_vector
df_list[[i]] <- df
#' This is a private function and used internally by textTopicsWordcloud
#' @param summary (data.frame) the models summary
#' @return a list of dataframes for each topic filled with top terms
#' @noRd
create_topic_words_dfs <- function(summary) {
n <- nrow(summary)
df_list <- vector("list", n)
# Create and name the dataframes in a loop
for (i in 1:n) {
word_vector <- unlist(strsplit(summary[paste0("t_", i), ]$top_terms, ", "))
df <- data.frame(Word = word_vector) # Create an empty dataframe
df <- df_cleaned <- df[complete.cases(df), ]
df_list[[i]] <- df # Add the dataframe to the list
name <- paste("t", i, sep = "_") # Create the name for the dataframe
assign(name, df_list[[i]]) # Assign the dataframe to a variable with the specified name
#' This is a private function and used internally by textTopicsWordcloud
#' @param df_list (list) list of data.frames with topics most frequent words and assigned topic term scores
#' @param test (data.frame) the test returned from textTopicTest()
#' @param test_type (string) "linear_regression", or "binary_regression"
#' @param cor_var (string) Variable for t-test, linear, binary or ridge regression
#' @param color_negative_cor (scale_color_gradient) color of topic cloud with negative correlation
#' @param color_positive_cor (scale_color_gradient) color of topic cloud with positive correlation
#' @param scale_size (bool) if True, then the size of the topic cloud is scaled by the prevalence of the topic
#' @param plot_topics_idx (list) if specified, then only the specified topics are plotted
#' @param p_threshold (float) set threshold which determines which topics are plotted
#' @param save_dir (string) save plots in specified directory, if left blank, plots is not saved,
#' thus save_dir is necessary
#' @param seed (int) seed is needed for saving the plots in the correct directory
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot ggsave
#' @importFrom dplyr select everything
# @importFrom ggwordcloud geom_text_wordcloud (removing this since it is required through requireNamespace)
#' @noRd
create_plots <- function(df_list,
scale_size = TRUE,
plot_topics_idx = NULL,
p_threshold = NULL,
save_dir = ".") {
if (!requireNamespace("ggwordcloud", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("ggwordcloud is required for this feature.
Please install it using install.packages('ggwordcloud').", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(plot_topics_idx)) {
plot_topics_idx <- seq(1, length(df_list))
for (i in plot_topics_idx) {
if (test_type == "linear_regression") {
estimate_col <- paste0(cor_var, ".estimate")
p_adjusted_col <- paste0(cor_var, ".p_adjusted")
} else if (test_type == "t-test") {
estimate_col <- "cohens d" # probably doesnt work yet
} else if (test_type == "logistic_regression") {
estimate_col <- "estimate"
estimate_col <- "p_adjustedfdr"
estimate <- test[i, ][[estimate_col]] # $PHQtot.estimate
p_adjusted <- test[i, ][[p_adjusted_col]] # $PHQtot.p_adjustedfdr
if (scale_size == TRUE) {
prevalence <- summary[paste0("t_", i), ]$prevalence
# this will ensure that all topics are plotted
if (is.null(p_threshold)) {
p_threshold <- p_adjusted + 1
if (!is.nan(p_adjusted) && p_adjusted < p_threshold) {
if (estimate < 0) {
color_scheme <- color_negative_cor
} else {
color_scheme <- color_positive_cor
if (scale_size == TRUE) {
max_size <- 10 * log(prevalence)
y <- paste0("P = ", prevalence)
} else {
max_size <- 10
y <- ""
plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(df_list[[i]], aes(label = Word, size = phi, color = phi)) + # ,x=estimate)) +
ggwordcloud::geom_text_wordcloud() +
scale_size_area(max_size = max_size) +
theme_minimal() +
color_scheme +
x = paste0("r = ", estimate),
y = y
if (!dir.exists(save_dir)) {
cat("Directory created successfully.\n")
if (!dir.exists(paste0(save_dir, "/seed_", seed, "/wordclouds"))) {
dir.create(paste0(save_dir, "/seed_", seed, "/wordclouds"))
p_adjusted <- sprintf("%.2e", p_adjusted)
i, "_r_", estimate,
"_p_", p_adjusted, ".png"),
plot = plot, width = 10, height = 8, units = "in")
#' Create list of data.frames with topics most frequent words and topic term scores
#' @param save_dir (string) directory where to get data from
#' @param num_topics (int) the number of topics
#' @return list of data.frames
#' @noRd
create_df_list_bert_topics <- function(save_dir,
num_topics) {
df_list <- list()
for (i in 1:num_topics) {
df_list[[i]] <- read.csv(paste0(save_dir, "/seed_", seed, "/df_list_term_phi/", i, "_top_words.csv"))
#' This functions plots wordclouds of topics from a Topic Model based on their significance
#' determined by a linear or binary regression
#' @param model (data.frame) The model returned from textTopics().
#' @param test (data.frame) the test returned from textTopicTest()
#' @param color_negative_cor (ggplot2::scale_color_gradient()) color gradient of topic cloud
#' with negative correlation
#' @param color_positive_cor (ggplot2::scale_color_gradient) color gradient of topic cloud
#' with positive correlation
#' @param scale_size (bool) if True, then the size of the topic cloud is scaled by the
#' prevalence of the topic
#' @param plot_topics_idx (list) if specified, then only the specified topics are plotted
#' @param p_threshold (float) set significance threshold which determines which topics are plotted
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_gradient
#' @export
textTopicsWordcloud <- function(model,
color_negative_cor = ggplot2::scale_color_gradient(low = "darkred", high = "red"),
color_positive_cor = ggplot2::scale_color_gradient(low = "darkgreen", high = "green"),
scale_size = FALSE,
plot_topics_idx = NULL,
p_threshold = 0.05) {
model_info <- model
model <- model_info$model
cor_var <- test$pred_var
test_method <- test$test_method
test <- test$test
save_dir <- model_info$save_dir
seed <- model_info$seed
model_type <- model_info$model_type
if (model_type == "bert_topic") {
num_topics <- nrow(test)
df_list <- create_df_list_bert_topics(save_dir, seed, num_topics)
} else if (model_type == "mallet") {
model <- name_cols_with_vocab(model, "phi", model$vocabulary)
df_list <- create_topic_words_dfs(model$summary)
df_list <- assign_phi_to_words(df_list, model$phi, model_type)
} else if (model_type == "neural_topic_model") {
df_list <- create_topic_words_dfs(model$summary)
df_list <- assign_phi_to_words(df_list, model$phi, "mallet")
df_list = df_list,
summary = model$summary,
test = test,
test_type = test_method,
cor_var = cor_var,
seed = seed,
color_negative_cor = color_negative_cor,
color_positive_cor = color_positive_cor,
scale_size = scale_size,
plot_topics_idx = plot_topics_idx,
p_threshold = p_threshold,
save_dir = save_dir
print(paste0("The plots (p<", p_threshold, ") are saved in ", save_dir, "/seed_", seed, "/wordclouds"))
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