
Defines functions rcmd_running colourise .onAttach

#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @noRd
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  if (!grepl(x = R.Version()$arch, pattern = "64")) {
    warning("The text package requires running R on a 64-bit systems
            as it is dependent on torch from ptyhon; and you're
            system is not 64-bit.")

  text_version_nr <- tryCatch(
      text_version_nr1 <- paste(" (version ", packageVersion("text"), ")", sep = "")
    error = function(e) {
      text_version_nr1 <- ""

      paste("This is text",
        sep = ""
      fg = "blue", bg = NULL
    colourise("Text is new and still rapidly improving.
               \nNewer versions may have improved functions and updated defaults to reflect current understandings of the state-of-the-art.
               Please send us feedback based on your experience.",
      fg = "green", bg = NULL
    colourise("\n\nPlease note that defaults has changed in the textEmbed-functions since last version; see help(textEmbed) or www.r-text.org for more details.",
      fg = "purple", bg = NULL

  if (isTRUE(check_textrpp_python_options()$val == "textrpp_condaenv")) {
    textrpp_initialize(check_env = FALSE)

# Below function is from testthat:
# https://github.com/r-lib/testthat/blob/717b02164def5c1f027d3a20b889dae35428b6d7/R/colour-text.r
#' Colourise text for display in the terminal.
#' If R is not currently running in a system that supports terminal colours
#' the text will be returned unchanged.
#' Allowed colours are: black, blue, brown, cyan, dark gray, green, light
#' blue, light cyan, light gray, light green, light purple, light red,
#' purple, red, white, yellow
#' @param text character vector
#' @param fg foreground colour, defaults to white
#' @param bg background colour, defaults to transparent
# @examples
#' @noRd
colourise <- function(text, fg = "black", bg = NULL) {
  term <- Sys.getenv()["TERM"]
  colour_terms <- c("xterm-color", "xterm-256color", "screen", "screen-256color")

  if (rcmd_running() || !any(term %in% colour_terms, na.rm = TRUE)) {

  col_escape <- function(col) {
    paste0("\033[", col, "m")

  col <- .fg_colours[tolower(fg)]
  if (!is.null(bg)) {
    col <- paste0(col, .bg_colours[tolower(bg)], sep = ";")

  init <- col_escape(col)
  reset <- col_escape("0")
  paste0(init, text, reset)

.fg_colours <- c(
  "black" = "0;30",
  "blue" = "0;34",
  "green" = "0;32",
  "cyan" = "0;36",
  "red" = "0;31",
  "purple" = "0;35"
  # "brown" = "0;33",
  # "light gray" = "0;37",
  # "dark gray" = "1;30",
  # "light blue" = "1;34",
  # "light green" = "1;32",
  # "light cyan" = "1;36",
  # "light red" = "1;31",
  # "light purple" = "1;35",
  # "yellow" = "1;33",
  # "white" = "1;37"

.bg_colours <- c(
  "black" = "40",
  "red" = "41",
  "green" = "42",
  "brown" = "43",
  "blue" = "44",
  "purple" = "45",
  "cyan" = "46",
  "light gray" = "47"

rcmd_running <- function() {
  nchar(Sys.getenv("R_TESTS")) != 0

Try the text package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

text documentation built on Aug. 9, 2023, 5:08 p.m.