
Defines functions save_textrpp_options check_textrpp_python_options clear_textrpp_options set_textrpp_python_option check_textrpp_model find_textrpp_env find_textrpp textrpp_initialize

Documented in find_textrpp find_textrpp_env textrpp_initialize

# modified from spacyr: https://github.com/quanteda/spacyr/tree/master/R

#' Initialize text required python packages
#' Initialize text required python packages to call from R.
#' @return NULL
#' @param python_executable the full path to the Python executable, for which
#'   text required python packages is installed.
#' @param ask logical; if \code{FALSE}, use the first text required python packages installation found;
#'   if \code{TRUE}, list available text required python packages installations and prompt the user for
#'   which to use. If another (e.g. \code{python_executable}) is set, then this
#'   value will always be treated as \code{FALSE}.
#' @param virtualenv set a path to the Python virtual environment with text required python packages
#'   installed Example: \code{virtualenv = "~/myenv"}
#' @param condaenv set a path to the anaconda virtual environment with text required python packages
#'   installed Example: \code{condalenv = "myenv"}
#' @param check_env logical; check whether conda/virtual environment generated
#'   by \code{textrpp_install()} exists
#' @param refresh_settings logical; if \code{TRUE}, text will ignore the saved
#'   settings in the profile and initiate a search of new settings.
#' @param save_profile logical; if \code{TRUE}, the current text required python packages setting will
#'   be saved for the future use.
#' @param textEmbed_test logical; Test whether function (textEmbed) that requires python packages works.
#' @param prompt logical; asking whether user wants to set the environment as default.
#' @export
textrpp_initialize <- function(python_executable = NULL,
                               virtualenv = NULL,
                               condaenv = "textrpp_condaenv",
                               ask = FALSE,
                               refresh_settings = FALSE,
                               save_profile = FALSE,
                               check_env = TRUE,
                               textEmbed_test = FALSE,
                               prompt = TRUE) {

  ## check settings and start reticulate python
  settings <- check_textrpp_python_options()
  if (!is.null(settings)) {
    if (settings$key == "textrpp_python_executable") {
      reticulate::use_python(settings$val, required = TRUE)
    } else if (settings$key == "textrpp_virtualenv") {
      reticulate::use_virtualenv(settings$val, required = TRUE)
    } else if (settings$key == "textrpp_condaenv") {
      reticulate::use_condaenv(settings$val, required = TRUE)

  # Importing this here may start importing necessary packages
    package = "text",
    mustWork = TRUE

    "\nSuccessfully initialized text required python packages.\n",
    fg = "green", bg = NULL
  settings <- check_textrpp_python_options()

  settings_text <- paste('Python options: \n type = "', settings$key,
    '", \n name = "', settings$val, '".',
    sep = ""

    fg = "blue", bg = NULL

  options("textrpp_initialized" = TRUE)

  if (save_profile == TRUE) {
    save_textrpp_options(settings$key, settings$val, prompt = prompt)

  if (textEmbed_test == TRUE) {

#' Find text required python packages
#' Locate the user's version of Python for which text required python packages are installed.
#' @return textrpp_python
#' @export
#' @param ask logical; if \code{FALSE}, use the first text required python packages installation found;
#'   if \code{TRUE}, list available text required python packages installations and prompt the user
#'   for which to use. If another (e.g. \code{python_executable}) is set, then
#'   this value will always be treated as \code{FALSE}.
#' @keywords internal
find_textrpp <- function(ask) {
  textrpp_found <- `:=` <- NA
  textrpp_python <- NULL
  options(warn = -1)
  py_execs <- if (is_windows()) {
    system2("where", "python", stdout = TRUE)
  } else if (is_osx() && file.exists("~/.bash_profile")) {
      system2("source", "~/.bash_profile; which -a python", stdout = TRUE),
      system2("source", "~/.bash_profile; which -a python3", stdout = TRUE)
  } else {
      system2("which", "-a python", stdout = TRUE),
      system2("which", "-a python3", stdout = TRUE)
  py_execs <- unique(py_execs)
  options(warn = 0)

  if (length(py_execs) == 0 | grepl("not find", py_execs[1])[1]) {

  df_python_check <- tibble::tibble(py_execs, textrpp_found = 0)
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(df_python_check))) {
    py_exec <- df_python_check[i, ]
    sys_message <- check_textrpp_model(py_exec) #
    if (sys_message == "OK") {
      df_python_check[i, textrpp_found := 1]

  if (df_python_check[, sum(textrpp_found)] == 0) {
  } else if (df_python_check[, sum(textrpp_found)] == 1) {
    textrpp_python <- df_python_check[textrpp_found == 1, py_execs]
    message("textrpp: ", ") is installed in ", textrpp_python)
  } else if (ask == FALSE) {
    textrpp_python <- df_python_check[textrpp_found == 1, py_execs][1]
    message("textrpp: is installed in more than one python")
    message("text will use ", textrpp_python, " (because ask = FALSE)")
  } else {
    textrpp_pythons <- df_python_check[textrpp_found == 1, py_execs]
    message("textrpp is installed in more than one python")
    number <- utils::menu(textrpp_pythons, title = "Please select python:")
    if (number == 0) {
      stop("Initialization was canceled by user", call. = FALSE)
    textrpp_python <- textrpp_pythons[number]
    message("text will use: ", textrpp_python)

#' Find text required python pacakges env
#' check whether conda/virtual environment for text required python pacakges exists
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
find_textrpp_env <- function() {
  if (is.null(tryCatch(reticulate::conda_binary("auto"), error = function(e) NULL))) {
  found <- if ("textrpp_condaenv" %in% reticulate::conda_list(conda = "auto")$name) {
  } else if (file.exists(file.path("~/.virtualenvs", "textrpp_virtualenv", "bin", "activate"))) {
  } else {

check_textrpp_model <- function(py_exec) { ### , model
  options(warn = -1)
  py_exist <- if (is_windows()) {
    if (py_exec %in% system2("where", "python", stdout = TRUE)) {
    } else {
  } else {
    system2("which", py_exec, stdout = TRUE)

  if (length(py_exist) == 0) {
    stop(py_exec, " is not a python executable")
    sys_message <- "see error in text_initialize row 235"
    # system2(py_exec, c(sprintf("-c \"import texrpp; text.load('%s'); print('OK')\"", model)),
    #        stderr = TRUE, stdout = TRUE)
  options(warn = 0)
  return(paste(sys_message, collapse = " "))

set_textrpp_python_option <- function(python_executable = NULL,
                                      virtualenv = NULL,
                                      condaenv = NULL,
                                      check_env = TRUE,
                                      refresh_settings = FALSE,
                                      ask = NULL) {
  if (refresh_settings) clear_textrpp_options()

  if (!is.null(check_textrpp_python_options())) {
    settings <- check_textrpp_python_options()

    message_text1 <- paste("textrpp python option is already set, text will use: ",
      sub("textrpp_", "", settings$key), ' = "', settings$val, '"',
      sep = ""

      fg = "blue", bg = NULL
  # a user can specify only one
  else if (sum(!is.null(c(python_executable, virtualenv, condaenv))) > 1) {
      "Too many python environments are specified, please select only one",
      "from python_executable, virtualenv, and condaenv"
  # give warning when nothing is specified
  else if (sum(!is.null(c(python_executable, virtualenv, condaenv))) == 1) {
    if (!is.null(python_executable)) {
      if (check_textrpp_model(python_executable) != "OK") {
        stop("Text required python packages ", " are not installed in ", python_executable)
      options(textrpp_python_executable = python_executable)
    } else if (!is.null(virtualenv)) {
      options(textrpp_virtualenv = virtualenv)
    } else if (!is.null(condaenv)) {
      options(textrpp_condaenv = condaenv)
  } else if (check_env &&
    !(is.null(tryCatch(reticulate::conda_binary("auto"), error = function(e) NULL))) &&
    "textrpp_condaenv" %in% reticulate::conda_list(conda = "auto")$name) {
      "Found 'textrpp_condaenv'. text will use this environment \n",
      fg = "green", bg = NULL
    options(textrpp_condaenv = "textrpp_condaenv")
  } else if (check_env && file.exists(file.path("~/.virtualenvs", virtualenv, "bin", "activate"))) {
      "Found your specified virtual environment. Text will use this environment \n",
      fg = "green", bg = NULL
    )) # OK: original: Found 'textrpp_virtualenv'. Text will use this environment"
    options(textrpp_virtualenv = file.path("~/.virtualenvs/", virtualenv))
  } else {
    message("Finding a python executable with text required python pakages installed...")
    textrpp_python <- find_textrpp(ask = ask) # model,
    if (is.null(textrpp_python)) {
      stop("Text required python packages ", " are not installed in any of python executables.") #  model,
    } else if (is.na(textrpp_python)) {
      stop("No python was found on system PATH")
    } else {
      options(textrpp_python_executable = textrpp_python)

clear_textrpp_options <- function() {
  options(textrpp_python_executable = NULL)
  options(textrpp_condaenv = NULL)
  options(textrpp_virtualenv = NULL)

check_textrpp_python_options <- function() {
  settings <- NULL
  for (k in c(
  )) {
    if (!is.null(getOption(k))) {
      settings$key <- k
      settings$val <- getOption(k)

save_textrpp_options <- function(key, val, prompt = TRUE) {
  prof_file <- "~/.Rprofile"
  if (!is.null(getOption("textrpp_prompt"))) prompt <- getOption("textrpp_prompt")

  ans <- if (prompt) {
    utils::menu(c("No", "Yes"),
      title = sprintf('Do you want to set the option, \'%s = "%s"\' , as a default (y|[n])? ', key, val)
  } else {
  if (ans == 2) {
    rprofile <- if (file.exists(prof_file)) readLines(prof_file) else NULL
    rprofile <- grep("options\\(\\s*textrpp_.+\\)", rprofile, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
    rprofile <- c(rprofile, sprintf('options(%s = "%s")', key, val))
    write(rprofile, file = prof_file)
      "The option was saved. The option will be used in textrpp_initialize() in future \n",
      fg = "green", bg = NULL
  } else {
    message("The option was not saved (user cancelled)")

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text documentation built on Aug. 9, 2023, 5:08 p.m.