
# run this line (from project root before check) to pull all tests
# Sys.setenv(SHINYTEST_PULL = normalizePath("tests/testthat/testshiny"))

# this file is required by shiny module tests

# # Interactive vs non-interactive difference present
# # may need to run
# # devtools::load_all()
# # after record test you may do
# # this function is kept for test development and not for test to run.
# # after pulling all tests run tar_pulled_tests

tar_pulled_tests <- function() {
  if (nchar(Sys.getenv("SHINYTEST_PULL")) > 0) {
    if (file.exists(Sys.getenv("SHINYTEST_PULL"))) {
      # setwd is used in interactive case only
      # this is not going to impact the package at all.
      tar("tests/testthat/testshiny/testshiny.tar", "tests/testthat/testshiny")
      d <- data.frame(fn = list.files("tests/testthat/testshiny/", full.names = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      d$fn0 <- basename(d$fn)
      # delete rest files
      unlink(d$fn[d$fn0 != "testshiny.tar"], recursive = TRUE)
      stop("The tests are pulled.", call. = FALSE)

pull_shiny_test <- function(x, tpath = "tests/testthat/testshiny") {
  testf <- list.files(x$app_dir, pattern = "test", include.dirs = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  here_testf <- file.path(tpath, x$name)
  dir.create(here_testf, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  file.copy(testf, here_testf, overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)

temp_app_create <- function(es, name) {
  if (missing(name)) {
    stop("give name")
  td <- tempdir(check = TRUE)
  td_this <- tempfile(pattern = "shiny_test_app_dir", tmpdir = td)
  unlink(td_this, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(td_this, showWarnings = FALSE)
  tf_for_es <- file.path(td_this, "data")
  tf_for_app <- file.path(td_this, "app.R")
  saveRDS(es, file = tf_for_es)
  # code_this <- paste0("es <- readRDS('",normalizePath(tf_for_es, winslash = "/"),"')\n",
  #                     "shinyApp(es$ui, es$server)\n")
  code_this <- paste0(
    "es <- readRDS('data')\n",
    "shinyApp(es$ui, es$server)\n"
  writeLines(code_this, tf_for_app)
  list(app_dir = td_this, app = tf_for_app, es = tf_for_es, name = name)

# if set options(LOCAL_TEST_IN_SHINYTEST = TRUE)
# it will be tested from project root instead of "tests/testthat/"
#  this is required as GitHub "LF will be replaced by CRLF"
## The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
## warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF

untar_tests <- function() {
  td_this <- tempdir(check = TRUE)
  td_for_test_store <- tempfile("testshiny_", tmpdir = td_this)
  dir.create(td_for_test_store, showWarnings = FALSE)

  if (identical(getOption("LOCAL_TEST_IN_SHINYTEST"), TRUE)) {
    # for internal checks only
    message("Testing in local environment. Reading SHINYTEST from project root.")
    file.copy("tests/testthat/testshiny/testshiny.tar", to = td_for_test_store)
  } else {
    file.copy("testshiny/testshiny.tar", to = td_for_test_store)
  utils::untar(file.path(td_for_test_store, "testshiny.tar"), exdir = td_for_test_store)
  fl <- list.files(td_for_test_store, pattern = ".R$", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  if (length(fl) == 0) stop("no test files", call. = FALSE)
  test_root <- dirname(dirname(dirname(fl[1])))
  list(dir = td_for_test_store, test_root = test_root)

clean_untars <- function(x) {
  unlink(x$dir, recursive = TRUE)

copy_test_to_temp_app <- function(x, untar_adds) {
  here_testf <- file.path(untar_adds$test_root, x$name, "tests")
  if (file.exists(here_testf)) {
    file.copy(here_testf, x$app_dir, overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)

clean_temp_app <- function(x) {
  unlink(x$app_dir, recursive = TRUE)

# need to set
# or
# Sys.setenv(TEST_IMAGE_IN_SHINYTEST = "true")
# for testing snapshots
image_test <- function(enable_now) {
  # disable on Travis
  if (identical(Sys.getenv("TRAVIS"), "true")) {

  if (!missing(enable_now)) {
    if (identical(enable_now, TRUE)) {
      # sets it for further calls
      Sys.setenv(TEST_IMAGE_IN_SHINYTEST = "true")
  # unless TEST_IMAGE_IN_SHINYTEST is set to TRUE it will not run image comparison
  opt_chk <- identical(getOption("TEST_IMAGE_IN_SHINYTEST"), TRUE)
  env_chk <- identical(Sys.getenv("TEST_IMAGE_IN_SHINYTEST"), "true")

  if (env_chk | opt_chk) {


test_temp_app <- function(x, test_img, untar_adds) {
  copy_test_to_temp_app(x, untar_adds)

  img_chk <- image_test()
  if (!missing(test_img)) {
    if (!identical(test_img, TRUE)) {
      img_chk <- FALSE

  if (img_chk) {
    message("shintest: checking images")
  } else {
    message("shintest: NOT checking images")

  if (nchar(Sys.getenv("SHINYTEST_PULL")) > 0) {
    if (file.exists(Sys.getenv("SHINYTEST_PULL"))) {
      shinytest::testApp(x$app_dir, compareImages = img_chk)
      pull_shiny_test(x, tpath = Sys.getenv("SHINYTEST_PULL"))
      # exit early

  shinytest::expect_pass(shinytest::testApp(x$app_dir, compareImages = img_chk))


inst_deps <- function(x) {
  if (rlang::is_installed("shinytest")) {
    if (!shinytest::dependenciesInstalled()) {

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tidycells documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:35 p.m.