
Defines functions top_n_dice roll_dice_formula parse_dice_formula parse_dice_formula_part

Documented in parse_dice_formula parse_dice_formula_part roll_dice_formula top_n_dice

#' Helper function to parse a dice formula 
#' @param dice_formula_part A split dice formula, e.g. 1d6e2. For more complex formula, e.g. 1d6e2+3d4, see parse_dice_formula
#' @import dplyr
#' @import stringr

parse_dice_formula_part <- function(dice_formula_part){

  # define variables to pass CRAN checks
  value <- NULL

  dice_base = str_match_all(
  dice_base <- dice_base[[1]]
  dice_base <- dice_base %>% 
    tibble::as_tibble(.name_repair="minimal") %>%
    purrr::set_names(c("raw_set", "sign", "operator", "selector", "value")) %>%
    mutate(value=as.numeric(value)) %>%
    select(-sign) %>%
      value = case_when(
        is.na(value) ~ as.numeric(operator),
        T ~ value),
      operator = case_when(
        operator == "" ~ "1",
        T ~ operator

  dice_filters = str_match_all(
  dice_filters <- dice_filters[[1]]
  dice_filters <- dice_filters %>% 
    tibble::as_tibble(.name_repair="minimal") %>%
    purrr::set_names(c("raw_set", "operator", "selector", "value")) %>%

#' Given a dice formula string, split it and return a dataframe with the list 
#' of functions.
#' This is the main function to parse a string containing complex formula 
#' specifications for rolling dice.
#' The input can be a string containing specifications for multiple dice, e.g.:
#' - 1d6e6          -> roll 1 six-sided dice, explode on 6
#' - 1d6e6+2d4-1d10 -> Roll 1 six-sided dice, explode on 6, plus two 4-sided 
#'                    dice, subract one 10-sided dice
#' This is inspired by Avrae's bot syntax for rolling dice. See https://github.com/avrae/d20
#' @param dice_formula A string containing a dice formula, e.g. 1d6e2+1d4
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @importFrom tibble tibble rownames_to_column
#' @import stringr
#' @export

parse_dice_formula <- function(dice_formula) {

  # define variables to pass CRAN checks
  subgroup_formula <- NULL
  subgroup_sign <- NULL
  subgroup_id <- NULL
  parts <- NULL
  # To simplify Regex parsing, Remove whitespaces and add a default "+"
  dice_formula = str_replace_all(dice_formula, "\\s", "")
  dice_formula = 
    ifelse(is.na(str_match(dice_formula, "^[+-/*]")[1]), 
                        paste0("+", dice_formula),
  # Split dice_formula, then parse each substring
  tibble::tibble(subgroup_formula = str_split(dice_formula, 
        "([+-/*])", simplify=T)[-1],
        subgroup_sign = str_extract_all(dice_formula, "([+-/*])")[[1]]) %>%
      unnest(c(subgroup_formula, subgroup_sign)) %>%
      tibble::rownames_to_column("subgroup_id") %>%
      rowwise %>% 
         parts = list(parse_dice_formula_part(subgroup_formula))) %>% 
        subgroup_id = as.integer(subgroup_id), 
        subgroup_formula = paste0(subgroup_sign, subgroup_formula)) %>%


# roll_dice_part <- function(current_set = c(), specs=c()){
# }

#' Simulating rolling a dice, using a formula
#' @param data Data from a previous experiment
#' @param dice_formula Dice formula (e.g. "1d6" = 1 dice with 6 sides)
#' @param times How many times a dice is rolled (or how many dice are rolled at the same time)
#' @param rounds Number of rounds 
#' @param success Which result is a success (default = 6)
#' @param agg If TRUE, the result is aggregated (by experiment, rounds) (not implemented)
#' @param prob Vector of probabilities for each side of the dice
#' @param seed Seed to produce reproducible results
#' @param label Custom text to distinguish an experiment, can be used for plotting etc.
#' @return Result of experiment as a tibble
#' @import stringr
#' @importFrom stats rgeom
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # roll one 6-sided dice
#' roll_dice_formula(dice_formula = "1d6")
#' # roll one 8-sided dice
#' roll_dice_formula(dice_formula = "1d8")
#' # roll two 6-sided dice
#' roll_dice_formula(dice_formula = "2d6")
#' # roll two 6-sided dice, explode dice on a 6
#' roll_dice_formula(dice_formula = "2d6e6")
#' # roll three 6-sided dice, keep highest 2 rolls
#' roll_dice_formula(dice_formula = "3d6kh2")
#' # roll three 6-sided dice, keep lowest 2 rolls
#' roll_dice_formula(dice_formula = "3d6kl2")
#' # roll four 6-sided dice, keep highest 3 rolls, but explode on a 6
#' roll_dice_formula(dice_formula = "4d6kh3e6")
#' # roll one 20-sided dice, and add 4
#' roll_dice_formula(dice_formula = "1d20+4")
#' # roll one 4-sided dice and one 6-sided dice, and sum the results
#' roll_dice_formula(dice_formula = "1d4+1d6")

roll_dice_formula <- function(data=NULL,
                              dice_formula = "1d6", 
                              times = 1, 
                              rounds = 1,
                              success = c(6),
                              ) {
  assertthat::assert_that(is.character(dice_formula), msg = "dice_formula must be character")

  # check seed parameter
  if (!missing(seed)) {
  # check if first parameter is dice_formula instead of data
  if (!missing(data) & is.character(data))  {
    dice_formula <- data
    data <- NULL
  if (missing(label)) {
  # check if first parameter is times instead of data
  if (!missing(data) & is.numeric(data))  {
    times <- data
    data <- NULL
    assertthat::assert_that(times > 0)

  # define variables to pass CRAN checks
  result_m <- NULL
  result <- NULL
  experiment_id <- NULL
  experiment <- NULL
  nr <- NULL
  # Parse Dice Type (1d6)
  dicestr1 = str_match(string=dice_formula, pattern="(\\d*)?[dD](\\d*)")
                          msg = "dice_formula need to contain at least one d statement")
  dice_count  = as.numeric(dicestr1[1,2])
  if (is.na(dice_count)) {dice_count = 1}
  dice_sides  = as.numeric(dicestr1[1,3])
  dice_intervals = 1:dice_sides
  assertthat::assert_that(dice_count >= 1, 
                          msg = "cannot roll 0 dice!")
  assertthat::assert_that(dice_sides >= 1, 
                          msg = "cannot roll a d0!")
  # Parse Exploding Dice
  dicestr_expl = str_match(string=dice_formula, pattern="[eE](\\d*)")
  dice_exploding_number  = as.numeric(dicestr_expl[1,2])
  dice_intervals = setdiff(dice_intervals, dice_exploding_number)
  if (!is.na(dice_exploding_number)) {
    assertthat::assert_that(dice_exploding_number <= dice_sides, 
                            msg = "invalid exploding dice specification")
    assertthat::assert_that(!((dice_exploding_number == 1) & (dice_sides  %in% 1:2)), 
                            msg = "1d1e1 and 1d2e1 not implemented")
  } else {
    dice_exploding_number = 0
  # Parse Keep Higher/Lower
  dice_khl = str_match(string=dice_formula, pattern="[kK]([HhlL])(\\d*)")
  dice_khl_sign = case_when(
    is.na(dice_khl[1,2]) ~ T,
    dice_khl[1,2] %in% c("h", "H") ~ T,
    dice_khl[1,2] %in% c("l", "L") ~ F
  dice_khl_n = as.numeric(ifelse(is.na(dice_khl[1,3]), dice_count, dice_khl[1,3]))
  assertthat::assert_that(dice_khl_n <= dice_count, 
                          msg = "invalid kh/kl formula, can't keep more dice than rolled")
  assertthat::assert_that(dice_khl_n > 0, 
                          msg = "invalid kh/kl formula, can't keep less than 1 die")

  # Parse [+-*/]
  dice_op = str_match(string=dice_formula, pattern="\\s*([+-/*^][*]*)\\s*(\\d*)")
  dice_op_sign = dice_op[1,2]
  dice_op_n = as.numeric(dice_op[1,3])

    result_df <- tibble::tibble(
      round = as.integer(rep(1:rounds, each = times)),
      nr    = as.integer(rep(1:times, times = rounds)),
      result_t = 
          round = as.integer(rep(1:rounds, each = times)),
          nr    = as.integer(rep(1:times, times = rounds)),
          diceroll = list(
              sample( x = dice_intervals, size=dice_count, replace=T), 
              rep(dice_exploding_number, times = dice_exploding_number * stats::rgeom(1, 1-1/2))
      result_m =
          sample(x = dice_intervals, 
                 size = dice_count * rounds * times, 
                 replace = TRUE,
      result = apply(
                top_n_dice, n=dice_khl_n, dec=dice_khl_sign
    if (!is.na(dice_exploding_number)){
      # Exploding Dice is implemented using a Geom distribution to predict the number of outcomes
      result_df = result_df %>% 
        mutate(result = 
                 result + 
                 dice_exploding_number * 
                    rgeom(dice_count*nrow(result_df), 1-1/dice_sides), # this prob is wrong, it should scale with the n of dice
    # arithmetic operations
    result_df = result_df %>%
        result = case_when(
          dice_op_sign == "+" ~ result + dice_op_n,
          dice_op_sign == "-" ~ result - dice_op_n,
          dice_op_sign == "*" ~ result * dice_op_n,
          dice_op_sign == "/" ~ result / dice_op_n,
          dice_op_sign %in% c("^", "**") ~ result ** dice_op_n,
          T ~ as.numeric(result),
  # Compute success
  result_df = result_df %>%
    mutate(success = result %in% success)
  # Format the result df before returning it
  result_df = result_df %>% 
    mutate(experiment_id = 1,
           dice_formula = dice_formula,
           label=label) %>%
    select(experiment_id, dice_formula, label, round, nr, result, success, -result_m) 
  if (missing(data))  {
    # result of roll_dice (first experiment)
    result_df <- result_df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(experiment = as.integer(1)) %>% 
      dplyr::select(experiment, dplyr::everything()) %>%
  } else {
    # existing experiment variable?
    max_experiment <- 0L
    if ("experiment" %in% names(data)) {
      max_experiment <- max(data$experiment)
    # new experiment (+1)
    result_df <- result_df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(experiment = as.integer(max_experiment + 1))
    # bind result to data (pipe)
    result_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(data, result_df) %>% 
      dplyr::select(experiment, dplyr::everything()) %>%
  # agg?
  if (agg)  {
    result_df <- result_df %>%
      dplyr::group_by(experiment, round) %>%
        dice_formula = min(dice_formula),
        times = n(),
        success = as.integer(sum(success))
  # return data frame

#' Helper function to get sum of top n dice 
#' @param x Vector of dice-values
#' @param n Number of dice
#' @param dec Decreasing

top_n_dice = function(x, n, dec=F) {
  sum(x[order(x, decreasing = dec)][1:n], na.rm=T)

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tidydice documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:50 p.m.