
Defines functions filename is_numeric .internal_nest nodeIds add_class drop_class .update.treedata .extract_annotda.treedata .internal_add_isTip

.internal_add_isTip <- function(x){
    x %<>% mutate(isTip=ifelse(!.data$node %in% .data$parent, TRUE, FALSE))

.extract_annotda.treedata <- function(x){
    if (inherits(x, "treedata")){
       annotda <- get_tree_data(x)
       x <- x@phylo
       annotda <- NULL
    trdf <- x %>% 
            as_tibble() %>% 
            .internal_add_isTip() %>%

    if (!any(is.null(annotda) || nrow(annotda)==0)){
        annotda <- trdf %>% 
                   dplyr::left_join(annotda, by="node")
        annotda <- trdf
    annotda <- annotda[, !colnames(annotda) %in% c("parent", "branch.length")]

.update.treedata <- function(td, da, dat, type=NULL){
    if (inherits(td, "phylo")){
        td <- treedata(phylo=td)
    data.nm <- get.fields.data(td)
    extra.nm <- get.fields.extraInfo(td) 
    data.nm <- intersect(data.nm, colnames(da))
    if (!is.null(type) && type == "extra"){
        clnm <- colnames(da)[!colnames(da) %in% c("label", "isTip", data.nm)]
        extra.nm <- union(extra.nm, clnm)
        dat <- da
        extra.nm <- intersect(extra.nm, colnames(da))
    if (length(data.nm)>0){
        td@data <- dat %>% select(c("node", data.nm))
        td@data <- tibble()
    if (length(extra.nm)>0){
        td@extraInfo <- dat %>% select(c("node", extra.nm))
        td@extraInfo <- tibble()

#' remove the some class names from x object
#' @noRd
drop_class <- function(x, name) {
    class(x) <- class(x)[!class(x) %in% name]

add_class <- function(x, name){
    xx <- setdiff(name, class(x))
    if (length(xx)>0){
        class(x) <- base::union(xx, class(x))
    return (x)

nodeIds <- function(tree, internal.only=TRUE) {
    if (internal.only) {
        return(Ntip(tree) + 1:Nnode(tree, internal.only))
    1:Nnode(tree, internal.only)

.internal_nest <- function(x, keepnm, ..., .names_sep = NULL){
    nest <- utils::getFromNamespace("nest", "tidyr")
    if (missing(...)){
        idx <- x %>% vapply(is.list, logical(1))
        clnm <- colnames(x)
        clnm <- clnm[!idx]
        clnm <- clnm[!clnm %in% keepnm]
        params <- c(list(x), lapply(clnm, function(x)x))
        names(params) <- c(".data", clnm)
        res <- nest(.data=x, ..., .names_sep=.names_sep)
    if (!is.null(.names_sep)){
        params <- c(params, .names_sep=.names_sep)
    res <- do.call(nest, params)

tbl_df_returned_message <- "# A tbl_df is returned for independent data analysis."

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(c("."))

is_numeric <- function(x) !anyNA(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(x))))

filename <- function(file) {
    ## textConnection(text_string) will work just like a file
    ## in this case, just set the filename as ""
    file_name <- ""
    if (is.character(file)) {
        file_name <- file

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tidytree documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:21 a.m.