


## R-devel has recently changed the default RNG kind:

##     \item The default method for generating from a discrete uniform
## distribution (used in \code{sample()}, for instance) has been
## changed. This addresses the fact, pointed out by Ottoboni and
## Stark, that the previous method made \code{sample()} noticeably
## non-uniform on large populations.  See \PR{17494} for a
## discussion. The previous method can be requested using
## \code{RNGkind()} if necessary for reproduction of old results.
## Thanks to Duncan Murdoch for contributing the patch and Gabe
## Becker for further assistance.

## and one should be able to reproduce the Debian error using a current
## version of R-devel (assuming that it builds). 

## My suggestion is to disable tests affected by this for the time being.

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## set.seed(42)
## # sample bifurcating tree
## bi_tree <- ape::rtree(10)
## bi_tree$tip.label <- paste0("t", 1:10)

## nwk is generated by the above source code in R-3.5.2 with ape v5.2
nwk <- paste0("(((((t1:0.9040313873,t2:0.1387101677):0.5603327462,",

bi_tree <- read.tree(text = nwk)

# sample non-bifurcating tree
multi_tree <- ape::di2multi(bi_tree, tol=0.5)
# bifurcating tree with node names
named_bi_tree <- bi_tree
named_bi_tree$node.label <- paste0("n", 11:19)
# non-bifurcating tree with node names
named_multi_tree <- multi_tree
named_multi_tree$node.label <- paste0("n", 11:16)

empty_tbl <- tibble::tibble(

test_that("conversion to table is reversible", {
  expect_equal(as.phylo(as_tibble(bi_tree)), bi_tree)
  expect_equal(as.phylo(as_tibble(multi_tree)), multi_tree)
  expect_equal(as.phylo(as_tibble(named_bi_tree)), named_bi_tree)
  expect_equal(as.phylo(as_tibble(named_multi_tree)), named_multi_tree)

test_that("child works for bifurcating trees", {
  # a leaf has no children
    ## expect_equal(child(as_tibble(bi_tree), 1), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(child(as_tibble(bi_tree), 1)), 0)
  # can find node children
  expect_equal(child(as_tibble(bi_tree), 19)$node, 7:8)
  # can find root children
  expect_equal(child(as_tibble(bi_tree), 11)$node, c(10,12))

test_that("child works for non-bifurcating trees", {
  # a leaf has no children
    ## expect_equal(child(as_tibble(multi_tree), 1), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(child(as_tibble(multi_tree), 1)), 0)
  # can find node children
  expect_equal(child(as_tibble(multi_tree), 12)$node, c(3,9,13,14))
  # can find root children
  expect_equal(child(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11)$node, c(10,12))

test_that("offspring works on bifurcating trees", {
    ## expect_equal(offspring(as_tibble(bi_tree), 1), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(offspring(as_tibble(bi_tree), 1)), 0)
  expect_equal(offspring(as_tibble(bi_tree), 11)$node, (1:19)[-11])
  expect_equal(offspring(as_tibble(bi_tree), 17)$node, c(4:6, 18))

test_that("offspring works on non-bifurcating trees", {
    ## expect_equal(offspring(as_tibble(multi_tree), 1), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(offspring(as_tibble(multi_tree), 1)), 0)
  expect_equal(offspring(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11)$node, (1:16)[-11])
  expect_equal(offspring(as_tibble(multi_tree), 14)$node, c(4:8, 15:16))

test_that("parent works for bifurcating trees", {
    ## expect_equal(parent(as_tibble(bi_tree), 11), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(parent(as_tibble(bi_tree), 11)), 0)
  expect_equal(parent(as_tibble(bi_tree), 1)$node, 15)
  expect_equal(parent(as_tibble(bi_tree), 17)$node, 16)

test_that("parent works for non-bifurcating trees", {
    ## expect_equal(parent(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(parent(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11)), 0)
  expect_equal(parent(as_tibble(multi_tree), 8)$node, 16)
  expect_equal(parent(as_tibble(multi_tree), 14)$node, 12)

test_that("ancestor works for bifurcating trees", {
    ## expect_equal(ancestor(as_tibble(bi_tree), 11), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(ancestor(as_tibble(bi_tree), 11)), 0)
  expect_equal(ancestor(as_tibble(bi_tree), 1)$node, 11:15)
  expect_equal(ancestor(as_tibble(bi_tree), 17)$node, c(11:13, 16))

test_that("ancestor works for non-bifurcating trees", {
    ## expect_equal(ancestor(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(ancestor(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11)), 0)
  expect_equal(ancestor(as_tibble(multi_tree), 8)$node, c(11,12,14,16))
  expect_equal(ancestor(as_tibble(multi_tree), 14)$node, 11:12)

test_that("MRCA works for bifurcating trees", {
    ## 11 is the root node
    ## expect_equal(MRCA(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11, 5), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(MRCA(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11, 5)), 0)
    expect_equal(MRCA(as_tibble(bi_tree), 5, 7)$node, 16)
    ## 16 is ancestor of 5
    expect_equal(MRCA(as_tibble(bi_tree), 5, 16)$node, 16)

test_that("MRCA works for non-bifurcating trees", {
    ## expect_equal(MRCA(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11, 5), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(MRCA(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11, 5)), 0)
  expect_equal(MRCA(as_tibble(multi_tree), 5, 7)$node, 14)
  expect_equal(MRCA(as_tibble(multi_tree), 5, 14)$node, 14)

test_that("sibling works for bifurcating trees", {
    ## expect_equal(sibling(as_tibble(bi_tree), 11), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(sibling(as_tibble(bi_tree), 11)), 0)
    expect_equal(sibling(as_tibble(bi_tree), 1)$node, 2)
  expect_equal(sibling(as_tibble(bi_tree), 17)$node, 19)

test_that("sibling works for non-bifurcating trees", {
    ## expect_equal(sibling(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11), empty_tbl)
    expect_equal(nrow(sibling(as_tibble(multi_tree), 11)), 0)
  expect_equal(sibling(as_tibble(multi_tree), 12)$node, 10)
  expect_equal(sibling(as_tibble(multi_tree), 3)$node, c(9,13,14))
  expect_equal(sibling(as_tibble(multi_tree), 4)$node, 5)

# sample non-bifurcating tree
multi_tree <- ape::di2multi(bi_tree, tol=0.5)
# bifurcating tree with node names
named_bi_tree <- bi_tree
named_bi_tree$node.label <- paste0("n", 11:19)
# non-bifurcating tree with node names
named_multi_tree <- multi_tree
named_multi_tree$node.label <- paste0("n", 11:16)

test_that("child works for bifurcating trees", {
  # a leaf has no children
  expect_equal(child(bi_tree, 1), integer(0))
  # can find node children
  expect_equal(sort(child(bi_tree, 19)), 7:8)
  # can find root children
  expect_equal(sort(child(bi_tree, 11)), c(10,12))

test_that("child works for non-bifurcating trees", {
  # a leaf has no children
  expect_equal(child(multi_tree, 1), integer(0))
  # can find node children
  expect_equal(sort(child(multi_tree, 12)), c(3,9,13,14))
  # can find root children
  expect_equal(sort(child(multi_tree, 11)), c(10,12))

test_that("offspring works on bifurcating trees", {
  expect_equal(sort(offspring(bi_tree, 11)), (1:19)[-11])
  expect_equal(sort(offspring(bi_tree, 17)), c(4:6, 18))
  expect_equal(offspring(bi_tree, 1), integer(0))

test_that("offspring works on non-bifurcating trees", {
  expect_equal(sort(offspring(multi_tree, 11)), (1:16)[-11])
  expect_equal(sort(offspring(multi_tree, 14)), c(4:8, 15:16))
  expect_equal(offspring(multi_tree, 1), integer(0))

test_that("parent works for bifurcating trees", {
  expect_equal(tidytree:::parent.phylo(bi_tree, 11), 0)
  expect_equal(parent(bi_tree, 1), 15)
  expect_equal(parent(bi_tree, 17), 16)
  expect_error(parent(bi_tree, 20))

test_that("parent works for non-bifurcating trees", {
  expect_equal(parent(multi_tree, 11), 0)
  expect_equal(parent(multi_tree, 8), 16)
  expect_equal(parent(multi_tree, 14), 12)
  expect_error(parent(multi_tree, 20))

test_that("ancestor works for bifurcating trees", {
  expect_equal(tidytree:::ancestor.phylo(bi_tree, 11), NA)
  expect_equal(sort(ancestor(bi_tree, 1)), 11:15)
  expect_equal(sort(ancestor(bi_tree, 17)), c(11:13, 16))
  expect_error(ancestor(multi_tree, 20))

test_that("ancestor works for non-bifurcating trees", {
    expect_equal(ancestor(multi_tree, 11), NA)
    expect_equal(sort(ancestor(multi_tree, 8)), c(11,12,14,16))
    expect_equal(sort(ancestor(multi_tree, 14)), 11:12)
    expect_error(ancestor(multi_tree, 20))

test_that("rootnode", {
    expect_equal(tidytree:::rootnode.phylo(bi_tree), 11)
    expect_equal(rootnode(multi_tree), 11)

new_edge <- c(11, 15)
bi_tree$edge <- rbind(bi_tree$edge, new_edge)
multi_tree$edge <- rbind(multi_tree$edge, new_edge)
test_that("throw error if multiple parent exists", {
    expect_error(tidytree:::parent.phylo(bi_tree, 15), "multiple parent found...")
    expect_error(parent(multi_tree, 15), "multiple parent found...")

new_edge <- c(20, 15)
bi_tree$edge <- rbind(bi_tree$edge, new_edge)
multi_tree$edge <- rbind(multi_tree$edge, new_edge)
test_that("throw error if multiple roots found", {
    expect_error(rootnode(bi_tree), "multiple roots found...")
    expect_error(rootnode(multi_tree), "multiple roots found...")

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tidytree documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:21 a.m.