
Defines functions shift_geometry

Documented in shift_geometry

#' Shift and rescale Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico in a US-wide sf object
#' This function will shift and optionally rescale a US dataset for thematic mapping of Alaska,
#' Hawaii, and Puerto Rico with respect to the continental United States.  Features in the continental
#' United States will have their CRS transformed to USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic ('ESRI:102003').
#' Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico features are transformed to appropriate coordinate systems for those areas,
#' then shifted and optionally re-scaled before being assigned the 'ESRI:102003' CRS.  Options for users
#' include \code{preserve_area} which allows for preservation of the area of AK/HI/PR relative to the
#' continental US if desired, and two possible arrangements which are specified with \code{position = "below"}
#' or \code{position = "outside"}
#' \code{shift_geometry()}, while designed for use with objects from the tigris package, will work with any US
#' dataset. If aligning datasets from multiple sources, you must take care to ensure that your options
#' specified in \code{preserve_area} and \code{position} are identical across layers.  Otherwise your layers
#' will not align correctly.
#' The function is also designed to work exclusively with features in the continental United States,
#' Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.  If your dataset includes features outside these areas (e.g. other
#' US territories or other countries), you may get unworkable results.  It is advisable to filter out
#' those features before using \code{shift_geometry()}.
#' Work on this function is inspired by and adapts some code from Claus Wilke's book \emph{Fundamentals of
#' Data Visualization} (\url{https://clauswilke.com/dataviz/geospatial-data.html}); Bob Rudis's
#' albersusa R package (\url{https://github.com/hrbrmstr/albersusa}); and the ggcart R package
#' (\url{https://uncoast-unconf.github.io/ggcart/}).
#' @param input_sf The input sf dataset
#' @param geoid_column The GEOID column of the dataset that contains a state ID.  If used, will speed up
#'                     processing and avoid spatial overlay to infer locations.  Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param preserve_area If TRUE, the areas of Alaska/Hawaii/Puerto Rico relative to the continental US
#'                      will be preserved.  Defaults to FALSE where Alaska is proportionally smaller
#'                      and Hawaii/Puerto Rico are proportionally larger.
#' @param position One of \code{"below"} (the default) or \code{"outside"}.  If \code{"below"}, Alaska, Hawaii,
#'                 and Puerto Rico will be placed below the continental United States.  If \code{"outside"},
#'                 features will be moved outside the continental US; Alaska will be northwest of Washington,
#'                 Hawaii southwest of California, and Puerto Rico southeast of Florida.
#' @return The input sf object with transformed geometry
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Shift and rescale AK/HI/PR for thematic mapping
#' library(tigris)
#' library(tidycensus)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' us_states <- states(cb = TRUE, resolution = "20m") %>%
#'   shift_geometry()
#' # Shift but preserve area
#' us_states_eqarea <- states(cb = TRUE, resolution = "20m") %>%
#'   shift_geometry(preserve_area = TRUE)
#' # Shift and rescale but position AK/HI/PR outside the continental US rather than below
#' us_states_outside <- states(cb = TRUE, resolution = "20m") %>%
#'   shift_geometry(position = "outside")
#' # Shift a dataset obtained outside tigris and make a map
#' income_by_metro <- get_acs(
#'   geography = "cbsa",
#'   variables = "B01002_001",
#'   geometry = TRUE
#' ) %>%
#'   shift_geometry()
#' ggplot() +
#'   geom_sf(data = income_by_metro, aes(fill = estimate), color = NA) +
#'   geom_sf(data = us_states, fill = NA, color = "black", size = 0.1) +
#'   scale_fill_viridis_c() +
#'   theme_void(base_size = 16) +
#'   labs(title = "Median age by CBSA, 2015-2019 ACS",
#'        fill = "ACS estimate  ",
#'        caption = "Note: Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico are shifted and not to scale.") +
#'   theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
#' }
shift_geometry <- function(input_sf,
                           geoid_column = NULL,
                           preserve_area = FALSE,
                           position = c("below", "outside")) {

  # sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE)

  # Check to see if the input is an sf object, otherwise exit
  if (!any(grepl("sf", class(input_sf)))) {
    stop("The input dataset must be an sf object.", call = FALSE)

  position <- match.arg(position)

  # Get a set of minimal states which we'll need to use throughout the function
  # Do the CRS transformation here to avoid S2 issues with sf 1.0
  minimal_states <- tigris::states(cb = TRUE, resolution = "20m", progress_bar = FALSE,
                                   year = 2020) %>%

  # Make some bboxes to check to see if shifting geometry even makes sense
  ak_bbox <- minimal_states %>%
    dplyr::filter(GEOID == "02") %>%
    sf::st_bbox() %>%

  hi_bbox <- minimal_states %>%
    dplyr::filter(GEOID == "15") %>%
    sf::st_bbox() %>%

  pr_bbox <- minimal_states %>%
    dplyr::filter(GEOID == "72") %>%
    sf::st_bbox() %>%

  input_sf <- sf::st_transform(input_sf, sf::st_crs(minimal_states))

  ak_check <- suppressMessages(sf::st_intersects(input_sf, ak_bbox, sparse = FALSE)[,1])
  hi_check <- suppressMessages(sf::st_intersects(input_sf, hi_bbox, sparse = FALSE)[,1])
  pr_check <- suppressMessages(sf::st_intersects(input_sf, pr_bbox, sparse = FALSE)[,1])

  if (!any(ak_check) && !any(hi_check) && !any(pr_check)) {
    warning("None of your features are in Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, so no geometries will be shifted.\nTransforming your object's CRS to 'ESRI:102003'",
         call. = FALSE)

    transformed_output <- sf::st_transform(input_sf, 'ESRI:102003')


  # Check to see if there is a GEOID column to identify state information
  # If it is a GEOID that works (e.g. counties, tracts), then use it and avoid spatial inferences
  if (!is.null(geoid_column)) {
    input_sf$state_fips <- stringr::str_sub(input_sf[[geoid_column]], 1, 2)
  } else {
      # This is where we need to infer the location of the features
      # We can do this by checking to see where the input features intersect
      # the AK/HI/PR bounding boxes
      input_sf <- input_sf %>%
        sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs(minimal_states)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(state_fips = dplyr::case_when(
          suppressMessages(sf::st_intersects(input_sf, ak_bbox, sparse = FALSE)[,1]) ~ "02",
          suppressMessages(sf::st_intersects(input_sf, hi_bbox, sparse = FALSE)[,1]) ~ "15",
          suppressMessages(sf::st_intersects(input_sf, pr_bbox, sparse = FALSE)[,1]) ~ "72",
          TRUE ~ "00"

  # Alaska/Hawaii/PR centroids are necessary to put any dataset in the correct location
  ak_crs <- 3338
  hi_crs <- 'ESRI:102007'
  pr_crs <- 32161

  ak_centroid <- minimal_states %>%
    dplyr::filter(GEOID == "02") %>%
    sf::st_transform(ak_crs) %>%
    sf::st_geometry() %>%

  hi_centroid <- minimal_states %>%
    dplyr::filter(GEOID == "15") %>%
    sf::st_transform(hi_crs) %>%
    sf::st_geometry() %>%

  pr_centroid <- minimal_states %>%
    dplyr::filter(GEOID == "72") %>%
    sf::st_transform(pr_crs) %>%
    sf::st_geometry() %>%

  # Parse the geometries (thanks to Claus Wilke for code samples & inspiration)
  place_geometry_wilke <- function(geometry, position,
                                   scale = 1, centroid = sf::st_centroid(geometry)) {
    (geometry - centroid) * scale +

  cont_us <- dplyr::filter(minimal_states, !GEOID %in% c("02", "15", "72")) %>%

  us_lower48 <- dplyr::filter(input_sf, !state_fips %in% c("02", "15", "72")) %>%

  bb <- sf::st_bbox(cont_us)

  us_alaska <- dplyr::filter(input_sf, state_fips == "02")

  us_hawaii <- dplyr::filter(input_sf, state_fips == "15")

  us_puerto_rico <- dplyr::filter(input_sf, state_fips == "72")

  # Initialize the list in which shapes will be stored
  shapes_list <- list(us_lower48)

  # Area not preserved (Alaska smaller, Hawaii bigger)
  if (!preserve_area) {

    if(any(ak_check)) {
      # Rescale and shift Alaska
      ak_rescaled <- sf::st_transform(us_alaska, ak_crs)

      if (position == "below") {
        st_geometry(ak_rescaled) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin + 0.08*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin + 0.07*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 0.5,
          centroid = ak_centroid
      } else if (position == "outside") {
        st_geometry(ak_rescaled) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin - 0.08*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin + 1.2*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 0.5,
          centroid = ak_centroid

      sf::st_crs(ak_rescaled) <- 'ESRI:102003'

      shapes_list <- c(shapes_list, list(ak_rescaled))

    if(any(hi_check)) {

      # Clip to the Hawaii bbox to take care of the long archipelago
      # then rescale and shift Hawaii
      hi_rescaled <- suppressWarnings(
        us_hawaii %>%
          sf::st_intersection(hi_bbox) %>%

      if (position == "below") {

        sf::st_geometry(hi_rescaled) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin + 0.35*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin + 0.*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 1.5,
          centroid = hi_centroid

      } else if (position == "outside") {

        sf::st_geometry(hi_rescaled) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin - 0.*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin + 0.2*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 1.5,
          centroid = hi_centroid


      st_crs(hi_rescaled) <- 'ESRI:102003'

      shapes_list <- c(shapes_list, list(hi_rescaled))


    if(any(pr_check)) {
      # Rescale and shift Puerto Rico
      pr_rescaled <- sf::st_transform(us_puerto_rico, pr_crs)

      if (position == "below") {
        sf::st_geometry(pr_rescaled) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin + 0.65*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin + 0.*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 2.5,
          centroid = pr_centroid
      } else if (position == "outside") {
        sf::st_geometry(pr_rescaled) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin + 0.95*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin - 0.05*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 2.5,
          centroid = pr_centroid

      st_crs(pr_rescaled) <- 'ESRI:102003'

      shapes_list <- c(shapes_list, list(pr_rescaled))

    output_data <- shapes_list %>%
      dplyr::bind_rows() %>%


  } else {

    # Area preserved (Alaska and Hawaii are true to size)

    if(any(ak_check)) {
      # Shift Alaska but do not rescale
      ak_shifted <- sf::st_transform(us_alaska, ak_crs)

      if (position == "below") {
        st_geometry(ak_shifted) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin + 0.2*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin - 0.13*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 1,
          centroid = ak_centroid
      } else if (position == "outside") {
        st_geometry(ak_shifted) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin - 0.25*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin + 1.35*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 1,
          centroid = ak_centroid

      sf::st_crs(ak_shifted) <- 'ESRI:102003'

      shapes_list <- c(shapes_list, list(ak_shifted))

    # Shift Hawaii but do not rescale
    if(any(hi_check)) {
      hi_shifted <- suppressWarnings(
        us_hawaii %>%
          sf::st_intersection(hi_bbox) %>%

      if (position == "below") {
        sf::st_geometry(hi_shifted) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin + 0.6*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin - 0.1*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 1,
          centroid = hi_centroid
      } else if (position == "outside") {
        sf::st_geometry(hi_shifted) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin - 0.*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin + 0.2*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 1,
          centroid = hi_centroid

      st_crs(hi_shifted) <- 'ESRI:102003'

      shapes_list <- c(shapes_list, list(hi_shifted))

    if(any(pr_check)) {

      # Shift Puerto Rico but do not rescale
      pr_shifted <- sf::st_transform(us_puerto_rico, pr_crs)

      if (position == "below") {
        sf::st_geometry(pr_shifted) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin + 0.75*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin - 0.1*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 1,
          centroid = pr_centroid
      } else if (position == "outside") {
        sf::st_geometry(pr_shifted) <- place_geometry_wilke(
          c(bb$xmin + 0.95*(bb$xmax - bb$xmin),
            bb$ymin - 0.05*(bb$ymax - bb$ymin)),
          scale = 1,
          centroid = pr_centroid

      st_crs(pr_shifted) <- 'ESRI:102003'

      shapes_list <- c(shapes_list, list(pr_shifted))


    output_data <- shapes_list %>%
      dplyr::bind_rows() %>%




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tigris documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.