
Defines functions .fix_colors .is_wgs84 .get_ext .proj_check tile tmprst

Documented in tile

tmprst <- function() {
  tempfile(pattern = "tmp_raster_", fileext = ".tif")

#' Create map tiles
#' Create geographic and non-geographic map tiles from a file.
#' @details
#' This function supports both geographic and non-geographic tile generation.
#' When `file` is a simple image file such as `png`, `tile()` generates
#' non-geographic, simple CRS tiles. Files that can be loaded by the `raster`
#' package yield geographic tiles as long as `file` has projection information.
#' If the raster object's Proj4 string is `NA`, it falls back on non-geographic
#' tile generation and a warning is thrown.
#' Choice of appropriate zoom levels for non-geographic image files may depend
#' on the size of the image. A `zoom` value may be partially ignored for image
#' files under certain conditions. For instance using the example `map.png`
#' below, when passing strictly `zoom = n` where `n` is less than 3, this still
#' generates tiles for zoom `n` up through 3.
#' \subsection{Supported file types}{
#' Supported simple CRS/non-geographic image file types include `png`, `jpg` and
#' `bmp`. For projected map data, supported file types include three types
#' readable by the `raster` package: `grd`, `tif`, and `nc` (requires `ncdf4`).
#' Other currently unsupported file types passed to `file` throw an error.
#' }
#' \subsection{Raster file inputs}{
#' If a map file loadable by `raster` is a single-layer raster object, tile
#' coloring is applied. To override default coloring of data and `noData`
#' pixels, pass the additional arguments `col` and `colNA` to `...`.
#' Multi-layer raster objects are rejected with an error message. The only
#' exception is a three- or four-band raster, which is assumed to represent
#' red, green, blue and alpha channels, respectively.
#' In this case, processing will continue but coloring arguments are ignored as
#' unnecessary.
#' \cr\cr
#' Prior to tiling, a geographically-projected raster layer is reprojected to
#' EPSG:4326 only if it has some other projection. The only reprojection
#' argument available through `...` is `method`, which can be `"bilinear"`
#' (default) or`"ngb"`. If complete control over reprojection is required, this
#' should be done prior to passing the rasterized file to the `tile` function.
#' Then no reprojection is performed by `tile()`. When `file` consists of RGB or
#' RGBA bands, `method` is ignored if provided and reprojection uses nearest
#' neighbor.
#' \cr\cr
#' It is recommended to avoid using a projected 4-band RGBA raster file.
#' However, the alpha channel appears to be ignored anyway. `gdal2tiles` gives
#' an internal warning. Instead, create your RGBA raster file in unprojected
#' form and it should pass through to `gdal2tiles` without any issues.
#' Three-band RGB raster files are unaffected by reprojection.
#' }
#' \subsection{Tiles and Leaflet}{
#' `gdal2tiles` generates TMS tiles. If expecting XYZ, for example when using
#' with Leaflet, you can change the end of the URL to your hosted tiles from
#' `{z}/{x}/{y}.png` to `{z}/{x}/{-y}.png`.
#' \cr\cr
#' This function is supported by two different versions of `gdal2tiles`. There
#' is the standard version, which generates geospatial tiles in TMS format. The
#' other version of `gdal2tiles} handles basic image files like a matrix of rows
#' and columns, using a simple Cartesian coordinate system based on pixel
#' dimensions of the image file. See the Leaflet JS library and `leaflet`
#' package documentation for working with custom tiles in Leaflet.
#' }
#' @param file character, input file.
#' @param tiles character, output directory for generated tiles.
#' @param zoom character, zoom levels. Example format: `"3-7"`.
#' See details.
#' @param crs character, Proj4 string. Use this to force set the CRS of a loaded
#' raster object from `file` in cases where the CRS is missing but known, to
#' avoid defaulting to non-geographic tiling.
#' @param resume logical, only generate missing tiles.
#' @param viewer logical, also create `preview.html` adjacent to `tiles`
#' directory for previewing tiles in the browser using Leaflet.
#' @param georef logical, for non-geographic tiles only. If `viewer = TRUE`,
#' then the Leaflet widget in `preview.html` will add map markers with
#' coordinate labels on mouse click to assist with georeferencing of
#' non-geographic tiles.
#' @param ... additional arguments for projected maps: reprojection method or
#' any arguments to `raster::RGB()`, e.g. `col` and `colNA`. See details. Other
#' additional arguments `lng` and `lat` can also be passed to the tile
#' previewer. See [tile_viewer()] for details.
#' @return nothing is returned but tiles are written to disk.
#' @export
#' @seealso [view_tiles()], [tile_viewer()]
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{tmpfiles <- list.files(tempdir(), full.names = TRUE)}
#' # non-geographic/simple CRS
#' x <- system.file("maps/map.png", package = "tiler")
#' tiles <- file.path(tempdir(), "tiles")
#' tile(x, tiles, "2-3")
#' \dontrun{
#' # unprojected map
#' x <- system.file("maps/map_wgs84.tif", package = "tiler")
#' tile(x, tiles, 0)
#' # projected map
#' x <- system.file("maps/map_albers.tif", package = "tiler")
#' tile(x, tiles, 0)
#' }
#' \dontshow{
#' unlink(c(tiles, file.path(tempdir(), "preview.html")), recursive = TRUE,
#'        force = TRUE)
#' extrafiles <- setdiff(list.files(tempdir(), full.names = TRUE), tmpfiles)
#' if(length(extrafiles)) unlink(extrafiles, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
#' }
tile <- function(file, tiles, zoom, crs = NULL, resume = FALSE, viewer = TRUE,
                 georef = TRUE, ...){
  ext <- .get_ext(file)
  if(ext == "jpg" && !requireNamespace("jpeg", quietly = TRUE)){
    message(paste("jpg files are optionally supported (png recommended).",
                  "Install `jpeg` package to use jpg images."))
  if(ext == "bmp" && !requireNamespace("bmp", quietly = TRUE)){
    message(paste("bmp files are optionally supported (png recommended).",
                  "Install `bmp` package to use bmp images."))
  if(!ext %in% unlist(.supported_filetypes))
    stop(paste0("File type .", ext, " not supported."))
  ex <- tiler_options()$python
  if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
    if(ex != "python") ex <- paste0("\"", ex, "\"")
    bat <- tiler_options()$osgeo4w
    if(bat != "OSGeo4W.bat"){
      ex <- paste0("\"", bat, "\" ", ex)
    } else {
      ex <- paste(bat, ex)
  dir.create(tiles, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  tf <- tmprst()

  projected <- .proj_check(file, crs, tmpf = tf, ...)

  if(ext %in% .supported_filetypes$ras)
    file <- tf
  dir.create(g2t_tmp_dir <- tempfile("g2ttmp_"),
             showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    g2t <- system.file("python/gdal2tiles.py", package = "tiler")
    ex <- paste0(ex, " \"", g2t, "\" -z ", zoom, " -w none ", "--tmpdir \"",
                 normalizePath(g2t_tmp_dir), "\" ",
                 ifelse(resume, "-e ", ""), "\"",
                 normalizePath(file), "\" \"", normalizePath(tiles), "\"")
  } else {
    g2t <- system.file("python/gdal2tilesIMG.py", package = "tiler")
    ex <- paste0(ex, " \"", g2t, "\" --leaflet -p raster -z ", zoom,
                 " -w none ", "--tmpdir \"", normalizePath(g2t_tmp_dir), "\" ",
                 ifelse(resume, "-e ", ""), "\"", normalizePath(file), "\" \"",
                 normalizePath(tiles), "\"")
  cat("Creating tiles. Please wait...\n")
  unlink(g2t_tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
    cat("Creating tile viewer...\n")
    w <- h <- NULL
      if(file == tf){
        x <- raster::raster(file)
        w <- ncol(x)
        h <- nrow(x)
      } else {
        if(ext == "png") f <- png::readPNG else
          if(ext == "jpg") f <- jpeg::readJPEG else f <- bmp::read.bmp
        x <- f(file)
        w <- dim(x)[2]
        h <- dim(x)[1]
    viewer_args <- c(
      list(tiles = tiles, zoom = zoom, width = w, height = h, georef = georef),
    do.call(tile_viewer, viewer_args)
  if(ext %in% .supported_filetypes$ras) unlink(file)

.proj_check <- function(file, crs = NULL, tmpf = tmprst(), ...){
  ext <- .get_ext(file)
  if(ext %in% .supported_filetypes$img) return(FALSE)
  dots <- list(...)

  r <- raster::readAll(raster::stack(file))
  bands <- raster::nlayers(r)
  if(!bands %in% c(1, 3, 4))
    stop("`file` is multi-band but does not appear to be RGB or RGBA layers.")
  method <- ifelse(bands != 1, "ngb", ifelse(is.null(dots$method), "bilinear",
  if(bands == 1) r <- raster::raster(r, layer = 1)
  wgs84 <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
  proj4 <- raster::projection(r)
  req_reproj <- !is.na(proj4) && !.is_wgs84(proj4)
  projected <- req_reproj || !is.null(crs)
  if(!projected && !.is_wgs84(proj4)){
    warning(paste("Projection expected but is missing.",
                  "Continuing as non-geographic image."))
  } else if(!is.null(crs)){
    proj4 <- raster::projection(r) <- crs
    cat("Reprojecting raster...\n")
    e <- raster::projectExtent(r, crs = sp::CRS(wgs84))
    r <- raster::projectRaster(r, e, method = method)
  if(bands == 1){
    cat("Coloring raster...\n")
      col <- .fix_colors(dots$col, no_white = TRUE)
    } else if(method == "ngb"){
      col <- c("#66C2A5", "#FC8D62", "#8DA0CB", "#E78AC3", "#A6D854",
               "#FFD92F", "#E5C494", "#B3B3B3")
    } else {
      col <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(
        c("#7F3B08", "#B35806", "#E08214", "#FDB863", "#FEE0B6",
          "#F7F7F7", "#D8DAEB", "#B2ABD2", "#8073AC", "#542788", "#2D004B"))(30)
    nacol <- if(!is.null(dots$colNA)) .fix_colors(dots$colNA) else "#FFFFFF"
    alpha <- if(!is.null(dots$alpha)) dots$alpha else FALSE
    r <- raster::RGB(r, col = col, breaks = dots$breaks, alpha = alpha,
                     colNA = nacol, zlim = dots$zlim, zlimcol = dots$zcol,
                     ext = dots$ext)
  cat("Preparing for tiling...\n")
  raster::writeRaster(r, filename = tmpf, overwrite = TRUE, datatype = "INT1U")

.get_ext <- function(file) utils::tail(strsplit(file, "\\.")[[1]], 1)

.supported_filetypes <- list(img = c("bmp", "jpg", "png"),
                             ras = c("grd", "tif", "nc"))

.is_wgs84 <- function(x){
  grepl("+proj=longlat", x) & grepl("+datum=WGS84", x) &
    grepl("+no_defs|+towgs84=0,0,0", x) # & grepl("+ellps=WGS84", x) # last bit unnecessary?

.fix_colors <- function(x, no_white = FALSE){
  x <- tolower(x)
  if(no_white) x <- gsub("#ffffff|white", "#feffff", x)
  hex <- grepl("^#", x)
  if(any(hex)) x[hex] <- gsub("^#ff", "#fe", x[hex])
    f <- function(x){
      x <- format(as.hexmode(x), width = 2)
      x[1] <- gsub("ff", "fe", x[1])
      paste0("#", paste(x, collapse = ""))
    x[!hex] <- apply(grDevices::col2rgb(x[!hex]), 2, f)

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tiler documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:18 a.m.