#' Resolve Reference-Style Links
#' @description
#' [Reference style links and
#' images](
#' are a form of markdown syntax that reduces duplication and makes markdown
#' more readable. They come in two parts:
#' 1. The inline part that uses two pairs of square brackets where the second
#' pair of square brackets contains the reference for the anchor part of the
#' link. Example:
#' ```
#' [inline text describing link][link-reference]
#' ```
#' 2. The anchor part, which can be anywhere in the document, contains a pair
#' of square brackets followed by a colon and space with the link and
#' optionally the link title. Example:
#' ```
#' [link-reference]: 'documentation for tinkr'
#' ```
#' Commonmark treats reference-style links as regular links, which can be a
#' pain when converting large documents. This function resolves these
#' links by reading in the source document, finding the reference-style links,
#' and adding them back at the end of the document with the 'anchor' attribute
#' and appending the reference to the link with the 'ref' attribute.
#' @details
#' ## Nomenclature
#' The reference-style link contains two parts, but they don't have common names
#' (the [markdown guide]( calls
#' these "first part and second part"), so in this documentation, we call the
#' link pattern of `[link text][link-ref]` as the "inline reference-style link"
#' and the pattern of `[link-ref]: <URL>` as the "anchor references-style link".
#' ## Reference-style links in commonmark's XML representation
#' A link or image in XML is represented by a node with the following attributes
#' - destination: the URL for the link
#' - title: an optional title for the link
#' For example, this markdown link `[link text]( "example
#' link")` is represented in XML as text inside of a link node:
#' ```{r}
#' lnk <- "[link text]( 'example link')"
#' xml <- xml2::read_xml(commonmark::markdown_xml(lnk))
#' cat(as.character(xml2::xml_find_first(xml, ".//d1:link")))
#' ```
#' However, reference-style links are rendered equivalently:
#' ```{r}
#' lnk <- "
#' [link text][link-ref]
#' [link-ref]: 'example link'
#' "
#' xml <- xml2::read_xml(commonmark::markdown_xml(lnk))
#' cat(as.character(xml2::xml_find_first(xml, ".//d1:link")))
#' ```
#' ## XML attributes of reference-style links
#' To preserve the anchor reference-style links, we search the source document
#' for the destination attribute proceded by `]: `, transform that information
#' into a new link node with the `anchor` attribute, and add it to the end of
#' the document. That node looks like this:
#' ```{r, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
#' lnk <- "[link-ref]: 'example link'"
#' al <- withr::with_namespace("tinkr", build_anchor_links(lnk))
#' cat(as.character(xml2::xml_find_first(al, ".//link")))
#' ```
#' From there, we add the anchor text to the node that is present in our
#' document as the `ref` attribute:
#' ```{r, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
#' lnk <- "
#' [link text][link-ref]
#' [link-ref]: 'example link'
#' "
#' xml <- xml2::read_xml(commonmark::markdown_xml(lnk))
#' lnk <- xml2::xml_find_first(xml, ".//d1:link")
#' xml2::xml_set_attr(lnk, "rel", "link-ref")
#' cat(as.character(lnk))
#' ```
#' @note this function is internally used in the function [to_xml()].
#' @param body an XML body
#' @param txt the text of a source file
#' @param ns an the namespace that resolves the Markdown namespace (defaults to
#' [md_ns()])
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' f <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "tinkr")
#' md <- yarn$new(f, sourcepos = TRUE, anchor_links = FALSE)
#' md$show()
#' if (requireNamespace("withr")) {
#' lnks <- withr::with_namespace("tinkr",
#' resolve_anchor_links(md$body, readLines(md$path)))
#' md$body <- lnks
#' md$show()
#' }
resolve_anchor_links <- function(body, txt, ns = md_ns()) {
# copy the body so that we can recover from errors
body <- copy_xml(body)
# find all links and images (since either one could have an anchor link)
links <- xml2::xml_find_all(body, ".//md:link | .//md:image", ns)
if (length(links) == 0) {
# Search for the pattern that resolves to `]: <LINK>( <TITLE>)` and return the
# line number the link was found on
dests <- xml2::xml_attr(links, "destination")
titles <- xml2::xml_attr(links, "title")
targets <- paste0(clean_targets(dests), "\\s?['\"]?", clean_targets(titles))
rel <- paste0("\\]:\\s+?", targets, "['\"]?\\s*$")
pos <- purrr::map_int(rel, find_anchor_link, txt)
if (sum(pos) == 0) {
# extract all of matches from the document
anchors <- txt[pos]
# set the attributes of the links that have anchors
xml2::xml_set_attr(links[pos != 0], "rel", al_name(anchors))
# add the anchors at the end of the document
add_anchor_links(body, unique(anchors))
# Lifted from Hmisc::escapeRegex in Hmisc 4.5.0
clean_targets <- function(targets) {
gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", targets)
find_anchor_link <- function(target, txt) {
position <- grep(target, txt)
if (length(position) == 0) {
max(position) # examples in markdown will create duplicates
add_anchor_links <- function(body, links) {
new <- build_anchor_links(links)
add_nodes_to_body(body, new, where = length(xml2::xml_children(body)))
# Make an anchor link node from a text string
# build_anchor_links("[CAT!]: 'cute kitty'")
build_anchor_links <- function(link) {
txt <- glue::glue("<text>{al_name(link)}</text>")
attrs <- glue::glue(
"destination='{al_dest(link)}' title='{al_title(link)}' anchor='true'"
# wrap the nodes in a paragraph to make sure they don't get screwed up by
# any footer text
glue::glue("<link {attrs}>{txt}</link>"),
# Helpers for parsing anchor links:
# [name]: dest 'title'
escape_ampersand <- function(amp) {
# escape ampersands that are not valid code points, though this will still
# allow invalid code points, but it's better than nothing
gsub("[&](?![#]?[A-Za-z0-9]+?[;])", "&", amp, perl = TRUE)
al_name <- function(link) {
res <- sub("^[[\\[](.+?)[\\]]:\\s.+?$", "\\1", link, perl = TRUE)
al_dest <- function(link) {
res <- sub("^[\\[].+?[\\]]:\\s([^\\s]+?)(\\s['\"]?.*?)?$", "\\1", link, perl = TRUE)
al_title <- function(link) {
# try to find titles, but if they don't exist, they will match exactly with
# the original string, so we need to censor them.
titles <- sub("^[\\[].+?[\\]]:\\s[^\\s]+?(\\s['\"](.*?)['\"])$", "\\2",
link, perl = TRUE)
titles[titles == link] <- ""
#nocov start
# Get the position of an element
get_pos <- function(x, e = 1) {
xml2::xml_attr(x, "sourcepos")
# helpers for get_pos
get_linestart <- function(x) get_pos(x, e = 1)
get_colstart <- function(x) get_pos(x, e = 2)
get_lineend <- function(x) get_pos(x, e = 3)
get_colend <- function(x) get_pos(x, e = 4)
#nocov end
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