
Defines functions tinyplot.formula tinyplot.default tinyplot

Documented in tinyplot tinyplot.default tinyplot.formula

#' @title Lightweight extension of the base R plotting function
#' @description
#' Enhances the base \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} function. Supported features
#' include automatic legends and facets for grouped data, additional plot types,
#' theme customization, and so on. Users can call either `tinyplot()`, or its
#' shorthand alias `plt()`.
#' @md
#' @param x,y the x and y arguments provide the x and y coordinates for the
#'   plot. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable; most
#'   likely the names of existing vectors or columns of data frames. See the
#'   'Examples' section below, or the function
#'   \code{\link[grDevices]{xy.coords}} for details. If supplied separately, `x`
#'   and `y` must be of the same length.
#' @param by grouping variable(s). The default behaviour is for groups to be
#'   represented in the form of distinct colours, which will also trigger an
#'   automatic legend. (See `legend` below for customization options.) However,
#'   groups can also be presented through other plot parameters (e.g., `pch` or
#'   `lty`) by passing an appropriate "by" keyword; see Examples. Note that
#'   continuous (i.e., gradient) colour legends are also supported if the user
#'   passes a numeric or integer to `by`.
#' @param facet the faceting variable(s) that you want arrange separate plot
#'   windows by. Can be specified in various ways:
#'   - In "atomic" form, e.g. `facet = fvar`. To facet by multiple variables in 
#'   atomic form, simply interact them, e.g.
#'   `interaction(fvar1, fvar2)` or `factor(fvar1):factor(fvar2)`.
#'   - As a one-sided formula, e.g. `facet = ~fvar`. Multiple variables can be
#'   specified in the formula RHS, e.g. `~fvar1 + fvar2` or `~fvar1:fvar2`. Note
#'   that these multi-variable cases are _all_ treated equivalently and
#'   converted to `interaction(fvar1, fvar2, ...)` internally. (No distinction
#'   is made between different types of binary operators, for example, and so
#'   `f1+f2` is treated the same as `f1:f2`, is treated the same as `f1*f2`,
#'   etc.)
#'   - As a two-side formula, e.g. `facet = fvar1 ~ fvar2`. In this case, the
#'   facet windows are arranged in a fixed grid layout, with the formula LHS
#'   defining the facet rows and the RHS defining the facet columns. At present
#'   only single variables on each side of the formula are well supported. (We
#'   don't recommend trying to use multiple variables on either the LHS or RHS
#'   of the two-sided formula case.)
#'   - As a special `"by"` convenience keyword, in which case facets will match
#'   the grouping variable(s) passed to `by` above.
#' @param facet.args an optional list of arguments for controlling faceting
#'   behaviour. (Ignored if `facet` is NULL.) Supported arguments are as
#'   follows:
#'   - `nrow`, `ncol` for overriding the default "square" facet window
#'   arrangement. Only one of these should be specified, but `nrow` will take
#'   precedence if both are specified together. Ignored if a two-sided formula
#'   is passed to the main `facet` argument, since the layout is arranged in a
#'   fixed grid.
#'   - `fmar` a vector of form `c(b,l,t,r)` for controlling the base margin
#'   between facets in terms of lines. Defaults to the value of `tpar("fmar")`,
#'   which should be `c(1,1,1,1)`, i.e. a single line of padding around each
#'   individual facet, assuming it hasn't been overridden by the user as part
#'   their global \code{\link[tinyplot]{tpar}} settings. Note some automatic
#'   adjustments are made for certain layouts, and depending on whether the plot
#'   is framed or not, to reduce excess whitespace. See
#'   \code{\link[tinyplot]{tpar}} for more details.
#'   - `cex`, `font`, `col`, `bg`, `border` for adjusting the facet title text
#'   and background. Default values for these arguments are inherited from
#'   \code{\link[tinyplot]{tpar}} (where they take a "facet." prefix, e.g. 
#'   `tpar("facet.cex")`). The latter function can also be used to set these
#'   features globally for all `tinyplot` plots.
#' @param formula a `formula` that optionally includes grouping variable(s)
#'   after a vertical bar, e.g. `y ~ x | z`. One-sided formulae are also
#'   permitted, e.g. `~ y | z`. Note that the `formula` and `x` arguments
#'   should not be specified in the same call.
#' @param data a data.frame (or list) from which the variables in formula
#'   should be taken. A matrix is converted to a data frame.
#' @param type character string giving the type of plot desired. If no argument
#'   is provided, then the plot type will default to something sensible for the
#'   type of `x` and `y` inputs (i.e., usually `"p"`). Options are:
#'   - The same set of 1-character values supported by
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}: `"p"` for points, `"l"` for lines, `"b"` for
#'   both points and lines, `"c"` for empty points joined by lines, `"o"` for
#'   overplotted points and lines, `"s"` and `"S"` for stair steps, and `"h"`
#'   for histogram-like vertical lines. Specifying `"n"` produces an empty plot
#'   over the extent of the data, but with no internal elements (see also the
#'   `empty` argument below).
#'   - Additional tinyplot types:
#'      - `"jitter"` (alias `"j"`) for jittered points.
#'      - `"rect"`, `"segments"`, `"polygon"`, or `"polypath"`, which are all
#'      equivalent to their base counterparts, but don't require an existing
#'      plot window.
#'      - `"boxplot"`, `"histogram"` (alias `"hist"`), or `"density"` for
#'      distribution plots.
#'      - `"pointrange"` or `"errorbar"` for segment intervals, and `"ribbon"`
#'      or `"area"` for polygon intervals (where area plots are a special case
#'      of ribbon plots with `ymin` set to 0 and `ymax` set to `y`; see below).
#' @param xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax minimum and maximum coordinates of relevant area
#'   or interval plot types. Only used when the `type` argument is one of
#'   `"rect"` or `"segments"` (where all four min-max coordinates are required),
#'   or `"pointrange"`, `"errorbar"`, or `"ribbon"` (where only `ymin` and
#'   `ymax` required alongside `x`).
#' @param xlim the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot. Note that x1 > x2 is allowed
#'   and leads to a ‘reversed axis’. The default value, NULL, indicates that
#'   the range of the `finite` values to be plotted should be used.
#' @param ylim the y limits of the plot.
#' @param log a character string which contains "x" if the x axis is to be
#'   logarithmic, "y" if the y axis is to be logarithmic and "xy" or "yx" if 
#'   both axes are to be logarithmic.
#' @param empty logical indicating whether the interior plot region should be
#'  left empty. The default is `FALSE`. Setting to `TRUE` has a similar effect
#'  to invoking `type = "n"` above, except that any legend artifacts owing to a
#'  particular plot type (e.g., lines for `type = "l"` or squares for
#'  `type = "area"`) will still be drawn correctly alongside the empty plot. In
#'  contrast,`type = "n"` implicitly assumes a scatterplot and so any legend
#'  will only depict points.
#' @param main a main title for the plot, see also `title`.
#' @param sub a subtitle for the plot.
#' @param xlab a label for the x axis, defaults to a description of x.
#' @param ylab a label for the y axis, defaults to a description of y.
#' @param ann a logical value indicating whether the default annotation (title
#'   and x and y axis labels) should appear on the plot.
#' @param axes logical or character. Should axes be drawn (`TRUE` or `FALSE`)?
#'   Or alternatively what type of axes should be drawn: `"standard"` (with
#'   axis, ticks, and labels; equivalent to `TRUE`), `"none"` (no axes;
#'   equivalent to `FALSE`), `"ticks"` (only ticks and labels without axis line),
#'   `"labels"` (only labels without ticks and axis line), `"axis"` (only axis
#'   line and labels but no ticks). To control this separately for the two
#'   axes, use the character specifications for `xaxt` and/or `yaxt`.
#' @param frame.plot a logical indicating whether a box should be drawn around
#'   the plot. Can also use `frame` as an acceptable argument alias.
#'   The default is to draw a frame if both axis types (set via `axes`, `xaxt`,
#'   or `yaxt`) include axis lines.
#' @param grid argument for plotting a background panel grid, one of either:
#'    - a logical (i.e., `TRUE` to draw the grid), or
#'    - a panel grid plotting function like `grid()`.
#'   Note that this argument replaces the `panel.first` and `panel.last`
#'   arguments from base `plot()` and tries to make the process more seamless
#'   with better default behaviour. The default behaviour is determined by (and
#'   can be set globally through) the value of `tpar("grid")`.
#' @param asp the y/xy/x aspect ratio, see `plot.window`.
#' @param palette one of the following options:
#'    - NULL (default), in which case the palette will be chosen according to
#'    the class and cardinality of the "by" grouping variable. For non-ordered
#'    factors or strings with a reasonable number of groups, this will inherit
#'    directly from the user's default \code{\link[grDevices]{palette}} (e.g.,
#'    "R4"). In other cases, including ordered factors and high cardinality, the
#'    "Viridis" palette will be used instead. Note that a slightly restricted
#'    version of the "Viridis" palette---where extreme color values have been
#'    trimmed to improve visual perception---will be used for ordered factors
#'    and continuous variables. In the latter case of a continuous grouping
#'    variable, we also generate a gradient legend swatch.
#'    - A convenience string corresponding to one of the many palettes listed by
#'    either `palette.pals()` or `hcl.pals()`. Note that the string can be
#'    case-insensitive (e.g., "Okabe-Ito" and "okabe-ito" are both valid).
#'    - A palette-generating function. This can be "bare" (e.g.,
#'    `palette.colors`) or "closed" with a set of named arguments (e.g.,
#'    `palette.colors(palette = "Okabe-Ito", alpha = 0.5)`). Note that any
#'    unnamed arguments will be ignored and the key `n` argument, denoting the
#'    number of colours, will automatically be spliced in as the number of
#'    groups.
#' @param legend one of the following options:
#'    - NULL (default), in which case the legend will be determined by the
#'    grouping variable. If there is no group variable (i.e., `by` is NULL) then
#'    no legend is drawn. If a grouping variable is detected, then an automatic
#'    legend is drawn to the _outer_ right of the plotting area. Note that the
#'    legend title and categories will automatically be inferred from the `by`
#'    argument and underlying data.
#'    - A convenience string indicating the legend position. The string should
#'    correspond to one of the position keywords supported by the base `legend`
#'    function, e.g. "right", "topleft", "bottom", etc. In addition, `tinyplot`
#'    supports adding a trailing exclamation point to these keywords, e.g.
#'    "right!", "topleft!", or "bottom!". This will place the legend _outside_
#'    the plotting area and adjust the margins of the plot accordingly. Finally,
#'    users can also turn off any legend printing by specifying "none".
#'    - Logical value, where TRUE corresponds to the default case above (same 
#'    effect as specifying NULL) and FALSE turns the legend off (same effect as
#'    specifying "none").
#'    - A list or, equivalently, a dedicated `legend()` function with supported
#'    legend arguments, e.g. "bty", "horiz", and so forth.
#' @param col plotting color. Character, integer, or vector of length equal to
#'   the number of categories in the `by` variable. See `col`. Note that the
#'   default behaviour in `tinyplot` is to vary group colors along any variables
#'   declared in the `by` argument. Thus, specifying colors manually should not
#'   be necessary unless users wish to override the automatic colors produced by
#'   this grouping process. Typically, this would only be done if grouping
#'   features are deferred to some other graphical parameter (i.e., passing the
#'   "by" keyword to one of `pch`, `lty`, `lwd`, or `bg`; see below.)
#' @param pch plotting "character", i.e., symbol to use. Character, integer, or
#'   vector of length equal to the number of categories in the `by` variable.
#'   See `pch`. In addition, users can supply a special `pch = "by"` convenience
#'   argument, in which case the characters will automatically loop over the
#'   number groups. This automatic looping will begin at the global character
#'   value (i.e., `par("pch")`) and recycle as necessary.
#' @param lty line type. Character, integer, or vector of length equal to the
#'   number of categories in the `by` variable. See `lty`. In addition, users
#'   can supply a special `lty = "by"` convenience argument, in which case the
#'   line type will automatically loop over the number groups. This automatic
#'   looping will begin at the global line type value (i.e., `par("lty")`) and
#'   recycle as necessary.
#' @param lwd line width. Numeric scalar or vector of length equal to the
#'   number of categories in the `by` variable. See `lwd`. In addition, users
#'   can supply a special `lwd = "by"` convenience argument, in which case the
#'   line width will automatically loop over the number of groups. This
#'   automatic looping will be centered at the global line width value (i.e.,
#`   par("lwd")`) and pad on either side of that.
#' @param bg background fill color for the open plot symbols 21:25 (see
#'   `points.default`), as well as ribbon and area plot types. For the latter
#'   group---including filled density plots---an automatic alpha transparency
#'   adjustment will be applied (see the `ribbon.alpha` argument further below).
#'   Users can also supply either one of two special convenience arguments that
#'   will cause the background fill to inherit the automatic grouped coloring
#'   behaviour of `col`:
#'   - `bg = "by"` will insert a background fill that inherits the main color
#'   mappings from `col`.
#'   - `by = <numeric[0,1]>` (i.e., a numeric in the range `[0,1]`) will insert
#'   a background fill that inherits the main color mapping(s) from `col`, but
#'   with added alpha-transparency.
#'   For both of these convenience arguments, note that the (grouped) `bg`
#'   mappings will persist even if the (grouped) `col` defaults are themselves
#'   overridden. This can be useful if you want to preserve the grouped palette
#'   mappings by background fill but not boundary color, e.g. filled points. See
#'   examples. 
#' @param fill alias for `bg`. If non-NULL values for both `bg` and `fill` are
#'   provided, then the latter will be ignored in favour of the former.
#' @param alpha a numeric in the range `[0,1]` for adjusting the alpha channel
#'   of the color palette, where 0 means transparent and 1 means opaque. Use
#'   fractional values, e.g. `0.5` for semi-transparency.
#' @param cex character expansion. A numerical vector (can be a single value)
#'   giving the amount by which plotting characters and symbols should be scaled
#'   relative to the default. Note that NULL is equivalent to 1.0, while NA
#'   renders the characters invisible.
#' @param restore.par a logical value indicating whether the
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{par}} settings prior to calling `tinyplot` should be
#'   restored on exit. Defaults to FALSE, which makes it possible to add
#'   elements to the plot after it has been drawn. However, note the the outer
#'   margins of the graphics device may have been altered to make space for the
#'   `tinyplot` legend. Users can opt out of this persistent behaviour by
#'   setting to TRUE instead. See also [get_saved_par] for another option to
#'   recover the original \code{\link[graphics]{par}} settings, as well as
#'   longer discussion about the trade-offs involved.
#' @param subset,na.action,drop.unused.levels arguments passed to `model.frame`
#'   when extracting the data from `formula` and `data`.
#' @param ribbon.alpha numeric factor modifying the opacity alpha of any ribbon
#'   shading; typically in `[0, 1]`. Only used when `type = "ribbon"`, or when
#'   the `bg` fill argument is specified in a density plot (since filled density
#'   plots are converted to ribbon plots internally). If an an applicable plot
#'   type is called but no explicit value is provided, then will default to
#'   `tpar("ribbon.alpha")` (i.e., probably `0.2` unless this has been
#'   overridden by the user in their global settings.)
#' @param add logical. If TRUE, then elements are added to the current plot rather
#'   than drawing a new plot window. Note that the automatic legend for the
#'   added elements will be turned off.
#' @param file character string giving the file path for writing a plot to disk.
#'   If specified, the plot will not be displayed interactively, but rather sent
#'   to the appropriate external graphics device (i.e.,
#'   \code{\link[grDevices]{png}}, \code{\link[grDevices]{jpeg}},
#'   \code{\link[grDevices]{pdf}}, or \code{\link[grDevices]{svg}}). As a point
#'   of convenience, note that any global parameters held in `(t)par` are
#'   automatically carried over to the external device and don't need to be
#'   reset (in contrast to the conventional base R approach that requires
#'   manually opening and closing the device). The device type is determined by
#'   the file extension at the end of the provided path, and must be one of
#'   ".png", ".jpg" (".jpeg"), ".pdf", or ".svg". (Other file types may be
#'   supported in the future.) The file dimensions can be controlled by the
#'   corresponding `width` and `height` arguments below, otherwise will fall
#'   back to the `"file.width"` and `"file.height"` values held in
#'   \code{\link[tinyplot]{tpar}} (i.e., both defaulting to 7 inches, and where
#'   the default resolution for bitmap files is also specified as 300
#'   DPI).
#' @param width numeric giving the plot width in inches. Together with `height`,
#'  typically used in conjunction with the `file` argument above, overriding the
#'  default values held in `tpar("file.width", "file.height")`. If either `width`
#'  or `height` is specified, but a corresponding `file` argument is not
#'  provided as well, then a new interactive graphics device dimensions will be
#'  opened along the given dimensions. Note that this interactive resizing may
#'  not work consistently from within an IDE like RStudio that has an integrated
#'  graphics windows.
#' @param height numeric giving the plot height in inches. Same considerations as
#'  `width` (above) apply, e.g. will default to `tpar("file.height")` if not
#'  specified.
#' @param xaxt,yaxt character specifying the type of x-axis and y-axis, respectively.
#'   See `axes` for the possible values.
#' @param ... other graphical parameters (see \code{\link[graphics]{par}}), or
#'   arguments passed to the relevant plot type (e.g., `breaks` for
#'   `type = "histogram"`, or `varwidth` for `type = "boxplot"`). 
#' @returns No return value, called for side effect of producing a plot.
#' @details
#' Disregarding the enhancements that it supports, `tinyplot` tries as far as
#' possible to mimic the behaviour and syntax logic of the original base
#' \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} function. Users should therefore be able to swap
#' out existing `plot` calls for `tinyplot` (or its shorthand alias `plt`),
#' without causing unexpected changes to the output.
#' @importFrom grDevices adjustcolor colorRampPalette extendrange palette palette.colors palette.pals hcl.colors hcl.pals xy.coords png jpeg pdf svg dev.off dev.new dev.list
#' @importFrom graphics abline arrows axis Axis box boxplot grconvertX grconvertY hist lines mtext par plot.default plot.new plot.window points polygon polypath segments rect text title
#' @importFrom utils modifyList head tail
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @examples
#' #' 
#' aq = transform(
#'   airquality,
#'   Month = factor(Month, labels = month.abb[unique(Month)])
#' )
#' # In most cases, `tinyplot` should be a drop-in replacement for regular
#' # `plot` calls. For example:
#' op = tpar(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' plot(0:10, main = "plot")
#' tinyplot(0:10, main = "tinyplot")
#' tpar(op) # restore original layout
#' # Aside: `tinyplot::tpar()` is a (near) drop-in replacement for `par()`
#' # Unlike vanilla plot, however, tinyplot allows you to characterize groups 
#' # using either the `by` argument or equivalent `|` formula syntax.
#' with(aq, tinyplot(Day, Temp, by = Month)) ## atomic method
#' tinyplot(Temp ~ Day | Month, data = aq)   ## formula method
#' # (Notice that we also get an automatic legend.)
#' # You can also use the equivalent shorthand `plt()` alias if you'd like to
#' # save on a few keystrokes
#' plt(Temp ~ Day | Month, data = aq) ## shorthand alias
#' # Use standard base plotting arguments to adjust features of your plot.
#' # For example, change `pch` (plot character) to get filled points and `cex`
#' # (character expansion) to increase their size.
#' tinyplot(
#'   Temp ~ Day | Month,
#'   data = aq,
#'   pch = 16,
#'   cex = 2
#' )
#' # We can add alpha transparency for overlapping points
#' tinyplot(
#'   Temp ~ Day | Month,
#'   data = aq,
#'   pch = 16,
#'   cex = 2,
#'   alpha = 0.3
#' )
#' # To get filled points with a common solid background color, use an 
#' # appropriate plotting character (21:25) and combine with one of the special
#' # `bg` convenience arguments.
#' tinyplot(
#'   Temp ~ Day | Month,
#'   data = aq,
#'   pch = 21,     # use filled circles
#'   cex = 2,
#'   bg = 0.3,     # numeric in [0,1] adds a grouped background fill with transparency
#'   col = "black" # override default color mapping; give all points a black border
#' )
#' # Converting to a grouped line plot is a simple matter of adjusting the
#' # `type` argument.
#' tinyplot(
#'   Temp ~ Day | Month,
#'   data = aq,
#'   type = "l"
#' )
#' # Similarly for other plot types, including some additional ones provided
#' # directly by tinyplot, e.g. density plots or internal plots (ribbons, 
#' # pointranges, etc.)
#' tinyplot(
#'   ~ Temp | Month,
#'   data = aq,
#'   type = "density",
#'   fill = "by"
#' )
#' # Facet plots are supported too. Facets can be drawn on their own...
#' tinyplot(
#'   Temp ~ Day,
#'   facet = ~ Month, 
#'   data = aq,
#'   type = "area",
#'   main = "Temperatures by month"
#' )
#' # ... or combined/contrasted with the by (colour) grouping.
#' aq = transform(aq, Summer = Month %in% c("Jun", "Jul", "Aug"))
#' tinyplot(
#'   Temp ~ Day | Summer,
#'   facet = ~ Month, 
#'   data = aq,
#'   type = "area",
#'   palette = "dark2",
#'   main = "Temperatures by month and season"
#' )
#' # Users can override the default square window arrangement by passing `nrow`
#' # or `ncol` to the helper facet.args argument. Note that we can also reduce
#' # axis label repetition across facets by turning the plot frame off.
#' tinyplot(
#'   Temp ~ Day | Summer,
#'   facet = ~ Month, facet.args = list(nrow = 1),
#'   data = aq,
#'   type = "area",
#'   palette = "dark2",
#'   frame = FALSE,
#'   main = "Temperatures by month and season"
#' )
#' # Use a two-sided formula to arrange the facet windows in a fixed grid.
#' # LHS -> facet rows; RHS -> facet columns
#' aq$hot = ifelse(aq$Temp>=75, "hot", "cold")
#' aq$windy = ifelse(aq$Wind>=15, "windy", "calm")
#' tinyplot(
#'  Temp ~ Day,
#'  facet = windy ~ hot,
#'  data = aq
#' )
#' # The (automatic) legend position and look can be customized using
#' # appropriate arguments. Note the trailing "!" in the `legend` position
#' # argument below. This tells `tinyplot` to place the legend _outside_ the plot
#' # area.
#' tinyplot(
#'   Temp ~ Day | Month,
#'   data = aq,
#'   type = "l",
#'   legend = legend("bottom!", title = "Month of the year", bty = "o")
#' )
#' # The default group colours are inherited from either the "R4" or "Viridis"
#' # palettes, depending on the number of groups. However, all palettes listed
#' # by `palette.pals()` and `hcl.pals()` are supported as convenience strings,
#' # or users can supply a valid palette-generating function for finer control
#' tinyplot(
#'   Temp ~ Day | Month,
#'   data = aq,
#'   type = "l",
#'   palette = "tableau"
#' )
#' # It's possible to further customize the look of you plots using familiar
#' # arguments and base plotting theme settings (e.g., via `(t)par`).
#' op = tpar(family = "HersheySans", las = 1)
#' tinyplot(
#'   Temp ~ Day | Month,
#'   data = aq,
#'   type = "b", pch = 16,
#'   palette = "tableau", alpha = 0.5,
#'   main = "Daily temperatures by month",
#'   frame = FALSE, grid = TRUE
#' )
#' tpar(op) # restore original graphics parameters
#' # Note: For more examples and a detailed walkthrough, please see the
#' # introductory tinyplot tutorial available online:
#' # https://grantmcdermott.com/tinyplot/vignettes/intro_tutorial.html
#' @rdname tinyplot
#' @export
tinyplot =
  function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname tinyplot
#' @export
tinyplot.default = function(
    x = NULL,
    y = NULL,
    by = NULL,
    facet = NULL,
    facet.args = NULL,
    data = NULL,
    type = NULL,
    xlim = NULL,
    ylim = NULL,
    log = "",
    main = NULL,
    sub = NULL,
    xlab = NULL,
    ylab = NULL,
    ann = par("ann"),
    axes = TRUE,
    frame.plot = NULL,
    asp = NA,
    grid = NULL,
    palette = NULL,
    legend = NULL,
    pch = NULL,
    lty = NULL,
    lwd = NULL,
    col = NULL,
    bg = NULL,
    fill = NULL,
    alpha = NULL,
    cex = 1,
    restore.par = FALSE,
    xmin = NULL,
    xmax = NULL,
    ymin = NULL,
    ymax = NULL,
    ribbon.alpha = NULL,
    add = FALSE,
    file = NULL,
    width = NULL,
    height = NULL,
    empty = FALSE,
    xaxt = NULL,
    yaxt = NULL,
    ) {
  dots = list(...)

  if (isTRUE(add)) legend = FALSE
  # sanitize arguments
  ribbon.alpha = sanitize_ribbon.alpha(ribbon.alpha)
  type = sanitize_type(type, x, y)
  was_area_type = identical(type, "area") # flag to keep track for some legend adjustments below

  palette = substitute(palette)

  xlabs = ylabs = NULL

  ## handle defaults of axes, xaxt, yaxt, frame.plot
  ## - convert axes to character if necessary
  ## - set defaults of xaxt/yaxt (if these are NULL) based on axes
  ## - set logical axes based on xaxt/yaxt
  ## - set frame.plot default based on xaxt/yaxt
  if (!is.character(axes)) axes = if (isFALSE(axes)) "none" else "standard"
  axis_types = c("standard", "none", "labels", "ticks", "axis")
  axes = match.arg(axes, axis_types)
  if (is.null(xaxt)) xaxt = axes
  if (is.null(yaxt)) yaxt = axes
  xaxt = substr(match.arg(xaxt, axis_types), 1L, 1L)
  yaxt = substr(match.arg(yaxt, axis_types), 1L, 1L)
  axes = any(c(xaxt, yaxt) != "n")
  if (is.null(frame.plot) || !is.logical(frame.plot)) frame.plot = all(c(xaxt, yaxt) %in% c("s", "a"))

  # Write plot to output file or window with fixed dimensions
  setup_device(file = file, width = width, height = height)
  if (!is.null(file)) on.exit(dev.off(), add = TRUE)

  # Save current graphical parameters
  opar = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  if (restore.par || !is.null(facet)) {
    if (!is.null(file) || !is.null(width) || !is.null(height)) {
      opar$new = FALSE # catch for some interfaces
    on.exit(par(opar), add = TRUE)
  # set_orig_par(opar)
  set_saved_par(when = "before", opar)

  # catch for adding to existing facet plot
  if (!is.null(facet) && isTRUE(add)) {
    par(get_saved_par(when = "after"))

  # Capture deparsed expressions early, before x, y and by are evaluated
  x_dep = if (!is.null(x)) {
  } else if (type %in% c("rect", "segments")) {
    x = NULL
  y_dep = if (is.null(y)) {
  } else {
  by_dep = deparse1(substitute(by))
  # flag if x==by (currently only used if type = "boxplot")
  x_by = identical(x, by)
  facet_dep = deparse1(substitute(facet))
  # flag if facet==by
  facet_by = FALSE
  if (!is.null(facet) && length(facet) == 1 && facet == "by") {
    by = as.factor(by) ## if by==facet, then both need to be factors
    facet = by
    facet_by = TRUE
  } else if (!is.null(facet) && inherits(facet, "formula")) {
    facet = get_facet_fml(facet, data = data)
    if (isTRUE(attr(facet, "facet_grid"))) {
      facet.args[["nrow"]] = attr(facet, "facet_nrow")

  if (is.null(x)) {
    ## Special catch for rect and segment plots without a specified y-var
    if (type %in% c("rect", "segments")) {
      xmin_dep = deparse(substitute(xmin))
      xmax_dep = deparse(substitute(xmax))
      x_dep = paste0("[", xmin_dep, ", ", xmax_dep, "]")
      x = rep(NA, length(x))
      if (is.null(xlim)) xlim = range(c(xmin, xmax))
  if (is.null(y)) {
    ## Special catch for area and interval plots without a specified y-var
    if (type %in% c("rect", "segments", "pointrange", "errorbar", "ribbon")) {
      ymin_dep = deparse(substitute(ymin))
      ymax_dep = deparse(substitute(ymax))
      y_dep = paste0("[", ymin_dep, ", ", ymax_dep, "]")
      y = rep(NA, length(x))
      if (is.null(ylim)) ylim = range(c(ymin, ymax))
    } else if (!type %in% c("density", "histogram")) {
      y = x
      x = seq_along(x)
      if (is.null(xlab)) xlab = "Index"
    } else {
      if (is.null(ylab)) ylab = "Frequency"

  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab = x_dep
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab = y_dep

  # type-specific settings and arguments
  if (type == "density") {
    fargs = mget(ls(environment(), sorted = FALSE))
    fargs = density_args(fargs = fargs, dots = dots, by_dep = by_dep)
    return(do.call(tinyplot.density, args = fargs))

  datapoints = list(x = x, y = y, xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax)
  datapoints = Filter(function(z) length(z) > 0, datapoints)
  datapoints = data.frame(datapoints)
  datapoints[["rowid"]] = seq_len(nrow(datapoints))
  datapoints[["facet"]] = if (!is.null(facet)) facet else ""
  datapoints[["by"]] = if (!is.null(by)) by else ""

  # jitter is standalone: before and in addition to type = "point"
  if (type == "jitter") {
    fargs = type_jitter(datapoints)
    list2env(fargs, environment())

  if (type == "histogram") {
    fargs = type_histogram(
      x = x, by = by, facet = facet, dots = dots,
      ylab = ylab, col = col, bg = bg, fill = fill, ribbon.alpha = ribbon.alpha, datapoints = datapoints)
    list2env(fargs, environment())

  } else if (type == "area") {
    fargs = type_area(datapoints)
    list2env(fargs, environment())

  } else if (type == "boxplot") {
    fargs = type_boxplot(datapoints = datapoints)
    list2env(fargs, environment())

  } else if (type == "ribbon") {
    fargs = type_ribbon(datapoints = datapoints, xlabs = xlabs)
    list2env(fargs, environment())
  } else if (type %in% c("pointrange", "errorbar")) {
    fargs = type_pointrange(datapoints = datapoints, xlabs = xlabs)
    list2env(fargs, environment())
  # plot limits
  fargs = lim_args(
    datapoints = datapoints, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, palette = palette,
    col = col, bg = bg, fill = fill, type = type)
  list2env(fargs, environment())

  # split data
  by_ordered = FALSE
  by_continuous = !is.null(by) && inherits(by, c("numeric", "integer"))
  if (isTRUE(by_continuous) && type %in% c("l", "b", "o", "ribbon", "polygon", "polypath", "boxplot")) {
    warning("\nContinuous legends not supported for this plot type. Reverting to discrete legend.")
    by_continuous = FALSE
  } else if (!is.null(by)) {
    by_ordered = is.ordered(by)

  if (length(unique(datapoints$facet)) == 1) {
    datapoints[["facet"]] = NULL
  if (!by_continuous) {
    split_data = split(datapoints, datapoints$by)
    split_data = lapply(split_data, as.list)
  } else {
    split_data = list(as.list(datapoints))
  # aesthetics by group: col, bg, etc.
  aesthetics_args = aesthetics(
    adjustcolor = adjustcolor, alpha = alpha, bg = bg, by = by,
    by_continuous = by_continuous, by_ordered = by_ordered,
    col = col, fill = fill, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, palette = substitute(palette),
    pch = pch, rescale_num = rescale_num, ribbon.alpha = ribbon.alpha,
    split_data = split_data, type = type
  list2env(aesthetics_args, environment())

  ncolors = length(col)
  lgnd_labs = rep(NA, times = ncolors)
  if (isTRUE(by_continuous)) {
    ## Identify the pretty break points for our labels
    nlabs = 5
    ncolors = length(col)
    ubyvar = unique(by)
    byvar_range = range(ubyvar)
    pbyvar = pretty(byvar_range, n = nlabs)
    pbyvar = pbyvar[pbyvar >= byvar_range[1] & pbyvar <= byvar_range[2]]
    # optional thinning
    if (length(ubyvar) == 2 && all(ubyvar %in% pbyvar)) {
      pbyvar = ubyvar
    } else if (length(pbyvar) > nlabs) {
      pbyvar = pbyvar[seq_along(pbyvar) %% 2 == 0]
    ## Find the (approximate) location of our pretty labels
    pidx = rescale_num(c(byvar_range, pbyvar), to = c(1, ncolors))[-c(1:2)]
    pidx = round(pidx)
    lgnd_labs[pidx] = pbyvar

  # Determine the number and arrangement of facets.
  # Note: We're do this up front, so we can make some adjustments to legend cex
  #   next (if there are facets). But the actual drawing of the facets will only
  #   come later.
  fargs = facet_layout(facet = facet, facet.args = facet.args, add = add)
  list2env(fargs, environment())

  ## Global plot elements (legend and titles)

  # place and draw the legend
  has_legend = FALSE # simple indicator variable for later use

  if (!exists("legend_args")) {
    legend_args = dots[["legend_args"]]
  if (is.null(legend_args)) legend_args = list(x = NULL)
  legend = substitute(legend)

  if (isFALSE(legend)) {
    legend = "none"
  } else if (isTRUE(legend)) {
    legend = NULL
  if (!is.null(legend) && legend == "none") {
    legend_args[["x"]] = "none"

  if (is.null(by)) {
    if (is.null(legend)) {
      legend = "none"
      legend_args[["x"]] = "none"

  if ((is.null(legend) || legend != "none") && isFALSE(add)) {
    if (isFALSE(by_continuous)) {
      if (ngrps > 1) {
        lgnd_labs = names(split_data)
      } else {
        lgnd_labs = ylab

    has_sub = !is.null(sub)

    if (isTRUE(was_area_type) || type == "rect") {
      legend_args[["pt.lwd"]] = par("lwd")
      legend_args[["lty"]] = 0

      legend = legend,
      legend_args = legend_args,
      by_dep = by_dep,
      lgnd_labs = lgnd_labs,
      type = type,
      pch = pch,
      lty = lty,
      lwd = lwd,
      col = col,
      bg = bg,
      gradient = by_continuous,
      cex = cex * cex_fct_adj,
      has_sub = has_sub

    has_legend = TRUE
  } else if (legend_args[["x"]] == "none" && isFALSE(add)) {
    omar = par("mar")
    ooma = par("oma")
    topmar_epsilon = 0.1

    # Catch to avoid recursive offsets, e.g. repeated tinyplot calls with
    # "bottom!" legend position.

    ## restore inner margin defaults
    ## (in case the plot region/margins were affected by the preceding tinyplot call)
    if (any(ooma != 0)) {
      if (ooma[1] != 0 && omar[1] == par("mgp")[1] + 1 * par("cex.lab")) omar[1] = 5.1
      if (ooma[2] != 0 && omar[2] == par("mgp")[1] + 1 * par("cex.lab")) omar[2] = 4.1
      if (ooma[3] == topmar_epsilon && omar[3] != 4.1) omar[3] = 4.1
      if (ooma[4] != 0 && omar[4] == 0) omar[4] = 2.1
      par(mar = omar)
    ## restore outer margin defaults (with a catch for custom mfrow plots)
    if (all(par("mfrow") == c(1, 1))) {
      par(omd = c(0, 1, 0, 1))

    # clean up for now
    rm(omar, ooma, topmar_epsilon)

    # Draw new plot

  # Titles. Only draw these if add = FALSE
  if (isFALSE(add)) {
    # main title
    # Note that we include a special catch for the main title if legend is
    # "top!" (and main is specified in the first place).
    legend_eval = tryCatch(eval(legend), error = function(e) NULL)
    # Extra bit of footwork if user passed legend = legend(...) instead of
    # legend = list(...), since the call environment is tricky
    if (is.null(legend_eval)) {
      legend_eval = tryCatch(paste0(legend)[[2]], error = function(e) NULL)
    adj_title = !is.null(legend) && (legend == "top!" || (!is.null(legend_args[["x"]]) && legend_args[["x"]] == "top!") || (is.list(legend_eval) && legend_eval[[1]] == "top!"))
    if (is.null(main) || isFALSE(adj_title)) {
        main = main,
        sub = sub
    } else {
      # For the "top!" legend case, bump main title up to make space for the
      # legend beneath it: Take the normal main title line gap (i.e., 1.7 lines)
      # and add the difference between original top margin and new one (i.e.,
      # which should equal the height of the new legend). Note that we also
      # include a 0.1 epsilon bump, which we're using to reset the tinyplot
      # window in case of recursive "top!" calls. (See draw_legend code.)
      title(main = main, line = par("mar")[3] - opar[["mar"]][3] + 1.7 + 0.1)
      title(sub = sub)
    # Axis titles
    title(xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)

  ## Facet windows

  omar = NULL # Placeholder variable for now, which we re-assign as part of facet margins

  # placeholders for facet_window_args() call
  facet_newlines = facet_text = facet_rect = facet_font = facet_col = facet_bg = facet_border = NULL

  if (!is.null(facet) && isFALSE(add)) {
    if (is.null(omar)) omar = par("mar")

    # Grab some of the customizable facet args that we'll be using later
    facet_rect = FALSE
    facet_text = .tpar[["facet.cex"]]
    facet_font = .tpar[["facet.font"]]
    facet_col = .tpar[["facet.col"]]
    facet_bg = .tpar[["facet.bg"]]
    facet_border = .tpar[["facet.border"]]
    if (!is.null(facet.args)) {
      if (!is.null(facet.args[["cex"]])) facet_text = facet.args[["cex"]]
      if (!is.null(facet.args[["col"]])) facet_col = facet.args[["col"]]
      if (!is.null(facet.args[["font"]])) facet_font = facet.args[["font"]]
      if (!is.null(facet.args[["bg"]])) facet_bg = facet.args[["bg"]]
      if (!is.null(facet.args[["border"]])) facet_border = facet.args[["border"]]
    if (!is.null(facet_bg) || !is.null(facet_border)) facet_rect = TRUE

    # Need extra adjustment to top margin if facet titles have "\n" newline
    # separator. (Note that we'll also need to take account for this in the
    # individual facet margins / gaps further below.)
    facet_newlines = lengths(gregexpr("\n", grep("\\n", facets, value = TRUE)))
    # if (length(facet_newlines)==0) facet_newlines = 0
    # omar[3] = omar[3] + max(facet_newlines)
    facet_newlines = ifelse(length(facet_newlines) == 0, 0, max(facet_newlines))
    omar[3] = omar[3] + facet_newlines * facet_text / cex_fct_adj
    # apply the changes
    par(mar = omar)

  # Now draw the individual facet windows (incl. axes, grid lines, and facet titles)
  # Skip if adding to an existing plot

  facet_window_args = draw_facet_window(
    add = add, asp = asp, axes = axes, cex_fct_adj = cex_fct_adj, dots = dots,
    facet = facet, facet.args = facet.args, facet_newlines = facet_newlines,
    facet_rect = facet_rect, facet_text = facet_text, facet_font = facet_font,
    facet_col = facet_col, facet_bg = facet_bg, facet_border = facet_border,
    facets = facets, frame.plot = frame.plot, grid = grid, has_legend =
    has_legend, ifacet = ifacet, log = log, nfacet_cols = nfacet_cols,
    nfacet_rows = nfacet_rows, nfacets = nfacets, oxaxis = oxaxis, oyaxis =
    oyaxis, type = type, x = x, xaxt = xaxt, xlab = xlab, xlabs = xlabs, xlim =
    xlim, xmax = xmax, xmin = xmin, y = y, yaxt = yaxt, ylab = ylab, ylabs =
    ylabs, ylim = ylim, ymax = ymax, ymin = ymin
  list2env(facet_window_args, environment())

  ## Interior plot elements

  # Finally, we can draw all of the plot elements (points, lines, etc.)
  # We'll do this via a nested loops:
  #  1) Outer loop over groups
  #  2) Inner loop over facets

  ## Outer loop over the "by" groups
  for (i in seq_along(split_data)) {
    # Split group-level data again to grab any facets
    idata = split_data[[i]]
    ifacet = idata[["facet"]]
    if (!is.null(ifacet)) {
      if (isTRUE(by_continuous)) {
        idata[["col"]] = col[round(rescale_num(by, to = c(1, 100)))]
        idata[["bg"]] = bg[round(rescale_num(by, to = c(1, 100)))]
      idata = lapply(idata, split, ifacet)
      idata = do.call(function(...) Map("list", ...), idata)
    } else {
      idata = list(idata)
      if (isTRUE(by_continuous)) {
        if (length(col) != 1) {
          idata[[1]][["col"]] = col[round(rescale_num(by, to = c(1, 100)))]
        } else {
          idata[[1]][["col"]] = col
        if (length(bg) != 1) {
          idata[[1]][["bg"]] = bg[round(rescale_num(by, to = c(1, 100)))]
        } else {
          idata[[1]][["bg"]] = bg

    icol = col[i]
    ibg = bg[i]
    ipch = pch[i]
    ilty = lty[i]
    ilwd = lwd[i]

    ## Inner loop over the "facet" variables
    for (ii in seq_along(idata)) {
      xx = idata[[ii]]$x
      yy = idata[[ii]]$y
      xxmin = idata[[ii]]$xmin
      xxmax = idata[[ii]]$xmax
      yymin = idata[[ii]]$ymin
      yymax = idata[[ii]]$ymax

      if (isTRUE(by_continuous)) {
        icol = idata[[ii]]$col
        ibg = idata[[ii]]$bg

      # Set the facet "window" manually
      # See: https://github.com/grantmcdermott/tinyplot/issues/65
      # if (nfacets > 1) par(mfg = c(1, ii))
      if (nfacets > 1) {
        mfgi = ceiling(ii / nfacet_cols)
        mfgj = ii %% nfacet_cols
        if (mfgj == 0) mfgj = nfacet_cols
        par(mfg = c(mfgi, mfgj))

      # empty plot flag
      empty_plot = FALSE
      if (isTRUE(empty) || type == "n" || ((length(xx) == 0) && !(type %in% c("rect", "segments")))) {
        empty_plot = TRUE

      # Draw the individual plot elements...
        type = type,
        xx = xx,
        yy = yy,
        xxmin = xxmin,
        xxmax = xxmax,
        yymin = yymin,
        yymax = yymax, 
        bg = bg,
        icol = icol,
        ilwd = ilwd,
        ipch = ipch,
        ibg = ibg,
        ilty = ilty,
        cex = cex,
        dots = dots,
        empty_plot = empty_plot,
        facet_by = facet_by,
        split_data = split_data,
        i = i,
        xlvls = xlvls,
        lgnd_labs = lgnd_labs,
        x_by = x_by

  # save end pars for possible recall later
  apar = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  set_saved_par(when = "after", apar)

#' @rdname tinyplot
#' @importFrom stats as.formula model.frame terms
#' @export
tinyplot.formula = function(
    x = NULL,
    data = parent.frame(),
    facet = NULL,
    facet.args = NULL,
    type = NULL,
    xlim = NULL,
    ylim = NULL,
# log = "",
    main = NULL,
    sub = NULL,
    xlab = NULL,
    ylab = NULL,
    ann = par("ann"),
    axes = TRUE,
    frame.plot = NULL,
    asp = NA,
    grid = NULL,
    pch = NULL,
    col = NULL,
    lty = NULL,
    lwd = NULL,
    restore.par = FALSE,
    formula = NULL,
    subset = NULL,
    na.action = NULL,
    drop.unused.levels = TRUE,
    ...) {
  ## formula for variables must be specified through 'x' or 'formula' but not both
  if (is.null(x)) {
    if (missing(formula)) {
      stop("plot formula must be specified by either 'x' or 'formula' argument")
  } else {
    if (missing(formula)) {
      formula = x
    } else {
      warning("only one of the arguments 'x' and 'formula' should be specified, defaulting to the 'formula' argument")
  ## placeholder for legend title
  legend_args = list(x = NULL)

  ## process all formulas
  tf = tinyformula(formula, facet)

  ## set up model frame
  m = match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m = m[c(1L, match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "drop.unused.levels"), names(m), 0L))]
  m$formula = tf$full
  ## need stats:: for non-standard evaluation
  m[[1L]] = quote(stats::model.frame)
  mf = eval.parent(m)

  ## extract x
  x = tinyframe(tf$x, mf)
  xnam = names(x)[[1L]]
  if (length(names(x)) != 1L) warning(paste("formula should specify exactly one x-variable, using:", xnam))
  x = x[[xnam]]
  ## extract y (if any)
  y = tinyframe(tf$y, mf)
  if (!is.null(y)) {
    ynam = names(y)[[1L]]
    if (length(names(y)) > 1L) warning(paste("formula should specify at most one y-variable, using:", ynam))
    y = y[[ynam]]

  ## extract by (if any)
  by = tinyframe(tf$by, mf)
  if (!is.null(by)) {
    bynam = names(by)
    by = if (length(bynam) == 1L) by[[bynam]] else interaction(by, sep = ":")

  ## extract x/y facet (if formula)
  if (!is.null(tf$xfacet) || !is.null(tf$yfacet)) {
    xfacet = tinyframe(tf$xfacet, mf)
    yfacet = tinyframe(tf$yfacet, mf)
    if (!is.null(xfacet)) xfacet = if (ncol(xfacet) == 1L) xfacet[[1L]] else interaction(xfacet, sep = ":")
    if (!is.null(yfacet)) yfacet = if (ncol(yfacet) == 1L) yfacet[[1L]] else interaction(yfacet, sep = ":")
    if (is.null(yfacet)) {
      facet = xfacet
    } else {
      facet = interaction(xfacet, yfacet, sep = "~")
      attr(facet, "facet_grid") = TRUE
      attr(facet, "facet_nrow") = length(unique(yfacet))

  ## nice axis and legend labels
  if (!is.null(type) && type %in% c("hist", "histogram")) {
    if (is.null(ylab)) ylab = "Frequency"
    if (is.null(xlab)) xlab = xnam
  } else if (is.null(y)) {
    if (is.null(ylab)) ylab = xnam
    if (is.null(xlab)) xlab = "Index"
  } else {
    if (is.null(ylab)) ylab = ynam
    if (is.null(xlab)) xlab = xnam
  if (!is.null(by)) {
    legend_args[["title"]] = if (length(bynam) == 1L) bynam else sprintf("interaction(%s)", paste(bynam, collapse = ", "))

    x = x, y = y, by = by,
    facet = facet, facet.args = facet.args,
    data = data,
    type = type,
    xlim = xlim,
    ylim = ylim,
    # log = "",
    main = main,
    sub = sub,
    xlab = xlab,
    ylab = ylab,
    ann = ann,
    axes = axes,
    frame.plot = frame.plot,
    asp = asp,
    grid = grid,
    legend_args = legend_args,
    pch = pch,
    col = col,
    lty = lty,
    lwd = lwd,
    restore.par = restore.par,

#' @export
#' @name plt
#' @rdname tinyplot
plt = tinyplot

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tinyplot documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:12 p.m.