
#' Internal styling function
#' @inheritParams style_tt
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
  f = "style_eval",
  signature = "tinytable_bootstrap",
  definition = function(x,
                        i = NULL,
                        j = NULL,
                        bold = FALSE,
                        italic = FALSE,
                        monospace = FALSE,
                        underline = FALSE,
                        strikeout = FALSE,
                        color = NULL,
                        background = NULL,
                        fontsize = NULL,
                        align = NULL,
                        alignv = NULL,
                        line = NULL,
                        line_color = "black",
                        line_width = 0.1,
                        colspan = NULL,
                        rowspan = NULL,
                        indent = 0,
                        bootstrap_class = NULL,
                        bootstrap_css = NULL,
                        bootstrap_css_rule = NULL,
                        ...) {
    out <- x@table_string

    # i is a logical matrix mask
    if (is.matrix(i) && is.logical(i) && nrow(i) == nrow(x) && ncol(i) == ncol(x)) {
      settings <- which(i == TRUE, arr.ind = TRUE)
      settings <- stats::setNames(data.frame(settings), c("i", "j"))
    } else {
      ival <- sanitize_i(i, x)
      jval <- sanitize_j(j, x)
      # order may be important for recycling
      settings <- expand.grid(i = ival, j = jval, tabularray = "")
      if (is.null(i) && !is.null(j)) {
        settings <- settings[order(settings$i, settings$j), ]

    # JS 0-indexing
    settings$j <- settings$j - 1
    settings$i <- settings$i - 1 + x@nhead

    # settings have a different size for latex, so bootstrap breaks
    vectorize_bootstrap <- function(setting, userinput, string) {
      # simple cases
      if (is.null(userinput) || isFALSE(userinput)) {
      if (isTRUE(userinput)) {
        return(paste(setting, string))

      # logical vector
      if (is.logical(userinput)) {
        out <- paste(setting, ifelse(userinput, string, ""))

      # character vector means the user inputs actual values
      if (is.character(userinput)) {
        out <- sprintf(string, userinput)
        out <- paste(setting, out)
      stop("here be dragons")

    if (!is.null(align)) {
      align_bootstrap <- ifelse(align == "c", "center", align)
      align_bootstrap <- ifelse(align == "d", "center", align_bootstrap)
      align_bootstrap <- ifelse(align == "l", "left", align_bootstrap)
      align_bootstrap <- ifelse(align == "r", "right", align_bootstrap)
    } else {
      align_bootstrap <- align

    if (!is.null(alignv)) {
      alignv_bootstrap <- switch(alignv,
        "t" = "top",
        "m" = "middle",
        "b" = "bottom"
    } else {
      alignv_bootstrap <- alignv

    if (!is.null(fontsize)) {
      fontsize_bootstrap <- sprintf("%sem", fontsize)
    } else {
      fontsize_bootstrap <- fontsize

    settings$bootstrap <- ""
    settings$bootstrap <- vectorize_bootstrap(settings$bootstrap, bold, "font-weight: bold;")
    settings$bootstrap <- vectorize_bootstrap(settings$bootstrap, italic, "font-style: italic;")
    settings$bootstrap <- vectorize_bootstrap(settings$bootstrap, underline, "text-decoration: underline;")
    settings$bootstrap <- vectorize_bootstrap(settings$bootstrap, strikeout, "text-decoration: line-through;")
    settings$bootstrap <- vectorize_bootstrap(settings$bootstrap, monospace, "font-family: monospace;")
    settings$bootstrap <- vectorize_bootstrap(settings$bootstrap, fontsize_bootstrap, "font-size: %s;")
    settings$bootstrap <- vectorize_bootstrap(settings$bootstrap, align_bootstrap, "text-align: %s;")
    settings$bootstrap <- vectorize_bootstrap(settings$bootstrap, alignv_bootstrap, "vertical-align: %s;")
    settings$bootstrap <- vectorize_bootstrap(settings$bootstrap, color, "color: %s;")
    settings$bootstrap <- vectorize_bootstrap(settings$bootstrap, background, "background-color: %s;")
    if (indent > 0) {
      settings$bootstrap <- paste(settings$bootstrap, sprintf("padding-left: %sem;", indent), sep = "")

    if (!is.null(line)) {
      tmp <- sprintf(": solid %s %s;", paste0(line_width, "em"), line_color)
      if (grepl("t", line)) settings$bootstrap <- paste0(settings$bootstrap, " border-top", tmp)
      if (grepl("b", line)) settings$bootstrap <- paste0(settings$bootstrap, " border-bottom", tmp)
      if (grepl("l", line)) settings$bootstrap <- paste0(settings$bootstrap, " border-left", tmp)
      if (grepl("r", line)) settings$bootstrap <- paste0(settings$bootstrap, " border-right", tmp)

    # unique IDs for each CSS style combination
    id <- sapply(unique(settings$bootstrap), function(k) get_id(stem = "tinytable_css_"))
    settings$id <- id[match(settings$bootstrap, names(id))]

    if (is.null(rowspan)) rowspan <- 1
    if (is.null(colspan)) colspan <- 1

    # CSS style for cell
    css_done <- NULL

    x@css <- rbind(x@css, settings[, c("i", "j", "bootstrap", "id")])

    if (!is.null(bootstrap_css)) {
        tmp <- settings[, c("i", "j", "bootstrap", "id")]
        tmp$bootstrap <- bootstrap_css
        x@css <- rbind(x@css, tmp)

    # spans
    for (row in seq_len(nrow(settings))) {
        if (rowspan != 1 || colspan != 1) {
            listener <- "window.addEventListener('load', function () { spanCell_%s(%s, %s, %s, %s) })"
            listener <- sprintf(listener, settings$id[row], settings$i[row], settings$j[row], rowspan, colspan)
            out <- bootstrap_setting(out, listener, component = "cell")

    if (!is.null(bootstrap_css_rule)) {
      out <- bootstrap_setting(out, bootstrap_css_rule, component = "css")

    x@table_string <- out

    if (!is.null(bootstrap_class)) {
      x@bootstrap_class <- bootstrap_class


Try the tinytable package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tinytable documentation built on Oct. 5, 2024, 5:06 p.m.