
Defines functions getopt print_tmlenet_opts tmlenet_options testmisfun get.misval set.misval onLoad onAttach

Documented in print_tmlenet_opts tmlenet_options

# Global State Vars (can be controlled globally with options(tmlenet.optname = ))
gvars <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
gvars$verbose <- FALSE      # verbose mode (print all messages)
gvars$opts <- list()        # named list of package options that is controllable by the user (tmlenet_options())
gvars$misval <- NA_integer_ # the default missing value for observations (# gvars$misval <- -.Machine$integer.max)
gvars$misXreplace <- 0L     # the default replacement value for misval that appear in the design matrix
gvars$tolerr <- 10^-12      # tolerance error: assume for abs(a-b) < gvars$tolerr => a = b
gvars$sVartypes <- list(bin = "binary", cat = "categor", cont = "contin")
# gvars$binByMass <- FALSE
# gvars$binBydhist <- FALSE

# setopt <- function(optname, val) {
#   opt <- gvars$opts
#   if (!(optname %in% (names(opt)))) stop(optname %+% ": this options does not exist")
#   old.optval <- opt[[optname]]
#   opt[[optname]] <- val
#   invisible(old.optval)
# }

getopt <- function(optname) {
  opt <- gvars$opts
  if (!(optname %in% (names(opt)))) stop(optname %+% ": this options does not exist")

#' Print Current Option Settings for \code{tmlenet}
#' @return Invisibly returns a list of \code{tmlenet} options.
#' @seealso \code{\link{tmlenet_options}}
#' @export
print_tmlenet_opts <- function() {

#' Setting Options for \code{tmlenet}
#' Additional options that control the estimation algorithm in \code{tmlenet} package
#' @param useglm Set to \code{FALSE} to estimate with \code{\link[speedglm]{speedglm.wfit}} and \code{TRUE} for 
#' \code{\link[stats]{glm.fit}}.
#' @param bin.method The method for choosing bins when discretizing and fitting the conditional continuous summary
#'  exposure variable \code{sA}. The default method is \code{"equal.len"}, which partitions the range of \code{sA}
#'  into equal length \code{nbins} intervals. Method \code{"equal.mass"} results in a data-adaptive selection of the bins
#'  based on equal mass (equal number of observations), i.e., each bin is defined so that it contains an approximately
#'  the same number of observations across all bins. The maximum number of observations in each bin is controlled
#'  by parameter \code{maxNperBin}. Method \code{"dhist"} uses a mix of the above two approaches,
#'  see Denby and Mallows "Variations on the Histogram" (2009) for more detail.
#' @param parfit Default is \code{FALSE}. Set to \code{TRUE} to use \code{foreach} package and its functions
#'  \code{foreach} and \code{dopar} to perform
#'  parallel logistic regression fits and predictions for discretized continuous outcomes. This functionality
#'  requires registering a parallel backend prior to running \code{tmlenet} function, e.g., 
#'  using \code{doParallel} R package and running \code{registerDoParallel(cores = ncores)} for integer 
#'  \code{ncores} parallel jobs. For an example, see a test in "./tests/RUnit/RUnit_tests_04_netcont_sA_tests.R".
#' @param nbins Set the default number of bins when discretizing a continous outcome variable under setting 
#'  \code{bin.method = "equal.len"}. 
#'  If left as \code{NA} the total number of equal intervals (bins) is determined by the nearest integer of 
#'  \code{nobs}/\code{maxNperBin}, where \code{nobs} is the total number of observations in the input data.
#' @param maxncats Max number of unique categories a categorical variable \code{sA[j]} can have. 
#' If \code{sA[j]} has more it is automatically considered continuous.
#' @param poolContinVar Set to \code{TRUE} for fitting a pooled regression which pools bin indicators across all bins.
#' When fitting a model for binirized continuous outcome, set to \code{TRUE} 
#' for pooling bin indicators across several bins into one outcome regression?
#' @param maxNperBin Max number of observations per 1 bin for a continuous outcome (applies directly when 
#'  \code{bin.method="equal.mass"} and indirectly when \code{bin.method="equal.len"}, but \code{nbins = NA}).
#' @return Invisibly returns a list with old option settings.
#' @seealso \code{\link{print_tmlenet_opts}}
#' @export
tmlenet_options <- function(useglm = FALSE,
                            parfit = FALSE,
                            bin.method = c("equal.len", "equal.mass", "dhist"),
                            nbins = NA,
                            maxncats = 20,
                            poolContinVar = FALSE,
                            maxNperBin = 1000
                            ) {

  old.opts <- gvars$opts
  bin.method <- bin.method[1L]

  if (bin.method %in% "equal.len") {
  } else if (bin.method %in% "equal.mass") {
  } else if (bin.method %in% "dhist") {
  } else {
    stop("bin.method argument must be either 'equal.len', 'equal.mass' or 'dhist'")

  opts <- list(
    useglm = useglm,
    bin.method = bin.method,
    parfit = parfit,
    nbins = nbins,
    maxncats = maxncats,
    poolContinVar = poolContinVar,
    maxNperBin = maxNperBin
  gvars$opts <- opts

# returns a function (alternatively a call) that tests for missing values in (sA, sW)
testmisfun <- function() {
  if (is.na(gvars$misval)) {
  } else if (is.null(gvars$misval)){
  } else if (is.integer(gvars$misval)) {
    return(function(x) {x==gvars$misval})
  } else {
    return(function(x) {x%in%gvars$misval})

get.misval <- function() {
  gvars$misfun <- testmisfun()

set.misval <- function(gvars, newmisval) {
  oldmisval <- gvars$misval
  gvars$misval <- newmisval
  gvars$misfun <- testmisfun()    # EVERYTIME gvars$misval HAS CHANGED THIS NEEDS TO BE RESET/RERUN.
gvars$misfun <- testmisfun()

# Allows tmlenet functions to use e.g., getOption("tmlenet.verbose") to get verbose printing status
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  op <- options()
  op.tmlenet <- list(
    tmlenet.verbose = gvars$verbose
  # reset all options to their defaults on load:

  toset <- !(names(op.tmlenet) %in% names(op))
  if(any(toset)) options(op.tmlenet[toset])


.onAttach <- function(...) {
  packageStartupMessage('The tmlenet package is still in beta testing. Interpret results with caution.')
  #   packageStartupMessage('Version: ', utils::packageDescription('tmlenet')$Version)
  #   packageStartupMessage('Package created on ', utils::packageDescription('tmlenet')$Date, '\n')
  #   packageStartupMessage('Please note this package is still in its early stages of development.
   # Check for updates and report bugs at http://github.com/osofr/tmlenet.', '\n')
  #   packageStartupMessage('To see the vignette use vignette("tmlenet_vignette", package="tmlenet"). 
  # To see all available package documentation use help(package = "tmlenet") and ?tmlenet.', '\n')
  #   packageStartupMessage('To see the latest updates for this version, use news(package = "tmlenet").', '\n')

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tmlenet documentation built on May 29, 2017, 2:22 p.m.