
Defines functions cuda_empty_cache cuda_runtime_version print.cuda_memory_stats cuda_memory_summary cuda_memory_stats paste_for_each cuda_get_device_capability cuda_synchronize cuda_device_count cuda_current_device cuda_is_available

Documented in cuda_current_device cuda_device_count cuda_empty_cache cuda_get_device_capability cuda_is_available cuda_memory_stats cuda_memory_summary cuda_runtime_version cuda_synchronize

#' Returns a bool indicating if CUDA is currently available.
#' @export
cuda_is_available <- function() {

#' Returns the index of a currently selected device.
#' @export
cuda_current_device <- function() {

#' Returns the number of GPUs available.
#' @export
cuda_device_count <- function() {

#' Waits for all kernels in all streams on a CUDA device to complete.
#' @param device device for which to synchronize. It uses the current device
#'  given by [cuda_current_device()] if no device is specified.
#' @export
cuda_synchronize <- function(device = NULL) {
  if (is.null(device)) {
    device <- -1L

#' Returns the major and minor CUDA capability of `device`
#' @param device Integer value of the CUDA device to return capabilities of.
#' @export
cuda_get_device_capability <- function(device = cuda_current_device()) {
  if (device < 0 | device >= cuda_device_count()) {
    stop(paste("device must be an integer between 0 and the number of devices minus 1"))
  res <- as.integer(cpp_cuda_get_device_capability(device))
  names(res) <- c("Major", "Minor")

paste_for_each <- function(x, y, ...) {
  unlist(lapply(x, function(l) paste(l, y, ...)))

#' Returns a dictionary of CUDA memory allocator statistics for a given device.
#' The return value of this function is a dictionary of statistics, each of which
#' is a non-negative integer.
#' @inheritParams cuda_get_device_capability
#' @section Core statistics:
#' - "allocated.\{all,large_pool,small_pool\}.\{current,peak,allocated,freed\}": number of allocation requests received by the memory allocator.
#' - "allocated_bytes.\{all,large_pool,small_pool\}.\{current,peak,allocated,freed\}": amount of allocated memory.
#' - "segment.\{all,large_pool,small_pool\}.\{current,peak,allocated,freed\}": number of reserved segments from cudaMalloc().
#' - "reserved_bytes.\{all,large_pool,small_pool\}.\{current,peak,allocated,freed\}": amount of reserved memory.
#' - "active.\{all,large_pool,small_pool\}.\{current,peak,allocated,freed\}": number of active memory blocks.
#' - "active_bytes.\{all,large_pool,small_pool\}.\{current,peak,allocated,freed\}": amount of active memory.
#' - "inactive_split.\{all,large_pool,small_pool\}.\{current,peak,allocated,freed\}": number of inactive, non-releasable memory blocks.
#' - "inactive_split_bytes.\{all,large_pool,small_pool\}.\{current,peak,allocated,freed\}": amount of inactive, non-releasable memory.
#' For these core statistics, values are broken down as follows.
#' Pool type:
#' - all: combined statistics across all memory pools.
#' - large_pool: statistics for the large allocation pool (as of October 2019, for size >= 1MB allocations).
#' - small_pool: statistics for the small allocation pool (as of October 2019, for size < 1MB allocations).
#' Metric type:
#' - current: current value of this metric.
#' - peak: maximum value of this metric.
#' - allocated: historical total increase in this metric.
#' - freed: historical total decrease in this metric.
#' @section Additional metrics:
#' - "num_alloc_retries": number of failed cudaMalloc calls that result in a cache flush and retry.
#' - "num_ooms": number of out-of-memory errors thrown.
#' @export
cuda_memory_stats <- function(device = cuda_current_device()) {
  if (!cuda_is_available()) {
    rlang::abort("CUDA is not available.")

  # quickly allocate some memory to initialize the device
  torch_tensor(1, device = torch_device("cuda", device))

  stat <- c("current", "peak", "allocated", "freed")
  stat_type <- c("all", "small_pool", "large_pool")

  nms <- c("num_alloc_retries", "num_ooms", "max_split_size")
  nms <- c(nms, paste("oversize_allocations", stat, sep = "."))
  nms <- c(nms, paste("oversize_segments", stat, sep = "."))

  nms <- c(nms, paste_for_each(paste("allocation", stat_type, sep = "."), stat, sep = "."))
  nms <- c(nms, paste_for_each(paste("segment", stat_type, sep = "."), stat, sep = "."))
  nms <- c(nms, paste_for_each(paste("active", stat_type, sep = "."), stat, sep = "."))
  nms <- c(nms, paste_for_each(paste("inactive_split", stat_type, sep = "."), stat, sep = "."))

  nms <- c(nms, paste_for_each(paste("allocated_bytes", stat_type, sep = "."), stat, sep = "."))
  nms <- c(nms, paste_for_each(paste("reserved_bytes", stat_type, sep = "."), stat, sep = "."))
  nms <- c(nms, paste_for_each(paste("active_bytes", stat_type, sep = "."), stat, sep = "."))
  nms <- c(nms, paste_for_each(paste("inactive_split_bytes", stat_type, sep = "."), stat, sep = "."))

  values <- cpp_cuda_memory_stats(device)
  names(values) <- nms

  get_stat <- function(values, prefix) {
    out <- list()
    for (nm in stat) {
      out[[nm]] <- unname(values[paste(prefix, nm, sep = ".")])

  get_stat_type <- function(values, prefix) {
    out <- list()
    for (nm in stat_type) {
      out[[nm]] <- get_stat(values, paste(prefix, nm, sep = "."))

  result <- list(
    "num_alloc_retries" = unname(values["num_alloc_retries"]),
    "num_ooms" = unname(values["num_ooms"]),
    "max_split_size" = unname(values["max_split_size"]),
    "oversize_allocations" = get_stat(values, "oversize_allocations"),
    "oversize_segments" = get_stat(values, "oversize_segments"),
    "allocation" = get_stat_type(values, "allocation"),
    "segment" = get_stat_type(values, "segment"),
    "active" = get_stat_type(values, "active"),
    "inactive_split" = get_stat_type(values, "inactive_split"),
    "allocated_bytes" = get_stat_type(values, "allocated_bytes"),
    "reserved_bytes" = get_stat_type(values, "reserved_bytes"),
    "active_bytes" = get_stat_type(values, "active_bytes"),
    "inactive_split_bytes" = get_stat_type(values, "inactive_split_bytes")
  class(result) <- "cuda_memory_stats"

#' @rdname cuda_memory_stats
#' @export
cuda_memory_summary <- function(device = cuda_current_device()) {
  result <- cuda_memory_stats(device)

#' @export
print.cuda_memory_stats <- function(x, ...) {

#' Returns the CUDA runtime version
#' @export
cuda_runtime_version <- function() {
  v <- cpp_cuda_get_runtime_version()
  major <- trunc(v / 1000)
  minor <- trunc((v - major * 1000) / 10)
  patch <- v - major * 1000 - minor * 10
  numeric_version(paste(major, minor, patch, sep = "."))

#' Empty cache
#' Releases all unoccupied cached memory currently held by the caching allocator 
#' so that those can be used in other GPU application and visible in `nvidia-smi`.
#' @note [cuda_empty_cache()] doesn’t increase the amount of GPU memory available 
#' for torch. However, it may help reduce fragmentation of GPU memory in certain 
#' cases. See Memory management article for more details about GPU memory management.
#' @export
cuda_empty_cache <- function() {

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torch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:54 a.m.