
# This file is autogenerated. Do not modify by hand.
#' @include tensor.R
Tensor$set("public", "__and__", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '__and__',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "__iand__", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '__iand__',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "__ilshift__", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '__ilshift__',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "__ior__", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '__ior__',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "__irshift__", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '__irshift__',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "__ixor__", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '__ixor__',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "__lshift__", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '__lshift__',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "__or__", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '__or__',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "__rshift__", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '__rshift__',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "__xor__", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '__xor__',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_addmm_activation", function(mat1, mat2, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L, use_gelu = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("mat1", "mat2", "beta", "alpha", "use_gelu"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mat1 = "Tensor", mat2 = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar", use_gelu = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "mat1", "mat2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_addmm_activation',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_autocast_to_full_precision", function(cuda_enabled, cpu_enabled) {  args <- mget(x = c("cuda_enabled", "cpu_enabled"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", cuda_enabled = "bool", cpu_enabled = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "cuda_enabled", "cpu_enabled")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_autocast_to_full_precision',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_autocast_to_reduced_precision", function(cuda_enabled, cpu_enabled, cuda_dtype, cpu_dtype) {  args <- mget(x = c("cuda_enabled", "cpu_enabled", "cuda_dtype", "cpu_dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", cuda_enabled = "bool", cpu_enabled = "bool", 
    cuda_dtype = "ScalarType", cpu_dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- c("self", "cuda_enabled", "cpu_enabled", "cuda_dtype", "cpu_dtype"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_autocast_to_reduced_precision',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "__backward", function(inputs, gradient = list(), retain_graph = NULL, create_graph = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("inputs", "gradient", "retain_graph", "create_graph"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", inputs = "TensorList", gradient = "Tensor", 
    retain_graph = "bool", create_graph = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "inputs")
return_types <- list(list("void"))
  fun_name = '_backward',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_coalesced_", function(coalesced) {  args <- mget(x = c("coalesced"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", coalesced = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "coalesced")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_coalesced_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_conj", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_conj',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_conj_physical", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_conj_physical',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_dimI", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('int64_t'))
  fun_name = '_dimI',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_dimV", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('int64_t'))
  fun_name = '_dimV',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_fw_primal", function(level) {  args <- mget(x = c("level"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", level = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "level")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_fw_primal',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_indices", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_indices',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_is_all_true", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_is_all_true',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_is_any_true", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_is_any_true',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_is_zerotensor", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = '_is_zerotensor',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_neg_view", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_neg_view',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_nested_tensor_offsets", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('IntArrayRef'))
  fun_name = '_nested_tensor_offsets',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_nested_tensor_size", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_nested_tensor_size',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_nested_tensor_strides", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_nested_tensor_strides',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_nnz", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('int64_t'))
  fun_name = '_nnz',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_reshape_alias", function(size, stride) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "stride"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", stride = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "size", "stride")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_reshape_alias',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_to_dense", function(dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_to_dense',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_values", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = '_values',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "_version", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('int64_t'))
  fun_name = '_version',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "abs", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'abs',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "abs_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'abs_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "absolute", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'absolute',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "absolute_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'absolute_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "acos", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'acos',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "acos_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'acos_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "acosh", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'acosh',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "acosh_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'acosh_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "add", function(other, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"), alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'add',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "add_", function(other, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"), alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'add_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addbmm", function(batch1, batch2, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("batch1", "batch2", "beta", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", batch1 = "Tensor", batch2 = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "batch1", "batch2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addbmm',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addbmm_", function(batch1, batch2, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("batch1", "batch2", "beta", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", batch1 = "Tensor", batch2 = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "batch1", "batch2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addbmm_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addcdiv", function(tensor1, tensor2, value = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("tensor1", "tensor2", "value"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", tensor1 = "Tensor", tensor2 = "Tensor", 
    value = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "tensor1", "tensor2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addcdiv',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addcdiv_", function(tensor1, tensor2, value = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("tensor1", "tensor2", "value"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", tensor1 = "Tensor", tensor2 = "Tensor", 
    value = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "tensor1", "tensor2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addcdiv_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addcmul", function(tensor1, tensor2, value = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("tensor1", "tensor2", "value"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", tensor1 = "Tensor", tensor2 = "Tensor", 
    value = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "tensor1", "tensor2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addcmul',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addcmul_", function(tensor1, tensor2, value = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("tensor1", "tensor2", "value"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", tensor1 = "Tensor", tensor2 = "Tensor", 
    value = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "tensor1", "tensor2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addcmul_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addmm", function(mat1, mat2, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("mat1", "mat2", "beta", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mat1 = "Tensor", mat2 = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "mat1", "mat2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addmm',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addmm_", function(mat1, mat2, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("mat1", "mat2", "beta", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mat1 = "Tensor", mat2 = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "mat1", "mat2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addmm_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addmv", function(mat, vec, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("mat", "vec", "beta", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mat = "Tensor", vec = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "mat", "vec")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addmv',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addmv_", function(mat, vec, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("mat", "vec", "beta", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mat = "Tensor", vec = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "mat", "vec")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addmv_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addr", function(vec1, vec2, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("vec1", "vec2", "beta", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", vec1 = "Tensor", vec2 = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "vec1", "vec2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addr',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "addr_", function(vec1, vec2, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("vec1", "vec2", "beta", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", vec1 = "Tensor", vec2 = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "vec1", "vec2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'addr_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "adjoint", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'adjoint',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "alias", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'alias',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "align_as", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'align_as',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "align_to", function(names, order, ellipsis_idx) {  args <- mget(x = c("names", "order", "ellipsis_idx"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", names = "DimnameList", order = "DimnameList", 
    ellipsis_idx = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "names", "order", "ellipsis_idx")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'align_to',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "all", function(dim, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'all',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "allclose", function(other, rtol = 1e-05, atol = 1e-08, equal_nan = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "rtol", "atol", "equal_nan"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor", rtol = "double", atol = "double", 
    equal_nan = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'allclose',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "amax", function(dim = list(), keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "IntArrayRef", keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'amax',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "amin", function(dim = list(), keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "IntArrayRef", keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'amin',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "aminmax", function(dim = NULL, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'aminmax',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "angle", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'angle',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "any", function(dim, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'any',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arccos", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arccos',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arccos_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arccos_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arccosh", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arccosh',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arccosh_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arccosh_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arcsin", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arcsin',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arcsin_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arcsin_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arcsinh", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arcsinh',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arcsinh_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arcsinh_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arctan", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arctan',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arctan_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arctan_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arctan2", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arctan2',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arctan2_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arctan2_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arctanh", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arctanh',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "arctanh_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'arctanh_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_argmax", function(dim = NULL, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'argmax',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_argmin", function(dim = NULL, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'argmin',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_argsort", function(stable, dim = -1L, descending = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("stable", "dim", "descending"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", stable = "bool", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"
), descending = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "stable", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'argsort',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "argwhere", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'argwhere',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "as_strided", function(size, stride, storage_offset = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "stride", "storage_offset"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", stride = "IntArrayRef", 
    storage_offset = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "size", "stride")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'as_strided',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "as_strided_", function(size, stride, storage_offset = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "stride", "storage_offset"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", stride = "IntArrayRef", 
    storage_offset = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "size", "stride")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'as_strided_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "as_strided_scatter", function(src, size, stride, storage_offset = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("src", "size", "stride", "storage_offset"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", src = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", stride = "IntArrayRef", 
    storage_offset = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "src", "size", "stride")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'as_strided_scatter',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "asin", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'asin',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "asin_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'asin_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "asinh", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'asinh',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "asinh_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'asinh_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "atan", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'atan',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "atan_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'atan_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "atan2", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'atan2',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "atan2_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'atan2_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "atanh", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'atanh',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "atanh_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'atanh_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "baddbmm", function(batch1, batch2, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("batch1", "batch2", "beta", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", batch1 = "Tensor", batch2 = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "batch1", "batch2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'baddbmm',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "baddbmm_", function(batch1, batch2, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("batch1", "batch2", "beta", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", batch1 = "Tensor", batch2 = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "batch1", "batch2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'baddbmm_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bernoulli", function(p, generator = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("p", "generator"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", p = "double", generator = "Generator")
nd_args <- c("self", "p")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bernoulli',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bernoulli_", function(p = 0.5, generator = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("p", "generator"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", p = c("Tensor", "double"), generator = "Generator")
nd_args <- c("self", "p")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bernoulli_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_bincount", function(weights = list(), minlength = 0L) {  args <- mget(x = c("weights", "minlength"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", weights = "Tensor", minlength = "int64_t")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bincount',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_and", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_and',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_and_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_and_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_left_shift", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_left_shift',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_left_shift_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_left_shift_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_not", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_not',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_not_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_not_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_or", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_or',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_or_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_or_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_right_shift", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_right_shift',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_right_shift_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_right_shift_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_xor", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_xor',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bitwise_xor_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bitwise_xor_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "bmm", function(mat2) {  args <- mget(x = c("mat2"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mat2 = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "mat2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'bmm',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "broadcast_to", function(size) {  args <- mget(x = c("size"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "size")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'broadcast_to',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cauchy_", function(median = 0L, sigma = 1L, generator = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("median", "sigma", "generator"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", median = "double", sigma = "double", generator = "Generator")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cauchy_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ccol_indices", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ccol_indices',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ceil", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ceil',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ceil_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ceil_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "chalf", function(memory_format = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("memory_format"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", memory_format = "MemoryFormat")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'chalf',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cholesky", function(upper = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("upper"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", upper = "bool")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cholesky',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cholesky_inverse", function(upper = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("upper"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", upper = "bool")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cholesky_inverse',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cholesky_solve", function(input2, upper = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("input2", "upper"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", input2 = "Tensor", upper = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "input2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cholesky_solve',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "chunk", function(chunks, dim = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("chunks", "dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", chunks = "int64_t", dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "chunks")
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'chunk',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "clamp", function(min = NULL, max = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("min", "max"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", min = c("Scalar", "Tensor"), max = c("Scalar", 
nd_args <- c("self", "min", "max")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'clamp',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "clamp_", function(min = NULL, max = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("min", "max"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", min = c("Scalar", "Tensor"), max = c("Scalar", 
nd_args <- c("self", "min", "max")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'clamp_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "clamp_max", function(max) {  args <- mget(x = c("max"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", max = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "max")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'clamp_max',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "clamp_max_", function(max) {  args <- mget(x = c("max"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", max = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "max")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'clamp_max_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "clamp_min", function(min) {  args <- mget(x = c("min"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", min = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "min")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'clamp_min',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "clamp_min_", function(min) {  args <- mget(x = c("min"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", min = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "min")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'clamp_min_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "clip", function(min = NULL, max = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("min", "max"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", min = c("Scalar", "Tensor"), max = c("Scalar", 
nd_args <- c("self", "min", "max")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'clip',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "clip_", function(min = NULL, max = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("min", "max"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", min = c("Scalar", "Tensor"), max = c("Scalar", 
nd_args <- c("self", "min", "max")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'clip_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_clone", function(memory_format = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("memory_format"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", memory_format = "MemoryFormat")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'clone',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "coalesce", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'coalesce',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "col_indices", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'col_indices',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "conj", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'conj',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "conj_physical", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'conj_physical',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "conj_physical_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'conj_physical_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "contiguous", function(memory_format = torch_contiguous_format()) {  args <- mget(x = c("memory_format"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", memory_format = "MemoryFormat")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'contiguous',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_copy_", function(src, non_blocking = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("src", "non_blocking"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", src = "Tensor", non_blocking = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "src")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'copy_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "copysign", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'copysign',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "copysign_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'copysign_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "corrcoef", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'corrcoef',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cos", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cos',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cos_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cos_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cosh", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cosh',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cosh_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cosh_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "count_nonzero", function(dim = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("IntArrayRef", "int64_t"))
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'count_nonzero',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cov", function(correction = 1L, fweights = list(), aweights = list()) {  args <- mget(x = c("correction", "fweights", "aweights"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", correction = "int64_t", fweights = "Tensor", 
    aweights = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cov',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cross", function(other, dim = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cross',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "crow_indices", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'crow_indices',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cummax", function(dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"))
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'cummax',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cummin", function(dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"))
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'cummin',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cumprod", function(dim, dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cumprod',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cumprod_", function(dim, dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cumprod_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cumsum", function(dim, dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cumsum',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "cumsum_", function(dim, dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'cumsum_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "data", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'data',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "deg2rad", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'deg2rad',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "deg2rad_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'deg2rad_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "dense_dim", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('int64_t'))
  fun_name = 'dense_dim',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "dequantize", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'dequantize',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "det", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'det',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_detach", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'detach',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "detach_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'detach_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "diag", function(diagonal = 0L) {  args <- mget(x = c("diagonal"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", diagonal = "int64_t")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'diag',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "diag_embed", function(offset = 0L, dim1 = -2L, dim2 = -1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("offset", "dim1", "dim2"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", offset = "int64_t", dim1 = "int64_t", dim2 = "int64_t")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'diag_embed',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "diagflat", function(offset = 0L) {  args <- mget(x = c("offset"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", offset = "int64_t")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'diagflat',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "diagonal", function(outdim, dim1 = 1L, dim2 = 2L, offset = 0L) {  args <- mget(x = c("outdim", "dim1", "dim2", "offset"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", outdim = "Dimname", dim1 = c("int64_t", 
"Dimname"), dim2 = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), offset = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "outdim", "dim1", "dim2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'diagonal',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "diagonal_scatter", function(src, offset = 0L, dim1 = 1L, dim2 = 2L) {  args <- mget(x = c("src", "offset", "dim1", "dim2"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", src = "Tensor", offset = "int64_t", dim1 = "int64_t", 
    dim2 = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "src")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'diagonal_scatter',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "diff", function(n = 1L, dim = -1L, prepend = list(), append = list()) {  args <- mget(x = c("n", "dim", "prepend", "append"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", n = "int64_t", dim = "int64_t", prepend = "Tensor", 
    append = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'diff',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "digamma", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'digamma',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "digamma_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'digamma_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "dist", function(other, p = 2L) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "p"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor", p = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'dist',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "div", function(other, rounding_mode) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "rounding_mode"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"), rounding_mode = "c10::string_view")
nd_args <- c("self", "other", "rounding_mode")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'div',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "div_", function(other, rounding_mode) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "rounding_mode"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"), rounding_mode = "c10::string_view")
nd_args <- c("self", "other", "rounding_mode")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'div_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "divide", function(other, rounding_mode) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "rounding_mode"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"), rounding_mode = "c10::string_view")
nd_args <- c("self", "other", "rounding_mode")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'divide',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "divide_", function(other, rounding_mode) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "rounding_mode"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"), rounding_mode = "c10::string_view")
nd_args <- c("self", "other", "rounding_mode")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'divide_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "dot", function(tensor) {  args <- mget(x = c("tensor"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", tensor = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "tensor")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'dot',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "dsplit", function(indices, sections) {  args <- mget(x = c("indices", "sections"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", indices = "IntArrayRef", sections = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "indices", "sections")
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'dsplit',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "eq", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'eq',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "eq_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'eq_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "equal", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'equal',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "erf", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'erf',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "erf_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'erf_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "erfc", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'erfc',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "erfc_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'erfc_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "erfinv", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'erfinv',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "erfinv_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'erfinv_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "exp", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'exp',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "exp_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'exp_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "exp2", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'exp2',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "exp2_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'exp2_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "expand", function(size, implicit = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "implicit"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", implicit = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "size")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'expand',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "expand_as", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'expand_as',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "expm1", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'expm1',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "expm1_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'expm1_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "exponential_", function(lambd = 1L, generator = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("lambd", "generator"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", lambd = "double", generator = "Generator")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'exponential_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "fill_", function(value) {  args <- mget(x = c("value"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", value = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "value")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'fill_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "fill_diagonal_", function(fill_value, wrap = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("fill_value", "wrap"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", fill_value = "Scalar", wrap = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "fill_value")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'fill_diagonal_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "fix", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'fix',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "fix_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'fix_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "flatten", function(dims, start_dim = 1L, end_dim = -1L, out_dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("dims", "start_dim", "end_dim", "out_dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dims = "DimnameList", start_dim = c("int64_t", 
"Dimname"), end_dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), out_dim = "Dimname")
nd_args <- c("self", "dims", "start_dim", "end_dim", "out_dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'flatten',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "flip", function(dims) {  args <- mget(x = c("dims"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dims = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "dims")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'flip',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "fliplr", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'fliplr',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "flipud", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'flipud',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "float_power", function(exponent) {  args <- mget(x = c("exponent"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", exponent = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "exponent")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'float_power',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "float_power_", function(exponent) {  args <- mget(x = c("exponent"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", exponent = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "exponent")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'float_power_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "floor", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'floor',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "floor_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'floor_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "floor_divide", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'floor_divide',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "floor_divide_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'floor_divide_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "fmax", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'fmax',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "fmin", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'fmin',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "fmod", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'fmod',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "fmod_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'fmod_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "frac", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'frac',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "frac_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'frac_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "frexp", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'frexp',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "gather", function(dim, index, sparse_grad = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "sparse_grad"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), index = "Tensor", 
    sparse_grad = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'gather',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "gcd", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'gcd',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "gcd_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'gcd_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ge", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ge',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ge_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ge_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "geometric_", function(p, generator = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("p", "generator"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", p = "double", generator = "Generator")
nd_args <- c("self", "p")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'geometric_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "geqrf", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'geqrf',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ger", function(vec2) {  args <- mget(x = c("vec2"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", vec2 = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "vec2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ger',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "greater", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'greater',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "greater_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'greater_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "greater_equal", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'greater_equal',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "greater_equal_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'greater_equal_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "gt", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'gt',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "gt_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'gt_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "hardshrink", function(lambd = 0.5) {  args <- mget(x = c("lambd"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", lambd = "Scalar")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'hardshrink',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "hardshrink_backward", function(grad_out, lambd) {  args <- mget(x = c("grad_out", "lambd"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(grad_out = "Tensor", self = "Tensor", lambd = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("grad_out", "self", "lambd")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'hardshrink_backward',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "heaviside", function(values) {  args <- mget(x = c("values"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", values = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "values")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'heaviside',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "heaviside_", function(values) {  args <- mget(x = c("values"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", values = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "values")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'heaviside_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "histc", function(bins = 100L, min = 0L, max = 0L) {  args <- mget(x = c("bins", "min", "max"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", bins = "int64_t", min = "Scalar", max = "Scalar")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'histc',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "histogram", function(bins = 100L, range = NULL, weight = list(), density = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("bins", "range", "weight", "density"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", bins = c("Tensor", "int64_t"), range = "ArrayRef<double>", 
    weight = "Tensor", density = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "bins")
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'histogram',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "hsplit", function(indices, sections) {  args <- mget(x = c("indices", "sections"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", indices = "IntArrayRef", sections = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "indices", "sections")
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'hsplit',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "hypot", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'hypot',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "hypot_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'hypot_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "i0", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'i0',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "i0_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'i0_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "igamma", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'igamma',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "igamma_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'igamma_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "igammac", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'igammac',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "igammac_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'igammac_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index", function(indices) {  args <- mget(x = c("indices"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", indices = "const c10::List<c10::optional<Tensor>> &")
nd_args <- c("self", "indices")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index_add", function(dim, index, source, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "source", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), index = "Tensor", 
    source = "Tensor", alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "source")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index_add',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index_add_", function(dim, index, source, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "source", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", index = "Tensor", source = "Tensor", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "source")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index_add_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index_copy", function(dim, index, source) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "source"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), index = "Tensor", 
    source = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "source")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index_copy',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index_copy_", function(dim, index, source) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "source"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), index = "Tensor", 
    source = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "source")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index_copy_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index_fill", function(dim, index, value) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "value"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), index = "Tensor", 
    value = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "value")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index_fill',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index_fill_", function(dim, index, value) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "value"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), index = "Tensor", 
    value = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "value")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index_fill_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index_put", function(indices, values, accumulate = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("indices", "values", "accumulate"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", indices = "const c10::List<c10::optional<Tensor>> &", 
    values = "Tensor", accumulate = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "indices", "values")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index_put',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index_put_", function(indices, values, accumulate = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("indices", "values", "accumulate"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", indices = "const c10::List<c10::optional<Tensor>> &", 
    values = "Tensor", accumulate = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "indices", "values")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index_put_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index_reduce", function(dim, index, source, reduce, include_self = TRUE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "source", "reduce", "include_self"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", index = "Tensor", source = "Tensor", 
    reduce = "c10::string_view", include_self = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "source", "reduce")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index_reduce',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index_reduce_", function(dim, index, source, reduce, include_self = TRUE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "source", "reduce", "include_self"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", index = "Tensor", source = "Tensor", 
    reduce = "c10::string_view", include_self = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "source", "reduce")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index_reduce_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "index_select", function(dim, index) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), index = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'index_select',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "indices", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'indices',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "inner", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'inner',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "int_repr", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'int_repr',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "inverse", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'inverse',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_coalesced", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_coalesced',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_complex", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_complex',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_conj", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_conj',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_distributed", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_distributed',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_floating_point", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_floating_point',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_inference", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_inference',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_is_leaf", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_leaf',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_neg", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_neg',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_nonzero", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_nonzero',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_pinned", function(device = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("device"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", device = "Device")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_pinned',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_same_size", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_same_size',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_set_to", function(tensor) {  args <- mget(x = c("tensor"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", tensor = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "tensor")
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_set_to',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "is_signed", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'is_signed',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "isclose", function(other, rtol = 1e-05, atol = 1e-08, equal_nan = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "rtol", "atol", "equal_nan"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor", rtol = "double", atol = "double", 
    equal_nan = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'isclose',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "isfinite", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'isfinite',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "isinf", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'isinf',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "isnan", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'isnan',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "isneginf", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'isneginf',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "isposinf", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'isposinf',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "isreal", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'isreal',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "istft", function(n_fft, hop_length = NULL, win_length = NULL, window = list(), center = TRUE, normalized = FALSE, onesided = NULL, length = NULL, return_complex = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("n_fft", "hop_length", "win_length", "window", "center", "normalized", "onesided", "length", "return_complex"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", n_fft = "int64_t", hop_length = "int64_t", 
    win_length = "int64_t", window = "Tensor", center = "bool", 
    normalized = "bool", onesided = "bool", length = "int64_t", 
    return_complex = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "n_fft")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'istft',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "item", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Scalar'))
  fun_name = 'item',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "kron", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'kron',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "kthvalue", function(k, dim = -1L, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("k", "dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", k = "int64_t", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"
), keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "k", "dim")
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'kthvalue',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "lcm", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'lcm',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "lcm_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'lcm_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ldexp", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ldexp',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ldexp_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ldexp_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "le", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'le',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "le_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'le_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "lerp", function(end, weight) {  args <- mget(x = c("end", "weight"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", end = "Tensor", weight = c("Scalar", "Tensor"
nd_args <- c("self", "end", "weight")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'lerp',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "lerp_", function(end, weight) {  args <- mget(x = c("end", "weight"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", end = "Tensor", weight = c("Scalar", "Tensor"
nd_args <- c("self", "end", "weight")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'lerp_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "less", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'less',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "less_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'less_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "less_equal", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'less_equal',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "less_equal_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'less_equal_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "lgamma", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'lgamma',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "lgamma_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'lgamma_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "log", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'log',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "log_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'log_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "log_normal_", function(mean = 1L, std = 2L, generator = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("mean", "std", "generator"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mean = "double", std = "double", generator = "Generator")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'log_normal_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "log_softmax", function(dim, dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'log_softmax',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "log10", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'log10',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "log10_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'log10_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "log1p", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'log1p',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "log1p_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'log1p_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "log2", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'log2',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "log2_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'log2_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logaddexp", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logaddexp',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logaddexp2", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logaddexp2',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logcumsumexp", function(dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"))
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logcumsumexp',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logdet", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logdet',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logical_and", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logical_and',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logical_and_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logical_and_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logical_not", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logical_not',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logical_not_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logical_not_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logical_or", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logical_or',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logical_or_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logical_or_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logical_xor", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logical_xor',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logical_xor_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logical_xor_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logit", function(eps = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("eps"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", eps = "double")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logit',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logit_", function(eps = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("eps"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", eps = "double")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logit_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "logsumexp", function(dim, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("IntArrayRef", "DimnameList"), 
    keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'logsumexp',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "lt", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'lt',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "lt_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'lt_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "lu_solve", function(LU_data, LU_pivots) {  args <- mget(x = c("LU_data", "LU_pivots"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", LU_data = "Tensor", LU_pivots = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "LU_data", "LU_pivots")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'lu_solve',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "masked_fill", function(mask, value) {  args <- mget(x = c("mask", "value"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mask = "Tensor", value = c("Scalar", "Tensor"
nd_args <- c("self", "mask", "value")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'masked_fill',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "masked_fill_", function(mask, value) {  args <- mget(x = c("mask", "value"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mask = "Tensor", value = c("Scalar", "Tensor"
nd_args <- c("self", "mask", "value")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'masked_fill_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "masked_scatter", function(mask, source) {  args <- mget(x = c("mask", "source"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mask = "Tensor", source = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "mask", "source")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'masked_scatter',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "masked_scatter_", function(mask, source) {  args <- mget(x = c("mask", "source"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mask = "Tensor", source = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "mask", "source")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'masked_scatter_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "masked_select", function(mask) {  args <- mget(x = c("mask"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mask = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "mask")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'masked_select',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "matmul", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'matmul',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "matrix_exp", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'matrix_exp',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "matrix_H", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'matrix_H',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "matrix_power", function(n) {  args <- mget(x = c("n"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", n = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "n")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'matrix_power',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_max", function(dim, other, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "other", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), other = "Tensor", 
    keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "other")
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"), list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'max',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "maximum", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'maximum',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "mean", function(dim, keepdim = FALSE, dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("IntArrayRef", "DimnameList"), 
    keepdim = "bool", dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'mean',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "median", function(dim, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'), list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'median',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "mH", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'mH',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_min", function(dim, other, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "other", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), other = "Tensor", 
    keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "other")
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"), list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'min',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "minimum", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'minimum',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "mm", function(mat2) {  args <- mget(x = c("mat2"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mat2 = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "mat2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'mm',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "mode", function(dim = -1L, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'mode',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "moveaxis", function(source, destination) {  args <- mget(x = c("source", "destination"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", source = c("IntArrayRef", "int64_t"), destination = c("IntArrayRef", 
nd_args <- c("self", "source", "destination")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'moveaxis',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_movedim", function(source, destination) {  args <- mget(x = c("source", "destination"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", source = c("IntArrayRef", "int64_t"), destination = c("IntArrayRef", 
nd_args <- c("self", "source", "destination")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'movedim',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "msort", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'msort',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "mT", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'mT',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "mul", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'mul',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "mul_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'mul_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "multinomial", function(num_samples, replacement = FALSE, generator = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("num_samples", "replacement", "generator"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", num_samples = "int64_t", replacement = "bool", 
    generator = "Generator")
nd_args <- c("self", "num_samples")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'multinomial',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "multiply", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'multiply',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "multiply_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'multiply_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "mv", function(vec) {  args <- mget(x = c("vec"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", vec = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "vec")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'mv',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "mvlgamma", function(p) {  args <- mget(x = c("p"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", p = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "p")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'mvlgamma',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "mvlgamma_", function(p) {  args <- mget(x = c("p"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", p = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "p")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'mvlgamma_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "nan_to_num", function(nan = NULL, posinf = NULL, neginf = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("nan", "posinf", "neginf"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", nan = "double", posinf = "double", neginf = "double")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'nan_to_num',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "nan_to_num_", function(nan = NULL, posinf = NULL, neginf = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("nan", "posinf", "neginf"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", nan = "double", posinf = "double", neginf = "double")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'nan_to_num_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "nanmean", function(dim = NULL, keepdim = FALSE, dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "IntArrayRef", keepdim = "bool", 
    dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'nanmean',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "nanmedian", function(dim, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'), list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'nanmedian',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "nanquantile", function(q, dim = NULL, keepdim = FALSE, interpolation = "linear") {  args <- mget(x = c("q", "dim", "keepdim", "interpolation"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", q = c("Tensor", "double"), dim = "int64_t", 
    keepdim = "bool", interpolation = "c10::string_view")
nd_args <- c("self", "q")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'nanquantile',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "nansum", function(dim = NULL, keepdim = FALSE, dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "IntArrayRef", keepdim = "bool", 
    dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'nansum',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_narrow", function(dim, start, length) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "start", "length"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", start = c("int64_t", "Tensor"
), length = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "start", "length")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'narrow',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_narrow_copy", function(dim, start, length) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "start", "length"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", start = "int64_t", length = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "start", "length")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'narrow_copy',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ne", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ne',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ne_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ne_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "neg", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'neg',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "neg_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'neg_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "negative", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'negative',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "negative_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'negative_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "new_empty", function(size, options = list()) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "options"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", options = "TensorOptions")
nd_args <- c("self", "size")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'new_empty',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "new_empty_strided", function(size, stride, options = list()) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "stride", "options"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", stride = "IntArrayRef", 
    options = "TensorOptions")
nd_args <- c("self", "size", "stride")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'new_empty_strided',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "new_full", function(size, fill_value, options = list()) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "fill_value", "options"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", fill_value = "Scalar", 
    options = "TensorOptions")
nd_args <- c("self", "size", "fill_value")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'new_full',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "new_ones", function(size, options = list()) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "options"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", options = "TensorOptions")
nd_args <- c("self", "size")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'new_ones',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "new_zeros", function(size, options = list()) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "options"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", options = "TensorOptions")
nd_args <- c("self", "size")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'new_zeros',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "nextafter", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'nextafter',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "nextafter_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'nextafter_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_nonzero", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'nonzero',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_nonzero_numpy", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'nonzero_numpy',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_norm", function(p = 2L, dim, keepdim = FALSE, dtype) {  args <- mget(x = c("p", "dim", "keepdim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", p = "Scalar", dim = c("IntArrayRef", "DimnameList"
), keepdim = "bool", dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- c("self", "p", "dim", "keepdim", "dtype")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'norm',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "normal_", function(mean = 0L, std = 1L, generator = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("mean", "std", "generator"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mean = "double", std = "double", generator = "Generator")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'normal_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "not_equal", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'not_equal',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "not_equal_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'not_equal_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "numpy_T", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'numpy_T',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "orgqr", function(input2) {  args <- mget(x = c("input2"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", input2 = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "input2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'orgqr',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ormqr", function(input2, input3, left = TRUE, transpose = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("input2", "input3", "left", "transpose"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", input2 = "Tensor", input3 = "Tensor", left = "bool", 
    transpose = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "input2", "input3")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ormqr',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "outer", function(vec2) {  args <- mget(x = c("vec2"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", vec2 = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "vec2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'outer',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "output_nr", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('int64_t'))
  fun_name = 'output_nr',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "permute", function(dims) {  args <- mget(x = c("dims"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dims = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "dims")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'permute',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "pin_memory", function(device = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("device"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", device = "Device")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'pin_memory',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "pinverse", function(rcond = 1e-15) {  args <- mget(x = c("rcond"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", rcond = "double")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'pinverse',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "polygamma_", function(n) {  args <- mget(x = c("n"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", n = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "n")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'polygamma_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "positive", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'positive',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "pow", function(exponent) {  args <- mget(x = c("exponent"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", exponent = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "exponent")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'pow',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "pow_", function(exponent) {  args <- mget(x = c("exponent"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", exponent = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "exponent")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'pow_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "prelu", function(weight) {  args <- mget(x = c("weight"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", weight = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "weight")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'prelu',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "prod", function(dim, keepdim = FALSE, dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), keepdim = "bool", 
    dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'prod',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "put", function(index, source, accumulate = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("index", "source", "accumulate"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", index = "Tensor", source = "Tensor", accumulate = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "index", "source")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'put',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "put_", function(index, source, accumulate = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("index", "source", "accumulate"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", index = "Tensor", source = "Tensor", accumulate = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "index", "source")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'put_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "q_per_channel_axis", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('int64_t'))
  fun_name = 'q_per_channel_axis',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "q_per_channel_scales", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'q_per_channel_scales',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "q_per_channel_zero_points", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'q_per_channel_zero_points',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "q_scale", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('double'))
  fun_name = 'q_scale',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "q_zero_point", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('int64_t'))
  fun_name = 'q_zero_point',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "qr", function(some = TRUE) {  args <- mget(x = c("some"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", some = "bool")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'qr',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "qscheme", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('QScheme'))
  fun_name = 'qscheme',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "quantile", function(q, dim = NULL, keepdim = FALSE, interpolation = "linear") {  args <- mget(x = c("q", "dim", "keepdim", "interpolation"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", q = c("Tensor", "double"), dim = "int64_t", 
    keepdim = "bool", interpolation = "c10::string_view")
nd_args <- c("self", "q")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'quantile',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "rad2deg", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'rad2deg',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "rad2deg_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'rad2deg_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "random_", function(from, to, generator = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("from", "to", "generator"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", from = "int64_t", to = "int64_t", generator = "Generator")
nd_args <- c("self", "from", "to")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'random_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "ravel", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'ravel',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "reciprocal", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'reciprocal',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "reciprocal_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'reciprocal_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "record_stream", function(s) {  args <- mget(x = c("s"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", s = "Stream")
nd_args <- c("self", "s")
return_types <- list(list("void"))
  fun_name = 'record_stream',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "refine_names", function(names) {  args <- mget(x = c("names"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", names = "DimnameList")
nd_args <- c("self", "names")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'refine_names',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "relu", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'relu',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "relu_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'relu_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "remainder", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'remainder',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "remainder_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Scalar", "Tensor"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'remainder_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_rename", function(names) {  args <- mget(x = c("names"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", names = "DimnameList")
nd_args <- c("self", "names")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'rename',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_rename_", function(names) {  args <- mget(x = c("names"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", names = "DimnameList")
nd_args <- c("self", "names")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'rename_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "renorm", function(p, dim, maxnorm) {  args <- mget(x = c("p", "dim", "maxnorm"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", p = "Scalar", dim = "int64_t", maxnorm = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "p", "dim", "maxnorm")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'renorm',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "renorm_", function(p, dim, maxnorm) {  args <- mget(x = c("p", "dim", "maxnorm"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", p = "Scalar", dim = "int64_t", maxnorm = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "p", "dim", "maxnorm")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'renorm_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "repeat", function(repeats) {  args <- mget(x = c("repeats"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", repeats = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "repeats")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'repeat',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "repeat_interleave", function(repeats, dim = NULL, output_size = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("repeats", "dim", "output_size"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", repeats = c("Tensor", "int64_t"), dim = "int64_t", 
    output_size = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "repeats")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'repeat_interleave',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "requires_grad_", function(requires_grad = TRUE) {  args <- mget(x = c("requires_grad"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", requires_grad = "bool")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'requires_grad_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "reshape", function(shape) {  args <- mget(x = c("shape"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", shape = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "shape")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'reshape',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "reshape_as", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'reshape_as',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "resize_", function(size, memory_format = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "memory_format"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", memory_format = "MemoryFormat")
nd_args <- c("self", "size")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'resize_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "resize_as_", function(the_template, memory_format = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("the_template", "memory_format"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", the_template = "Tensor", memory_format = "MemoryFormat")
nd_args <- c("self", "the_template")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'resize_as_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "resize_as_sparse_", function(the_template) {  args <- mget(x = c("the_template"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", the_template = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "the_template")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'resize_as_sparse_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "resolve_conj", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'resolve_conj',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "resolve_neg", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'resolve_neg',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_retain_grad", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list("void"))
  fun_name = 'retain_grad',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "retains_grad", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('bool'))
  fun_name = 'retains_grad',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "roll", function(shifts, dims = list()) {  args <- mget(x = c("shifts", "dims"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", shifts = "IntArrayRef", dims = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "shifts")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'roll',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "rot90", function(k = 1L, dims = c(0,1)) {  args <- mget(x = c("k", "dims"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", k = "int64_t", dims = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'rot90',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "round", function(decimals) {  args <- mget(x = c("decimals"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", decimals = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "decimals")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'round',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "round_", function(decimals) {  args <- mget(x = c("decimals"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", decimals = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "decimals")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'round_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "row_indices", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'row_indices',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "rsqrt", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'rsqrt',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "rsqrt_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'rsqrt_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_scatter", function(dim, index, src, value, reduce) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "src", "value", "reduce"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), index = "Tensor", 
    src = "Tensor", value = "Scalar", reduce = "c10::string_view")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "src", "value", "reduce")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'scatter',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_scatter_", function(dim, index, src, value, reduce) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "src", "value", "reduce"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", index = "Tensor", src = "Tensor", 
    value = "Scalar", reduce = "c10::string_view")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "src", "value", "reduce")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'scatter_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "scatter_add", function(dim, index, src) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "src"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), index = "Tensor", 
    src = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "src")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'scatter_add',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "scatter_add_", function(dim, index, src) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "src"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", index = "Tensor", src = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "src")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'scatter_add_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "scatter_reduce", function(dim, index, src, reduce, include_self = TRUE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "src", "reduce", "include_self"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", index = "Tensor", src = "Tensor", 
    reduce = "c10::string_view", include_self = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "src", "reduce")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'scatter_reduce',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "scatter_reduce_", function(dim, index, src, reduce, include_self = TRUE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index", "src", "reduce", "include_self"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", index = "Tensor", src = "Tensor", 
    reduce = "c10::string_view", include_self = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index", "src", "reduce")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'scatter_reduce_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "select", function(dim, index) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "index"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("Dimname", "int64_t"), index = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "index")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'select',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "select_scatter", function(src, dim, index) {  args <- mget(x = c("src", "dim", "index"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", src = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", index = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "src", "dim", "index")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'select_scatter',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "set_", function(source, storage_offset, size, stride = list()) {  args <- mget(x = c("source", "storage_offset", "size", "stride"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", source = c("Storage", "Tensor"), storage_offset = "int64_t", 
    size = "IntArrayRef", stride = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "source", "storage_offset", "size")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'set_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "set_data", function(new_data) {  args <- mget(x = c("new_data"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", new_data = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "new_data")
return_types <- list(list("void"))
  fun_name = 'set_data',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sgn", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sgn',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sgn_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sgn_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sigmoid", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sigmoid',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sigmoid_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sigmoid_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sign", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sign',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sign_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sign_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "signbit", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'signbit',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sin", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sin',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sin_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sin_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sinc", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sinc',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sinc_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sinc_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sinh", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sinh',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sinh_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sinh_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_size", function(dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "Dimname")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('int64_t'))
  fun_name = 'size',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "slice", function(dim = 1L, start = NULL, end = NULL, step = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "start", "end", "step"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", start = "int64_t", end = "int64_t", 
    step = "int64_t")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'slice',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "slice_scatter", function(src, dim = 1L, start = NULL, end = NULL, step = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("src", "dim", "start", "end", "step"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", src = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t", start = "int64_t", 
    end = "int64_t", step = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "src")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'slice_scatter',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "slogdet", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'slogdet',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "smm", function(mat2) {  args <- mget(x = c("mat2"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mat2 = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "mat2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'smm',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "softmax", function(dim, dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'softmax',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_sort", function(dim = -1L, descending = FALSE, stable) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "descending", "stable"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), descending = "bool", 
    stable = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "stable")
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'sort',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sparse_dim", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('int64_t'))
  fun_name = 'sparse_dim',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sparse_mask", function(mask) {  args <- mget(x = c("mask"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mask = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "mask")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sparse_mask',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sparse_resize_", function(size, sparse_dim, dense_dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "sparse_dim", "dense_dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", sparse_dim = "int64_t", 
    dense_dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "size", "sparse_dim", "dense_dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sparse_resize_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sparse_resize_and_clear_", function(size, sparse_dim, dense_dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("size", "sparse_dim", "dense_dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef", sparse_dim = "int64_t", 
    dense_dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "size", "sparse_dim", "dense_dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sparse_resize_and_clear_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_split", function(split_size, dim = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("split_size", "dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", split_size = c("int64_t", "IntArrayRef"
), dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "split_size")
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'split',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "split_with_sizes", function(split_sizes, dim = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("split_sizes", "dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", split_sizes = "IntArrayRef", dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "split_sizes")
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'split_with_sizes',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sqrt", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sqrt',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sqrt_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sqrt_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "square", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'square',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "square_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'square_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "squeeze", function(dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname", "IntArrayRef"
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'squeeze',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "squeeze_", function(dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "IntArrayRef", "Dimname"
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'squeeze_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sspaddmm", function(mat1, mat2, beta = 1L, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("mat1", "mat2", "beta", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", mat1 = "Tensor", mat2 = "Tensor", beta = "Scalar", 
    alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "mat1", "mat2")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sspaddmm',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "std", function(dim, unbiased = TRUE, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "unbiased", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("IntArrayRef", "DimnameList"), 
    unbiased = "bool", keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'std',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "stft", function(n_fft, hop_length = NULL, win_length = NULL, window = list(), center = TRUE, pad_mode = "reflect", normalized = FALSE, onesided = NULL, return_complex = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("n_fft", "hop_length", "win_length", "window", "center", "pad_mode", "normalized", "onesided", "return_complex"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", n_fft = "int64_t", hop_length = "int64_t", 
    win_length = "int64_t", window = "Tensor", center = "bool", 
    pad_mode = "c10::string_view", normalized = "bool", onesided = "bool", 
    return_complex = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "n_fft")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'stft',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_stride", function(dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"))
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('int64_t'))
  fun_name = 'stride',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sub", function(other, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"), alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sub',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sub_", function(other, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"), alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sub_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "subtract", function(other, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"), alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'subtract',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "subtract_", function(other, alpha = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("other", "alpha"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"), alpha = "Scalar")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'subtract_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sum", function(dim, keepdim = FALSE, dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "keepdim", "dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("IntArrayRef", "DimnameList"), 
    keepdim = "bool", dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sum',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "sum_to_size", function(size) {  args <- mget(x = c("size"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", size = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "size")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'sum_to_size',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "svd", function(some = TRUE, compute_uv = TRUE) {  args <- mget(x = c("some", "compute_uv"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", some = "bool", compute_uv = "bool")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'svd',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "swapaxes", function(axis0, axis1) {  args <- mget(x = c("axis0", "axis1"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", axis0 = "int64_t", axis1 = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "axis0", "axis1")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'swapaxes',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "swapaxes_", function(axis0, axis1) {  args <- mget(x = c("axis0", "axis1"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", axis0 = "int64_t", axis1 = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "axis0", "axis1")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'swapaxes_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "swapdims", function(dim0, dim1) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim0", "dim1"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim0 = "int64_t", dim1 = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim0", "dim1")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'swapdims',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "swapdims_", function(dim0, dim1) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim0", "dim1"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim0 = "int64_t", dim1 = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim0", "dim1")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'swapdims_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "t", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 't',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "t_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 't_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "take", function(index) {  args <- mget(x = c("index"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", index = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "index")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'take',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "take_along_dim", function(indices, dim = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("indices", "dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", indices = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "indices")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'take_along_dim',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "tan", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'tan',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "tan_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'tan_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "tanh", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'tanh',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "tanh_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'tanh_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "tensor_split", function(indices, sections, tensor_indices_or_sections, dim = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("indices", "sections", "tensor_indices_or_sections", "dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", indices = "IntArrayRef", sections = "int64_t", 
    tensor_indices_or_sections = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "indices", "sections", "tensor_indices_or_sections"
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'tensor_split',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "tile", function(dims) {  args <- mget(x = c("dims"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dims = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "dims")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'tile',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_to", function(device, options = list(), other, dtype, non_blocking = FALSE, copy = FALSE, memory_format = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("device", "options", "other", "dtype", "non_blocking", "copy", "memory_format"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", device = "Device", options = "TensorOptions", 
    other = "Tensor", dtype = "ScalarType", non_blocking = "bool", 
    copy = "bool", memory_format = "MemoryFormat")
nd_args <- c("self", "device", "other", "dtype")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'to',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "to_dense", function(dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'to_dense',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "to_mkldnn", function(dtype = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dtype"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dtype = "ScalarType")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'to_mkldnn',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "to_padded_tensor", function(padding, output_size = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("padding", "output_size"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", padding = "double", output_size = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "padding")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'to_padded_tensor',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "to_sparse", function(layout = NULL, sparse_dim, blocksize = NULL, dense_dim = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("layout", "sparse_dim", "blocksize", "dense_dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", layout = "Layout", sparse_dim = "int64_t", 
    blocksize = "IntArrayRef", dense_dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "sparse_dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'to_sparse',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "to_sparse_bsc", function(blocksize, dense_dim = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("blocksize", "dense_dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", blocksize = "IntArrayRef", dense_dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "blocksize")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'to_sparse_bsc',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "to_sparse_bsr", function(blocksize, dense_dim = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("blocksize", "dense_dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", blocksize = "IntArrayRef", dense_dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "blocksize")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'to_sparse_bsr',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "to_sparse_csc", function(dense_dim = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dense_dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dense_dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'to_sparse_csc',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "to_sparse_csr", function(dense_dim = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("dense_dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dense_dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'to_sparse_csr',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_topk", function(k, dim = -1L, largest = TRUE, sorted = TRUE) {  args <- mget(x = c("k", "dim", "largest", "sorted"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", k = "int64_t", dim = "int64_t", largest = "bool", 
    sorted = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "k")
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'topk',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "trace", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'trace',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "transpose", function(dim0, dim1) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim0", "dim1"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim0 = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), dim1 = c("int64_t", 
nd_args <- c("self", "dim0", "dim1")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'transpose',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "transpose_", function(dim0, dim1) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim0", "dim1"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim0 = "int64_t", dim1 = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim0", "dim1")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'transpose_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "triangular_solve", function(A, upper = TRUE, transpose = FALSE, unitriangular = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("A", "upper", "transpose", "unitriangular"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", A = "Tensor", upper = "bool", transpose = "bool", 
    unitriangular = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "A")
return_types <- list(list("Tensor", "Tensor"))
  fun_name = 'triangular_solve',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "tril", function(diagonal = 0L) {  args <- mget(x = c("diagonal"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", diagonal = "int64_t")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'tril',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "tril_", function(diagonal = 0L) {  args <- mget(x = c("diagonal"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", diagonal = "int64_t")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'tril_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "triu", function(diagonal = 0L) {  args <- mget(x = c("diagonal"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", diagonal = "int64_t")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'triu',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "triu_", function(diagonal = 0L) {  args <- mget(x = c("diagonal"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", diagonal = "int64_t")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'triu_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "true_divide", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'true_divide',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "true_divide_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'true_divide_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "trunc", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'trunc',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "trunc_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'trunc_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "type_as", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'type_as',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "unbind", function(dim = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"))
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'unbind',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "unflatten", function(dim, sizes, names) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "sizes", "names"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("int64_t", "Dimname"), sizes = "IntArrayRef", 
    names = "DimnameList")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim", "sizes", "names")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'unflatten',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "unfold", function(dimension, size, step) {  args <- mget(x = c("dimension", "size", "step"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dimension = "int64_t", size = "int64_t", 
    step = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "dimension", "size", "step")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'unfold',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "uniform_", function(from = 0L, to = 1L, generator = NULL) {  args <- mget(x = c("from", "to", "generator"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", from = "double", to = "double", generator = "Generator")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'uniform_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "unsafe_chunk", function(chunks, dim = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("chunks", "dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", chunks = "int64_t", dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "chunks")
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'unsafe_chunk',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "unsafe_split", function(split_size, dim = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("split_size", "dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", split_size = "int64_t", dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "split_size")
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'unsafe_split',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "unsafe_split_with_sizes", function(split_sizes, dim = 1L) {  args <- mget(x = c("split_sizes", "dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", split_sizes = "IntArrayRef", dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "split_sizes")
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'unsafe_split_with_sizes',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "unsqueeze", function(dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'unsqueeze',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "unsqueeze_", function(dim) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'unsqueeze_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "values", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'values',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "var", function(dim, unbiased = TRUE, keepdim = FALSE) {  args <- mget(x = c("dim", "unbiased", "keepdim"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dim = c("IntArrayRef", "DimnameList"), 
    unbiased = "bool", keepdim = "bool")
nd_args <- c("self", "dim")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'var',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "vdot", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'vdot',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("private", "_view", function(dtype, size) {  args <- mget(x = c("dtype", "size"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", dtype = "ScalarType", size = "IntArrayRef")
nd_args <- c("self", "dtype", "size")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'view',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "view_as", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = "Tensor")
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'view_as',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "vsplit", function(indices, sections) {  args <- mget(x = c("indices", "sections"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", indices = "IntArrayRef", sections = "int64_t")
nd_args <- c("self", "indices", "sections")
return_types <- list(list('TensorList'))
  fun_name = 'vsplit',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "where", function(condition, other) {  args <- mget(x = c("condition", "other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(condition = "Tensor", self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", 
nd_args <- c("condition", "self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'where',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "xlogy", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'xlogy',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "xlogy_", function(other) {  args <- mget(x = c("other"))
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor", other = c("Tensor", "Scalar"))
nd_args <- c("self", "other")
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'xlogy_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'
Tensor$set("public", "zero_", function() {  args <- list()
args <- c(list(self = self), args)
expected_types <- list(self = "Tensor")
nd_args <- "self"
return_types <- list(list('Tensor'))
  fun_name = 'zero_',
  args = args,
  expected_types = expected_types,
  nd_args = nd_args,
  return_types = return_types,
  fun_type = 'method'

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torch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:54 a.m.