
test_that("norm works", {
  a <- torch_arange(0, 8, dtype = torch_float()) - 4
  b <- a$reshape(c(3, 3))

  expect_equal_to_tensor(linalg_norm(a), linalg_norm(b))
  expect_equal_to_tensor(linalg_norm(a), linalg_norm(b, ord = "fro"))
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_norm(a, Inf), 4)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_norm(a, -Inf), 0)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_norm(b, Inf), 9)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_norm(b, -Inf), 2)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_norm(a, 1), 20)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_norm(b, 1), 7)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_norm(a, -1), 0)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_norm(b, -1), 6)
  expect_equal_to_tensor(linalg_norm(a, 2), linalg_norm(b))
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_norm(a, -2), 0)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_norm(a, -3), 0)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_norm(a, -2), 0)

  expect_equal(linalg_norm(b, dim = 2)$numel(), 3)
  expect_equal(linalg_norm(b, dim = 1)$numel(), 3)

  expect_true(linalg_norm(a, dtype = torch_double())$dtype == torch_double())

test_that("vector norm works", {
  a <- torch_arange(0, 8, dtype = torch_float()) - 4
  b <- a$reshape(c(3, 3))

  expect_equal_to_tensor(linalg_vector_norm(a), linalg_vector_norm(b))

test_that("matrix norm", {
  a <- torch_arange(0, 8, dtype = torch_float())$reshape(c(3, 3))
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_matrix_norm(a, ord = -1), 9)

  b <- a$expand(c(2, -1, -1))
  expect_equal(linalg_matrix_norm(b)$numel(), 2)
  expect_equal(linalg_matrix_norm(b, dim = c(1, 3))$numel(), 3)

test_that("det works", {
  a <- torch_randn(3, 3)
  expect_tensor_shape(linalg_det(a), integer(0))

  a <- torch_randn(3, 3, 3)
  expect_tensor_shape(linalg_det(a), c(3))

test_that("slog det", {
  a <- torch_randn(3, 3)
  expect_length(linalg_slogdet(a), 2)
  expect_tensor_shape(linalg_slogdet(a)[[1]], integer(0))
  expect_tensor_shape(linalg_slogdet(a)[[2]], integer(0))

test_that("cond works", {
  example <- torch_tensor(rbind(c(1., 0, -1), c(0, 1, 0), c(1, 0, 1)))

  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_cond(example), 1.4142, tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_cond(example, "fro"), 3.1623, tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_cond(example, "nuc"), 9.2426, tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_cond(example, Inf), 2, tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_cond(example, -Inf), 1, tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_cond(example, 1), 2, tolerance = 1e-4)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_cond(example, -1), 1, tolerance = 1e-4)

test_that("matrix_rank works", {
  a <- torch_eye(10)
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_matrix_rank(a), 10)
    expect_equal_to_r(linalg_matrix_rank(a, tol = torch_scalar_tensor(0.001)), 10)  
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_matrix_rank(a, hermitian = TRUE), 10)
    expect_equal_to_r(linalg_matrix_rank(a, tol = torch_scalar_tensor(0.001), hermitian = TRUE), 10)  
    expect_equal_to_r(linalg_matrix_rank(a, tol = 0.0001), 10)  
    expect_equal_to_r(linalg_matrix_rank(a, tol = torch_scalar_tensor(0, dtype = torch_float64())), 10)  
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_matrix_rank(a, atol = 0.1), 10) 
  expect_equal_to_r(linalg_matrix_rank(a, rtol = 0.1), 10) 

test_that("cholesky", {
  a <- torch_eye(10)
  expect_equal_to_tensor(linalg_cholesky(a), a)

test_that("qr", {
  a <- torch_tensor(rbind(c(12., -51, 4), c(6, 167, -68), c(-4, 24, -41)))
  qr <- linalg_qr(a)

  expect_equal_to_tensor(torch_mm(qr[[1]], qr[[2]])$round(), a)
  expect_equal_to_tensor(torch_mm(qr[[1]]$t(), qr[[1]])$round(), torch_eye(3))

test_that("eig works", {
  a <- torch_randn(2, 2)
  wv <- linalg_eig(a)

  expect_length(wv, 2)

test_that("eigvals", {
  a <- torch_randn(2, 2)
  w <- linalg_eigvals(a)

  expect_equal(w$shape, 2)

test_that("linalg_eigh", {
  a <- torch_randn(2, 2)
  expect_length(linalg_eigh(a), 2)
  expect_length(linalg_eigh(a, UPLO = "U"), 2)

test_that("eigvalsh", {
  a <- torch_randn(2, 2)
  expect_tensor_shape(linalg_eigvalsh(a), 2)

test_that("linalg_svd", {
  a <- torch_randn(5, 3)
  r <- linalg_svd(a, full_matrices = FALSE)

  expect_length(r, 3)
  expect_tensor_shape(r[[1]], c(5, 3))
  expect_tensor_shape(r[[2]], 3)
  expect_tensor_shape(r[[3]], c(3, 3))

test_that("svdvals", {
  A <- torch_randn(5, 3)
  S <- linalg_svdvals(A)
  expect_tensor_shape(S, 3)

  r <- linalg_svd(A)
  expect_equal_to_tensor(S, r[[2]], tolerance = 1e-6)

test_that("solve", {
  A <- torch_randn(3, 3)
  b <- torch_randn(3)
  x <- linalg_solve(A, b)
  expect_equal_to_tensor(torch_matmul(A, x), b, tolerance = 1e-5)

test_that("lstsq", {
  A <- torch_tensor(rbind(c(10, 2, 3), c(3, 10, 5), c(5, 6, 12)))$unsqueeze(1) # shape (1, 3, 3)
  B <- torch_stack(list(
    rbind(c(2, 5, 1), c(3, 2, 1), c(5, 1, 9)),
    rbind(c(4, 2, 9), c(2, 0, 3), c(2, 5, 3))
  ), dim = 1) # shape (2, 3, 3)
  X <- linalg_lstsq(A, B) # A is broadcasted to shape (2, 3, 3)
  expect_length(X, 4)

test_that("linalg_inv", {
  X <- torch_randn(2, 2)
  Xi <- linalg_inv(X)
  expect_equal_to_tensor(torch_matmul(X, Xi), torch_eye(2), tolerance = 1e-6)

test_that("pinv", {
  A <- torch_randn(3, 5)
  B <- torch_randn(3, 3)

    torch_matmul(linalg_pinv(A), B),
    linalg_lstsq(A, B)$solution,
    tolerance = 1e-6

  A <- torch_randn(3, 3, 5)
  B <- torch_randn(3, 3, 3)

    torch_bmm(linalg_pinv(A), B),
    linalg_lstsq(A, B)$solution,
    tolerance = 1e-6
  expect_warning(linalg_pinv(A, rcond = 1e-15))
  expect_warning(linalg_pinv(A, rtol = 0, atol = 1e-7), regexp=NA)

test_that("matrix power", {
  A <- torch_randn(3, 3)

    linalg_matrix_power(A, 0),

    linalg_matrix_power(A, 1),

test_that("multi dot", {
    linalg_multi_dot(list(torch_tensor(c(1, 2)), torch_tensor(c(2, 3)))),

test_that("householder_product", {
  A <- torch_randn(2, 2)
  h_tau <- torch_geqrf(A)
  Q <- linalg_householder_product(h_tau[[1]], h_tau[[2]])
  expect_equal_to_tensor(Q, linalg_qr(A)[[1]])

test_that("tensorinv", {
  A <- torch_eye(4 * 6)$reshape(c(4, 6, 8, 3))
  Ainv <- linalg_tensorinv(A, ind = 3)
  B <- torch_randn(4, 6)
  expect_true(torch_allclose(torch_tensordot(Ainv, B), linalg_tensorsolve(A, B)))

  A <- torch_randn(4, 4)
  Atensorinv <- linalg_tensorinv(A, 2)
  Ainv <- linalg_inv(A)
  expect_true(torch_allclose(Atensorinv, Ainv))

test_that("tensorsolve", {
  A <- torch_eye(2 * 3 * 4)$reshape(c(2 * 3, 4, 2, 3, 4))
  B <- torch_randn(2 * 3, 4)
  X <- linalg_tensorsolve(A, B)
    torch_allclose(torch_tensordot(A, X, dims = X$ndim), B)

  A <- torch_randn(6, 4, 4, 3, 2)
  B <- torch_randn(4, 3, 2)
  X <- linalg_tensorsolve(A, B, dims = c(1, 3))
  A <- A$permute(c(2, 4, 5, 1, 3))
    torch_allclose(torch_tensordot(A, X, dims = X$ndim), B, atol = 1e-5)

test_that("cholesky ex", {
  A <- torch_randn(2, 2)
  out <- linalg_cholesky_ex(A)
  expect_length(out, 2)
  expect_named(out, c("L", "info"))

test_that("linalg_inv_ex", {
  A <- torch_randn(3, 3)
  out <- linalg_inv_ex(A)

test_that("linalg_solve_triangular works", {
  a <- torch_randn(3,3)$triu_()
  b <- torch_randn(3,4)
    x <- linalg_solve_triangular(a, b, upper = TRUE),
    regexp = NA

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