
Defines functions summary.IntruderWords print.IntruderWords intruderWords

Documented in intruderWords

#' Function to validate the fit of the LDA model
#' This function validates a LDA result by presenting a mix of words from a topic and intruder words to a human user, who has to identity them.
#' @param beta A matrix of word-probabilities or frequency table for the topics (e.g. the \code{topics} matrix from the \code{\link{LDAgen}} result). Each row is a topic, each column a word. The rows will be divided by the row sums, if they are not 1.
#' @param byScore Logical: Should the score of \code{top.topic.words} from the \code{lda} package be used?
#' @param numTopwords The number of topwords to be used for the intruder words
#' @param numIntruder Intended number of intruder words. If \code{numIntruder} is a integer vector, the number would be sampled for each topic.
#' @param numOutwords Integer: Number of words per topic, including the intruder words.
#' @param noTopic Logical: Is \code{x} input allowed to mark nonsense topics?
#' @param printSolution tba
#' @param oldResult Result object from an unfinished run of \code{intruderWords}. If oldResult is used, all other parameter will be ignored.
#' @param test Logical: Enables test mode
#' @param testinput Input for function tests
#' @return Object of class \code{IntruderWords}. List of 7
#' \item{result}{Matrix of 3 columns. Each row represents one topic. All values are 0 if the topic did not run before. \code{numIntruder} (1. column) gives the number of intruder words inputated in this topic, \code{missIntruder} (2. column) the number of the intruder words which were not found by the coder and \code{falseIntruder} (3. column) the number of the words choosen by the coder which were no intruder.}
#' \item{beta}{Parameter of the function call}
#' \item{byScore}{Parameter of the function call}
#' \item{numTopwords}{Parameter of the function call}
#' \item{numIntruder}{Parameter of the function call}
#' \item{numOutwords}{Parameter of the function call}
#' \item{noTopic}{Parameter of the function call}
#' @references Chang, Jonathan and Sean Gerrish and Wang, Chong and Jordan L. Boyd-graber and David M. Blei. Reading Tea Leaves: How Humans Interpret Topic Models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2009.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(politics)
#' poliClean <- cleanTexts(politics)
#' words10 <- makeWordlist(text=poliClean$text)
#' words10 <- words10$words[words10$wordtable > 10]
#' poliLDA <- LDAprep(text=poliClean$text, vocab=words10)
#' LDAresult <- LDAgen(documents=poliLDA, K=10, vocab=words10)
#' intruder <- intruderWords(beta=LDAresult$topics)}
#' @export intruderWords

intruderWords <- function(beta=NULL, byScore = TRUE, numTopwords = 30L, numIntruder = 1L, numOutwords = 5L, noTopic=TRUE, printSolution = FALSE, oldResult=NULL, test=FALSE, testinput=NULL){
  if(is.null(beta) & is.null(oldResult))stop("beta or oldResult needs to be specified")
  if((!is.null(beta) & (!is.matrix(beta) | !is.numeric(beta))))stop("beta needs to be a numeric matrix")
  if(!is.null(oldResult)){beta <- oldResult$beta
  byScore  <- oldResult$byScore
  numTopwords  <- oldResult$numTopwords
  numIntruder  <- oldResult$numIntruder
  numOutwords  <- oldResult$numOutwords
  noTopic <- oldResult$noTopic
  cat(paste("parameter from old result used \nbyScore = ", byScore, "\nnumTopwords = ", numTopwords, "\nnumIntruder = ", paste(numIntruder, collapse=" "), "\nnumOutwords = ", numOutwords, "\nnoTopic = ", noTopic, "\n \n", sep=""))}
  numTopwords  <- as.integer(numTopwords)
  numIntruder  <- as.integer(numIntruder)
  numOutwords  <- as.integer(numOutwords)
  stopifnot(is.logical(byScore), is.integer(numTopwords), is.integer(numIntruder), is.integer(numOutwords), is.logical(noTopic), length(byScore)==1, length(numTopwords)==1, length(numOutwords)==1, length(noTopic)==1)
  if(numTopwords<numOutwords)stop("numTopwords needs to be greater then numOutwords")
  if(max(numIntruder) > 0.25 * numOutwords)stop("Too many intruder")

  if(any(beta==0)) beta <- beta #+ 1e-05
  if(!all(rowSums(beta)==1)) beta <- beta / rowSums(beta)
  if(byScore){scores <- apply(beta, 2, function(x) x *
      (log(x + 1e-05) - sum(log(x + 1e-05))/length(x)))}else{scores <- beta}
  topwords <- apply(scores, 1, function(x) colnames(scores)[order(x, decreasing = TRUE)[1:numTopwords]])
  topwords2 <- unlist(topwords)
  result <- matrix(NA, nrow(beta),3)
  if(!is.null(oldResult)) result <- oldResult$result
  colnames(result) <- c("numIntruder", "missIntruder", "falseIntruder")
  nonNAtopics <- which(is.na(result[,1]))
  for(i in sample(nonNAtopics)){
    cat(paste("counter", nrow(result) - sum(is.na(result[,1])) +1, "\n"))
    likelywords <- names(scores[i,order(scores[i,], decreasing=TRUE)[1:(ncol(scores)*0.25)]])
    intruder <- sample(setdiff(topwords2,likelywords), size=if(length(numIntruder)==1){numIntruder}else{sample(numIntruder,1)})
    outwords <- sample(c(intruder, topwords[1:(numOutwords - length(intruder)),i]))
    outwords2 <- paste(seq_along(outwords), outwords)
      cat(c(paste(outwords2, collapse= "\n"), "\n"))
      if(!test[1]){input <- readline(prompt = "Input:")}else{input <- testinput[1]; testinput <- testinput[-1]}
      if(input=="h"){cat(paste("h for help \nq for quit \nx for no topic identifiable \n \nbyScore = ", byScore, "\nnumTopwords = ", numTopwords, "\nnumIntruder = ", numIntruder, "\nnumOutwords = ", numOutwords, "\nnoTopic", noTopic, "\n \n", sep="")); next}#exit
      if(input=="x" & noTopic){result[i,] <- c(0,NA,NA); break}#exit
      input <- as.numeric(strsplit(input, " ")[[1]])
      if(any(is.na(input)) | any(!(input %in% c(0,seq_along(outwords)))) | length(input)==0){cat("Only space seperated input of line number or 0 \n") ; next}
    result[i,] <- c(length(intruder), length(intruder) - sum(intruder %in% outwords[input]), sum(!(outwords[input] %in% intruder)))
    if(printSolution) cat(paste("True Intruder:", paste(intruder, collapse=" "), "\n"))
  result <- list(result=result, beta=beta, byScore=byScore, numTopwords=numTopwords, numIntruder=numIntruder, numOutwords=numOutwords, noTopic = noTopic)
  class(result) <- "IntruderWords"

#' @export
print.IntruderWords <- function(x, ...){
  dat <- data.frame("byScore"=x$byScore,
    "numIntruder"=paste(x$numIntruder, collapse=" "),
    "noTopic"=x$noTopic, row.names = "")

#' @export
summary.IntruderWords <- function(object, ...){
  cat(sum(is.na(object$result[,"missIntruder"])) - sum(is.na(object$result[,"numIntruder"])),
    "not interpretable topics\n",
    sum(is.na(object$result[,"numIntruder"])), "not evaluated topics\n\n")
  print(data.frame("byScore"=object$byScore, "numTopwords"=object$numTopwords,
    "numIntruder"=paste(object$numIntruder, collapse=" "),
    "numOutwords"=object$numOutwords, "noTopic"=object$noTopic, row.names = ""))
  if(sum(is.na(object$result[,"numIntruder"])) == 0){
    cat(nrow(object$result) - sum(is.na(object$result[,"missIntruder"])),
      "out of", nrow(object$result),
      "meaningful topics",
      paste0("(", round(100*(1-sum(is.na(object$result[,"missIntruder"]))/nrow(object$result)),2), " %)"),
      sum(object$result[,"missIntruder"]==0 & object$result[,"falseIntruder"]==0, na.rm=TRUE),
      "correct Topics",
      paste0("(", round(100*(sum(object$result[,"missIntruder"]==0 & object$result[,"falseIntruder"]==0
        , na.rm=TRUE) / nrow(object$result)),2), " %)"), "\n")
    cat("\nTable of Intruders:")
    missIntTable <- table(object$result[,"numIntruder"])
    cat("\nMean number of missed Intruders:",
      mean(object$result[,"missIntruder"], na.rm=TRUE),
      "\nTable of missed Intruders:")
    missIntTable <- table(object$result[,"missIntruder"])
    cat("\nMean number of false Intruders:",
      mean(object$result[,"falseIntruder"], na.rm=TRUE),
      "\nTable of false Intruders:")
    missIntTable <- table(object$result[,"falseIntruder"])

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