
#' Set file path to directory storing downloaded census data
#' @param path path to directory holding all downloaded census data, such as
#'     "E:/my_census_data" and "~/my_census_data/".
#' @export

# This function is modified from census_api_key() in package tidycensus, MIT liscence
set_path_to_census <- function (path){

    # windows does not recognize directory ending with "/", so delete it if path
    # is end with "/"
    path_end <- str_trim(path) %>%
    if (path_end == "/") {
        path <- str_replace(path, "/$", "")

    # get user permission
        "Set path to the directory storing downloaded census data.",
        "You can choose to set a temporary path to the census data and",
        "use it for current R session only.",
        "Or you can choose to set a permanent path for all future R sessions",
        "by adding a vairable 'PATH_TO_CENSUS' to your .Renviron file.\n"

    cat("Your choice:")

    choice <- switch(
        menu(c("temporary path for this R session",
               "permanent path for this and all future R sessions")),

    if (choice == "permanent") {
        # save initial working directory for later recovery
        initial_wd <- getwd()

        # set working directory to home directory

        if (!file.exists(".Renviron")) {
        } else {
            file.copy(".Renviron", ".Renviron_backup")
                "Your original .Renviron has been backed up and stored as",
                ".Renviron_backup in your R HOME directory."
            oldenv = read.table(".Renviron", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[[1]]
            newenv <- oldenv[!grepl("PATH_TO_CENSUS", oldenv)]
            write.table(newenv, ".Renviron", quote = FALSE,
                        sep = "\n", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
        path_variable <- paste0("PATH_TO_CENSUS=", "'", path, "'")
        write(path_variable, ".Renviron", sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
            "Your path to census data has been stored in your .Renviron and can",
            "be accessed by Sys.getenv(\"PATH_TO_CENSUS\")"

        # recover to initial working directory

    } else if (choice == "temporary"){
        Sys.setenv(PATH_TO_CENSUS = tempdir())

Try the totalcensus package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

totalcensus documentation built on June 14, 2021, 5:10 p.m.