
Defines functions calc_summary_stats_traces calc_summary_stats_trace calc_summary_stats

Documented in calc_summary_stats calc_summary_stats_trace calc_summary_stats_traces

#' Calculates the Effective Sample Sizes of one estimated variable's trace.
#' @param traces one or more traces, supplies as either, (1) a numeric
#'   vector or, (2) a data frame of numeric values.
#' @param sample_interval the interval (the number of state
#'   transitions between samples) of the MCMC run that produced the trace.
#'   Using a different \code{sample_interval} than the actually used
#'   sampling interval will result in bogus return values.
#' @return the summary statistics of the traces. If one numeric
#' vector is supplied, a list is returned with the elements
#' listed below. If the traces are supplied as a data frame,
#' a data frame is returned with the elements listed
#' below as column names.\cr
#' The elements are:\cr
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{mean}: mean}
#'   \item{\code{stderr_mean}: standard error of the mean}
#'   \item{\code{stdev}: standard deviation}
#'   \item{\code{variance}: variance}
#'   \item{\code{mode}: mode}
#'   \item{\code{geom_mean}: geometric mean}
#'   \item{\code{hpd_interval_low}:
#'     lower bound of 95\% highest posterior density}
#'   \item{\code{hpd_interval_high}:
#'     upper bound of 95\% highest posterior density}
#'   \item{\code{act}: auto correlation time}
#'   \item{\code{ess}: effective sample size}
#' }
#' @export
#' @note This function assumes the burn-in is removed.
#'   Use \code{\link{remove_burn_in}} (on a vector) or
#'   \code{\link{remove_burn_ins}} (on a data frame) to remove
#'   the burn-in.
#' @seealso Use \code{\link{calc_summary_stats_trace}} to calculate the
#'   summary statistics of one trace (stored as a numeric vector). Use
#'   \code{\link{calc_summary_stats_traces}} to calculate the
#'   summary statistics of more traces (stored as a data frame).
#' @examples
#' estimates_all <- parse_beast_tracelog_file(
#'   get_tracerer_path("beast2_example_output.log")
#' )
#' estimates <- remove_burn_ins(estimates_all, burn_in_fraction = 0.1)
#' # From a single variable's trace
#' calc_summary_stats(
#'   estimates$posterior,
#'   sample_interval = 1000
#' )
#' # From all variables' traces
#' calc_summary_stats(
#'   estimates,
#'   sample_interval = 1000
#' )
#' @author Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek
calc_summary_stats <- function(
) {
  if (is.data.frame(traces)) {
      sample_interval = sample_interval
  } else if (is.vector(traces, mode = "numeric")) {
      trace = traces,
      sample_interval = sample_interval
  } else {
    stop("'traces' must be a either a numeric vector or a data frame")

#' Calculates the Effective Sample Sizes of one estimated variable's trace.
#' @param trace a numeric vector of values. Assumes the burn-in
#'   is removed.
#' @param sample_interval the interval in timesteps between samples
#' @return the effective sample sizes
#' @export
#' @seealso Use \code{\link{remove_burn_in}} to remove the burn-in
#'   of a trace
#' @examples
#' estimates_all <- parse_beast_tracelog_file(
#'   get_tracerer_path("beast2_example_output.log")
#' )
#' estimates <- remove_burn_ins(estimates_all, burn_in_fraction = 0.1)
#' calc_summary_stats_trace(
#'   estimates$posterior,
#'   sample_interval = 1000
#' )
#' @author Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek
calc_summary_stats_trace <- function(
) {
  if (!is.vector(trace, mode = "numeric")) {
    stop("'trace' must be a numeric vector")
  # use string "n/a" instead of NA
  geom_mean <- tracerer::calc_geom_mean(trace)
  geom_mean <- ifelse(is.na(geom_mean), "n/a", geom_mean)
  mode <- tracerer::calc_mode(trace)
  mode <- ifelse(is.na(mode), "n/a", mode)

  hpd_interval <- tracerer::calc_hpd_interval(trace)

    mean = mean(trace),
    stderr_mean = tracerer::calc_stderr_mean(trace),
    stdev = stats::sd(trace),
    variance = stats::var(trace),
    median = stats::median(trace),
    mode = mode,
    geom_mean = geom_mean,
    hpd_interval_low = hpd_interval[1],
    hpd_interval_high = hpd_interval[2],
    act = tracerer::calc_act(trace, sample_interval = sample_interval),
    ess = tracerer::calc_ess(trace, sample_interval = sample_interval),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#' Calculates the Effective Sample Sizes of the traces of multiple
#'   estimated variables.
#' @param traces a data frame with traces of estimated parameters.
#'   Assumes the burn-ins are removed.
#' @param sample_interval the interval in timesteps between samples
#' @return the effective sample sizes
#' @export
#' @seealso Use \code{\link{remove_burn_ins}} to remove the burn-ins
#'   of all traces
#' @examples
#' estimates_all <- parse_beast_tracelog_file(
#'   get_tracerer_path("beast2_example_output.log")
#' )
#' estimates <- remove_burn_ins(estimates_all, burn_in_fraction = 0.1)
#' calc_summary_stats_traces(
#'   estimates,
#'   sample_interval = 1000
#' )
#' @author Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek
calc_summary_stats_traces <- function(
) {
  if (!is.data.frame(traces)) {
    stop("'traces' must be a data frame")
  # Remove column 'Samples' iff present
  Sample <- NULL # nolint To prevent 'Undefined global functions or variables', use uppercase variable name just like BEAST2
  traces <- subset(traces, select = -Sample) # nolint use uppercase variable name just like BEAST2

  n_sum_stats <- 11

  df <- data.frame(
    matrix(NA, nrow = length(colnames(traces)), ncol = n_sum_stats)
  colnames(df) <- names(
    tracerer::calc_summary_stats_trace(traces[, 1], sample_interval)
  rownames(df) <- names(traces)

  for (i in seq_along(colnames(traces))) {
    df[i, ] <- tracerer::calc_summary_stats_trace(traces[, i], sample_interval)

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tracerer documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 5:09 p.m.