
readMgh <- function (fileNames)
    if (!is.list(fileNames))
        fileNames <- identifyImageFileNames(fileNames)
    if (!file.exists(fileNames$headerFile))
        report(OL$Error, "File ", fileNames$headerFile, " not found")
    # The gzfile function can handle uncompressed files too
    connection <- gzfile(fileNames$headerFile, "rb")
    version <- readBin(connection, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian="big")
    if (version != 1)
        report(OL$Error, "Only version 1 MGH/MGZ files are supported")
    # Create a default header
    header <- niftiHeader()
    dims <- readBin(connection, "integer", n=4, size=4, endian="big")
    typeCode <- readBin(connection, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian="big")
    readBin(connection, "raw", n=4)
    orientationStored <- as.logical(readBin(connection, "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="big"))
    voxelDims <- readBin(connection, "double", n=3, size=4, endian="big")
    scaleMatrix <- diag(c(abs(voxelDims[1:3]), 1))
    if (orientationStored)
        # The stored xform is not scaled by the voxel dimensions
        xform <- matrix(readBin(connection, "double", n=12, size=4, endian="big"), nrow=3)
        xform <- rbind(xform, c(0,0,0,1)) %*% scaleMatrix
        # Default orientation is LIA
        xform <- scaleMatrix
        orientation(xform) <- "LIA"
    # Whether the information is stored or not, an origin adjustment is needed,
    # because MGH format uses the image centre as a reference point
    xform[1:3,4] <- xform[1:3,4] - (xform[1:3,1:3] %*% (dims[1:3] / 2))
    nDims <- max(which(dims > 1))
    if (nDims < 2)
        report(OL$Error, "MGH image appears to have less than two non-unitary dimensions")
    header$dim[seq_len(nDims+1)] <- c(nDims, dims[1:nDims])
    qform(header) <- structure(xform, code=2L)
    header$pixdim[seq_len(nDims)+1] <- voxelDims[1:nDims]
    assert(typeCode %in% .DatatypeCodes$Mgh, "The MGH data type code is not valid")
    datatype <- names(.DatatypeCodes$Mgh)[.DatatypeCodes$Mgh == typeCode]
    storage <- list(offset=284, datatype=datatype, endian="big")
    invisible (list(image=NULL, header=header, storage=storage))

writeMgh <- function (image, fileNames, datatype = "fit", gzipped = FALSE)
    image <- as(image, "MriImage")
    fileFun <- (if (gzipped) gzfile else file)
    if (datatype == "fit")
        datatype <- chooseDataTypeForImage(image, "Mgh")
    dims <- image$getDimensions()
    ndims <- image$getDimensionality()
    if (ndims > 4)
        flag(OL$Warning, "The MGH/MGZ format can only handle 4 dimensions - the rest will be flattened")
        fullDims <- c(dims[1:3], prod(dims[4:ndims]))
        fullDims <- c(dims, rep(1,4-ndims))
    fullVoxelDims <- c(image$getVoxelDimensions(), rep(0,3-ndims))[1:3]
    assert(image$isReordered(), "Unreordered images cannot currently be written to MGH/MGZ format")
    # We can assume the image is reordered here
    origin <- image$getXform()[1:3,4] + fullDims[1:3]/2 * fullVoxelDims * c(-1,1,1)
    xformlikeMatrix <- matrix(c(-1, 0, 0, origin[1],
                                 0, 1, 0, origin[2],
                                 0, 0, 1, origin[3]), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
    connection <- fileFun(fileNames$headerFile, "w+b")
    writeBin(as.integer(1), connection, size=4, endian="big")
    writeBin(as.integer(fullDims), connection, size=4, endian="big")
    writeBin(as.integer(.DatatypeCodes$Mgh[datatype]), connection, size=4, endian="big")
    writeBin(raw(4), connection)
    writeBin(as.integer(1), connection, size=2, endian="big")
    writeBin(as.double(abs(fullVoxelDims)), connection, size=4, endian="big")
    writeBin(as.double(xformlikeMatrix), connection, size=4, endian="big")
    writeBin(raw(194), connection)
    writeImageData(image, connection, datatype, endian="big")

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tractor.base documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:58 a.m.