
Defines functions xpssRecode

Documented in xpssRecode

#' Recodes variables
#' R implementation of the SPSS \code{RECODE} Function. xpssRecode recodes atomics or vectors of the format numeric, character or factor under the terms of recode specifications.
#' The input of the recoding is a character string with the recoding procedure seperated with a semicolon and a optional else statement. 
#' \describe{
#'    \item{\code{single data transformation}:}{ \code{rec = "1 = 99; else = test"}}
#'    \item{\code{For a numeric vector transformation}:}{\code{rec = "c(1,2,3) = 1; else = 11"}}
#'    \item{\code{For a character vector transformation}:}{\code{rec = "c('A','B') = 'AB'; c('C','D') = 'CD'; else = 'ZZ'"}}
#'    \item{\code{For a range of values}:}{\code{rec = "lo:10 = 1; 11:22 = 2; 23:hi = 3; else = 'copy'"}.}
#'  }
#'  \strong{NOTE:} \code{lo} and  \code{hi} are special values and determine the lowest and highest value of a numeric variable. \cr
#' The \code{":"}-Operator differs in this context from the sequence operator. In xpssRecode it specifies the range from A to B. 
#' F.e. 1:10 defines the range from 1 till 10, all values which are within this range get recoded. \cr \cr 
#' The \code{else} statement indicates the handling of the values which are not selected by the recoding statement, this statement matches all unspecified values, including missing values. \cr 
#' System default, if no else statement is given, is \code{else='copy'}. 
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#' \tab \code{else='copy'} \tab overwrites all unmatched values with the original value. \cr 
#' \tab \code{else='NA'} \tab overwrites all unmatched values in the new dataset with \code{NA}.\cr 
#' \tab \code{else='Other'} \tab overwrites all unmatched values with Other, \strong{only} possible for character values. \cr 
#' \tab \code{else=99} \tab overwrites all unmatched values with 99, \strong{only} possible for numeric values.} 
#' \code{varout} determines whether a new variable with the recoded values should appended at the end of the dataset.
#' @param x a (non-empty) data.frame or input data of class "xpssFrame". 
#' @param variables atomic character or character vector with the names of the variabless to recode.
#' @param rec character string with recoding specifications: for more informations see details.
#' @param varout atomic character or character vector with the names of new variables.
#' @return A xpssFrame with the recoded variables.
#' @author Andreas Wygrabek
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_extract str_split
#' @examples 
#' data(fromXPSS)
#' fromXPSS <- xpssRecode(fromXPSS,
#'            variables ="V1", 
#'            rec="'Audi' = 'Porsche'; else= copy",
#'            varout = NULL)
#' fromXPSS <- xpssRecode(fromXPSS, 
#'                    variables = c("V5","V7_2"),
#'                    rec = "lo:50 =1; 51:200=2; 201:hi=3; else = copy",
#'                    varout =c("V5_new","V7_new"))
#' fromXPSS <- xpssRecode(fromXPSS, 
#'                    variables = c("V6_kl3","V7_2"),
#'                    rec = "sysmis = 99",
#'                    varout =c("V6_new","V7_new"))
#' @export 
xpssRecode <- function(x, variables, rec = NULL, varout = NULL){


functiontype <- "DM"
x <- applyMetaCheck(x)


for(i in 1:length(variables)) {
  if(!(is.element(variables[[i]],names(x)))) {
    stop("The selected variables has to be in the dataset")

if(length(variables) != length(varout) & length(varout) != 0){
    stop("variables and varout are not of the same length")
} else if(length(varout) == 0){
    varout <- variables

attBack <- attributesBackup(x)

recBack <- rec
rec <- tolower(rec)
naDet <- str_detect(rec, "na")
rec <- gsub("na", "NA", rec)
express  <- str_split(str_replace_all(rec,pattern=" ",""),"=")

if("sysmis" %in% express[[1]]) {
  for(i in 1:length(variables)) {
    x[,variables[i]] <- computeValue(x,variables=variables[[i]])  

recBack <- gsub(pattern="lowest",replacement="lo",x=recBack)
recBack <- gsub(pattern="highest",replacement="hi",x=recBack)
recBack <- gsub(pattern="missing",replacement="NA",x=recBack)
recBack <- gsub(pattern="sysmis",replacement="NA",x=recBack)

unlistRec <- unlist(str_split(recBack, pattern = ";"))
posElse <- which(str_detect(unlistRec, pattern = "else"))

containcopy <- grepl(x=unlistRec[posElse],pattern="copy",ignore.case=T)
elsestatement <- str_split(unlistRec[posElse],pattern="=")
if((length(containcopy) >0) && (containcopy == T) && (str_trim(elsestatement[[1]][2]) != "copy")) {
  stop("copy argument must be written in lower cases")

unlistRec <- unlist(str_split(rec, pattern = ";"))
charRec <- unlist(str_split(rec, pattern = ";"))
charRec <- paste(charRec[-posElse], collapse = ";")

COPY <- grepl("copy", rec)
ELSE <- grepl("else", rec)
ELSECOPY <- grepl("else[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*copy", rec)
inlist <- list() 
outlist <- list()

for(i in 1:length(variables)){
    inlist[[i]] <- x[,variables[i]]
    if(varout[i] %in% colnames(x)){
        outlist[[i]] <- x[,varout[i]]
    } else {
        outlist[[i]] <- numeric(length = nrow(x))
        } else {
        outlist[[i]] <- character(length = nrow(x))

for(i in 1:length(inlist)){
        inlist[[i]] <- gsub("[[:blank:]]*", "", inlist[[i]]) 

for(i in 1:length(variables)){
    Varin <- inlist[[i]]
    Varout <- outlist[[i]]    

    if(COPY == FALSE & ELSE  == TRUE & is.numeric(Varin)){RET <- car::Recode(var = Varin, recodes = recBack)}                                       
    if(COPY == FALSE & ELSE  == TRUE & is.character(Varin)){
        recBackCut <- unlist(str_split(recBack, pattern = ";"))
        charRecElse <- recBackCut[posElse]
        charRecElse <- str_extract(charRecElse, "'.+'") 
        charRecElse <- paste("else = ", charRecElse)
        for(k in 1:length(recBackCut)){
          if(k == 1){
            rec <- recBackCut[k]  
          } else{
            rec <- paste(rec,";",recBackCut[k])
        rec <- paste(rec,";",charRecElse)
        RET <- car::Recode(var = Varin, recodes = rec)} 
    if(ELSECOPY == TRUE)  {
        tempRec <- unlist(str_split(recBack, pattern = ";"))
        pos <- which(str_detect(tempRec, pattern = "copy"))
        tempRec <- paste(tempRec[-pos], collapse = ";") 
            tempRec <- paste(tempRec, "; else =", max(Varin, na.rm = TRUE)+1, sep = "")
            RET <- car::Recode(var = Varin, recodes = tempRec)
            if(!(is.element(NA,Varin[RET == max(Varin, na.rm = TRUE)+1]))) {
              RET[RET == max(Varin, na.rm = TRUE)+1] <- Varin[RET == max(Varin, na.rm = TRUE)+1]  
        } else {
          charRec <- unlist(str_split(tempRec, pattern = ";"))
          charRec <- paste(charRec[-posElse], collapse = ";")
            tempRec <- paste(charRec, "; else =", "'AHLEWORSCHT'", sep = "")
            RET <- car::Recode(var = Varin, recodes = tempRec)

            RET[RET == "AHLEWORSCHT"] <- Varin[RET == "AHLEWORSCHT"]
    if(ELSE == FALSE & COPY == FALSE){
        RET_st <- car::Recode(var = Varin, recodes = recBack)
        tempRec <- paste(recBack, "; else = NA", sep = "")
        RET <- car::Recode(var = Varin, recodes = tempRec)
        RET[which(is.na(RET)&!is.na(RET_st))] <- Varout[which(is.na(RET)&!is.na(RET_st))]
    if(COPY == TRUE & ELSECOPY == FALSE) {
        SPLIT <- unlist(str_split(rec,pattern = ";"))
        WHERE <- which(str_detect(SPLIT, pattern = "copy"))  
        SPLIT <- SPLIT[-WHERE]  
        newRec <- paste(SPLIT, collapse = ";")
        if(ELSE == FALSE){ 
            tempRec <- paste(newRec, "; else = NA", sep = "")
            tempRET <- car::Recode(var = Varin, recodes = tempRec)
        } else {  
            tempRec <- paste(newRec, sep = "")
            tempRET <- car::Recode(var = Varin, recodes = tempRec)  
            tempRET[which(is.na(tempRET))] <- Varout[which(is.na(tempRET))]
        SPLIT <- unlist(str_split(rec ,pattern = ";"))
        IN <- character(length = length(SPLIT))
        OUT <- character(length = length(SPLIT))
        for (ii in 1:length(SPLIT)){    
            IN[ii] <- unlist(str_split(SPLIT[ii], "="))[1]
            OUT[ii] <- unlist(str_split(SPLIT[ii], "="))[2]
        #WERT <- str_detect(IN[which(!is.na(str_extract(OUT, pattern = "copy")))], pattern = "[:digit]")
        DOPPEL <- str_detect(IN[which(!is.na(str_extract(OUT, pattern = "copy")))], pattern = ":")
        KOMMA <- str_detect(IN[which(!is.na(str_extract(OUT, pattern = "copy")))], pattern = ",")  
        if(DOPPEL == TRUE) {DOPPEL_st <- unlist(str_split(IN[which(!is.na(str_extract(OUT, pattern = "copy")))], pattern = ":"))[1]
                            DOPPEL_nd <- unlist(str_split(IN[which(!is.na(str_extract(OUT, pattern = "copy")))], pattern = ":"))[2]}
        if(exists("DOPPEL_st")) {DOPPEL_st <- as.numeric(DOPPEL_st)}
        if(exists("DOPPEL_nd")) {DOPPEL_nd <- as.numeric(DOPPEL_nd)}
        if(DOPPEL == TRUE) {loTest <- str_detect(IN[which(!is.na(str_extract(OUT, pattern = "copy")))],"lo")}
        if(DOPPEL == TRUE) {hiTest <- str_detect(IN[which(!is.na(str_extract(OUT, pattern = "copy")))],"hi")}
        if(DOPPEL == TRUE & !exists("loTest") & !exists("hiTest")) {tempvarin <- ifelse(Varin >= DOPPEL_st & Varin <= DOPPEL_nd, Varin, NA)
                                                                    RET <- ifelse(!(is.na(tempvarin)), tempvarin, tempRET)}
        if(DOPPEL == TRUE & exists("loTest")) {tempvarin <- ifelse(Varin >= min(Varin, na.rm = TRUE) & Varin <= DOPPEL_nd, Varin, NA)
                                               RET <- ifelse(!(is.na(tempvarin)), tempvarin, tempRET)}
        if(DOPPEL == TRUE & exists("hiTest")) {tempvarin <- ifelse(Varin >= DOPPEL_st & Varin <= max(Varin, na.rm = TRUE), Varin, NA)
                                               RET <- ifelse(!(is.na(tempvarin)), tempvarin, tempRET)}
        if(KOMMA == TRUE) {RET <- ifelse(Varin %in% eval(parse(text = IN[which(!is.na(str_extract(OUT, pattern = "copy")))])), Varin, tempRET)}
        if(DOPPEL == FALSE & KOMMA == FALSE)  {AV <- as.numeric(IN[which(!is.na(str_extract(OUT, pattern = "copy")))])
                                               RET <- ifelse(Varin %in% AV, Varin, tempRET)}
    outlist[[i]] <- RET
x <- applyAttributes(x=x,attributesToApply=attBack)

    for(i in 1:length(varout)){
           x[,varout[i]] <- numeric(length = nrow(x))
           x[,varout[i]] <- outlist[[i]]

if("sysmis" %in% express[[1]]) {
  for(i in 1:length(variables)) {
    if(length(attributes(eval(parse(text=paste("x$",variables[[i]]))))$MIS)>0) {
      pos <- attributes(eval(parse(text=paste("x$",variables[[i]]))))$MIS[,1]
      x[,variables[i]][pos] <- NA

x <- applyAttributeDemerge(x)


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translateSPSS2R documentation built on May 30, 2017, 4:31 a.m.